No reason to nerf anything besides level 3. Anyone who has problems with levels one and two probably spends too much time on offense instead of defending themselves properly and they deserve that knuckle sandwich. Shit, I say this as someone who uses characters with low health and no real protective assists outside of Gold pendulum.smurfx said:you know what i'm on the side of capcom hopefully borking xfactor. there is absolutely no need for it in the game. if it was only meant to help people when 1 vs 3 then only let people use it when you are down to 1 player. that or have some limits to its use. if you have 3 players and use it then greatly reduce how long it last and how much more damage you can deal. make it more powerful the more players you lose.
The speed and power shenanigans in level three need to be borked for every single character, but everything else needs to stay as it is. Let's not get ahead of ourselves...
Tell me about it.Teknopathetic said:It pains me to see how worthless and slow Hsien Ko is.