USD said:Sorry for the mega GIF, but I think it's worth it.
USD delivers.
USD said:Sorry for the mega GIF, but I think it's worth it.
Here.Kimosabae said:USD:
I knew you'd deliver.That shit is epic. Can you edit a general version without the Marvel context?
Kimosabae said:Bomb:
Jesus. Well, I can't say I can disagree with much of any of that. The Dante hype train was just dying down a bit - kinda hoping Wong possibly picking him up doesn't jumpstart it again.
Yeah, I know it's small-minded and petty.
Only thing I'm missing from my Dante is some of the more elaborate BnB (my Volcano series BnB does about 655,000 right now) and the DHC glitch - mostly because I'm having a hard time conceptualizing it since I haven't actually put my mind to it yet. Maybe you can help me out with that:
All that's required is a DHC into a Hyper that doesn't actually connect with an opponent in Spin Stun, correct (I know that's only one way to activate it).
With Wolverine/Dante/Iron Man; why doesn't Million Dollars -> Berserker Charge seem to work?
I knew you'd deliver.That shit is epic. Can you edit a general version without the Marvel context?
The opponent has to enter a Spin Stun state after DHCing into a powerup hyper. So for example with Wolverine/Tron (my combo), Tron shoots a Beacon Bomb then does a hyper while the opponent is captured. When I DHC into Wolverine with Berserker Charge, then the opponent enters the spin state. So with Dante/Wolverine, you can do the rocket grappling hook (or Crazy Dance Macabre) then Devil Trigger or use Million Dollars (must not hit) then DHC into WolverineKimosabae said:Only thing I'm missing from my Dante is some of the more elaborate BnB (my Volcano series BnB does about 655,000 right now) and the DHC glitch - mostly because I'm having a hard time conceptualizing it since I haven't actually put my mind to it yet. Maybe you can help me out with that:
All that's required is a DHC into a Hyper that doesn't actually connect with an opponent in Spin Stun, correct (I know that's only one way to activate it).
With Wolverine/Dante/Iron Man; why doesn't Million Dollars -> Berserker Charge seem to work?
I left my copy at a bud's house who lives quite a bit away.MThanded said:Im back playing mofos. I have been taking a hiatus do to some research deadlines. Hopefully I can get some matches in now. Have not had the time for quite a while.
enzo_gt said:I left my copy at a bud's house who lives quite a bit away.
Was going to pick up CapAm today in celebration too, but alas I don't even know when I'll get my copy back.
I'm pretty sure Devil Trigger only starts the DHC trick if you cancel it from the grappling hook.Ultimoo said:Million Dollars - > Berserker Charge doesn't work because the game identifies million dollars as Dante directly doing damage to the opponent. You need a move that indirectly attacks the opponent, or doesn't even damage the opponent. You'll need to do Devil Trigger - > Berserker Charge if you want the DHC glitch.
Yeah I think you're right. I just made a touch of death combo with Tron + Sentinel that will kill every character on the cast (except for Thor) only needing 1.5 bars to start off, so good.God's Beard said:I'm pretty sure Devil Trigger only starts the DHC trick if you cancel it from the grappling hook.
Two things:Dahbomb said:He's top tier for sure, meaning in this game he is Top 5.
Now before I explain why I think he's top tier/top 5, I will also list the other 4 on that list: Phoenix, Magneto, Amaterasu, Wesker. I would also like to mention that Dante is to be evaluated as a RUSHDOWN character and any moves he has that allow him to zone is merely a bonus to his moveset.
One strength that immediately comes to Dante is his range on normals, which are some of the best in the game. For a rushdown character, this trait is huge. His st.L probably has the highest range out of all the st.L in the game (but it's also one of the slowest). Dante can control space just by using his normals well enough. Only other character who is a rushdown character and has as much priority on moves as Dante is Zero and in the top 5 no character out prioritizes Dante in the normal. His jumping attacks coupled with his air dash allow for ridiculously unfair cross ups and PRACTICAL high/low unblockable set ups.
