TheRagnCajun said:
I did loyalty missions, but not the ones you mentioned. The innate problem with black and white moral systems is that they barely provide more choice than not having a moral system at all. Especially in a game that rewards you for max/min'ing your alignment. Its like you say to yourself 'I want to unlock all the evil alignment options' in which case you must be a complete dick through the game to make that happen, you don't really have the freedom to do something nice once in a while, and you're never challenged to wrestle with your own morality like a good WRPG can do.
That's a fair point, particularly if you don't import a save from ME1. The Renegade Option -> Renegade Points -> More Renegade Options loop can definitely cut down on your ability to play the game how you'd like. You've got a lot more freedom if you have a save to import, though.
Personally, after importing
my ME1 Shepard, she had no problems
choosing whichever option I felt was best. I think the only choices I was ever locked out of were the Paragon option to solve the Legion/Tali dispute (Renegade was open) and talking Zaeed into being loyal after doing the Paragon route in his mission (mostly because I did it after every other mission and by then the requirement had scaled up pretty ridiculously).
On the one hand, it's kind of a cool bonus to get to do that because I imported a good mixed-alignment Shepard, but on the other, if you don't have a proper ME1 import or you're starting fresh, you
are unfortunately limited to going one way or the other.
And yeah, definitely check out those loyalty missions if you go back to the game. Those three are some of the best missions in the game, storywise. (Femshep absolutely
flips the fuck out in the Renegade conclusion to Tali's, and the end of Garrus's mission has some of the best-directed camera work in the game, particularly if you take the Paragon route or drag it out for a while before going for the Renegade conclusion).