What are you talking about? Who said do nothing? Certainly not me. You’re arguing against the voices in your head.That’s how fast it went in New York, at such a rate a lock down is needed ..
a million packed city as New York.
but you keep hammering the anti lock down and how it’s better to do nothing ... but you weren’t in NY neither Italy or Spain , where they had to make the call and do something to stop the collapse of the health care system / hospitals.
what do you think the outcome in those places would be?
even the WHO calls to go all out to get this under control.
You think governments do this for fun?
That’s how fast it went in New York, at such a rate a lock down is needed ..
a million packed city as New York.
but you keep hammering the anti lock down and how it’s better to do nothing ... but you weren’t in NY neither Italy or Spain , where they had to make the call and do something to stop the collapse of the health care system / hospitals.
what do you think the outcome in those places would be?
even the WHO calls to go all out to get this under control.
You think governments do this for fun?
Not that fairy tale again. Deaths lag by 5-6 weeks.
Panic is never helpful. Neither is white-washing.
Crazy pills indeed. Here in Victoria, Australia are some of the things that have happened in the last few days
- 'State of Disaster' declared. Authorities have extra powers for more and bigger fines
- 8pm-5am curfew. The virus is of course at its worst during these hours
- All non essential retailers and businesses shut down. Thats another 250,000 people out of work on top of our already record high number
- Only allowed out for 1 hour a day. Originally they said exercise was ok, but then said no because too many people would use that as an excuse for being out. (I kid you not)
- 1 person per household, once a day can go to the supermarket
- If you are traveling outside of curfew hours for essential work, you need 'papers' to show to authorities
There's plenty more as well but thats of the top of my head. Oh and might I add the idiot running our state has been known to be quite friendly with the CCP... His health minister also made a fool out of herself yesterday when she wouldn't answer any questions from the media or opposition government, instead saying we can all have a written statement in a few days. So for now, it seems to me that we have a 6 week trial of Communism in the state.
Why? Because 5-15 elderly people have died with the virus each day for the last 2 weeks or so. We're at 232 deaths (across Australia, population 25 million) since this all began too. The youngest being a 42 year old who reportedly had other conditions as well.
'State of Disaster'...
You’re right that the infection counts can be misleading. The key numbers are the concrete ones. Hospitalizations, ICU patients, and deaths. We cannot even estimate the true number of cases because it’s so dependent on people who might not even know they’re sick getting tested.I'm not white-washing, my point is that the death count is the least-manipulable statistic (albeit it can still be done) and gives us the best metric for what's actually going on. Any use of pure infection counts without accounting for population, regionality and testing regimes (and that's what mostly happens when people talk about case counts) is about as meaningful as picking a number out of a hat.
Hospitals saw fewer heart attacks and strokes as the coronavirus pandemic struck — and nobody knows why
Gee, I wonder why?
You’re right that the infection counts can be misleading. The key numbers are the concrete ones. Hospitalizations, ICU patients, and deaths. We cannot even estimate the true number of cases because it’s so dependent on people who might not even know they’re sick getting tested.
It is a poor reflection on the health system when it shows itself to be agenda driven.
what agenda is that? profit seeking?
The government told hospitals they cannot treat people for non-COVID related things. Then the government told hospitals they would pay hospitals more money for every COVID case and death. We are supposed to be shocked when all sorts of weird numbers come out of that situation? If you write for a mainstream news site and/or believe in the mainstream narrative, apparently the answer is yes.
Why would he need to duck ? He is a world renowned scientist ? He discusses a lot with a Dutch scientist who did tests with corona viruses in the 90s. If governments listened, you guys wouldn’t be in a half year corona wave .
politicians should be the ones ducking .
It is a disastrous state, I have no idea how I will deal with it for the next 6 weeks (but I assume it will last longer). My own work at a G8 university is gone now due to the lockdowns.
But what has most impacted me is not being able to do even the most simple of activities. Going for a walk in the evening, when no one was around was one of the small pleasures I had but that right has now been taken away too. How the fuck will I infact anyone in suburan Melbourne when there is no one around??? When we also weak masks too? This state is done for.
