00:00 Why Michele thinks schools shouldn't have closed
05:57 Are teachers’ unions bad for students?
12:26 Glenn: Teachers are almost certainly not a high-risk group
23:56 Is the school reopening fight about health concerns or politics?
37:55 Maintaining student accountability in distance learning
Glenn Loury (Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University) & Michele Kerr (John F. Kennedy High School)
Its just mass hysteria at this point.
"Oh you've got a rash three months after covid? Its covid."
"Oh you noticed a few extra hairs on the bathroom floor? Covid.
"Constipated? Covid strikes again."
"Allergies acting up? Covid works in mysterious ways."
I'm not trying to deflect guilt at all, I'm trying to give it the proper weight. Brazil, like every other large country, was doomed to suffer large losses with or without its current leadership. Would 50-75,000 deaths be preferable to 100,000? Most would reflexively say yes while still holding the same negative view of their leaders because, like the weaknesses I mentioned earlier, that's also baked in.
In absolute numbers, of course 100.000 desths sound terrible. But the Death rate in Brazil os still smaller than most country.
Without a doubt, huge number of infection occured at home. Our country has a Very specific social condiction in wich small houses are filled with big famílies, with people who literally need to work to feed their family, otherwise there would be true famine and that, my friend, is pretty much destructive to the immune system wich could only lead to more deaths.
Who is "we"? Maybe (maybe) you want it to work. But legions of Dems and Trump haters don't, and in fact don't want anything to work. Not until November 4th at least.
It feels like you're ignoring what I said. I'm not talking about the numbers by themselves, I'm talking about the actions, more specifically about the reaction to this crisis. Nothing changes or minimizes the absolute nightmare that is the federal response to this situation. Any scenario would have been better than the one where we're led by a maniac imbecile.
GADO detected. I would like to know where this "death rate in Brazil is smaller than others" absolute meme came from, because I'm looking at the numbers and that's not what I see. That Deaths/1M pop column you guys seem to irrationally cling to for no reason is only going up, our numbers are not on the downswing. We have AT BEST stability at OVER A THOUSAND DEATHS PER DAY. That's not the media spreading panic like that genocidal mongoloid said again earlier today. People should panic, we're a sinking ship with a chimp at the helm.
"People should panic".
Enough for an absolute imbecil waybof thinking. Better Just put you on ignore.
Its obvious How you are completely unable to discuss in a more civilized and rational given by your choice of words, treating such huge complex issue into Just trash political militancy, as If a matter with such complexity can be oversimplified nu pointing all the respondsbilities singularized in a single political authority, wich is a Very "good" disservice to society as It is the type of irrational thinking that greatly benefits a huge number of local corrupted authorities who have been criminally throwing a Lot of money under their luxurious carpet with the insane amount of corrupted transactions with overpriced ventilators and other medical stuff.
Our country is greatly suffering from never seen before corruption under the bus of "saving lives", and you are morally responsible for that with that kind of thinking
That shit doesn't fly outside of the gadismo Twitter bubble friend. It's bullshit, it's guilt deflection, it's an attempt to change to subject to the point where the subject isn't even clearly visible anymore. I'm talking about the things Bolsonaro could control. Did he ever have a plan to fight Covid? Nope. Did he call it a common flu on multiple occasions? Yes. Did he or did he not say SO WHAT when asked about the rising number of deaths? Guess he did! Do we have a health minister? Not for 2 motherfucking months we don't. Did his administration spend just 54% of the budget on the fight against the covid despite the absolute out of control numbers we're seeing? Sure did, because what are they even fighting for? I'm not even going to enter the corruption with Queiroz and the militia ties because that would be overkill and it is besides the point. The point is that somehow we have a president that is working FOR the virus and not against it.
You are supporting a government that treats the death of a hundred thousand of its people like it's nothing. Like an inevitable casualty. Guess everything is an inevitable casualty when don't take action against it. You're still clinging to the corruption shield when Bolsonaro has done nothing to earn that benefit, are we supposed to pretend that Aras ISN'T trying to kill Lava Jato or that the Moro clusterfuck situation didn't happen? Oh wait, nothing bad ever happened to the government, it's the media! It's the alt left! It's Foro de São Paulo, George Soros, Sleeping Giants, STF, OMS, ANY FUCKING ONE. Any fabricated enemy is to blame, never the government.
