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Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds |OT2| Sold exclusively at Dollar Tree

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Ultimoo said:
Nether Realms can easily fix that problem though along with other things, so it's really up to them to make this game tournament viable. (Like the stance issues or the excessive blood gore, will they go over well in mainstream?)
Yeah, the ball is in Netherrealms' court right now. I'd say the button issues are the first priority, followed by the netcode.

As for being mainstream, I don't think that's going to be a huge concern, since fighters aren't all that mainstream to begin with.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Axis said:
you responded and tried to back your claim so yeah, i'd say we are.

edit: way to edit and completely miss the fucking point; what does me not liking mk9 have to do with laughing at him being put on that list of elite players? come on son...my opinion is MY opinion...no one else has to agree for me to feel good about it...so i guess we'll just go with the hive-minded "WELL GOOD FG PLAYERS ARE PLAYING IT SO IT MUST BE GOOD" opinion. thanks for helping me see the error of my ways
The edit occurred prior to your comment.

Last edited by MThanded : Today at 02:35 AM.

(Today, 02:37 AM)
Reply | Quote

If you want to nitpick. Nice try though.

Also, I'm interested to give it a chance. I like SSF4 and MVC3 alot more than MK9 but I think its a viable game. Personally I think we need to see how it plays out. Different strokes for different folks. We can agree to disagree but I think calling the game shit is pretty harsh but like you said you have the right to your opinion.


MThanded said:
The edit occurred prior to your comment.

Last edited by MThanded : Today at 02:35 AM.

(Today, 02:37 AM)
Reply | Quote

If you want to nitpick. Nice try though.

Also, I'm interested to give it a chance. I like SSF4 and MVC3 alot more than MK9 but I think its a viable game. Personally I think we need to see how it plays out. Different strokes for different folks. We can agree to disagree but I think calling the game shit is pretty harsh but like you said you have the right to your opinion.

uhhhhhhhh what? i'm talking about you editing in

MThanded said:
I concede you are right since I have jebailey in the list MK9 is shit. You win.

and completely missing the point...nice try tho

i don't have an issue with the game being played on stream...sure it's ugly as hell to watch all of the characters move around but as long as they're having fun playing i really don't care...


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Axis said:
uhhhhhhhh what? i'm talking about you editing in

and completely missing the point...nice try tho

i don't have an issue with the game being played on stream...sure it's ugly as hell to watch all of the characters move around but as long as they're having fun playing i really don't care...
You stay trolling. But its all good. Like i said different strokes for different folks. I was never the one forcing the game on anyone.


MThanded said:
You stay trolling. But its all good. Like i said different strokes for different folks. I was never the one forcing the game on anyone.

trolling? not quite...the game looks great standing still...it looks ugly as hell in motion.

no one said you were forcing the game on anyone, either.
Professor Beef said:
As for being mainstream, I don't think that's going to be a huge concern, since fighters aren't all that mainstream to begin with.

Yeah if anything the blood is helping the game for mainstream appeal.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Professor Beef said:
Yeah, the ball is in Netherrealms' court right now. I'd say the button issues are the first priority, followed by the netcode.

As for being mainstream, I don't think that's going to be a huge concern, since fighters aren't all that mainstream to begin with.

Button issues should probably be a priority for them, but not as much as the netcode is. The button config issues only really affect tournament players, which is a relatively small number of people. As far as making competitive players happy that's probably the #1 thing, but it's uncertain where "make competitive players happy" is on their priority list.

And I'm not sure where the idea that MK isn't already mainstream is coming from. Aside from Street Fighter, MK is about as mainstream as it gets when it comes to fighting games.
Solune said:
OOooooo. SolarPowered on blast! I bet it's awkward going from a DS3 to OG 360 pad.
He made me angry.

No one will like me when I'm angry.

Also, he sent a message right after a woke up. I was getting ready to play Cursed mountain since I was so groggy.
Lost Fragment said:
Pretty much how I feel about it. One of my big pet peeves about the FGC is how some people tend to be dismissive of games that they don't like. I don't even like Tekken 6, but almost nothing irritates me more than people going out of their way to hate on it. Do people not want the FGC to get bigger and more badass? Or do they only want the community to grow if games get their personal stamp of approval? It can be pretty childish.
I just recently read through the skullgirls thread and they completely shit all over the game in the first couple of pages just because the art was not their cup of tea. It was ridiculous because a simple ten minutes worth of video presents all kinds of innovations in their artistic approach and in the mechanics of the game that are indicative of a massive effort on the part of the team. I was actually talking with my cousin about this earlier.