Last week I was bombarding social media and news comments sites regarding masks, and the fact that Dr Sutton's own research cast doubt on the efficacy of masks. If you are interested, here is his own paper:
Do Anaesthetists Need to Wear Surgical Masks in the Operating Theatre?
I knew the writing was on the wall with the imposition of masks, but the speed of the stage 4 introduction took me by surprise.
I fully expect that next week we will be discussing stage 5, and what that entails. No exercise? No daily runs to the local IGA perhaps? Who knows what they will next implement. No bonking?
I am over it. First chance I get I am out of this state. I just hope we can reach stage 6 before then:
As a fully trained PhD economist I cannot add anything else to what you wrote:
"- All non essential retailers and businesses shut down. Thats another 250,000 people out of work on top of our already record high number"
This is an economic disaster on an unprecedented scale. This is just in one week too. I don't need to extrapolate to the rest of the supply chain and how it will reverberate there.
You do not need a technocrat to convey the utter insanity of what is happening in Melbourne. That is just economics, let alone the gathering storm of possible societal disaster.
Stay safe and look after your loved ones.
You Aussies really have some crazy stuff going on. What are the general feelings about this? Are people happy with their leadership?Sorry to hear about your job. I'm pissed about all of the thinking and (lack of) reasoning behind this, but I was already out of work as a result of lockdown 1, so I can only imagine how others feel who have been personally impacted harder this time.
And ya, further escalating this wouldn't surprise me. It's been like clockwork so far. 'Fear the second wave'. A few weeks later cases spike. 'Maybe another stage 3 lockdown' - lockdown happens again. 'Discussing mandating masks'. A few days later we all have to wear masks. 'Stage 4 lockdown might be needed' - stage 4 lockdown happens. I've already seen a little discussion around stage 5 and what it would look like, so it wouldn't surprise me.
As for the restrictions, I've been flaunting them where possible. First few nights went for a few walks through the hood like 1-2am to get out and stretch the legs. Might go for another after I post this too (i'm such a badass). I'm not wearing a mask if I'm outside by myself either. I carry one though, but only wear it so places of business will allow a transaction to take place between us, but thats it. I'll prob be fined for something stupid in the next 6 weeks or however long this stupidity goes on for, but I honestly don't care. It's worth it knowing I haven't been turned into a good little lapdog, that asks how high Mr Andrews would like me to jump, when he says so.
Oh, and that's quite the marvelous avatar you have too
You Aussies really have some crazy stuff going on. What are the general feelings about this? Are people happy with their leadership?
Local authorities will be able to order the demolition of buildings at the centre of coronavirus outbreaks under draconian powers to contain a potential second wave.
Cars, buses, trains and aeroplanes could also be destroyed subject to the approval of magistrates.
Boris Johnson remains determined to avoid a second nationwide lockdown and has given a broad range of powers to local councils to contain outbreaks as soon as they are detected. Councils will be able to draw on six separate Acts of Parliament to impose lightning closures of public buildings, order mass testing, ban events or shut down whole sectors of the economy. They will also be able to limit school openings to set year groups and restrict travel to key workers only. The power to demolish buildings, however, is perhaps the most striking inclusion in the Government's Covid-19 Contain Framework.
The document, published by the Department of Health and Social Care, advises councils that, under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, they can apply to a magistrate "to impose restrictions or requirements to close contaminated premises; close public spaces in the area of the local authority; detain a conveyance or movable structure; disinfect or decontaminate premises; or order that a building, conveyance or structure be destroyed"
Sorry to hear about your job. I'm pissed about all of the thinking and (lack of) reasoning behind this, but I was already out of work as a result of lockdown 1, so I can only imagine how others feel who have been personally impacted harder this time.
And ya, further escalating this wouldn't surprise me. It's been like clockwork so far. 'Fear the second wave'. A few weeks later cases spike. 'Maybe another stage 3 lockdown' - lockdown happens again. 'Discussing mandating masks'. A few days later we all have to wear masks. 'Stage 4 lockdown might be needed' - stage 4 lockdown happens. I've already seen a little discussion around stage 5 and what it would look like, so it wouldn't surprise me.
