I love Larian Studios and their games especially their Divine Divinity franchise but Baldurs Gate 3 doesn't look next gen to me. Still looks nice though and will be getting it.

I love Larian Studios and their games especially their Divine Divinity franchise but Baldurs Gate 3 doesn't look next gen to me. Still looks nice though and will be getting it.
Did you report him?
I can always tell when a ps game yet again takes the gfx crown. Vfx busts in shooting from the hip.
Then it wouldn't have been a launch gameIt's a nice game but they should offer some free content to pad out this 8 hour adventure. Otherwise, this is just giving us "Inches" instead of "Miles".
I hate this suit so much.
Until the next Spiderman game probably.Without a doubt. Spider-Man: Miles Morales should be the poster child for ray tracing until something better comes along.
The draw distance on display in that reflection is fucking amazingly ridiculous. Not bad for a GPU that is around GTX 1080.
What's your favorite suit
Naw man. RT made little to no difference IMO before spiderman and the latest watchdogs game. Both these games are displaying a huge amount of reflective surface which is essentially duplicating the world detail X2. It makes sense to me why people are impressed by RT in these two games.
I would have to concur.
Watch Dogs and MM are the only times I've been truly impressed by RT reflections.
I'm not sure why Control never impressed me that much - I accept it's more technically advanced but I just don't really like the look of that game.
The only other RT that's really grabbed me is the GI in Metro Exodus.
What game is this RPG? It looks like my shit after eating jalapeñosIt looks nice, but very gamey and unrealistic/next gen. But looking at this game, you can't even know it's a game from how immersive and realistic looking it is:
That's the difference between next gen and crossgen (spiderman MM). Sorry.
What game is this RPG? It looks like my shit after eating jalapeños
Weird I feel the other way around, loved RT in Control and felt meh on Metro....I guess the uses of RT can be like artistic choices some like some don't.I would have to concur.
Watch Dogs and MM are the only times I've been truly impressed by RT reflections.
I'm not sure why Control never impressed me that much - I accept it's more technically advanced but I just don't really like the look of that game.
The only other RT that's really grabbed me is the GI in Metro Exodus.
Well, you need to coop with me in Boletaria.Sorry Demon's Souls, I'm not a fan of souls games. Spiderman MM is my first celebration of next gen!
I really love those suits of the Remastered!
Damn, those are awesome.
I keep trying to talk myself into Miles Morales. Hearing all the impressions are encouraging and I think that they trimmed out a lot of the fat of the previous game is fantastic news. ...but when I see game play videos I return to apathy. It doesn't look bad or anything, I think it's just too soon.
Well, you need to coop with me in Boletaria.
You're gonna finish Spider-Man MM in few days. It's like 8 hours main missions and probably another 5 for side missions.
You play Ubisoft games?I'm more excited about Horizon FW and GOW: Ragnarok honestly, but SM MM is a good start!
Then I'll buy AC Valhalla, Gold Edition.![]()
I hate this suit so much.
You play Ubisoft games?You tase in gaming is too VFX
i had PJs like that when i was six, shut your face.
And you never outgrew them.
Trust me, that looks cool, i was thinking more del boy and rodders batman looking
And many xbox/pc fans say the same thing about their 3rd party games being downplayed by the Sony fans because those games are available to every platform and not just one. We should all put every Sony exclusive review thread on ignore to filter out the continuous false revelations of new technology suddenly being the new de facto standard despite the tech having come out over 2yrs ago with many many examples of it's use.
It's funny how you consider me 'downplaying' a Sony game when I mention there is nothing special about it both tech-wise and implementation wise. It's like I absolutely have to be on board with it being the greatest thing since sliced bread in order to not have the 'downplay' label attached to my name. So funny..
Why are you showing reflections instead of texture detail on the ground? If you want to do comparisons between the RT games, pick up this discussion in my ray-tracing thread.
Why are you showing reflections instead of texture detail on the ground? If you want to do comparisons between the RT games, pick up this discussion in my ray-tracing thread.
Wow! This looks so good it's unimaginable they could do it on the Playstation 4, this is truly a next-gen leap! Thank you Sony for the power of PS5, I don't even want to imagine still making these games for current gen, they would look just... yuck. The NPCs probably would be 2 every 5 miles, the swinging speed would have to be reduced by 90%, and there would no shadows or even lighting alone, let alone reflections! And all would have to run at 720p (oh God, like the Switch! gasp) Again, thank you Sony for the PS5. #PowerYourSSDreams
Wow! This looks so good it's unimaginable they could do it on the Playstation 4, this is truly a next-gen leap! Thank you Sony for the power of PS5, I don't even want to imagine still making these games for current gen, they would look just... yuck. The NPCs probably would be 2 every 5 miles, the swinging speed would have to be reduced by 90%, and there would no shadows or even lighting alone, let alone reflections! And all would have to run at 720p (oh God, like the Switch! gasp) Again, thank you Sony for the PS5. #PowerYourSSDreams
Why are you showing reflections instead of texture detail on the ground? If you want to do comparisons between the RT games, pick up this discussion in my ray-tracing thread.
Why am I even wasting my time with a casual like you? What do you even know about next gen? Here, have a taste of this full next gen, mindblowing graphics and animations of Baldur's Gate 3:
Yo ass better stop making fun of BG3 it’s the most fun I’ve had with any game in a long time. I did however laugh at the post![]()
Wow! This looks so good it's unimaginable they could do it on the Playstation 4, this is truly a next-gen leap! Thank you Sony for the power of PS5, I don't even want to imagine still making these games for current gen, they would look just... yuck. The NPCs probably would be 2 every 5 miles, the swinging speed would have to be reduced by 90%, and there would no shadows or even lighting alone, let alone reflections! And all would have to run at 720p (oh God, like the Switch! gasp) Again, thank you Sony for the PS5. #PowerYourSSDreams
Side missions and collectibles will boost this time like any other open world. Don't be so bitter just because competition AAA next gen exclusives are 0 hours long at the moment.Don't care as the main story is only 8-10 hours long, 0/10.
Mate I was being sarcasticSide missions and collectibles will boost this time like any other open world. Don't be so bitter just because competition AAA next gen exclusives are 0 hours long at the moment.
Sorry, man, sometimes it's difficult to catch that without a '/s'.Mate I was being sarcastic
I'm beyond hyped for this title!