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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


Everything I've seen about this game makes me think its designers are huge fans of the old PC title Sentinel Worlds (and that's a HUGE compliment).


Just finished it and what a trip it was. Only complaint I have would be the framerate drops. Everything else was top class. Also the last couple sequences might be the best ending in a game I have ever played. The way it ramps up is incredible.

Bioware, please, please, please dont farm out the sequels to other teams like with KOTOR.
Sol.. said:
There needs to be a new thread for the novaria fight.

Cuz every couple pages theres someone askin' about it and it gets buried quick.

I know when i asked way back I got like no answer. I ended up just lucking out. I feel peoples pain when I see em ask about it. It's just plain fucked.

My plan was running like hell with barrier on and a shotgun out and letting my crew clean up
I was having a great time with this game until I got to that point, then there was mucho frustration, many reloads, and I contemplated chucking my controller out the window. Spent a couple of hours trying to beat it, and I finally gave up because I need some sleep.

I have a level 14 infiltrator with Ashley and Wrex, and I'm stuck on the second part. I can take down the matriarch about 50% of the time, but by the time I finish her off, I've used medi-gel (so it won't be up for a while) and I get smoked by the commandos. They just bum rush me and are shooting me in the back by the time I kill her. Plus, there isn't a lot of cover up on the platform, so they shoot me the whole time they're running up towards me.

Not sure what to do. Any suggestions? I don't know if I should initially run away and try to take the commandos first. I tried that a couple of times and can't get far enough away to find some cover. The location of the battle makes it tough for me because I'm more of a stop-and-pop player.

Oh, and the fact that I have to spend a couple of minutes clicking through dialog that I've heard 30+ times before I can even retry the sequence makes it even more frustrating for me. I really don't know why they didn't put the f**king save point after the dialog. It's infuriating.
I don't get why people are having so much trouble with Benezia. It was one of easiest fights in the game for me. Though I was a soldier.

Ignore her.

Kill minions.

Cut Scene.

Fight her.

What are you guys doing? Charging in at Benezia from the onset or something? If at any time you are attacking her with other enemies attacking you you're doing it wrong.


Dear god this game is having a mass effect on my life. I played for 8.5 hours straight today. 8.5 hours! The last time I did that I was in high school and beat Skies of Arcadia over Christmas break. I'm 20 hours in and have only completed the Liara rescue; the side quests have me hooked. My favorite one so far is the one where you
find the pirate commander who hijacks the nuke probe and sets the trap for you on that planet. Then you escape on the hillside and can see all the enemies below. So awesome.

A lot of the UNC side quests are really awesome.

I also started cracking up when the admiral calls you on the Normandy after you give the interview to that lady upon returning to the Citadel and one of the answer choices is
"I should have killed her"
:lol :lol :lol

I love this game. I love it so much. The scale, the detail, the lushness o the game universe is unparalleled. BioWare has done an unbelievable job with the details in every aspect, so much so that I not only care about the irrelevancies (like the different deck orientations on ships to account for gravity generations by mass effect fields) but I genuinely believe that this fictional galaxy with all its inhabitants could exist in the future.

GOTY without a doubt. Mass Effect is doing so many things to advance the RPG as a genre, and it's about damn time.


Subarushian said:
I don't get why people are having so much trouble with Benezia. It was one of easiest fights in the game for me. Though I was a soldier.

Ignore her.

Kill minions.

Cut Scene.

Fight her.

What are you guys doing? Charging in at Benezia from the onset or something? If at any time you are attacking her with other enemies attacking you you're doing it wrong.

I think that is what a lot of people are doing, which does make for a near-impossible fight. I did it a few times myself before learning.

Kill all the waves of guards (4, I think) and she'll be a piece of cake. Her power drops with each wave you kill. And don't stand in that corner you come in because she can hit you from there. After you kill the first wave, sprint to a different corner.
Phthisis said:
I also started cracking up when the admiral calls you on the Normandy

Do you ever meet him in the game? I'm on my second play through and haven't seen him. The guy voicing him is Bishop from Aliens, I was looking forward to seeing his character.

And when I got the game I played it for eight hours straight as well. Its unbelievably engrossing. Greatest 3D RPG ever made IMO.


Subarushian said:
Do you ever meet him in the game? I'm on my second play through and haven't seen him. The guy voicing him is Bishop from Aliens, I was looking forward to seeing his character.

And when I got the game I played it for eight hours straight as well. Its unbelievably engrossing. Greatest 3D RPG ever made IMO.

I knew he sounded familiar.

