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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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1. Stop saying "certain people" like its not health care professionals that are risking their life and the life of their loved ones every day in order to treat EVERYONE who gets sick. there's no conspiracy here, no matter how hard you try

2. He did not admit to lying about this, you are wrong. just recently he can be quoted saying this,

"I don't regret anything I said then because in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct. We were told in our task force meetings that we have a serious problem with the lack of PPEs and masks for the health providers who are putting themselves in harm's way every day to take care of sick people,"

"When it became clear that we could get the infection could be spread by asymptomatic carriers who don't know they're infected, that made it very clear that we had to strongly recommend masks,"

"And also, it soon became clear that we had enough protective equipment and that cloth masks and homemade masks were as good as masks that you would buy from surgical supply stores," Fauci added. "So in the context of when we were not strongly recommending it, it was the correct thing."

3. you replaced your terrible analogy with another terrible one - because one group of patient takes care of the other one. Or, the wellbeing of ALL AMERICANS (in terms of infectious diseases) depends on the wellbeing of health care workers.

4. If Fauci had advised people to wear home made cloth coverings, people would have dog piled on PPE just like they were doing with toilet paper. It doesn't take a scientist to realize N95's are more effective than a bandana.

5. Fauci's job is not simply "to give us facts", you are wrong - It's much more than that.

6. Your grammar is terrible and brings into question your credentials
Grammar police on an internet forum:messenger_tears_of_joy:... the last bastion of the loser.

Moving on, you know he lied, you're just ok with it. You said as much. So Anthony Fauci's job as a public health official is not to give the public the facts. According to you, his job is to parse out which facts are ok for the pubic to hear and which things he's supposed to lie to us about. For our own good, of course.

I love when people make excuses for stupid because they like somebody. So, again, according to you, if someone doesn't wear a mask in public now, they're risking lives and are essentially a stupid asshole. But when Anthony Fauci lied to everyone about masks not being effective so that certain people could have them, he was saving lives. Of course, it turns out he was wrong about the masks. Oops. He tries valiantly to weasel his way out by pretending that we only now discovered that face coverings decrease transmission of respiratory viruses. I thought this guy was the high priest of science. I'm surprised he didn't know that already.
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Lil’ Gobbie
Grammar police on an internet forum:messenger_tears_of_joy:... the last bastion of the loser.

Moving on, you know he lied, you're just ok with it. You said as much. So Anthony Fauci's job as a public health official is not to give the public the facts. According to you, his job is to parse out which facts are ok for the pubic to hear and which things he's supposed to lie to us about. For our own good, of course.

I love when people make excuses for stupid because they like somebody. So, again, according to you, if someone doesn't wear a mask in public now, they're risking lives and are essentially a stupid asshole. But when Anthony Fauci lied to everyone about masks not being effective so that certain people could have them, he was saving lives. Of course, it turns out he was wrong about the masks. Oops. He tries valiantly to weasels his way out by pretending that we only now discovered that face coverings decrease transmission of respiratory viruses. I thought this guy was the high priest of science. I'm surprised he didn't know that already.

I don't know what you're talking about frankly. When did he pretend that we just learned that face coverings decrease transmission? It seems to me that these terrible talking points amount to folks having trouble coping with being disillusioned. You are right that I do like and respect Dr Fauci, but I would be happy to criticize any of his decisions or even the man personally if you give me anything of substance to work with. But alas, I feel like we are not even talking about Fauci, but a person that we have not even mentioned by name here
I don't know what you're talking about frankly. When did he pretend that we just learned that face coverings decrease transmission? It seems to me that these terrible talking points amount to folks having trouble coping with being disillusioned. You are right that I do like and respect Dr Fauci, but I would be happy to criticize any of his decisions or even the man personally if you give me anything of substance to work with. But alas, I feel like we are not even talking about Fauci, but a person that we have not even mentioned by name here
"We have to admit it, that that mixed message in the beginning, even though it was well meant to allow masks to be available for health workers, that was detrimental in getting the message across".
Here. this is the guy I'm talking about. Recognize him now? At least here he owns his mistakes a bit.





Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
"I don't regret anything I said then because in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct. We were told in our task force meetings that we have a serious problem with the lack of PPEs and masks for the health providers who are putting themselves in harm's way every day to take care of sick people,"

"When it became clear that we could get the infection could be spread by asymptomatic carriers who don't know they're infected, that made it very clear that we had to strongly recommend masks,"

"And also, it soon became clear that we had enough protective equipment and that cloth masks and homemade masks were as good as masks that you would buy from surgical supply stores," Fauci added. "So in the context of when we were not strongly recommending it, it was the correct thing."

This doesn't make sense, because they never started recommending surgical masks or anything that would be considered medical-grade PPE. It's all about homemade cloth masks and "face coverings" like scarves and bandanas. For their excuse to legitimate, they would have to admit that they thought only medical equipment would be effective and that would contradict the current advice.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I think a lot of people forget that even though we understand viruses very well, so much that we even have them categorized by type (such as a "corona"), we never know exactly how they're transmitted nor the totality of the diseases they may cause until many years later, in hindsight. Each one is new or a mutation. This is high school science class stuff.

Some of you are talking ill of Doctor Fauci. A man who was one of the pioneers identifying and getting the HIV/AIDS crisis under control. But now give him derision because he was basically following best practices given the information on hand in the very early months of a pandemic. I agree he handled some things poorly, but to pretend that he's incompetent is wrong.

As for the antimask stuff, dudes and dudettes, please wear a mask. When you breath, speak, laugh, scream, it expels moisture including any virus that may be in your lungs. A simple cloth covering over your mouth and nose can capture most of this. Yes, a 95 respirator and goggles are ideal, but the small task of wearing a mask can potentially save someone else's life or your own. This shouldn't be a political thing. The sooner everyone gets on board in the US the sooner we can start returning to normal like almost every other country that abided by the simple rules of wearing a mask and social distancing.

And for those outside of the US in countries that are already on the road to recovery for following the advice of the CDC and other scientific organizations, please stop drumming up discord and strife in our country. People are dying every day from this virus in every state. We don't need others coming in an encouraging the very behavior that is leading to this death, while they comfortably sit in some other country that did everything right. Please. I beg you.
Some of you are talking ill of Doctor Fauci. A man who was one of the pioneers identifying and getting the HIV/AIDS crisis under control. But now give him derision because he was basically following best practices given the information on hand in the very early months of a pandemic. I agree he handled some things poorly, but to pretend that he's incompetent is wrong.
So I'll say this about Fauci. I don't think he's terrible guy. I think he's trying. I also think he's been put in a very unenviable position.

What I honestly object strongly to is the idea he should be listened to unquestionably and the apparent inability of many to criticize his mistakes. I think he can be mealy-mouthed at times and unnecessarily alarmist at other times. I think his praising of New York as some sort of success story is insane. My opinions of him have very little to do with him as a person, although I do question his judgement. As soon as he and other public health officials tried to make decisions about which information was suitable for the public and what should be kept from them, my opinion of him soured. I don't want someone who is afraid to give me all the facts.
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Gold Member
As for the antimask stuff, dudes and dudettes, please wear a mask. When you breath, speak, laugh, scream, it expels moisture including any virus that may be in your lungs. A simple cloth covering over your mouth and nose can capture most of this. Yes, a 95 respirator and goggles are ideal, but the small task of wearing a mask can potentially save someone else's life or your own. This shouldn't be a political thing. The sooner everyone gets on board in the US the sooner we can start returning to normal like almost every other country that abided by the simple rules of wearing a mask and social distancing.

As for “just wear your mask like a good little boy and you can have your economy back”, nope. For the millionth time, look at New York. Universal mask coverage, massive lockdown, everybody is scared to interact with each other, things are still fucked up. Virtually no new cases, low hospitalization, contact tracing system in place, very slow spread, nope, cant reopen. Stuff is still arbitrarily locked down on the whims of out of control elected leaders. They have no intention of handing us back our normal lives anytime soon. The country was well on the way to recovery with a managed, phased reopening until the media and government encouraged massive protests and rioting that spun it out of control. I don’t have COVID so I’m not expelling shit, but I’ll wear a mask when the local and state governments crack down on these riots/protests, how does that sound?
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Found another COVID warrior on FB.

She "knows people who have died from it". Uh huh. Not just one person, but more than one! She should probably try her hand at the lottery with odds like that! I guess cuz someone on the internet said it, it must be true.