People in the fighting scene get all up in arms when it comes to their specific games and spend too much time worrying about the game's style rather than it's substance. It would not be a big deal if it were just a personal preference, but you can clearly see that it's this huge insecurity and worry about appearing macho. People need to keep their minds open when it comes to this genre. It's not going to grow when people get so defensive about franchises and harmless aesthetic choices...


get some go again
SolarPowered said:
He made me angry.

No one will like me when I'm angry.

Also, he sent a message right after a woke up. I was getting ready to play Cursed mountain since I was so groggy.
sorry if my message offended you after we finished playing. didn't mean to offend and was ribbing you in a friendly way. yeah i kinda thought about the win and it was after you had just signed in so you were not warmed up. lets play next week after you are warmed up.
SolarPowered said:
People in the fighting scene get all up in arms when it comes to their specific games and spend too much time worrying about the game's style rather than it's substance. It would not be a big deal if it were just a personal preference, but you can clearly see that it's this huge insecurity and worry about appearing macho. People need to keep their minds open when it comes to this genre. It's not going to grow when people get so defensive about franchises and harmless aesthetic choices...

That is not unique to the fighting genre


get some go again
man today has been a good day. beat a ton of 1st lord and high lords. definitely improved my zero and learned how to play my team better. at least now when i'm down to zero i'm not so damn lost.
smurfx said:
sorry if my message offended you after we finished playing. didn't mean to offend and was ribbing you in a friendly way. yeah i kinda thought about the win and it was after you had just signed in so you were not warmed up. lets play next week after you are warmed up.
It's not that serious dude :p. The comment had more to do with Haggar and the keepaway stuff than the message. I don't do the whole one week thing either.

Send me an invite whenever you are online and I'll probably join the game. I seriously like playing tons and tons of matches and keeping score doesn't matter to me one bit (You can make a spreadsheet for all I care so don't worry about it) lol.


get some go again
SolarPowered said:
It's not that serious dude :p. The comment had more to do with Haggar and the keepaway stuff than the message. I don't do the whole one week thing either.

Send me an invite whenever you are online and I'll probably join the game. I seriously like playing tons and tons of matches and keeping score doesn't matter to me one bit lol.
lol don't know what to think anymore. i looked today and i have a ton of bad feedback for trash talking. i send what i think is friendly trash talk but i guess people don't take it that way. these days i'll just send a gg or not send anything at all. yeah i'll send you messages when i'm playing and not playing rank. although keep away is how i usually play. :p


Axis said:
mk is shit, now what? i don't like the mechanics of the game...i don't like the way the game moves...i like absolutely nothing about the game other than the stages. fuck off telling people how they should or should not feel about the fucking game...how's that for a real fighting game fan?

the only thing this thread highlights is your inability to accept others opinions that aren't in line with yours.

Lol the fuck is this?

Guy, plug your thug-life vagina. If anything, the whine leaking out of it highlights your inability to accept other's opinions - with a clear emotional investment in those contrary to your own, at that. I told no one they should like anything or how they should feel about anything.

But yeah, those with an inability to quantify what they don't like about something - I will remain skeptical of their opinions. I let that skepticism be known. That's what logical people do. Considering your incapability of generating anything but curse-words, interspersed with ellipses and vaginal vortices of sand - your opinion I can, and do, happily ignore.

Beard's the only dissenter in this thread I've seen attempt to justify, with true analysis, what he does/doesn't like about the game. I don't agree with a lot of his conclusions, but I can't help but respect any attempt at justification. Attacking the game with simplistic garbage like - "it moves like shit, it looks like shit, the mechanics are shit" just make you look idiotic in my eyes not because you don't like MK; but because it's an opinion you want intelligent people to entertain seriously.

