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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator

Just finished the game...wow.

I've been saying that a lot lately, huh?

I wanted to hate this game, I wanted to hate it to justify my recent 360 hatred. The technical problems, they're soooo obvious and even when they suck you out of the experience, its still amazing, the emotion, drama, and romance in the game, you DO care about the characters.

PLEASE smooth the next game out technically. I've had glitch after glitch and it just reminded me that I was playing a game, and a very unpolished one at that (brings me back to the KOTOR 2 days....mmmmm.) But DAMN does Bioware know how to tell a story, and DAMN do they know how to make it fun to play RPGs.

I loved KOTOR, I love Mass Effect. The only problem outside of the tech problems was when
I left Kaiden behind with the nuke on the planet, and what should have been such a dramatic moment, it was so anti-climatic. Joker's just like "Yeeeeeah, we're outta here", they show a blank look on your character's face, you fly away and boom, that's it. Horrible editing at that part, that should have been the climax of the game but....oh well.

But mhmm, awesome game, it's a pleasure experiencing games like this, always a pleasure and one hell of a top off of a great year. :D :D :D


slept with Malkin
Quick question, what determines the number of shield bars you get by your life bar? Also, the Matriarch is a bitch...


slept with Malkin
Xevren said:
Pretty sure the number of shields you have determines how many bars you have.

I guess what I meant is, how do you increase the amount of shield bars? Is it just through normal leveling?


Upgrade your body armor, level up your armor skill (unless you're a sentinel, in which case you can't), or cast barrier. There's some upgrades for your body armor that will up your shields too.
Beaten so uh...yeah

This game definitely belongs in my 100 favorite games, but not in my 100 best games list.

Then again I can't think of any action RPGs in my top 100 best games list. That's a terribly difficult genre to develop.


purgeface said:
I guess what I meant is, how do you increase the amount of shield bars? Is it just through normal leveling?

Wear better armor. Better quality armor has more shielding, and heavy armor tends to have more DR OR more Shields than medium, medium more than light. As soon as you can get it, Predator armor tends to have the best shielding, I've found.

Armor upgrades like Shield Generator and all its future iterations will net you a modest => huge boost to shield power.

Barrier will give you a temporary shield boost.

Electronics gives 30 SP per rank.
So I just spent the last, I unno, 6 hours doing nothing but side quests before the 4th quest planet and I'm ready to call this my GOTY. They absofuckinglutely nailed the Mako segments. It's such a simple concept, yet so fun in execution. Everytime I go bouncing around some unknown world hoping to stumble upon a rare metal or blast some Geth it's just damn enjoyable. Plus, as bland as the graphics are indoors, the outworld areas are totally fucking gorgeous. I'm still amazed by how good each planet looks, and I'm sure I'm on like my 20th or so at least by now. This game is fucking beautiful.


Son of Godzilla said:
So I just spent the last, I unno, 6 hours doing nothing but side quests before the 4th quest planet and I'm ready to call this my GOTY. They absofuckinglutely nailed the Mako segments. It's such a simple concept, yet so fun in execution. Everytime I go bouncing around some unknown world hoping to stumble upon a rare metal or blast some Geth it's just damn enjoyable. Plus, as bland as the graphics are indoors, the outworld areas are totally fucking gorgeous. I'm still amazed by how good each planet looks, and I'm sure I'm on like my 20th or so at least by now. This game is fucking beautiful.

Count me in for someone else who loved the exploration too. I love exploration in games in general (like in SotC or TP), and flying around space to distant planets in the galaxy was a real treat. I really loved chugging up a steep hill, blasting off the top, and crashing down haphazardly far from where I started.


Edag Plata said:
The only problem outside of the tech problems was when
I left Kaiden behind with the nuke on the planet, and what should have been such a dramatic moment, it was so anti-climatic. Joker's just like "Yeeeeeah, we're outta here", they show a blank look on your character's face, you fly away and boom, that's it. Horrible editing at that part, that should have been the climax of the game but....oh well.

but... but... the music in the Normandy afterwards... that's gotta count for something!

and you let Ash live? Gah


medze said:
but... but... the music in the Normandy afterwards... that's gotta count for something!

and you let Ash live? Gah

Why in God's name would you save Kaidan? He's worse than Carth.


AniHawk said:
Why in God's name would you save Kaidan? He's worse than Carth.
Ashley is a total bitch. The only reason I saved her ass (after thinking about it. At first, I let her die protecting the bomb and told her to die hard) was because of her abilities. Annoying bitch with an annoying voice.
After the conversation where she basically referred to all Aliens as "dogs" I gave up on her. Given the choice I hope Kaidan lives to see Mass Effect 2 so he can die in the intro like Jenkins.


Are there any decent english in-game screenshots (not watermarked, of course) for Mass Effect out there? The official ones are almost all staged. :(


Anyone know if there is Colossus armor for Quarian? I just need to get that and Heavy for Humans. I'll be all set with everyone having all HMVS X weapons and Colossus armor. :D


Just finished it and it's pretty much my favourite game in years.

