I hadn't received any PVP prize yet, is this normal?
I know scruffy will climb higher![]()
What's the advice for getting the best score in The Hunt? Leave it for the last 8 hours? Highest scoring levels first? Join up as early as possible?
How badly do you guys want the punisher cover? I'm thinking of just getting around 500 pts.
Seems like a few of us want to take it easy on the next event since we already maxed out our punishers. I think I will at least go for the event token and just think of it as an iso earning event.
How badly do you guys want the punisher cover? I'm thinking of just getting around 500 pts.
I've had a combination of family and work stuff come up which will make it very hard for me to game consistently for about a month, and as I've said this game has become a lower priority recently anyway. I might try playing the last day of The Hunt to get a Falcon cover, but since I'd mostly be holding everyone else back I'm going to go ahead and leave GAF-vengers as soon as I'm back at a PC later tonight.
I am currently in GAF-kanda, but would be interested in jumping over to GAF-vengers if no one has dibs. I bought a slot in GAF-kanda (and there is still a slot open), so someone can take my place there. I'm currently sitting at about 25k points in the hunt.
If someone has dibs, that's cool too.
I've had a combination of family and work stuff come up which will make it very hard for me to game consistently for about a month, and as I've said this game has become a lower priority recently anyway. I might try playing the last day of The Hunt to get a Falcon cover, but since I'd mostly be holding everyone else back I'm going to go ahead and leave GAF-vengers as soon as I'm back at a PC later tonight.
Yup no problem here with that.If you still have a little time to play, you should just switch over to gaf-kanda and still collect an extra 200 iso a day from daily activity.
i see no reason why you can't have got's spot
Hey is there a spot in either alliance? I can pull together some HP if that is needed. Been playing solo for a while and doing better at this event (thank you MN mags, classic storm, and OBW) than in the last couple of weeks.
There is a vacant slot in GAF-kanda that I purchased. 2 slots if I end up leaving.
Finally got 5 on MN Mags blue... That popping the whole screen move is pretty cool, too bad it takes so long to count down.
I'm having pretty good luck with him, cStorm and Torch as a secondary team (behind good ol Thor/mStorm/OBW)
300 lvl Ares is not fun.
300 lvl Ares is not fun.
Went back for some more Ares... dead.
Army of one tourney is shit.
i still need quite a few 3 star widow covers so I will likely at least try in it...
the alaska hunt won't end well for me though... it ends 3 hours after i go to work![]()
GSBW was good until they nerfed her.
Eh you can play some before its over. The rubber banding for this event seems to have changed.
I think her purple use to cost less, so people were spamming the shit out of that.when did they nerf her?
as far as I know the only thing that happened was Rags broken ass was nerfed so you couldn't uber combo with her for crazy damage on top of massive green tile spam.
and yeah I can still play before, but I will be a few k off the top places.
Yeah.. not gonna bother with Army Of One.
Going back in on The Hunt tomorrow. It's scaling too damn high for me now though. High level Bullseye backed up with anyone = nope.
Slow death by Bullseye or a quick death by Ares! Fun! fuck you developers.
I'm sure it's been said a billion times before me but characters need to be more well designed around helping each other instead of having straight offensive or straight supportive combat roles. There's nothing (mentally) challenging about going after OBW/Classic Storm/Bullseye first because if you don't you're fucked.
I have even seen a lot of people running OBW/cStorm with Thor/Ares/Wolverine in PvP events that allowed them to do such. It's ridiculously annoying, because even if you nuke one down the other one has such a head start it's usually enough to turn the tables. Kill OBW first? Prepare for Wind Storm + Call of the Storm to 1 shot your entire team. Kill cStorm first? Prepare to get all your AP stolen and them to heal every 5 turns.
OBW is so effective that even my level 61 OBW is basically mandatory use for The Hunt. Granted she's boosted to 101, but she is so effective that if I don't use her I have to burn through health packs. I would really like an event that wasn't Dark Avengers. The heroes are crap to use but a nightmare to play against, especially when they get past their normal level cap. Daken/Bullseye/Rag or Ares is so annoying. I'm at least glad this event allows you to use any hero, if I were restricted as badly as the last one I honestly would just take a break or focus on PvP and ignore PvE entirely...