As for everyone else who responded:

You're taking this "It's MY opinion" trash and running off-rails with it. Look at my post again - that's the essence of what I was presenting. You're conjuring a strawman battalion to aid you in your unjustified war on Mortal Kombat. No one in this thread twists and contorts in the woes of relativity worse than I do - of that I can assure you. I wish I were simple enough to stay in a lane and know exactly what I liked and should respect, in all contexts.

My post was scarcely caustic, sure, but there's nothing in that post anyone with sound mind should have a problem with. Do a lot of people find MK fun? Yup. Does it matter that you don't find it fun? Nope. Does it matter that you don't think it's "worthy" of being competitive? Nope. Maybe the accusation that you only played the demo, lonely, but that was more implication than true accusation. Everyone calm the fuck down.


Kimosabae said:
You seem really hung up on leaking vaginas.

For me personally neither MvC3 nor MK9 is my cup of tea when it comes to actually playing the games. However I find both games interesting enough to watch when played by people who know what they're doing.


I bought MK and I can't play MK. Just can't get used to the feel nor the block button, so I'm probably going to sell it back. :\


MvC3 is fun as hell, but I can already tell I'm not going to get any better unless I put a lot of time into training mode, which is something I just can't do for long periods of time. I will get MK9 eventually, but for the story and fatalities and not the actual gameplay. Once AE comes to consoles, I'm probably going to switch and not look back.

And then when XBLA 3rd Strike comes out, I never play any other game ever again.
smurfx said:
i've never really liked MK. i liked watching people play mk3 but never wanted to get into it. was always a street fighter guy. was into virtual fighter too at one time but lost interest after virtua fighter 3.
That's too bad. Virtua Fighter 4 was the best in the series, and still has the best training mode in the history of fighting games. By no small margin.


Man I go away for 2 days and you guys still talking about MK9. :/

While I haven't played MK9 yet, I did go back to SSF4 and found myself owning at the game. Still terrible at the links stuff but overall game improve drastically after taking a break from SSF4 for MVC3.

Hit confirms are much better, punish on reactions, blocking, throws, cancels, block string pressurizing, reading opponents etc. Felt good after the crazyness of MVC3 (though MVC3 is still 10x more hype than SSF4 and I still think X Factor is way better than Ultras).

And I was playing with CHARGE characters too... Balrog is my main.

Seems like PowerUp tournament has started, time to go catch up on the streams.

Lol the fuck is this?

Guy, plug your thug-life vagina. If anything, the whine leaking out of it highlights your inability to accept other's opinions - with a clear emotional investment in those contrary to your own, at that. I told no one they should like anything or how they should feel about anything.

But yeah, those with an inability to quantify what they don't like about something - I will remain skeptical of their opinions. I let that skepticism be known. That's what logical people do. Considering your incapability of generating anything but curse-words, interspersed with ellipses and vaginal vortices of sand - your opinion I can, and do, happily ignore.

Beard's the only dissenter in this thread I've seen attempt to justify, with true analysis, what he does/doesn't like about the game. I don't agree with a lot of his conclusions, but I can't help but respect any attempt at justification. Attacking the game with simplistic garbage like - "it moves like shit, it looks like shit, the mechanics are shit" just make you look idiotic in my eyes not because you don't like MK; but because it's an opinion you want intelligent people to entertain seriously.

As for everyone else who responded:

You're taking this "It's MY opinion" trash and running off-rails with it. Look at my post again - that's the essence of what I was presenting. You're conjuring a strawman battalion to aid you in your unjustified war on Mortal Kombat. No one in this thread twists and contorts in the woes of relativity worse than I do - of that I can assure you. I wish I were simple enough to stay in a lane and know exactly what I liked and should respect, in all contexts.

My post was scarcely caustic, sure, but there's nothing in that post anyone with sound mind should have a problem with. Do a lot of people find MK fun? Yup. Does it matter that you don't find it fun? Nope. Does it matter that you don't think it's "worthy" of being competitive? Nope. Maybe the accusation that you only played the demo, lonely, but that was more implication than true accusation. Everyone calm the fuck down.
I think you need to take your own advice here.

Edit: That MVC3 Teams was WAY more hype than I thought it would be.


Dahbomb said:
I think you need to take your own advice here.

I think you should cease strawman production.