One thing I loved, which I may be mistaken about was the
side quest about the keepers, which seemed to tie into the main storyline
. Really well done.


Question about Virmire.
In the salarian camp there is a computer you can hack into if you have the skills (your own character). Is there a quest in there? If yes, can I get it from anywhere else?


Ok, started and finished Feros last night. Pretty awesome. Pain in the ass final fight though. Those damn Asari clones! Anyways, my party is at level 21, and it just now finally feels like my Shepard is becoming a bad ass. Lift is much fun to play with. Off to Noveria next, then Virmire!


Wow @ all the Ashley hate. Two different games for two different people confirmed. Ash is such an awesome character. Like Garrus and a few of the others, she acts very differently depending on your choices.

Like, if you choose to flirt with both Ash and Liara then Ash's jealousy / frustration with Liara will manifest itself in a kind of ugly way.

Certain other characters are more predefined. Like Wrex. Fucker just always does what he wants. :lol

Besides, a lot of the game's "racism" is fairly justified when the way the council is set up is inherently racist, ignoring individual civilizations or individual people and focusing only on whole species. When each species is only spoken about as a collective (where the actions of one or a few are broadly applied to all their peers) and given token, non-democratic participation on a lawmaking body that affects the whole galaxy, that's pretty fucked up. :lol

This guys aren't wholesome, sterilized Star Trek races. This ain't the Federation of Planets. Asari may easily fill the role of the Space Elves / Vulcans, but the rest doesn't fall in so nicely. Our first contact wasn't benevolent.

The council races are incredibly racist and smug. Hell, the Turian Councilor just flat out doesn't like you and doesn't want you as a Spectre regardless of any qualifications just because you're a human. The C-Sec chief admits to basically despising humans. Avina calls you a "lesser species." Turians are the only ones allowed to have a significant number of dreadnaughts

The Turians and Humans tend to be the worst - you're supposed to recognize how noteworthy characters like Captain Anderson and Nihlus are for rising above their differences. But that doesn't prevent, say, the volus from joining int.

For the most part, other than Terra Firma, the human concerns about aliens given unfiltered access to a ship that costs hundreds of billions of galactic credits are quite valid. Do we, the United States generally allow Chinese soldiers access to top secret facilities and skunkworks vessels? Is that racist? But I mean, come on, we're U.N. allies, what could possibly go wrong, why not just show them everything? >_>

Kaidan isn't half bad either, but like Carth, interaction with him is kind of bland if you're not female. Same way with Ash if you're female.
Finished my first play through last night. Just under 29 hours, level 49 and all assignments except one. I couldnt find the temple that requires a key to open nor these monkeys that every one was talking about, but I did get Kaiden and Ashley ally achievements in one go. Getting the other allys is going to be a pain.

When you start a new game with the same character, Does it change the difficulty to Hardcore? or do I have to change it in the options? I didnt get a change to check this question out cause I finished late last night.
Uncle said:
Question about Virmire.
In the salarian camp there is a computer you can hack into if you have the skills (your own character). Is there a quest in there? If yes, can I get it from anywhere else?

I noticed that too. Made me regret taking Ashley with me instead of Kaiden, I hope someone can answer this.


Toonami 99 said:
I noticed that too. Made me regret taking Ashley with me instead of Kaiden, I hope someone can answer this.

Wait, can you go back to it? Damn. I thought you could only get to it in the beginning when you are moving without you squad. Oh well. I'll check it next time while grinding my soldier to level 60.


JayDubya said:
Wow @ all the Ashley hate. Two different games for two different people confirmed. Ash is such an awesome character. Like Garrus and a few of the others, she acts very differently depending on your choices.

Where is the hate? Shes the only character I bother talking to after each mission. Then again, Im setting her up for some renegade buttsecks, so perhaps my motives arent the most honest :lol
Been loving the game, but I've come across this random bug that leaves me stuck on a black screen. Its from a side quest where your taking out Geth outposts. On the last one when I destroy the last bugger it goes to a black screen and stays there. I've done this mission three times and it does the same thing. Anyone know anything about this?

This game fully reminds me of PSO from the sounds, loading screens and the 360 noise helps reproduce the DC noisy laser.

Edit: ok when you leave the building and get attacked by the geth, do not kill all of them with the Mako or else you will get stuff on a black screen where a cut scene should play.


Solo said:
Where is the hate? Shes the only character I bother talking to after each mission. Then again, Im setting her up for some renegade buttsecks, so perhaps my motives arent the most honest :lol

You should talk to Garrus, Wrex and Tali as well. You'll get quests and occasionally some XP.


Solo said:
As long as I dont need to talk to Carth, er, Kaiden.

I don't think that the romance characters have any other quests (than the sex), but IIRC you can get some XP from talking to them as well.