Now this strength also brings up one of Dante's very few weaknesses which is that his normals are slow to come out and some of them are very punishable on block. This would be true if this was another character but Dante has Bold cancels and style cancels which allows him to make virtually any of his unsafe move safe. This includes Stinger, which covers over half the screen and can hit confirm into a combo using Stinger -> bold cancel -> Volcano. He can also cancel into Weasel Shot/Gun shots and can even hit confirm some of these into a full combo along with doing chip damage on block. Out of the top 5 and not including Phoenix, Dante has ridiculously high block damage coming off of normal attacks and these can easily be made safe if needed.
After covering the strength of his normals and bold cancelling, we come to his damage output which is HIGH with Dante. In fact it is one of the best in the game and out of the top 5 (again not including Phoenix) only Magneto matches Dante in the combo category. We are looking at a 700K+ life lost off of a clean hit with Dante's new bread and butter, a combo which also builds around 2 meter. Adding more Acid Rain loops or more difficult stuff into the bread and butter allows Dante to downright kill any low health character in the game. Dante starting with 1 to 1.5 meter can easily finish that combo into a lvl3, killing off higher health characters in the game. Dante is self sufficient in his combos (doesn't need an OTG assist), if he gets a clean hit off. If he gets an aerial hit then he has to revert to his day 1 stuff which still does respectable damage.
Now we come to mix ups and throw game/reset game. Because Dante has high priority moves and solid mobility (air dash plus a tracking teleport) he will usually get plenty of chances to get a combo in. Plus his jumping attacks allow for practical unblockable set ups. Tracking teleport combined with a space covering/lock down assist allow for really hard to block mix ups and cross ups. Add in Acid Rain mix up on an incoming character along with Bold cancelling to bait a punish attempt, I have never seen Dante have difficulty opening people up. No good player uses his teleport raw and if he does it's usually to punish an attack on reaction which I will cover later on in when I discuss Dante's match ups. Dante's weakness as far as comparison to top 5 goes is that he has very limited damage potential from his air throw... BUT with an assist he can follow up from his throw and do respectable damage. Dante is usually the point man on the team and having an assist that allows him to abuse his teleport and follow up combos from an air throw (which buffs his reset game) is usually mandatory just like it's mandatory for Wolverine to have a lockdown assist or an assist that allows him to combo after his OTG slide.
Talking about Dante's tools, he has plenty of them (duh). Dante as an assist/anchor is extremely solid as he has two really great assists and one of them being the best anti-air assist in the game (Jam Session). With nice X Factor bonuses and a Devil Trigger, he can play anchor really well. Being in the Top 5 list in the game for on Point rushdown skills alone WHILE having great assists and anchor potential means that Dante is going to be seeing play for quite some time now. And of course in the current meta game, Dante is one of the very few characters who can initiate the DHC glitch (he has in fact 2 ways of doing this) and can follow it up which will almost always kill a character. DHC glitch is a very nice bonus to Dante who is already a powerful character in the game, not that he even needed it.
Dante's zoning tools are decent and get the job done for him, which is usually to set up his mix ups. Acid Rain is great and can be used defensively too. Hysteric is nice, Grapple set ups combos, Air Guitar coves space long enough for Dante to come in and even hit confirm into a combo. Air Raid does godly amounts of chip damage and Vortex is invincible, plus Dante is one of the few characters who can heal on point if needed (with a damage boost). Dante has two moves to ground bounce with and a move to wall bounce with. Hammer is one of the best moves in the game, it is INVULNERABLE, gives 20+ frames on BLOCK, causes Hard knock down on hit, hits High, cancels from jump S making it safe and has deceptively high range. Hammer single handedly bodies Wolverine as it snuffs out all his high priority moves (Drill Claw, Dive Kick). Only problem with Hammer is that if you mess up the input you will get a Killer Bee out and that is very punishable.
In fact, Dante's only weakness is the player. Currently, Dante is the king of dropped combos or wrong move input (especially those that have the mash H or mash S property). Most Dante players don't use all of his tools, it is like a split among players where some use a few tools of Dante while others use some other tools of Dante. Floe's Dante is a lot different than Josh Wong's Dante because they use different set of tools and different BnBs.
