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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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So I read earlier in the thread something about the DLC armor not being able to have the helmet removed during play through?

Any confirmation on this for those that have finished the game with the dlc armor?
EmCeeGramr said:

Tentacle porn :lol :lol :lol


"This one would like to insert his tentacle into her hole"
Foliorum Viridum said:
At the moment, I'm doing okay on Insanity. I'd quite like to do it, so I'm sticking with it, but fuck, the Mako sections are even more frustrating than before. It's the only aspect of the game I genuinely dislike and those rocket towers are deadly if more than one can hit you at a time. I spent five minutes earlier hitting a rocket tower, driving backwards down a ditch to avoid three rockets, then slowly creeping back up and repeating the process.

I hear ya, that thing is an abomination. Piece of shit decides to reverse the controls at the worst possible moments and the mounted gun can't hit jack, and if by chance you do it's damage is weak as fuck. Most frustrating part of my current run through of the original as well. But like others have said, just get out and if you have assassination, snipe the hell out of them.


Enduin said:
Mako should never kill anything, it should only be used to soften up Armatures, Colossi and Thresher Maws, onces they are close to death you should take them down yourself, cause they net you some great exp. Outside of the Mako Colossi and Threshers can be pretty tough to take out on your own, they soak up a lot of bullets.
Thanks guys. Well now I know I should have picked sniper over lift on my eng. Feros will just be pain I guess.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
"geoffkeighley Finished Mass Effect 2 - Casey & the BioWare team have outdone themselves. What a thrilling, genre-defining game. Don't miss it."

man im so excited!!!!11!! 2 more days!


Subitai said:
Thanks guys. Well now I know I should have picked sniper over lift on my eng. Feros will just be pain I guess.
Garrus or Ashley can sometimes be pretty good snipers - the problem is just the placement so they don't get hit by the rockets or armature's beams.

I was rocking a high ledge sniping at a colossi when suddenly it went down while I was waiting for the overheat to finish - turns out Garrus was sniping all the time besides me.


No bald cap? Lies!
Subitai said:
Thanks guys. Well now I know I should have picked sniper over lift on my eng. Feros will just be pain I guess.

Lifts not bad, it works quite well on the Armatures if its high enough. You get them in the air hit em with an overload and then just blast into them and theyre done. It also helps that the enemies are on two different levels on the Feros roadways, so you can use that to your advantage by taking the guys out on top first by hugging the right wall and then going after the guys on the lower level.
ZealousD said:
Ugh, I wish we had more information about all the romance options in this game. It's the only major decision I'm conflicted on. I am extremely tempted to
cheat on Ashley with Miranda
but without knowing the potential consequences I'm torn!

I'm in the same boat. Are we limited to a set number of romances (like the first game) or has it been opened up like DA:O where we can hit and quit as much (intergalactic) tail as we want?

So many questions...can't wait until Steam unlocks my Digital Deluxe on Tuesday.


listen to the mad man
Dax01 said:
For those who have the game - Is Insanity fair in being hard or is it unfair in being hard?

I am also curious about this. When I played ME1, I did my first run on whatever the third difficulty was, my second run on the fourth difficulty (Veteran?), and my third run on Insanity, using NG+, so my only experience with Insanity was as a Level 60 character.

I figure I'll start ME2 on Insanity (my import save is level 50) but if the difficulty is not enjoyable I'll wait for NG+ to tackle it.


pixel monkey said:
I'm in the same boat. Are we limited to a set number of romances (like the first game) or has it been opened up like DA:O where we can hit and quit as much (intergalactic) tail as we want?

So many questions...can't wait until Steam unlocks my Digital Deluxe on Tuesday.
Romance spoilers:
Male: Miranda, SuZe, Tali
Female:Jacob, Thane, Garrus

Both: Kelly

Quite a lot of tail to catch actually.
Arde5643 said:
Romance spoilers:
Male: Miranda, SuZe, Tali
Female:Jacob, Thane, Garrus

Both: Kelly

Quite a lot of tail to catch actually.

