Here's a bit of an honest controversial take stemming from a selfish 1st world brain:
This is the dream epidemic situation.
We all in the 1st world who've played video games and watched movies have had these fantasies of what it would be if some horrible plague happened, a zombie invasion or just whatever other apocalypse situation there could be.
Now we're having one that's right on the threshold of being safe enough and way too dangerous.
We can now kinda larp living an apocalypse scenario.
It's not like stepping outside would instakill us or if we got the disease it would be a 100% torturous experience of vomiting shit and blood and having skin boiling and rotting. But it still is an actual real and dangerous deadly disease that we can't take too lightly.
It's not like everyone who gets out gets shot or that there are some vicious gangs forming in the streets and it's not a situation where everyone in the world needs to go to an underground bunker, but it's still dangerous enough to actually have real lockdowns, emptry streets, empty grocery stores, forced closings of public events, passenger flights and cruises cancelled, no sport events, people having to keep distance to each other. Like a real sense of the world turning around while not being unbearably too much of that sense.
It's kinda like a really well made training scenario for some absolutely devastating world shaking event. It's a real deal with our lives kinda really on stake and there is an actual real feel of real danger, but we don't really have to fear for our lives 24/7 and we still can communicate with each other with no problem whatsoever.
It's like getting to live a bit in a world of some apocalypse movie during its first 10 minutes with a sign of things to come here and there and a montage of warnings on tv and newspapers and things looking like they might crash any moment now, but not really having to stay in that movie too long past that point.
Kinda having a small taste of an apocalypse and still being able to be the fat lazy bastards we like to be.
Now, here's hoping it will stay this way and not escalate into a complete nightmare. But if it stays like this, it's catering to our brains that are hooked into going through morbid scenarios from safe distance, but as an actual good thing it's making countries train really hard for any upcoming hyper deadly plague scenarios.