Finally, we come to Dante's match ups which is really how we evaluate tier lists. Dante is one of the few characters who has great match ups against Zero/Amaterasu because of his high priority attacks (most of Dante's normals easily hit Amaterasu, a problem for other characters). Dante bodies Wolverine with Hammer for free but it's really up to the player to make good reads and not get locked down by an assist. No character can runaway from Dante and Dante does extremely well against zoners or flight characters. Dante is also one of the few characters who does well against Phoenix as he has the tools to beat her but it is usually hard (as it is for every other character in the game). Dante beats out any character who is already free to zoning as Dante has decent zoning tools which can be converted into a combo opportunity. When all is said and done, Dante doesn't really have a bad match up.
Currently, I would say Dante is in 5th place in the Top 5 only because players haven't even come close to mastering him (those who use Dante have admitted it themselves). He has no where to go but up. Dante is used less and has been less effective than other characters at high level play, because characters like Wesker/Amaterasu/Taskmaster are WAY easier to play with and be effective with. That still hasn't stopped him from winning a tournament or two.
If you want to see good Dante play where a team is made around him as the main guy, watch some Josh Wong matches on the Break Weekly. He is a consistent top performer in those weekly tournaments and he uses Sentinels Drones for mix ups and Felicia's assist for the unblockable set ups. Basically he gets in a touch with Dante, does a combo and drops it intentionally so that the player drops to the ground so he can be met with an unblockable set up which will always lead to a full combo.
Yeah, my magnus/thor combo does that only needing 0 bars to start off and kills Thor. Kinda hard to do, but I'm getting it down.Ultimoo said:Yeah I think you're right. I just made a touch of death combo with Tron + Sentinel that will kill every character on the cast (except for Thor) only needing 1.5 bars to start off, so good.
Dahbomb said:He's top tier for sure, meaning in this game he is Top 5.
Now before I explain why I think he's top tier/top 5, I will also list the other 4 on that list: Phoenix, Magneto, Amaterasu, Wesker. I would also like to mention that Dante is to be evaluated as a RUSHDOWN character and any moves he has that allow him to zone is merely a bonus to his moveset.
One strength that immediately comes to Dante is his range on normals, which are some of the best in the game. For a rushdown character, this trait is huge. His st.L probably has the highest range out of all the st.L in the game (but it's also one of the slowest). Dante can control space just by using his normals well enough. Only other character who is a rushdown character and has as much priority on moves as Dante is Zero and in the top 5 no character out prioritizes Dante in the normal. His jumping attacks coupled with his air dash allow for ridiculously unfair cross ups and PRACTICAL high/low unblockable set ups.
Now this strength also brings up one of Dante's very few weaknesses which is that his normals are slow to come out and some of them are very punishable on block. This would be true if this was another character but Dante has Bold cancels and style cancels which allows him to make virtually any of his unsafe move safe. This includes Stinger, which covers over half the screen and can hit confirm into a combo using Stinger -> bold cancel -> Volcano. He can also cancel into Weasel Shot/Gun shots and can even hit confirm some of these into a full combo along with doing chip damage on block. Out of the top 5 and not including Phoenix, Dante has ridiculously high block damage coming off of normal attacks and these can easily be made safe if needed.
After covering the strength of his normals and bold cancelling, we come to his damage output which is HIGH with Dante. In fact it is one of the best in the game and out of the top 5 (again not including Phoenix) only Magneto matches Dante in the combo category. We are looking at a 700K+ life lost off of a clean hit with Dante's new bread and butter, a combo which also builds around 2 meter. Adding more Acid Rain loops or more difficult stuff into the bread and butter allows Dante to downright kill any low health character in the game. Dante starting with 1 to 1.5 meter can easily finish that combo into a lvl3, killing off higher health characters in the game. Dante is self sufficient in his combos (doesn't need an OTG assist), if he gets a clean hit off. If he gets an aerial hit then he has to revert to his day 1 stuff which still does respectable damage.