Someone told me to "fuck off". Considering that, I think my response was quite mild and appropriate.


Kimosabae said:
Lol the fuck is this?

my response

Guy, plug your thug-life vagina. If anything, the whine leaking out of it highlights your inability to accept other's opinions - with a clear emotional investment in those contrary to your own, at that.

whine? leaking out of my vagina? you're so clever. show one example of me not accepting someone elses opinion...

I told no one they should like anything or how they should feel about anything.

i disagree, your entire first post is condemning anyone who doesn't like the game for any reason simply because you happen to like it and think it's fun.

But yeah, those with an inability to quantify what they don't like about something - I will remain skeptical of their opinions.

instead of blanket statements like "I DOUBT ANYONE WHO DOESN'T LIKE THE GAME HAS PLAYED WITH FRIENDS!!!!". i'll remain skeptical that you're white-knighting just because people are hating on it because i haven't seen you post what you DO like about it...why should anyone else be held to a different standard? shut the fuck up

I let that skepticism be known. That's what logical people do. Considering your incapability of generating anything but curse-words, interspersed with ellipses and vaginal vortices of sand - your opinion I can, and do, happily ignore.

you know what else logical people do? accept other peoples opinions for what they are instead of getting butt-hurt like a bitch. considering your incapability of generating anything but long, drawn-out statements that generally end in some really really bad vagina joke i can, and do, happily ignore your opinion. AM I DOING IT RITE?!!?!?!

Beard's the only dissenter in this thread I've seen attempt to justify, with true analysis, what he does/doesn't like about the game.

that's because no one has anything to prove to you; me and beard have went over this in IRC already.

I don't agree with a lot of his conclusions, but I can't help but respect any attempt at justification. Attacking the game with simplistic garbage like - "it moves like shit, it looks like shit, the mechanics are shit" just make you look idiotic in my eyes not because you don't like MK; but because it's an opinion you want intelligent people to entertain seriously.

oh, so because i don't like the game and because i refuse to go into complete detail means intelligent people wont' take me seriously? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

i say this as someone who owns mk2 on SNES and umk3 on xbla...THOSE games are better than mk9 and they're not even good...

As for everyone else who responded:

You're taking this "It's MY opinion" trash and running off-rails with it. Look at my post again - that's the essence of what I was presenting. You're conjuring a strawman battalion to aid you in your unjustified war on Mortal Kombat.

unjustified war on mortal kombat? it's called not liking the game; i'm pretty sure it can simply be boiled down to "i don't like this games mechanics"...the essence of what you're presenting is LOL YOU WOULD LIKE THE GAME IF YOU PLAYED IT WITH FRIENDS IN PERSON!! i have and it still sucks.

No one in this thread twists and contorts in the woes of relativity worse than I do - of that I can assure you. I wish I were simple enough to stay in a lane and know exactly what I liked and should respect, in all contexts.

then grow up

My post was scarcely caustic, sure, but there's nothing in that post anyone with sound mind should have a problem with.

except your overall tone of "i'm right and you're wrong"

Do a lot of people find MK fun? Yup.

do you need this to make you feel better about liking it? again, no one in here other than you really gives a fuck what anyone else thinks of the game; i'm all for people liking it but that doesn't mean I have to.

Does it matter that you don't find it fun? Nope.

apparently it does

Does it matter that you don't think it's "worthy" of being competitive? Nope.

does it matter that you do think it's "worthy" of being a competitive game? rhetorical questions are fun.

Maybe the accusation that you only played the demo, lonely, but that was more implication than true accusation.

does it matter if they played the demo or the final release? the demo is supposed to be indicative of the final release to get people HYPE about the game...most people i know actually didn't buy it because they didn't like the demo. you should've seen the mk9 station at final round...sure, some people enjoyed it but the overall sentiment i got was "eh, just another mortal kombat"

Everyone calm the fuck down.

you first.


tagged by Blackace
Kimosabae said:
Lol the fuck is this?

Guy, plug your thug-life vagina. If anything, the whine leaking out of it highlights your inability to accept other's opinions - with a clear emotional investment in those contrary to your own, at that. I told no one they should like anything or how they should feel about anything.

