- Emma Frost: She's one of the most well known xmen characters TODAY so that would get people looking. Gameplaywise she can have her normal state playing the distance with psionic attacks and her also have her crystal form, where she can gets a defense boost or zero chip damage and better rushdown normals....
- Dr Strange: he's The sorcerer of the marvel universe, plus he has an animated movie out now(great movie btw), why not. Gameplay wise he can be a good Dorm with cool lookin mele moves. and maybe have a Hyper that take your meter
- Gambit: few character from MvC2 gets the nostalgia nod more then him. He's still a cool character, he deserves a comeback
- Venom: see he was in my team
- Medusa: Not that Im a big fan of her or anything(though Blackbolt is the shit), but i can just imagine the artist at Capcom would go crazy and do that Hair justice.
-Vergil: I dont need to defend that choice
- Phoeenix Wright: not a fan, but people like em and the game. He'd probably be very annoying. But anything that NOT Megaman based
- Talbain: I know peole want Jedah and i would'nt mind Demitri, but Talbain is just cool looking enough to earn that spot for me. and please NO PYRON!!
- Juri: Her whole style would fit this game perfectly, i'd like to see it. But what would FS Engine do now???
Jin Saotome - my main character really in MvC2, he has next to zero chance to make it