Now we come to mix ups and throw game/reset game. Because Dante has high priority moves and solid mobility (air dash plus a tracking teleport) he will usually get plenty of chances to get a combo in. Plus his jumping attacks allow for practical unblockable set ups. Tracking teleport combined with a space covering/lock down assist allow for really hard to block mix ups and cross ups. Add in Acid Rain mix up on an incoming character along with Bold cancelling to bait a punish attempt, I have never seen Dante have difficulty opening people up. No good player uses his teleport raw and if he does it's usually to punish an attack on reaction which I will cover later on in when I discuss Dante's match ups. Dante's weakness as far as comparison to top 5 goes is that he has very limited damage potential from his air throw... BUT with an assist he can follow up from his throw and do respectable damage. Dante is usually the point man on the team and having an assist that allows him to abuse his teleport and follow up combos from an air throw (which buffs his reset game) is usually mandatory just like it's mandatory for Wolverine to have a lockdown assist or an assist that allows him to combo after his OTG slide.
Talking about Dante's tools, he has plenty of them (duh). Dante as an assist/anchor is extremely solid as he has two really great assists and one of them being the best anti-air assist in the game (Jam Session). With nice X Factor bonuses and a Devil Trigger, he can play anchor really well. Being in the Top 5 list in the game for on Point rushdown skills alone WHILE having great assists and anchor potential means that Dante is going to be seeing play for quite some time now. And of course in the current meta game, Dante is one of the very few characters who can initiate the DHC glitch (he has in fact 2 ways of doing this) and can follow it up which will almost always kill a character. DHC glitch is a very nice bonus to Dante who is already a powerful character in the game, not that he even needed it.
Dante's zoning tools are decent and get the job done for him, which is usually to set up his mix ups. Acid Rain is great and can be used defensively too. Hysteric is nice, Grapple set ups combos, Air Guitar coves space long enough for Dante to come in and even hit confirm into a combo. Air Raid does godly amounts of chip damage and Vortex is invincible, plus Dante is one of the few characters who can heal on point if needed (with a damage boost). Dante has two moves to ground bounce with and a move to wall bounce with. Hammer is one of the best moves in the game, it is INVULNERABLE, gives 20+ frames on BLOCK, causes Hard knock down on hit, hits High, cancels from jump S making it safe and has deceptively high range. Hammer single handedly bodies Wolverine as it snuffs out all his high priority moves (Drill Claw, Dive Kick). Only problem with Hammer is that if you mess up the input you will get a Killer Bee out and that is very punishable.
In fact, Dante's only weakness is the player. Currently, Dante is the king of dropped combos or wrong move input (especially those that have the mash H or mash S property). Most Dante players don't use all of his tools, it is like a split among players where some use a few tools of Dante while others use some other tools of Dante. Floe's Dante is a lot different than Josh Wong's Dante because they use different set of tools and different BnBs.
Finally, we come to Dante's match ups which is really how we evaluate tier lists. Dante is one of the few characters who has great match ups against Zero/Amaterasu because of his high priority attacks (most of Dante's normals easily hit Amaterasu, a problem for other characters). Dante bodies Wolverine with Hammer for free but it's really up to the player to make good reads and not get locked down by an assist. No character can runaway from Dante and Dante does extremely well against zoners or flight characters. Dante is also one of the few characters who does well against Phoenix as he has the tools to beat her but it is usually hard (as it is for every other character in the game). Dante beats out any character who is already free to zoning as Dante has decent zoning tools which can be converted into a combo opportunity. When all is said and done, Dante doesn't really have a bad match up.
Currently, I would say Dante is in 5th place in the Top 5 only because players haven't even come close to mastering him (those who use Dante have admitted it themselves). He has no where to go but up. Dante is used less and has been less effective than other characters at high level play, because characters like Wesker/Amaterasu/Taskmaster are WAY easier to play with and be effective with. That still hasn't stopped him from winning a tournament or two.