Gado do caralho, pode me botar no ignore.
You are throwing a Lot accusstion without actually knowing my opinion on the matter.
Die hard political militant like you have a hard time to understsand that this is not about supporting one or another political authority, but not fucking singularizing reeponsibilities on such complex GLOBAL issue that hardly any country were ready to fight against.
Thats not saying that You should not make the president reeponsible, of course You can and You should, its Just that It becomes blatant militancy making one single authority taking all the blame for a fucking HUGE country that has a FEDERAL state type ofPower organization in wich You have 27 fucking local goverments, all having political-administrstive and finantial indepedency. It is q collective responssbility.
The local goverment of São Paulo was all coveninet to promote Carnival, with all the arms wide open to recieve millions of tourists despite the vírus making a Lot of victims around the world, but funny How such facts never come across the minds of hypocritical people like You.
Ever masturbate using a half-wall glory hole?you do you
the thing is, if you don't keep the virus under control, the economy takes a hit even without lockdown.
i don't think anyone ever said that the lockdown is not an hurtful solution, but the covid issue ain't gonna solve itself
I am mostly a lurker at this site, but have followed this thread religiously since March. I felt the need to post this article I stumbled across today and also comment more generally:
I read a scientific journal (can't remember which one or else I'd link to it) back in early May that said similar. To me, articles like this are really positive, and I deeply wish that there was more discussion of what the long term strategy to manage this disease is.
I have many more thoughts on COVID, and the way this whole thing has been handled, masks, Fauci, all that. But I'll keep it to myself. Either way, I thought the above article was positive (and the most likely scenario), but no one in a leadership position or in the media is willing to really have a conversation about what this all means and what the end game and herd immunity looks like.
It's incredibly frustrating and infuriating as someone who has had a very difficult time dealing with this pandemic.
Jokes on you theyre just incompetent.
DeSantos did a pretty excellent job. They have flattened their curve. Look at their numbers. Deaths will lag cases , as always. But cases are down almost 50% from their highs. Total deaths are still well under 10,000 when Florida has a bit larger population than New York and its 35,000 deaths. And that’s without completely shredding the rights of his citizens.Jokes on you theyre just incompetent.
Odd to think its foul play when Desantis is holding steady on doing nothing at all to stop or slow the spread.
you have the freedom of choice when you are the only one impacted by said choice (and even that has limits, suicide is illegal for example, but that's more for the secondary consequences of the act becoming legal that an issue of freedom of choice)First there's no real way to know what would happen so it is very hard to discussion it. Second there is more to life than the economy. This has damaged society structurally. Freedoms people held very dearly are being cast aside. And not apologetically but with scorn being thrown at the people upset about it. Take this church in California:
Whether you agree with them or not is irrelevant. The first amendment is explicit about freedom of religion and the practice of religion.![]()
‘I Wish It Didn’t Have To Come To This’: CA Pastor Defies Restraining Order Against Indoor Church Service
The pastor of a church in California who was sued by county officials for holding indoor worship services said he intends to disobey a judge’s restraining order and continue holding services anyway. According to The Ventura County Star, Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Thousand...www.dailywire.com
Then you look at what the judge in California says from the article:
A big part of a religious person's life is wrapped up in their religion. To tell them they cannot practice their religion when the ultimate law of the land says they are allowed to, and then scorn them as essentially suicidal is disgusting to me. This whole enterprise of using the government to enforce public health to the absolute destruction of personal liberty is insane. If this virus, which while bad, in the grand scheme is pretty insignificant, is enough to cost us our liberty as people, then we didn't value our liberty much to begin with.