As for the restrictions, I've been flaunting them where possible. First few nights went for a few walks through the hood like 1-2am to get out and stretch the legs. Might go for another after I post this too (i'm such a badass). I'm not wearing a mask if I'm outside by myself either. I carry one though, but only wear it so places of business will allow a transaction to take place between us, but thats it. I'll prob be fined for something stupid in the next 6 weeks or however long this stupidity goes on for, but I honestly don't care. It's worth it knowing I haven't been turned into a good little lapdog, that asks how high Mr Andrews would like me to jump, when he says so.
Oh, and that's quite the marvelous avatar you have too
You Aussies really have some crazy stuff going on. What are the general feelings about this? Are people happy with their leadership?
Councils can demolish contaminated buildings under powers to stop second coronavirus wave
Care homes, factories, offices and even private homes could be bulldozed as last resort if virus starts to run out of controlwww.telegraph.co.uk
So what does that entail? I’ve got a trip to the Outer Banks this month.Welp. we're stuck (NC) on Phase 2 til Sept. 11th.
So what does that entail? I’ve got a trip to the Outer Banks this month.
North Carolina will stay in Phase 2 which, among other things, keeps gyms, bars and large entertainment venues like movie theaters closed.
Gov. Cooper says the state will stay in Phase 2 for five weeks, which would end on September 11 unless extended.
Thanks. Seems like your case numbers have really fallen this week.![]()
NC remains in Phase 2, bars and gyms will stay closed until September 11
When Gov. Roy Cooper makes an announcement Wednesday on the next steps toward completely reopening North Carolina, multiple sources tell WRAL News that they expect to see the status quo continue.www.wral.com
Just wait for someone to have a birthday party for their grandpa on oxygen and then Major Yoga Pants cuts the power to their house and grandpa dies.
Novel bunyavirus re-emerges in China, kills seven | Taiwan News | Aug. 5, 2020 15:15
Not another pandemic by any means, but... Jesus Christ, China.
An interesting graph mapping all UK deaths by age bracket.
This source is a survey in a Facebook group, not the most reliable thing ever.
Very true, should have qualified that statement. Mea culpla.
Maybe all down players get it mild and go bold
I think it’s Covid, and they had it without knowing ... 50 % is without symptoms.My wife is a hairdresser, they are seeing a similar trend, although not all of the clients have had C-19.
We think it may be the result of stress because of lockdowns and Covid anxiety.
Yup , The Netherlands is going down the shitter again, 600 cases / Finland is ordering travelers from our country to quarantine.
good Going party people !
I think it’s Covid, and they had it without knowing ... 50 % is without symptoms.
did they get tested so they know they didn’t have it?
Jesus man. So now you’re just blaming everything on covid, aren’t you. What happened to all that following the science?I think it’s Covid, and they had it without knowing ... 50 % is without symptoms.
did they get tested so they know they didn’t have it?
Jesus man. So now you’re just blaming everything on covid, aren’t you. What happened to all that following the science?
You’re shedding extra hair? Covid. Never even had covid? Ahh, you have covid. It’s covid. Gotta be.
Its just mass hysteria at this point.People can report literally any symptom for any drug or disease and the government will put it in a database. Then other people will come later and look into it, maybe. COVID has infected 200 million people realistically, what are the odds it hit a few people just as they started showing signs of alopecia/MPB? The odds are 100%.
Its just mass hysteria at this point.
"Oh you've got a rash three months after covid? Its covid."
"Oh you noticed a few extra hairs on the bathroom floor? Covid.
"Constipated? Covid strikes again."
"Allergies acting up? Covid works in mysterious ways."
And you blame nothing on CovidJesus man. So now you’re just blaming everything on covid, aren’t you. What happened to all that following the science?
You’re shedding extra hair? Covid. Never even had covid? Ahh, you have covid. It’s covid. Gotta be.
Except lock down kept the numbers down ... you see what happens if you don’t.Told ya.
This virus is coming for you, no matter what. Lockdowns don’t do shit except kick the can down the road.
Except hair loss is absolutely something that happens in times of extreme stress. People have lost their jobs, are stuck at home, can’t pay their bills, can’t live their normal lives, have pure fear pumped into their homes 24/7 through the media... yea it’s stressful.
Except lock down kept the numbers down ... you see what happens if you don’t .