Kelly isn't a true romance option though, is she? I thought she was a "fling" like the consort in ME1.
Arde5643 said:
Romance spoilers:
Male: Miranda, SuZe, Tali
Female:Jacob, Thane, Garrus

Both: Kelly

Quite a lot of tail to catch actually.

So awesome. You hit
all of them
in a single
male or female
playthrough? :lol


Neo Member
Arde5643 said:
Romance spoilers:
Male: Miranda, SuZe, Tali
Female:Jacob, Thane, Garrus

Both: Kelly

Quite a lot of tail to catch actually.

how the hell do you get Kelly! Her convo paths always led to a dead end...

also, how'd you get the fish? Finished the whole game, but never found them
Inferno313 said:
Kelly isn't a true romance option though, is she? I thought she was a "fling" like the consort in ME1.

Kelly is the Normandy bicycle, apparently. Everybody gets a ride. She's quite the space whore.
Wow that trailer posted a few pages back was damn epic, I seriously want to play this game but first of all need to complete the first game, had it on a monthly rental plan and not played it since then, about half way in.

Need to go out and buy it now, like, right now.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
pixel monkey said:
So awesome. You hit
all of them
in a single
male or female
playthrough? :lol

I'd like to know the answer to this too please.
Is it possible after
bedding Kelly, the all too eager to please assistant,
can Shepard then
avoid her calls, steer clear of her entirely...and essentially pretend that she dropped off the face of the earth?

You know, for the sake of...um...realism.
Dax01 said:
For those who have the game - Is Insanity fair in being hard or is it unfair in being hard?

I don't know if it's unfair, but the game seems noticeably more difficult than the first one. I played through on hardcore, and I died more than I ever did in ME1. As a Vanguard I had to be patient with my biotic charge, one stupid one and it can be game over.
Enduin said:
Yes. Over 100 decisions made in ME can carry over into ME2. Things big and small will be different based on what you did in ME. People from ME will recognize you in ME2 and will love you or hate you depending how you treated them in ME and other things will be different depending what you chose to do. It by no means ruins the game, but if you can import a save its definitely worth it and will make the game and galaxy more personal.

Anyone know if I can choose which save to import?
I started out the game with the a good run, but on my latest save, I did a evil run & I want to choose the good ending on ME2.
CaLe said:
This fascination with banging virtual chicks disturbs me, but hey.. Whatever works for ya.

I'm guessing you're not married, right? :lol

EDIT: I ask because this is as close as I can get to cheating on my wife. (Almost) all the fun, but with none of the guilt. :D


See You Next Wednesday said:
Anyone know if I can choose which save to import?
I started out the game with the a good run, but on my latest save, I did a evil run & I want to choose the good ending on ME2.

Every playthrough you finish counts as a separate save file for you to import, it doesn't matter if you use the same character.


No bald cap? Lies!
See You Next Wednesday said:
Anyone know if I can choose which save to import?
I started out the game with the a good run, but on my latest save, I did a evil run & I want to choose the good ending on ME2.

Yes you can choose. The game saves up to 11 end game files and they give you a selection screen which gives you the run down of the major decisions in each save.


Gunnery Chief Ashley just called me from Gamestop Alliance to tell me that my C.E Copy of M.E2 will be available for pickup in Tuesday morning! :D


Tier Whore
As much as I think this game is a masterpiece, I still wonder why everything is so streamlined. I remember RPG's back im the day having hard multi path dungeons you actually had to map to get out of or you had to use your brain to create special strategies to defeat certain tough ennemies or bosses. Phantasy star 1 and 2 come to mind, it wouldn t even need so much extra ressources as the art for the dungeon are already made...