Ok I have beaten this game left right and middle...One question though...

Since I have had relations with Lliara as female Shepard and Ashley as male Sheppard the only one left off the bang bus would be Kaiden...

So if I am female Sheppard and i bang out Kaiden is it my characters ass on the screen (since the Lliara and Ashley animations are the same) or is there an entirely new scene?

That is one of the only things I did not do.


Unconfirmed Member
PepsimanVsJoe said:
After the conversation where she basically referred to all Aliens as "dogs" I gave up on her. Given the choice I hope Kaidan lives to see Mass Effect 2 so he can die in the intro like Jenkins.

Did she really say that?
The only reference to a dog I can remember was when she talked about the aliens and how they will leave humanity standing alone when and if it serves their own best interests. She then used the analogy of being attacked by a bear and how you would send your dog at the bear and then flee. Then she explained that you may love your dog, but he isn't human.

As for Jenkins, he was the ME version of a Star Trek ensign in the red shirt. The one that always dies first in the landing parties.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I have spent about 5 hours with the game and the combat is still really, really frustrating. It gives me a headache. I played and greatly enjoyed the KOTOR games but I just can't get into this one, even though the writing and concept are unique and I want to see more of the plot. But it just feels like work, so I'm not going to finish it. Maybe playing so many shooters recently is the culprit. Ironically I will probably sell this off for UT3.


Chili Con Carnage!
Guileless said:
I have spent about 5 hours with the game and the combat is still really, really frustrating. It gives me a headache. I played and greatly enjoyed the KOTOR games but I just can't get into this one, even though the writing and concept are unique and I want to see more of the plot. But it just feels like work, so I'm not going to finish it. Maybe playing so many shooters recently is the culprit. Ironically I will probably sell this off for UT3.

When you start using the powers rather than the guns it makes a lot more sense. I much prefer the combat to KOTOR, in KOTOR i was always just wishing the combat would end so I could get on with the conversations. Here Im actually disapointed there isn't an 'arena' mini-game of some description to let me fight continuously.


About Ashley and the dog comment.

The humans are the "dogs" in this case.

She was saying that the Council races viewed humans (and other species) as lesser beings and would quite willingly sacrifice them if they needed to in order to save themselves.

This is rather true with in-game history as well. Consider how the Rachni threat dictated elevating the Krogan's technological level and training them in order to have soldiers that could capably fight on the Rachni colonized worlds and homeworld.

Then the Krogan bred and colonized out of control, revolting against the council's central authority.

The Salarians and Asari defaulted to their "Alien race being a problem? GENOCIDE!" position pretty quickly, bringing in the Turians.

The Turians no doubt know the score and are concerned that they won't get to be the favorite pet of the big two anymore.

In short, they do tend to sic their "dogs" on people and then they're more than happy to "euthanize" their "dogs" afterwards.

Honestly, the council races' leaders have a long history of being total assholes. So Ash isn't wrong to worry.


Did anyone catch the Falling Down easter egg?

On the elevator ride after dealing with
Exogeni Corp
the mention that the companies stock is 'falling down' and that it was not 'economically viable' to continue operations...

Since Falling Down is a great movie it stuck out to me...now i wonder what other movie/easter eggs there are.


Just beat the game. First play-through, took about..
56 or 58 hours. >_< In my defense, i explored the hell outta the galaxy :lol

As for the choices I made, my Shepard - Earthborn/War-hero/Soldier - was 90%+ paragon, saved the council, killed kaiden :D, Screwed over Ubina; yada yada. Did Feros --> Digsite --> Noveria. Got completionist and solider ally simultaneously midway through Noveria; got Tali at the end of the mission.
Loved the game.

*sigh* I need my Mass Effect 2. Guess I'll give Hardcore a run.

One slightly annoying tidbit...

Played with Ashley all the time. I mean.. all the time. And yet.. I got blue-girl loving. -__- I even told her a) Ash was special. b) I just wanted to be friends. But she wouldn't stop throwing it at me. Bah.


Ephemeris said:
Played with Ashley all the time. I mean.. all the time. And yet.. I got blue-girl loving. -__- I even told her a) Ash was special. b) I just wanted to be friends. But she wouldn't stop throwing it at me. Bah.

Really? Fuck.
Do you have to flat-out tell Liara you hate her, or what?

I think the romance tracking score in this game must be screwed up compared to other games.
JayDubya said:
Really? Fuck.
Do you have to flat-out tell Liara you hate her, or what?

I think the romance tracking score in this game must be screwed up compared to other games.

Nop, I just didn't talk to Ashley, and just talked to Liara about her and shits, and she got with me.

I even played the game with Garrus and Ashley entirely.


JayDubya said:
Really? Fuck.
Do you have to flat-out tell Liara you hate her, or what?

I think the romance tracking score in this game must be screwed up compared to other games.

I never spoke to Liara just to ensure I get Ash. And I did.
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