Hey guys, is anyone in GAF going to NCR this weekend? I just move out here to San Francisco and I don't have access to my own car yet. If anyone from the area is heading out there and willing to pick up a hitchhiker, PM me and maybe we can arrange something. (I'll buy lunch, or pay for a game entrance fee.)
I don't live in California, but if you look anything like your avatar, I would totally let you come with me if I were going.
I am no Marvel player, but watching Revelations makes me wonder why ANYONE has Amaterasu on their team. Every person outside of ChrisG got their Ammy blown up almost immediately, and it was almost useless against Tokido. Ammy was really only good for her Slow Hyper, outside of that...
It was just really frustrating to watch. I thought the American scene was better. Combofiend seems to be the only one to be on point. Wong was embarrassing to watch once Tokido figured him out. It was obvious that Wong's Tron was solely there for the assist.
Just... ugh. Hopefully those matches woke up the American scene.
The game is only a few months old. People seem to forget this quite frequently. Amaterasu is amazing.
Justin Wong played excellently but his Ammy/Tron were way out of practice. He effectively came up with a counter team to Tokido's and took him for a ride including one perfect. Once Tokido figured out that J Wong's team was hella front loaded, he turned the momentum.
A lot of teams are becoming more and more front-loaded...
Anyone play Seth K's shadow mode? It has a 20 star difficulty and uses Dante/C Viper/Sentinel (all on Alpha assists).
I think it's odd that he uses that team in his Shadow, because he said he mained Thor/Skrull/Sentinel at release, and I know he hasn't been playing frequently since.
Very very few people use ammy 100% She's sorta like dante actually, strong basics that get people through. But the people that master her all the way are fucking amazing.
I should doodle some of there for other stuff sometime. Tron's junk and Sentinel stuff would be fun to do.
Will you take requests? I have an image I've been wanting to post for some time.
You don't use Phoenix if you happen to have a Phoenix team. There has to be a full plan behind it and the teammates are just as essential. You can't just throw in Phoenix with 2 good characters and be like "I am good to go".
Competitive consensus disagrees with you.
I am fucking hyped for NorCal Regionals. Can't wait for the inevitable Justin Wong vs Daigo SHOWDOWN in MVC3.
Ditto. My wife is visiting her family this weekend, so I'm going to stream it all day.
I never get when low or mid tier characters get nerfs. Like why? They were already not that great. What was imba about them?
IDK, developers tend to get enclosed in their own world. I remember when I played World of Warcraft, people bitched about how ridiculous Warriors were in PvP for a long time. When it was discovered that the head developer for WoW played a PvP Warrior, the forums exploded. Developers main characters too. As a Dormammu player, I laugh at a lot of characters that others think are ridiculously hard to fight against. How I would balance this game is completely different from how, say, a Chris player might.
I gave this game another shot and I couldn't hit up any of my Doom combos online because of the lag.

No idea why I thought things would be different this time, lol.
I do Doom relaunches all the time online; they're really not that precise. You just have to find people to play within your region.
Next episode of MVC3: The Online Warrior coming soon...sneak peek below
ROFL, nice!
Damn, Iron Man's startup on that must be slow as molasses.
(not that I'd know cause no one plays him lol)
The beam comes out slow for a beam, but the gun comes in at 3 frames and has a hitbox, making it the fastest hyper in the game at close ranges.