GAF-kanda, I have to confess to something. I was looking at our alliance page because I saw someone asking about availability and saw that we were at 11/13 spaces. I also noticed there were 4 people who were pending (and most of them had even mentioned in chat that they needed to be accepted). I went ahead and accepted the first two in the list but it wouldn't let me accept the other two - I didn't realize that while they were pending they did not count in the alliance total.
The good news is we may have 15 members. The bad news is someone has to pony up the 1400 and 1500 to open those spots.
Anything I should do?
in general I just add people when I am around and the new player confirms they are willing to buy the next slot. the alliance needs more slots open and it makes sense for the people joining to pay to not only get in but support growth...
it would be nice if gaf-kanda could get to 20 members before the season is over so they have a small shot at getting a fury cover.
Agreed. Though I find them an either/or thing and dont pair them much. I know Thor can battery green, but at that point you may as well call the storm so its either I go for a Thor team or an Ares team because they just sorta both cover their colors so well that I dont ever need both. I often pair Ares with MN Mags and Classic Storm since they rely on other colors. It works well, gives me a full spectrum spread of options and I have both team shots, stuns, board control and solid single character damage. Not as fun as Daken/Hulk/Ares, and more of a target but its pretty decent pairing Ares with any 2 man setup that works.
heh... call the storm... more like call the lame :3
1 star storm's lightning strike is so much better

sure it takes longer but I only use thor on stages that have thorns or oasis anyways so it's not to bad.
my go to team right now...
max level patch, max level 2 star widow, max level 1 star storm lol.
In general I wish I could motivate myself to use the two star storm, but there are just better options in general (including the 1 star storm most of the time)
I suppose it doesn't help that 2 star widow or spider man tend to have to be on my team as I don't like using health packs
i see I killed the thread

anyways hot damn top 36