I feel confident in saying Mass Effect has the best voice acting in video game history. What's even more remarkable is that it remains at such a high quality throughout when you consider that there are so many tiers of answers and very long conversations. Incredible achievement.

NJ Shlice

Robert R1 said:
Who can I sell stuff items to? I got way too much inventory and most of them I have no use for.

There is a guy on the loading dock on the Normandy who you can sell stuff to. And various people all over the places.

In the Citadel, in the C-Sec Academy there is a Requisition Officer who you can sell stuff to also.
One thing that's boggling me: can you scan all of the seekers at the Citadel before you leave? I think I have 2 left, and have gone over all of the Wards and Paridum. Are there any hard-to-find ones, or seekers that you have to come back to later?

4.5hrs in and haven't left the citadel yet. I've been getting insane exp from all the little "codex updates". Tons of great smaller side missions. Once I get the Seeker mission done, I'll have all available on Citadel done.


Subarushian said:
I don't get why people are having so much trouble with Benezia. It was one of easiest fights in the game for me. Though I was a soldier.

Ignore her.

Kill minions.

Cut Scene.

Fight her.

What are you guys doing? Charging in at Benezia from the onset or something? If at any time you are attacking her with other enemies attacking you you're doing it wrong.
I'm gonna bet some people choose this as one of the first quests in the game, which makes it insanely more difficult than it has to be. On my first playthrough, this was the second quest I did after leaving the citadel, and as a result the fight was a complete nightmare. Even with using a sound strategy, it was pure hell and I would repeatedly die instantly as the actual boss fight began.

On my second playthrough, I did the mission after doing a bunch of sidequests. And that made the fight a joke despite the fact I was playing on Hardcore. I didn't even have to take cover, I could just kill anyone in sight and I killed the boss with no problems.


Ummm, I posted this earlier but nobody responded. Gonna try again:

ElyrionX said:
I just started my Adept character and I'm looking for advice on how to build him. Do I need points in pistol or armour? Is Warp or Throw more useful in the long run?

Also, the current skill tree looks pretty limited. Will there be more powers opening up as I progress? Or am I really stuck with just four offensive biotic powers (Throw, Warp plus the two that unlocks as you progress Warp and Throw)?

I'm really having trouble deciding between Warp and Throw and Lift. I already have a point in Singularity though I have yet to see how well it works in combat. Does Singularity even cause any damage to enemies?

Also, should I go for full Charm or should I try to strike a balance between Charm and Ruthless?

And are the Adept or
skills worth adding points into?
I'm 27-hours in, and I just got to
. This is actually my
second visited story crucial planet
. :lol

Looks like this game will last me awhile, yet. :D
ElyrionX said:
Ummm, I posted this earlier but nobody responded. Gonna try again:

I'm really having trouble deciding between Warp and Throw and Lift. I already have a point in Singularity though I have yet to see how well it works in combat. Does Singularity even cause any damage to enemies?

Also, should I go for full Charm or should I try to strike a balance between Charm and Ruthless?

And are the Adept or
skills worth adding points into?

You need to decide that for your self. Just go by the rule of thumb that you can max out 8 talents, that you can completely unlock charm and intimidate in one play through (or close to it) and that you do get free points in those skills. Also that extra points will be unlocked in the
Adept talent.
Subarushian said:
I don't get why people are having so much trouble with Benezia. It was one of easiest fights in the game for me. Though I was a soldier.

Ignore her.

Kill minions.

Cut Scene.

Fight her.

What are you guys doing? Charging in at Benezia from the onset or something? If at any time you are attacking her with other enemies attacking you you're doing it wrong.
VALIS said:
I think that is what a lot of people are doing, which does make for a near-impossible fight. I did it a few times myself before learning.

Kill all the waves of guards (4, I think) and she'll be a piece of cake. Her power drops with each wave you kill. And don't stand in that corner you come in because she can hit you from there. After you kill the first wave, sprint to a different corner.
Sorry, I guess my post was a little unclear. :/
I've already killed the four waves of guards and gotten to the secondary part of the fight after she gives you the location of the relay. I'm at the part of the fight where you start right in front of her on top of the platform after she goes evil again.

My problem is that I can sometimes take her down, but whenever I do the commandos have flanked me by then and I've already used my biotics/abilities/medi-gel. I get jumped by the onrushing commandos and die every time. They just get there within a matter of seconds and I don't know how to take them out. :(

I really don't want to have to revert to an older save and come back later to the level because I've already spent so much time on it. An advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Cornballer said:
Sorry, I guess my post was a little unclear. :/
I've already killed the four waves of guards and gotten to the secondary part of the fight after she gives you the location of the relay. I'm at the part of the fight where you start right in front of her on top of the platform after she goes evil again.