But yeah, those with an inability to quantify what they don't like about something - I will remain skeptical of their opinions. I let that skepticism be known. That's what logical people do. Considering your incapability of generating anything but curse-words, interspersed with ellipses and vaginal vortices of sand - your opinion I can, and do, happily ignore.

Beard's the only dissenter in this thread I've seen attempt to justify, with true analysis, what he does/doesn't like about the game. I don't agree with a lot of his conclusions, but I can't help but respect any attempt at justification. Attacking the game with simplistic garbage like - "it moves like shit, it looks like shit, the mechanics are shit" just make you look idiotic in my eyes not because you don't like MK; but because it's an opinion you want intelligent people to entertain seriously.

As for everyone else who responded:

You're taking this "It's MY opinion" trash and running off-rails with it. Look at my post again - that's the essence of what I was presenting. You're conjuring a strawman battalion to aid you in your unjustified war on Mortal Kombat. No one in this thread twists and contorts in the woes of relativity worse than I do - of that I can assure you. I wish I were simple enough to stay in a lane and know exactly what I liked and should respect, in all contexts.

My post was scarcely caustic, sure, but there's nothing in that post anyone with sound mind should have a problem with. Do a lot of people find MK fun? Yup. Does it matter that you don't find it fun? Nope. Does it matter that you don't think it's "worthy" of being competitive? Nope. Maybe the accusation that you only played the demo, lonely, but that was more implication than true accusation. Everyone calm the fuck down.

There is no war against MK like your hyperbole suggests, but you're fulfilling my "defend the game to death" archetype pretty well here and also contributing the perpetuation of the MK debate in the Marvel thread. Your fighting a useless fight in this thread trying to defend MK from people that A) Don't give a shit, and are willing to voice that they don't give a shit about MK or B) Will defend Capcom fighters to death here. Really, what did people accomplish bringing this MK debate into this thread, enticing the Marvel/Capcom crowd, and then getting upset over the backlash from the Marvel/Capcom crowd that was impossible not to expect?

This is my issue with this shit now. When did people say that nobody finds MK fun? Ofcourse people find it fun, and some people don't. And I would think if we needed to discuss the legitimacy of Mortal Kombat as a competitive game, we would do it in the MK thread. I'm upset only because this isn't the first time this debate has started out of nowhere and had no relevance to the thread it's in, and killed discussion otherwise (granted there is a tourney going on).

I say, let the people who find it fun go back to the MK thread and tell eachother how fun it is rather than continuously drawing comparisons in this thread which will, like I predicted before, would only end up with the same set of replies and arguments as before. I'm not going into the MK thread and telling people how shit I think the game looks because that isn't contributing anything at all, nor is it relevant to anyones interests, that part is obvious.

Perhaps we need a discussion thread solely for the MK9 competitive debate right after PowerUp ends to cure this.
Threi said:
the fuck is all of this text
Threi said:
ssf4 fans: wtf is this marvel and mk shit, stream ssf4!
mvc fans: wtf is this ssf4 and mk shit, stream marvel!
mk fans: wtf is this marvel and ssf4 shit, stream mk!

the circle of life.


Damn, the Gamestation where I live has a used PS3 Street Fighter TE stick for £45. If it was 360 i'd buy it in a heart beat. Considering they're £150 brand new I just need to find a 360 stick for cheap. I'm in Canada for three weeks in May, I wonder if they're cheaper there? Hmm...


Enzo, you really don't know WTF you're talking about. Just stop. Especially in regards to these ridiculous 'archetypes' you've pegion-holed for yourself. You look sillier by the post.

Funny thing is: MK doesn't wet my appetite on a competitive level, either - I defend the game on principle. I operate on a standing duty to contradict people when they say stupid shit. This MK argument was spanning two days before my two posts, so people need to stop pretending that I'm somehow instigating anything.

I'm done, here. Time to get some more use out of this ignore function.


Kimosabae said:
Funny thing is: MK doesn't wet my appetite on a competitive level, either - I defend the game on principle. I operate on a standing duty to contradict people when they say stupid shit.

thanks for proving what i said was right, stay free.


tagged by Blackace
Kimosabae said:
Enzo, you really don't know WTF you're talking about. Just stop. Especially in regards to these ridiculous 'archetypes' you've pegion-holed for yourself. You look sillier by the post.