If you want to see good Dante play where a team is made around him as the main guy, watch some Josh Wong matches on the Break Weekly. He is a consistent top performer in those weekly tournaments and he uses Sentinels Drones for mix ups and Felicia's assist for the unblockable set ups. Basically he gets in a touch with Dante, does a combo and drops it intentionally so that the player drops to the ground so he can be met with an unblockable set up which will always lead to a full combo.
where's cap's shield?Ultimoo said:Top Tier:
Mid Tier:
Tron and Doom are iffy because they have tough time opening people up, but have amazing assists. Just a rough list though.
everyone is else is lower tier. :O
It got nerfed, remember?enzo_gt said:where's cap's shield?
Grecco said:Square gate vs Octo gate?
enzo_gt said:Red flags when Thor and Dorm are that relatively low. I do not agree with that. I also don't agree with placements of characters on a list who we haven't seen much of at all.
biosnake20 said:Whatever you prefer but most people use square gate and most sticks come with square gate.
I'm genuinely curious, what are Dorm's bad match ups?Mister Wilhelm said:Thor has yet to be proven. Yeah, Justin Wong had some success with him but I think most of his wins from that tournament came from other people's mistakes and inexperience against the character.
Dorm has some really, really bad matchups. I have no problem with people ranking him high tier but I'm more comfortable putting him at the top of the mid bracket.
Best character nobody plays.Axis said:octo-gate, personally...square gate just feels restricting to me.
also, i think viper's being a bit underrated in these lists...i personally think she's really good but i could be biased being a viper main =/
so awesome.USD said:Sorry for the mega GIF, but I think it's worth it.
Couldn't you just set the CPU to always walk towards you?Lost Fragment said:Practicing Magneto combos makes me really wish this game had like, no-wall mode in training mode or something where they could just loop the background over and over like a Flintstones cartoon. Having to hypergrav dudes out of the corner after every combo is pretty irritating.
Has there ever been a fighting game without corners/edges (for 3D planed fighters)?Lost Fragment said:Practicing Magneto combos makes me really wish this game had like, no-wall mode in training mode or something where they could just loop the background over and over like a Flintstones cartoon. Having to hypergrav dudes out of the corner after every combo is pretty irritating.
Tekkenenzo_gt said:Has there ever been a fighting game without corners/edges (for 3D planed fighters)?
Which ones? Tekken 6 was my intro into the series and corners/walls are there in full effect. Never played the rest, but for some reason I feel media for others showed walls too._dementia said:Tekken
The series had no walls until Tekken 4.enzo_gt said:Which ones? Tekken 6 was my intro into the series and corners/walls are there in full effect. Never played the rest, but for some reason I feel media for others showed walls too.
Evil Zone, Marvel Super Heroes(Shuma Stage)enzo_gt said:Has there ever been a fighting game without corners/edges (for 3D planed fighters)?
I could've sworn there were corners in that level, and I played that game a few weeks ago.God's Beard said:Evil Zone, Marvel Super Heroes(Shuma Stage)
Professor Beef said:I could've sworn there were corners in that level, and I played that game a few weeks ago.
Haha, yeah. I always end up practicing in the corner and end up getting used to corner-only combos because of it sometimes.Lost Fragment said:Practicing Magneto combos makes me really wish this game had like, no-wall mode in training mode or something where they could just loop the background over and over like a Flintstones cartoon. Having to hypergrav dudes out of the corner after every combo is pretty irritating.
I do remember that, although I never tried going further than the break point. Gonna have to try it again soon.God's Beard said:I think you break the wall.
I have a PS3 and PSN but I don't play fighters online. Even if I did my connection would be intolerable for others so I just don't bother. Maybe if I get a better connection I will hop online but that will not be happening soon.Please tell me you have a 360 and Xbl...
Can you write up something like this for the other top four(preferably Ammy)?
This is some seriously detailed stuff in here. It's way more useful than trying to glean stuff from the guides in my opinion.
Both new pads are PS3 only. I don't have much of a problem with the 360 controller so I never saw a reason to replace it.smurfx said:btw solar i want to try you and your new pad out!
So the clock was outside your field of vision then, understandable.Sixfortyfive said:I finally reviewed all of my performances on the Power-Up stream. Not as many horrible mistakes as I remember but damn did I suck at finishing my combos in teams. Ultradavid is so complimentary though. <3
Also I really need to get my glasses adjusted, lmao. Always pushing them back up on camera.