My problem is that I can sometimes take her down, but whenever I do the commandos have flanked me by then and I've already used my biotics/abilities/medi-gel. I get jumped by the onrushing commandos and die every time. They just get there within a matter of seconds and I don't know how to take them out. :(

I really don't want to have to revert to an older save and come back later to the level because I've already spent so much time on it. An advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
I just hit her with Warp as soon as the cutscene ended, then turned on Marksman/Carnage and unloaded. She's dead like 2 seconds later.
Buggy Loop said:
Wait, you get free points in charm & intimidate? Whats the conditions to happen?

As you get renegade or paragon points you unlock two points in intimidate or charm (respectively). You get one free point and one that you can spend talent points on.


Cloudy said:
Can someone tell me how to destroy the Geth ship claw on Feros? I'm right there but I don't see anything to shoot

edit: nm found it
I am stuck right there now I found the door controls but and put them between 31-34 but nothing happens?
Draft said:
I just hit her with Warp as soon as the cutscene ended, then turned on Marksman/Carnage and unloaded. She's dead like 2 seconds later.
I've been using Overload to drop her shields, but maybe I'll give Warp a try. Wrex hasn't leveled it up very much so far, so I'm not sure how effective it'll be. My other problem is that I'm spawning into the fight without a lot of health for Shepherd just because where I ended the previous part of fight. I have to use the medi-gel pretty quickly so I don't die, and then I can't use it again before the end of the fight because it's still recharging when I'm fighting the commandos.


Well, got this yesterday and I've put in quite a bit of time, at least 3/4 hours (though I started over once I got a hang of the combat etc and wanted to change how I had assigned my points) and just
got made a Spectre

From what I've played, I really get the feeling that the guys at 1up are wrong about the length of the game, and even if it is 14 hours it's going to feel like a lot more. (in a good way) However I noticed last night that my auto-save said I had played for almost 3 hours, and when I saved manually, it knocked an hour off my play time, so I suspect they've just gone by their save file's time.

Didn't like the combat at all when I first played, and I still don't think it's that obvious when you're actually getting hit/low on health, but now that I know what I'm doing I'm really enjoying it. My only complaint is that I'm playing on normal, and it's insanely easy right now, with pretty much every enemy I've encountered going down in 2/3 shots at most. (I'm playing an Infiltrator using a pistol most of the time)

The conversations are fantastic, though sometimes I pick an option thinking it means one thing and it's actually a different tone from what I expected but overall I'm impressed. It does still sound like actors in a recording booth though, and the voices are really heavily compressed, which will be how they got the game to fit on a DVD.

I did have some nasty framerate issues, and it's still not great, but it seems that disabling the motion blur (which I thought looked terrible anyway) gets it running a lot better. Perhaps disabling the grain filter would improve the framerate even more, but I like it.

Not too keen on the inventory management system - it works well for equipping people, but I want a list that just shows me everything I've got, and to let me re-order my items. I also don't like that, so far, I've not found a way to choose my squad other than when I find someone new, and I can't take items off other people without giving them something else. Eg, someone on my squad has a great shotgun, and I want to give it to the new person that joined, but as I don't have any other shotguns in my inventory to swap it for, I can't give it to the new guy.

Overall, loving it so far, and I can really see myself playing through this several times if the quality/story holds up. :D

Not wanting to sound like a troll though, but is there any chance of this coming out for the PS3 at all? (I'm assuming no) The audio compression is really grating, and they wouldn't have that problem with BluRay.


Sidequests FTW. I just did the one with
the missing research team that became husks
. Just the feeling you get when you touch downs and explore the uncharted planets, it's fun and also a little scary.

15hrs in and have done 2 story planets and a ton of sidequests

NJ Shlice

X26 said:
Sidequests FTW.

15hrs in and have done 2 story planets and a ton of sidequests

Same here. I'm at 14hrs. Level 21 Soldier. $75,000 in the bank. Awesome Armor (I forget which one, I think Onyx IV.) On 3rd mission. A ton of side quests.


Far and away, the game's biggest flaw is the inventory. The framerate is troubling, the texture pop-in is ugly, and the loading is annoying, but Christ almighty, that interface.