Yeah. See but that’s not how things work here. The idea a judge would say, “we’re throwing out the Constitution because people are getting sick” is a statement tantamount to declaring martial law. Because at the end the day the Constitution is the law here. It supersedes all state and local laws. If we are just going to ignore it when it’s inconvenient, it’s essentially meaningless to begin with.you have the freedom of choice when you are the only one impacted by said choice (and even that has limits, suicide is illegal for example, but that's more for the secondary consequences of the act becoming legal that an issue of freedom of choice)
you don't give people the freedom to choose at what speed to drive, for example.
I'm not american and i don't take your constitution in particular regard, but i pretty much doubt that it implies that people can endanger other with their behavior just to express their own freedom of choice, or religion, or whatever. If your religion would need human sacrifices, i'm pretty sure the constitution wouldn't protect the freedom of practice it (extreme example of course)
you might not think that the risk that covid brings is not enough to give away your freedom, but you live in a society where the needs of the society itself outweights the need of the individual, because the opposite is just anarchy, where everyone is free to do whatever he feels confortable doing regardless of the impact it has on others.
First there's no real way to know what would happen so it is very hard to discussion it. Second there is more to life than the economy. This has damaged society structurally. Freedoms people held very dearly are being cast aside. And not apologetically but with scorn being thrown at the people upset about it. Take this church in California:
Whether you agree with them or not is irrelevant. The first amendment is explicit about freedom of religion and the practice of religion.![]()
‘I Wish It Didn’t Have To Come To This’: CA Pastor Defies Restraining Order Against Indoor Church Service
The pastor of a church in California who was sued by county officials for holding indoor worship services said he intends to disobey a judge’s restraining order and continue holding services anyway. According to The Ventura County Star, Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Thousand...www.dailywire.com
Then you look at what the judge in California says from the article:
A big part of a religious person's life is wrapped up in their religion. To tell them they cannot practice their religion when the ultimate law of the land says they are allowed to, and then scorn them as essentially suicidal is disgusting to me. This whole enterprise of using the government to enforce public health to the absolute destruction of personal liberty is insane. If this virus, which while bad, in the grand scheme is pretty insignificant, is enough to cost us our liberty as people, then we didn't value our liberty much to begin with.
DeSantos did a pretty excellent job. They have flattened their curve. Look at their numbers. Deaths will lag cases , as always. But cases are down almost 50% from their highs. Total deaths are still well under 10,000 when Florida has a bit larger population than New York and its 35,000 deaths. And that’s without completely shredding the rights of his citizens.
Antonio Banderas reveals he has tested positive for coronavirus
The 60-year-old is best know for his roles in Desperado and The Mask of Zorro. He announced his coronavirus diagnosis on Instagram.www.dailymail.co.uk
Also of note: Many of these health officials at the state and local level have no medical background and seem to be from the beloved social sciences. I guess the goal is to shame diseases into checking their privilege.Especially when we are stacking it up against directives being set up by appointed health officials that no one has actually voted for.
the government forbidding religious worship is entirely anti-American."Worship at Walmart" has to be the most American thing I've ever heard of, but damn if that's not a potentially big business opportunity for Walmart.
DeSantos did a pretty excellent job.
Who cares about cases? If somebody gets sick and gets better, which almost everyone does, that’s not a tragedy. It’s like your want everyone to be locked inside to justify your own fear.Last state to close, first to open, not even a mask mandate.... What has he done?
Florida is the second worse state, only behind California - with almost twice the population at 39.5 mil to 21.5 mil - in case numbers.
DeSantis is a clown who wasn't even effected when Florida was breaking it's death count four days in a row.
Testing sites were shut down for the hurricane last week and schools opened today so I fear it's yet to get worse before it gets better; The Georgia school that made headlines for a student sharing a hallway pic has shutdown for cleaning after 9 cases there. :\
Then why is their death toll 25% of New York’s? I don’t care about cases. Cases only matter when they result in serious injury or death.Haha come on man you know nobody flattened anything in FL. The virus is running unimpeded through the state and is just has fewer people to infect.
Haha come on man you know nobody flattened anything in FL. The virus is running unimpeded through the state and is just has fewer people to infect.
Last state to close, first to open, not even a mask mandate.... What has he done?
Florida is the second worse state, only behind California - with almost twice the population at 39.5 mil to 21.5 mil - in case numbers.