I won't post her name or pics but I selected some stuff from her page. Perfect virtue signalling COVID warrior.




You wonder why everyone on ResetEra believes (or pretends to at least) this thing without question? Thank fuck I can speak my mind here on GAF. I'd get instabanned on Era for even daring suggesting this thing is blown outta proportion.
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Found another COVID warrior on FB.

She "knows people who have died from it". Uh huh. Not just one person, but more than one! She should probably try her hand at the lottery with odds like that! I guess cuz someone on the internet said it, it must be true.

I won't post her name or pics but I selected some stuff from her page. Perfect virtue signalling COVID warrior.




I mean, my friends wife works in a nursing home where 5 residents have died, so that is entirely possible that someone could know multiple people who have died.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
As for “just wear your mask like a good little boy and you can have your economy back”, nope. For the millionth time, look at New York. Universal mask coverage, massive lockdown, everybody is scared to interact with each other, things are still fucked up. Virtually no new cases, low hospitalization, contact tracing system in place, very slow spread, nope, cant reopen. Stuff is still arbitrarily locked down on the whims of out of control elected leaders. They have no intention of handing us back our normal lives anytime soon. The country was well on the way to recovery with a managed, phased reopening until the media and government encouraged massive protests and rioting that spun it out of control. I don’t have COVID so I’m not expelling shit, but I’ll wear a mask when the local and state governments crack down on these riots/protests, how does that sound?

We don't need to travel far to see the evidence that it works. There was the 1918 pandemic, which bears striking similarity to this one, and there's other countries that followed the guidelines right now and they're recovering because of it. Meanwhile, the US, Brazil, and Russia, who did not, are still seeing weekly surges.

I am not trying to be a dick but this isn't hard to understand. There is the evidence right before our eyes and history books to reference.


Lil’ Gobbie
This doesn't make sense, because they never started recommending surgical masks or anything that would be considered medical-grade PPE. It's all about homemade cloth masks and "face coverings" like scarves and bandanas. For their excuse to legitimate, they would have to admit that they thought only medical equipment would be effective and that would contradict the current advice.




The public might wear masks to avoid infection or to protect others. During the 2009 pandemic of H1N1 influenza (swine flu), encouraging the public to wash their hands reduced the incidence of infection significantly whereas wearing facemasks did not. 5 There is no good evidence that facemasks protect the public against infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID‐19. 6

However, absence of proof of an effect is not the same as proof of absence of an effect. During the pandemics caused by swine flu and by the coronaviruses which caused SARS and MERS, many people in Asia and elsewhere walked around wearing surgical or homemade cotton masks to protect themselves. One danger of doing this is the illusion of protection. Surgical facemasks are designed to be discarded after single use. As they become moist they become porous and no longer protect. Indeed, experiments have shown that surgical and cotton masks do not trap the SARS‐CoV‐2 (COVID‐19) virus, which can be detected on the outer surface of the masks for up to 7 days. 7 , 8 Thus, a pre‐symptomatic or mildly infected person wearing a facemask for hours without changing it and without washing hands every time they touched the mask could paradoxically increase the risk of infecting others. Because the USA is in a desperate situation, their Centers for Disease Control has recommended the public wear homemade cloth masks. This was essentially done in an effort to try and reduce community transmission, especially from people who may not perceive themselves to be symptomatic, rather than to protect the wearer, although the evidence for this is scant. In contrast, the World Health Organization currently recommends against the public routinely wearing facemasks.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

It's crazy to me that a guy who is supposed to be at the pinnacle of his field did not initially know that face coverings would be just as effective as surgical masks. Like, how could that be a thing?

Either they aren't, and we're being fed bullshit right now. Or they are, and we knew they were well before COVID-19 because face coverings are common as all hell in some parts of the world and there's nothing magical about the materials used in a surgical mask.


No that wasn't the point youdoinitwrong
What was the point then? The slim woman could be an unsymptomatic superspreader for all we know. By refusing to wear a mask in public she is putting the fat woman’s life at risk.

Yes, the fat woman will die of diabetes and heart-disease eventually, but that could still be many years from now. The fat woman is in the right, and the cartoon is not funny at all. Unless you are a sociopath or something.
It's crazy to me that a guy who is supposed to be at the pinnacle of his field did not initially know that face coverings would be just as effective as surgical masks. Like, how could that be a thing?