Sure you can put the game on a higher difficulty but all the choices and strategies are still nowhere to be found. Game is pretty long, but imagine how long it would of been if this was not just another walk in the park... kind of miss the old days when finishing a game was a real adventure, not just a die reload back 5 secs and play again with no real strategy...:(
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I hear ya, that thing is an abomination. Piece of shit decides to reverse the controls at the worst possible moments and the mounted gun can't hit jack, and if by chance you do it's damage is weak as fuck. Most frustrating part of my current run through of the original as well. But like others have said, just get out and if you have assassination, snipe the hell out of them.
I'm assuming assassination is for a different class other than Soldier. :( I tried sniping them once but didn't really have much success.

I probably should experiment with class in ME2. I've never played as anything other than a Soldier in the original, which is pretty fucking stupid really.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
@guys is it possible to have multiple romantic partners this time around or are you still restricted to choosing one at the end ?
Foliorum Viridum said:
I probably should experiment with class in ME2. I've never played as anything other than a Soldier in the original, which is pretty fucking stupid really.

Vanguard is full of so much win. Even more so now that they've added that charge.


chandoog said:
@guys is it possible to have multiple romantic partners this time around or are you still restricted to choosing one at the end ?

I tried with Jack (Subject Zero) and Miranda and Jack wouldn't have anything to do with me as long as I had something going on with Miranda.

Jack WAS up for casual sex, however.
Arde5643 said:
Romance spoilers:
Male: Miranda, SuZe, Tali
Female:Jacob, Thane, Garrus

Both: Kelly

Quite a lot of tail to catch actually.
wait, who is suze? Can male sheps not tap subject zero/jack?

edit, never mind, just got your abbreviation :lol
Okay, first off, keep in mind that I'm not a huge Mass Effect 1 fan. I absolutely loved the story, and that's really what kept me holding on throughout it. Second, I have not kept up at all with the hype for this one, watched any real trailers, visited the threads, etc. etc... I'm going in fresh and untainted by marketing/hyperbole of how improved the game is or whatever else people are saying.

Anyway, now that I've got that out of the way, I have to say that overall I'm a bit disappointed with the game. The story is as great as ever (which was, again, the best part of the first game as well), but the gameplay...

My main gripes with the first game were as follows:
- Exploring planets was pointless and repetitive; it was literally the same shit EVERY TIME.
- The game didn't give you much incentive to use other characters aside from your default team (whatever that may be), mainly due to the equipment system.
- gunplay was meh, and the retarded friendly AI didn't help in those situations.

In this game, they've "rectified" all three of my complaints:
- by removing the planet exploring mechanic entirely (at least, I haven't found a single explorable planet yet) - all you can do now is play a shitty Planet Scanning mini-game which is just as repetitive and even more monotonous than the exploration in the first game.
- by SEVERELY dumbing down the equipment/inventory system. You can't collect weapons anymore like in a standard RPG. Instead, you unlock weapons for universal use by your team, and upgrade them based on class (Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, etc. - think BioShock).
- by adding ammo clips to weapons. Wait, what? That wasn't what was wrong with the gunplay of the first game - it was just wonky and didn't really feel right in the game, especially because your AI teammates were incompetent. It had nothing to do with the amount of shots you can take - what were you trying to make here, BioWare? Gears of Mass Effect? I really don't get what they were trying to improve here by adding clips - it just makes it into more of an action game than ever.
On the bright side, at least the friendly AI is much improved.

As for the "MW2 strawberry jam" screen: it helps. The shield/health UI is located on the bottom center of the screen (horrible position for it, IMO) and is a pain in the ass to look at in the middle of a heated battle - the strawberry jam helps a lot during those moments, but I'm afraid you're shit out of luck when it comes to teammate status unless you're looking right at their tiny UI icons.

Overall, I'm enjoying the game, but I'm really hating some of these "improvements" (read: steps back) over the first one. It feels less like an RPG than ever, and more like Resident Evil 5 over 4 (in other words, action-ized). At this rate, Mass Effect 3 will be a straight-up TPS with a conversation mini-game.

Alec said:
Yes, Jack is tappable. It's quite a hot scene, too. Violent. =)
Really?? :lol

I thought it was hilarious, and reminded me of the Terminator 2 fight scene in the mall between Arnie and the T-1000.