DeSantis is a clown who wasn't even effected when Florida was breaking it's death count four days in a row.
Testing sites were shut down for the hurricane last week and schools opened today so I fear it's yet to get worse before it gets better; The Georgia school that made headlines for a student sharing a hallway pic has shutdown for cleaning after 9 cases there. :\
President of Brazil just saying to forget the 100k people dead and move on. Jesus Christ.
you have the freedom of choice when you are the only one impacted by said choice (and even that has limits, suicide is illegal for example, but that's more for the secondary consequences of the act becoming legal that an issue of freedom of choice)
you don't give people the freedom to choose at what speed to drive, for example.
I'm not american and i don't take your constitution in particular regard, but i pretty much doubt that it implies that people can endanger other with their behavior just to express their own freedom of choice, or religion, or whatever. If your religion would need human sacrifices, i'm pretty sure the constitution wouldn't protect the freedom of practice it (extreme example of course)
you might not think that the risk that covid brings is not enough to give away your freedom, but you live in a society where the needs of the society itself outweights the need of the individual, because the opposite is just anarchy, where everyone is free to do whatever he feels confortable doing regardless of the impact it has on others.
Antonio Banderas reveals he has tested positive for coronavirus
The 60-year-old is best know for his roles in Desperado and The Mask of Zorro. He announced his coronavirus diagnosis on Instagram.www.dailymail.co.uk
Vitamin D deficiency as a predictor of poor prognosis in patients with acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19 - Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
Purpose Hypovitaminosis D is a highly spread condition correlated with increased risk of respiratory tract infections. Nowadays, the world is in the grip of the Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID 19) pandemic. In these patients, cytokine storm is associated with disease severity. In consideration of...link.springer.com
Huh?Dr Campbell gonna be doing back flips.
Been taking that D since April. I have taken so much D they gonna nominate me for Porno star of the year LOL.
But for reals this has been discussed for months and no one is acting on it. I think its because this opens up a can of worms of certain melanin people who don't get enough D and no one wants to go down that road.
Dr Campbell gonna be doing back flips.
Been taking that D since April. I have taken so much D they gonna nominate me for Porno star of the year LOL.
But for reals this has been discussed for months and no one is acting on it. I think its because this opens up a can of worms of certain melanin people who don't get enough D and no one wants to go down that road.
I'm talking about the melanin thing. Why would telling people at risk for Vit D deficiency to take Vit D be "opening a can of worms"?
Also, Vitamin D supplementation has been recommended in North America for years.
Because black people in UK/North America have the highest level of Vit D deficiency. So saying that Vit D is a reason why they are dying at disproportionate rates (in the west) doesn't fit the narrative of economic/social/racisim. It points to a biological reason rather than a social one.
There is no reason both cant be true.
You do realize you just linked to an editorial that's just rehashing old data?![]()
Study: Sweden's Refusal To Lock Down Didn't Lose More Lives
Sweden has an intact economy, a citizenry with greater immunity to COVID-19, and a death rate per million lower than Italy — all with no lockdown.thefederalist.com
What’s the next goal post for all the doubters??? The data is starting to roll in and Sweden is so far ahead of everyone.
You do realize you just linked to an editorial that's just rehashing old data?
Despite Sweden being "better off", it has an economy that is just as bad as its Nordic neighbours who did lock down, and despite "nearly achieving herd immunity" it's seeing a rise in cases again.
Study: Sweden's Refusal To Lock Down Didn't Lose More Lives
Sweden has an intact economy, a citizenry with greater immunity to COVID-19, and a death rate per million lower than Italy — all with no lockdown.thefederalist.com
What’s the next goal post for all the doubters??? The data is starting to roll in and Sweden is so far ahead of everyone.
I’ve been taking D3 since March. Regular D doesn’t do shit, dickface.Dr Campbell gonna be doing back flips.
Been taking that D since April. I have taken so much D they gonna nominate me for Porno star of the year LOL.
But for reals this has been discussed for months and no one is acting on it. I think its because this opens up a can of worms of certain melanin people who don't get enough D and no one wants to go down that road.