Either they aren't, and we're being fed bullshit right now. Or they are, and we knew they were well before COVID-19 because face coverings are common as all hell in some parts of the world and there's nothing magical about the materials used in a surgical mask.
Yeah. But he did know. He just lied. Because it was more important for healthcare workers to get the PPE. He could’ve just said that instead of lying, but he didn’t. He decided lying was better.

Now he doesn’t seem to understand why people might not reflexively trust him when he tells them what to do anymore.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah. But he did know. He just lied. Because it was more important for healthcare workers to get the PPE. He could’ve just said that instead of lying, but he didn’t. He decided lying was better.

Now he doesn’t seem to understand why people might not reflexively trust him when he tells them what to do anymore.

But that doesn't make sense, because we still aren't recommending that average people go out and buy PPE. The recommendations are simply "face coverings" and typically list stuff like bandanas and scarves or homemade cloth masks as examples. There was no reason to not recommend that stuff back in March unless a. they honestly didn't know, or b. face coverings actually don't really do much of anything.
What was the point then? The slim woman could be an unsymptomatic superspreader for all we know. By refusing to wear a mask in public she is putting the fat woman’s life at risk.

Yes, the fat woman will die of diabetes and heart-disease eventually, but that could still be many years from now. The fat woman is in the right, and the cartoon is not funny at all. Unless you are a sociopath or something.
You know exactly what the point is. There are a lot of people who don’t give a rat’s ass about their own health running around pretending they are super worried about making sure other people keep them safe and healthy. All while they cannot be bother to put down a damn soda to keep themselves alive and functional. And while she may die from COVID next week, she could also die from a heart attack or cancer or any number of other obesity related maladies at any time.

For people like the woman in that comic to attempt to police the behavior of others when it comes to her health is the height of hypocrisy. Yes, the thin person should be more considerate because being considerate is a virtue. The fat woman should’ve gave a shit about her health years ago.
But that doesn't make sense, because we still aren't recommending that average people go out and buy PPE. The recommendations are simply "face coverings" and typically list stuff like bandanas and scarves or homemade cloth masks as examples. There was no reason to not recommend that stuff back in March unless a. they honestly didn't know, or b. face coverings actually don't really do much of anything.
Yeah, I just think they made stupid decisions. The face mask’s ability to help is obviously variable. I’m sure there is some moderate benefit in some situations. But they were freaking out because there was a shortage of masks and PPE. They thought telling people to get masks would make it worse and they were desperate. Even if they said cloth face coverings were ok, there would still have likely been a run on surgical masks.

I think the reality is they didn’t know, empirically, masks would have a benefit. But they knew practically they would help a bit. They just chose to give bad advice for the above reason.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I just think they made stupid decisions. The face masks ability to help obviously variable. I’m sure there is some moderate benefit in some situations. But they were freaking out because there was a shortage of masks and PPE. They thought telling people to get masks would make it worse and they were desperate. Even if they said cloth face coverings were ok, there would still have likely been a run on surgical masks.

I think the reality is they didn’t know, empirically, masks would have a benefit. But they knew practically they would help a bit. They just chose to give bad advice for the above reason.

They should have known, because we've known in Asia for decades, basically.

I mean, we still don't really know if face masks are actually having a net benefit in regards to stemming COVID-19 spread. We do know that they can slow down and block the projection of physical droplets that are known to carry the virus from speaking, shouting, coughing, sneezing. We do not actually know if those droplets being blocked is preventing the virus itself from entering the air unimpeded. We're just kind of assuming and hoping it does.


Lil’ Gobbie
But that doesn't make sense, because we still aren't recommending that average people go out and buy PPE. The recommendations are simply "face coverings" and typically list stuff like bandanas and scarves or homemade cloth masks as examples. There was no reason to not recommend that stuff back in March unless a. they honestly didn't know, or b. face coverings actually don't really do much of anything.

because recommending to wear face coverings such as bandanas and scarves would lead inevitably to a PPE shortage...... you are delusional if you think people would be like "OK I'll leave the N95's for the health care workers and and I'll use an old T shirt for myself" especially since we all saw how people completely lost their shit over sanitizer toilet paper and other irrational shit
because recommending to wear face coverings such as bandanas and scarves would lead inevitably to a PPE shortage...... you are delusional if you think people would be like "OK I'll leave the N95's for the health care workers and and I'll use an old T shirt for myself" especially since we all saw how people completely lost their shit over sanitizer toilet paper and other irrational shit
So wait a second.... Then they lied right? Back when Fauci and the boys said the public shouldn't wear masks... Because it was a few posts back where you said he didn't lie.