Funny thing is: MK doesn't wet my appetite on a competitive level, either - I defend the game on principle. I operate on a standing duty to contradict people when they say stupid shit. This MK argument was spanning two days before my two posts, so people need to stop pretending that I'm somehow instigating anything.

I'm done, here. Time to get some more use out of this ignore function.
Okay then? I never referred to you specifically since you weren't the first one to bring up this bullshit in this thread, but glad to hear that we have made progress @the bolded.


It seems people are on to Justin's team now.

They basically X Factor really early in the game to kill off Wolverine or Akuma for the assist. Tones down his team a lot. That's basically how he lost both of his matches, losing characters early in the game to X Factor.

Nice to see a lot of people using X factors earlier in the game to get an offensive edge. People underestimate how big non-LVL3 X Factor can be in the game. And it seems some other person has picked up on Super Skrull's insane comeback potential aside from Combofiend (he uses CapAm/Deadpool/Super Skrull and has managed to win many matches with Skrull alone). I still say Skrull is super dangerous with something like Sentinel Drones backing him up but him at anchor is solid.

Akuma Beam Hyper countered by Taskmaster Down Arrows countered by X Factor Akuma jump back down Beam Hyper countered by Magneto into Justin Wong PS Button Salty Rage quit was GODLIKE!

I can officially say that this tournament has been "MAHVEL" thus far. There's going to be a lot of SALTY RUNBACKS coming up in the Singles.

Justin may not have succeeded in Teams but I expect him to blow up in Singles. Matches have longer sets and you JWong doesn't really lose that often when he gets more matches to get a feel for his opponent.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Dahbomb said:
It seems people are on to Justin's team now.

They basically X Factor really early in the game to kill off Wolverine or Akuma for the assist. Tones down his team a lot. That's basically how he lost both of his matches, losing characters early in the game to X Factor.

Nice to see a lot of people using X factors earlier in the game to get an offensive edge. People underestimate how big non-LVL3 X Factor can be in the game. And it seems some other person has picked up on Super Skrull's insane comeback potential aside from Combofiend (he uses CapAm/Deadpool/Super Skrull and has managed to win many matches with Skrull alone). I still say Skrull is super dangerous with something like Sentinel Drones backing him up but him at anchor is solid.

Akuma Beam Hyper countered by Taskmaster Down Arrows countered by X Factor Akuma jump back down Beam Hyper countered by Magneto into Justin Wong PS Button Salty Rage quit was GODLIKE!

I can officially say that this tournament has been "MAHVEL" thus far. There's going to be a lot of SALTY RUNBACKS coming up in the Singles.

Justin may not have succeeded in Teams but I expect him to blow up in Singles. Matches have longer sets and you JWong doesn't really lose that often when he gets more matches to get a feel for his opponent.

Powerup Moment right there

Also, justin's use of xfactor is really a game changer. Most people save it but he uses it then kills your point character and forces you to guess when coming in. Seems like a very viable and useful strategy. He must have been chatting with S-kill about everyone using xfactor wrong lol.


The physical form of blasphemy
Dahbomb said:
Justin may not have succeeded in Teams but I expect him to blow up in Singles. Matches have longer sets and you JWong doesn't really lose that often when he gets more matches to get a feel for his opponent.

I dunno about that. I see him doing well, but he has a ridiculous amount of competition. PR Rog was bodied him in casuals, Humbag was OCVing squads, Mike got his wins, and Floe plays him on the regular. It's probably going to be amazing to watch, but he has a ton of work cut out for him.


RS4- said:
Pretty hilarious stopping scrubs who grind out their win streaks online. Stopped this bitch cold a few times


293 wins in a row? Lol. This guy rage quit a handful of times and sent hilarious hate mail.

Dormammu + wesker is a deadly combination. I've been mopping the floor with people online. As a side note I just checked the guide and he can do a 6,000,000 damage combo using the OTG capable liberation special. Not sure if that's a typo or not. Either way dorm is looking to be a fun character to use. I need to maximize his potential.


jdub03 said:
Dormammu + wesker is a deadly combination. I've been mopping the floor with people online. As a side note I just checked the guide and he can do a 6,000,000 damage combo using the OTG capable liberation special. Not sure if that's a typo or not. Either way dorm is looking to be a fun character to use. I need to maximize his potential.
Probably 600K.