Revolutionary said:
In this game, they've "rectified" all three of my complaints:
- by removing the planet exploring mechanic entirely (at least, I haven't found a single explorable planet yet) - all you can do now is play a shitty Planet Scanning mini-game which is just as repetitive and even more monotonous than the exploration in the first game.

You only have to probe planets if you need the minerals...otherwise, you can skip it. However, there are hidden missions on some planets that show up as "anomalies" when you scan. When you find it, you land on the planet and do (usually) a pretty cool side quest.
Overall, I'm enjoying the game, but I'm really hating some of these "improvements" (read: steps back) over the first one. It feels less like an RPG than ever, and more like Resident Evil 5 over 4 (in other words, action-ized). At this rate, Mass Effect 3 will be a straight-up TPS with a conversation mini-game.

Best news ever. God I can't wait for this game.
Peff said:
Every playthrough you finish counts as a separate save file for you to import, it doesn't matter if you use the same character.

Ah thanks for the clarification. I loaded up me ME 1 save yesterday and saw that I was level 52 around the time you find Liana so I thought I may as well push on through to 60.
So I'll be able to choose both my level 40-something and 60 endings with the same character?


No bald cap? Lies!
DarkoMaledictus said:
As much as I think this game is a masterpiece, I still wonder why everything is so streamlined. I remember RPG's back im the day having hard multi path dungeons you actually had to map to get out of or special strategies to defeating certain tough ennemies or bosses. Phantasy star 1 and 2 come to mind, it wouldn t even need so much extra ressources as the art for the dungeon is already made, just need to multi-patch it...

Sure you can put the game on a higher difficulty but all the choices and strategies are still nowhere to be found. Game is pretty long, but imagine how long it would of been if this was not just another walk in the park... kind of miss the old days when finishing a game was a real adventure, not just a die reload back 5 secs and play again with no real strategy...:(

Well thats what those games do, not what this game does. Its not an old school RPG, or even just an RPG, its a Shooter-RPG, strategy is supposed to be done on the fly, its about action and pressure, not methodical planning. You react to the situation, and unless theyve put in a ton more check points into the game than there was in ME death should still be a pain and run the risk of throwing you back sometimes 30 minutes if you forget to save on you own. You could never just run and gun in ME, you had to utilize cover and abilities.

I dont know why so many people have a hard time understanding that the ME series isnt an RPG franchise. Its an evolution of Shooters and RPGs meant to combine the action and adrenaline of shooters with the story and character development of RPGs. Its not meant to be an RPG where you shoot things instead of hacking them with a sword.
Revolutionary said:
Okay, first off, keep in mind that I'm not a huge Mass Effect 1 fan. I absolutely loved the story, and that's really what kept me holding on throughout it. Second, I have not kept up at all with the hype for this one, watched any real trailers, visited the threads, etc. etc... I'm going in fresh and untainted by marketing/hyperbole of how improved the game is or whatever else people are saying.

Anyway, now that I've got that out of the way, I have to say that overall I'm a bit disappointed with the game.

Thanks for the impressions. From your opening, it sounds like I'm the exact opposite Mass Effect player and fan. I could never get enough info or video on ME2 and have been rabbid for it since finishing the first, my personal 2007 GOTY.

Like I said, to each his own and thanks again for your thoughts on the game.


OmegaFactor said:
Best news ever. God I can't wait for this game.


Like there aren't enough GoW clones out there already, we don't need Mass Effect 3 turning into a regular TPS. No thanks :\
Alec said:
You only have to probe planets if you need the minerals...otherwise, you can skip it. However, there are hidden missions on some planets that show up as "anomalies" when you scan. When you find it, you land on the planet and do (usually) a pretty cool side quest.
Well yeah, I've run into one of those planets but it was tied to a mission (I was sent there to locate the anomaly and whatnot).

Are you suggesting that there will be other planets that I can just happen upon randomly that will have anomalies as well?
Or are they all mission-specific like the one I already did? If so, then my original opinion stands - it blows... and yes, I know it's optional.
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