So did he not recommend face coverings because he didn't know face coverings help slow the spread of respiratory viruses or did he know and lie to prevent PPE shortages?
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
because recommending to wear face coverings such as bandanas and scarves would lead inevitably to a PPE shortage...... you are delusional if you think people would be like "OK I'll leave the N95's for the health care workers and and I'll use an old T shirt for myself" especially since we all saw how people completely lost their shit over sanitizer toilet paper and other irrational shit

The masks were already not available by that point, though. And no, I don't think I am delusional, because guess what? Masks are now available in stores and people aren't raiding the stocks like the initial toilet paper craze.


Lil’ Gobbie
So wait a second.... Then they lied right? Back when Fauci and the boys said the public shouldn't wear masks... Because it was a few posts back where you said he didn't lie.

So did he not recommend face coverings because he didn't know face coverings help slow the spread of respiratory viruses or did he know and lie to prevent PPE shortages?

I'm not anthony fauci. We have only his actions and his alleged reasoning to infer what his real intentions were. I don't know if he lied intentionally or if he just didn't predict the situation would escalate the way it did. I don't know where you are going with this

Regardless, it has had an inconsequential effect on the way things have played out, just like when Trump said it would "disappear". It doesn't change anything.


Let's say you go to the doctor each year for a checkup.

2016: "You're fine"
2017: "You're fine"
2018: "You got a serious disease and you should follow treatment X"

Will you now call your doctor a liar for saying something different from the year before ? Maybe you were sick all along and he was hiding it to make sure you would need a treatment he makes more money on. Or he's lying now and you are not sick at all.
OR every intel agency says there’s WMD, you invade Iraq and there’s no WMD. Doesn’t make the president a liar.


So a prominent health organization declares masks to be the “new normal”, yet I am supposed to believe if I just do what they say, they will pat me on the head and reward me by ”giving me my freedoms back.” Right.

BTW: all this time I thought the N95 masks were the best ones, to the point where for months they said N95 was the ONLY one that actually worked. Now apparently I am killing grandma by wearing that mask. But I am supposed to believe this is about “the science.”
There are two types on n95 masks, the one with no valve and the one with a valve. The first is the better one, the other is comfier to wear allegedly but apparently only shields the user from external sources but not viceversa
Resident are suppose to do their own research and made their decision.
It's like saying that people should be able to choose what driving speed they feel confortable with.

The spread of the disease doesn't only impact whoever chooses not to comply but everyone else as well
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We've known this for months, when evidence showed most new COVID cases were not the "essential workers" but people who were locked down. In a functioning system, this would be evidence that we should be encouraging people to get back to the office, kids get back to school, etc. In other words get people outside of their closed homes and into the real world.

In our system, this is evidence that we will indeed mandate mask usage in the home, demonize personal contact between family members, and even separate kids from their parents. Just wait. It's all for their own good, just follow orders and you'll get your life back.

Oh my God this is one of the worst takes I've seen thus far... An higher spread inside homes means you should reopen everything? What?

Of course the virus is gonna spread more in a close environment between people in a family relationship that wear no masks and can't perform social distancing compared to essential workers that were forced to do all the above in less confined space.

This doesn't mean everything should be reopened because people get back in their houses anyway at night, which means that you are still getting the same amount of infected at home, that now are gonna go to the office or at school to spread it to others, which would spread in their home, rinse and repeat.

And because you don't like to be told what to do, trying to keep things open and just use mandatory masks and distancing, which is what is happening now in European countries that are in the containment phase is not an option either


I actually completely lost my sense of smell and taste for about the past 8 days now. Dunno if it's covid since I'm just hunkering down at home and haven't been tested yet. I feel fine otherwise except for a stuffy nose (no fever, aches, dry cough).


Gold Member
Oh my God this is one of the worst takes I've seen thus far... An higher spread inside homes means you should reopen everything? What?