Also one more thing from PowerUp Tournament:

Upon reviewing his performance, I would have to conclude that
Mike Ross is the BEST.

And shout outs to X Factor.

Oldschoolgamer said:
I dunno about that. I see him doing well, but he has a ridiculous amount of competition. PR Rog was bodied him in casuals, Humbag was OCVing squads, Mike got his wins, and Floe plays him on the regular. It's probably going to be amazing to watch, but he has a ton of work cut out for him.
I agree with this and as shown for the most part (aside from the GODLY Mike Ross Hulk OCV versus JWong, that stuff is made of legends) JWong lost when the other guy popped X Factor early to kill his point character. Either Wolverine or Akuma death early in the game basically meant loss for JWong. He has constructed his team almost too well around Wolverine.


Dahbomb said:
Probably 600K.

Also one more thing from PowerUp Tournament:
Yeah I figured 6k was a reasonable assumption. Looking at the guide now it only involves 1 meter and the destruction OTG.

Dahbomb said:
Upon reviewing his performance, I would have to conclude that
Mike Ross is the BEST.

I agree Mike Ross is the best. I like how he takes simple characters and makes them look bad ass.

In other news I now feel PSN users pain. I truck somehow ran into an electrical pole near my house. He proceded to drive off, got hooked to it, and pulled down two lines. Now I am without power for a few days. I wonder how long it will take me to start fiending for some marvel action. I'm good for now since I'm studying for finals at Starbucks.


Dahbomb said:
Probably 600K.

Also one more thing from PowerUp Tournament:

Upon reviewing his performance, I would have to conclude that
Mike Ross is the BEST.

And shout outs to X Factor.

I agree with this and as shown for the most part (aside from the GODLY Mike Ross Hulk OCV versus JWong, that stuff is made of legends) JWong lost when the other guy popped X Factor early to kill his point character. Either Wolverine or Akuma death early in the game basically meant loss for JWong. He has constructed his team almost too well around Wolverine.

That's why I like his She-Hulk team better, because his Ammy is actually usable if She-Hulk dies.


You guys are really really shit tier at debating and such just gonna throw that out there.

Now time for some tasty teamspooky

BTW sf4 is boring as fuck to watch too for the most part, it's only interesting cause 1. you enjoy the game 2 you know what the fuck is going on. Which was kind of my point before, and what's the most popular tourney game sf4 mhm.


QisTopTier said:
You guys are really really shit tier at debating and such just gonna throw that out there.

Now time for some tasty teamspooky

BTW sf4 is boring as fuck to watch too for the most part, it's only interesting cause 1. you enjoy the game 2 you know what the fuck is going on. Which was kind of my point before, and what's the most popular tourney game sf4 mhm.

who was tier debating and I don't know what is going on in SSF4 but I still enjoy it, it's just a better game to watch. ;)
edit: am I doing it rite? :D


Ultimoo said:
who was tier debating and I don't know what is going on in SSF4 but I still enjoy it, it's just a better game to watch. ;)
No one was tier debating. I was referring to the thread or do you just mash out responses on your keyboard like you mash H with ammy?


QisTopTier said:
No one was tier debating. I was referring to the thread or do you just mash out responses on your keyboard like you mash H with ammy?
you know it, I gotta make sure I gotta respond to you before anyone else gets a chance. also, I mash h because you can't stop it so, whose fault is that? LOL.


Ultimoo said:
you know it, I gotta make sure I gotta respond to you before anyone else gets a chance. also, I mash h because you can't stop it so, whose fault is that? LOL.
Actually I just push block it. Also it's capcoms fault. Just like no one can really stop Zeros mashing shit for the "most part"


to be fair, I'm also mashing buttons on all my other characters, so that's why I can't play Skrull, it's not like I'm only mashing on Ammy so.


Ultimoo said:
to be fair, I'm also mashing buttons on all my other characters, so that's why I can't play Skrull, it's not like I'm only mashing on Ammy so.
:lol Sure can't wait for BBCS2 but uh ya you should get in the habit of hitting on rhythm not mashing
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