Alright, just finished the game, later than everyone else. Great shit! I guess I'll do a mini-review of it:
+ The dialogue/writing was overall really fucking good in every respect. Bioware are great at making characters you want to listen to and have in your party... well, except Jack. Very solid cast all-around, perhaps their best cast yet (if you don't count BG2). The VA is generally amazing too.
+ The combat is much improved over the predecessor, which was a clumsy-as-shit 3rd person shooter. While not nearly as good as
"true" 3rd person cover-based shooters, it still is great.
+ Lengthy game, with lots to do. There was also a lot of proper role-playing too, which I was afraid would take the shaft.
+ The action choices were a nice addition, and added another dimension to the already-great dialogue system in this series.
+ The lack of inventory clutter was a bit disappointing at first (I like to collect shit in RPG's), but eventually you realized this was better. You essentially saved a lot of time by not having to worry about stacking crap (especially since your inventory could become full in ME1, one of the biggest idiot moves in recent gaming history

+ The aesthetics were top-notch, and so was the audio. Great voice acting, and superb art direction; the scope of some areas were amazing, and downright awe-inspiring. Though there was also a problem with this, more on that later.
+ Sidequests and side areas were actually unique this time around! Much improved over the rehash-rehash-rehash sidequests and planets from the first game. There were a few too many collect-and-return quests here though, too simplistic.
+ The endgame was EPIC. Both the first game and this one have fucking epic endgames; I even think I prefer this one more. I was on the edge of my seat for pretty much the whole time. Also, the end boss, while looking a bit stupid, was badass.
- The dialogue system is too transparent and needs a revamp; left side = investigate, right hand side = progress, upper right corner = paragon, lower right = renegade. This makes several choices too black and white, and Bioware needs to make it more subtle for the next game.
- The sense of proper exploration was lost in the sequel. While the Mako driving was boring in the first one, at least you felt you were exploring this vast universe. The galaxy map and the probe/fuel management aspect only made this thought worse.
- The mining, ugghhh. So slow and so boring (and I can't even imagine putting up with the 360 version's supposedly über-slow scanning). This wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the fact that the sidequests were hidden on planets that you had to scan. You might say that EDI clearly spelled out "anomaly detected", but the problem here is, if you choose "Enter Orbit" for a planet, it counts as explored, and the OCD in me didn't want this unless I reached "Depleted" status for it. It would've helped if simply hovering above a planet mentioned its current resource status instead of you having to visit it, enter its orbit and check there, which is painfully slow.
- The environments themselves in the combat scenarios were often very bland and flat. Boxes upon boxes upon boxes, and too much dirt and grime made them boring to fight in.
- The weapon picking system was worse than in the first game. While there were barely any real differences between weapons in the first game, at least it clearly showed performance differences. Since there's no weapon range in ME2, you had to try each weapon out in a mission to properly know how it stacks up. The information for each weapon was simply lacking, a minor annoyance.
- Male Shepard's voice acting. He still sticks out as crap compared to all the other solid VA's. Had to restart after two hours.
Random thoughts:
? It would've been sweet if you could meet those big flying insect-monsters (the ones that drop the red exploding bugs). Overall, a bit more enemy variety would've been cool.
? What's with all the family issues in the posse? :lol
? I've experienced surprisingly many geometry glitches in this game, and even lost a couple of hours progress once or twice. And one of the times I didn't even bump into some geometry!
? Too bad the rain from the Jack sidequest wasn't used in other places, it looked great.
? Eventhough the combat is much improved, I still felt it was a bit simplistic. I may chalk it up to the Soldier class (which I picked), so I'm reserving a proper judgment until I've tried some other class in the future.
? The lack of a working scroll wheel in the PC version is baffling.
Anyway, a very good game, and much, much improved over the first one (which was a 7/10 game at best in my book) in almost every aspect. If I had to slap a score on this game, it would probably be a 9/10.