Of course the virus is gonna spread more in a close environment between people in a family relationship that wear no masks and can't perform social distancing compared to essential workers that were forced to do all the above in less confined space.

This doesn't mean everything should be reopened because people get back in their houses anyway at night, which means that you are still getting the same amount of infected at home, that now are gonna go to the office or at school to spread it to others, which would spread in their home, rinse and repeat.

And because you don't like to be told what to do, trying to keep things open and just use mandatory masks and distancing, which is what is happening now in European countries that are in the containment phase is not an option either

Oh no, people might get a flu they will get over in a week, or they wont even know they have it. That’s certainly a reason for them to stay inside their homes, never interact with other people, mandate bizarre rituals like social distancing that keep them from interacting with each other, wearing masks and putting up barriers that mean people can’t even communicate with each other properly.

Everything should have been reopened in April, when it was clear that we didn’t need to flatten the curve like they said we did, and our hospital resources could handle the situation. It’s amazing how quickly everyone forgot the initial rationale of this.
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Gold Member
Oh, lest I forget - we can definitely not interact with other human beings or go to a bar, but we can march every day with tens of thousands of people, yelling, chanting, and then if we feel like it, we can riot and burn down some of those closed up shops. But we definitely can’t go to the office and have a face to face conversation with a friend after work at the bar.


I actually completely lost my sense of smell and taste for about the past 8 days now. Dunno if it's covid since I'm just hunkering down at home and haven't been tested yet. I feel fine otherwise except for a stuffy nose (no fever, aches, dry cough).
Probably as losing smell is a symptom, I would go and test, just to be sure, you never know who you might infect.

my sister in law got tested a couple of days back, she had cold Like symptoms but she tested negative, thank god.
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Oh no, people might get a flu they will get over in a week, or they wont even know they have it. That’s certainly a reason for them to stay inside their homes, never interact with other people, mandate bizarre rituals like social distancing that keep them from interacting with each other, wearing masks and putting up barriers that mean people can’t even communicate with each other properly.

Everything should have been reopened in April, when it was clear that we didn’t need to flatten the curve like they said we did, and our hospital resources could handle the situation. It’s amazing how quickly everyone forgot the initial rationale of this.
Eh. Things can get ugly if we don’t take some level of care. The key is finding the right balance. The initial impact of this can be pretty devastating just because the entire population of a place is susceptible all at once and it spreads so quickly. But once you crest the initial wave, it’s about finding the right level of prevention without overreacting and destroying everyone’s ability to live their lives.

California keeps fucking up by continuing the lockdown and stretching the wave over months and months, because, naturally, whenever they try to open anything, the cases increase and instead of allowing that process to progress in a controlled manner, that slam the door closed again.

The disease is here and it always will be. We have already gotten better at dealing with it at all levels, and we will keep getting better. It’s something we can and will live with.
Probably as losing smell is a symptom, I would go and test, just to be sure, you never know who you might infect.

my sister in law got tested a couple of days back, she had cold Like symptoms but she tested negative, thank god.
You can lose sense of smell for a number of reasons. People act like they’ve never lost smell taste before when they had a cold or sinus infection. It could be COVID, sure. Depending on where he lives and the likelihood he actually interacted with a positive person, he should either consider getting tested, or just continue to self isolate until the symptoms subside.
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Gold Member
Eh. Things can get ugly if we don’t take some level of care. The key is finding the right balance. The initial impact of this can be pretty devastating just because the entire population of a place is susceptible all at once and it spreads so quickly. But once you crest the initial wave, it’s about finding the right level of prevention without overreacting and destroying everyone’s ability to live their lives.

California keeps fucking up by continuing the lockdown and stretching the wave over months and months, because, naturally, whenever they try to open anything, the cases increase and instead of allowing that process to progress in a controlled manner, that slam the door closed again.

The disease is here and it always will be. We have already gotten better at dealing with it at all levels, and we will keep getting better. It’s something we can and will live with.

I don’t know, here in New York, it spread more or less unimpeded from the beginning (which people generally think is early January, although weirdly it seems nobody really cares anymore) until mid-March. Our system was able to handle it. We honestly don’t know how many people had COVID in that time frame and for a month or two after, but all we do know is that it was a lot lot lot more than the official numbers. Chances are, based on the preliminary antibody tests, New York was getting 100k new cases a day for a bit, and again, we handled it.
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