1. Holy shit, did we really need to have 7 or 8 different levels of every fucking item? Could we have maybe skipped Firestorm II-VI and just, oh I dunno, given the stronger weapons different names? Holy fuck.

2. Apparently every single monster in the game has had its blood replaced by "mods", and when you blow those monsters to pieces, instead of bleeding they shower mods into your inventory. That's why people hit that stupid arbitrary 150 item limit. Because before they know it, they're carrying 3 dozen copies of Tungsten Bullets V.

3. Fuck your 150 item limit.

4. Would a sort button have been too much to ask for? Shit, am I expecting too much for the game to take my 19 different Naganata sniper rifles and putting them in my inventory together, maybe even in order from I through V? Naga please.

5. Equiping your party could not be more tedious. First, there is no way to look at what they are wearing unless they are actively in the group at that time. Find a sick new shotgun you think Wrax might like? Wondering if it's better than the one he's currently using? Wait till you get back to the ship before finding out. Fuck. That only gets more irritating when you're trying to sell stuff or smash it into goo. Worried that you might be sharding an upgrade? Either do all your inventory management in front of the lockers on your ship, or keep an excel file handy. Second, there's no way to see their skills from the inventory management screen. This becomes less of an issue as you get familiar with the characters, but Christ on a cracker I spent the first few hours of the game giving sniper rifles to Tali because I thought she was an infiltrator.

I mean holy SHIT I love this game and have dumped like 15 hours into it over the last few days but the inventory is a mess. The lack of sort is the most glaring, painful omission. The rest of that shit I could live with, but my God I am jonesing for some sorting.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, the whole 14 hours thing seems insane to me. They had to have rushed through as fast as possible or something.

I can't imagine doing that with this game. The atmosphere is absolutely incredible (the visuals mixed with the incredible score really create a compelling world to explore).


Draft said:
Far and away, the game's biggest flaw is the inventory. The framerate is troubling, the texture pop-in is ugly, and the loading is annoying, but Christ almighty, that interface.

1. Holy shit, did we really need to have 7 or 8 different levels of every fucking item? Could we have maybe skipped Firestorm II-VI and just, oh I dunno, given the stronger weapons different names? Holy fuck.

2. Apparently every single monster in the game has had its blood replaced by "mods", and when you blow those monsters to pieces, instead of bleeding they shower mods into your inventory. That's why people hit that stupid arbitrary 150 item limit. Because before they know it, they're carrying 3 dozen copies of Tungsten Bullets V.

3. Fuck your 150 item limit.

4. Would a sort button have been too much to ask for? Shit, am I expecting too much for the game to take my 19 different Naganata sniper rifles and putting them in my inventory together, maybe even in order from I through V? Naga please.

5. Equiping your party could not be more tedious. First, there is no way to look at what they are wearing unless they are actively in the group at that time. Find a sick new shotgun you think Wrax might like? Wondering if it's better than the one he's currently using? Wait till you get back to the ship before finding out. Fuck. That only gets more irritating when you're trying to sell stuff or smash it into goo. Worried that you might be sharding an upgrade? Either do all your inventory management in front of the lockers on your ship, or keep an excel file handy. Second, there's no way to see their skills from the inventory management screen. This becomes less of an issue as you get familiar with the characters, but Christ on a cracker I spent the first few hours of the game giving sniper rifles to Tali because I thought she was an infiltrator.

I mean holy SHIT I love this game and have dumped like 15 hours into it over the last few days but the inventory is a mess. The lack of sort is the most glaring, painful omission. The rest of that shit I could live with, but my God I am jonesing for some sorting.

Indeed, I agree with everything you said. For me, the game doesn't have any major problems, but the small ones are really aggravating.


Spot on, Draft.

Having a good time with the game as well, but Bioware needs to patch the inventory mess they created. I can't believe the game shipped like this.
andrewfee said:
Not wanting to sound like a troll though, but is there any chance of this coming out for the PS3 at all? (I'm assuming no) The audio compression is really grating, and they wouldn't have that problem with BluRay.

Mass Effect 2 might, courtesy of EA ;).

I'm quite surprised with how good Mass Effect is considering Jade Empire was more or less a total disaster. And yes, the inventory system is one of the most cumbersome I've seen in a game.


Cornballer said:
I've been using Overload to drop her shields, but maybe I'll give Warp a try. Wrex hasn't leveled it up very much so far, so I'm not sure how effective it'll be. My other problem is that I'm spawning into the fight without a lot of health for Shepherd just because where I ended the previous part of fight. I have to use the medi-gel pretty quickly so I don't die, and then I can't use it again before the end of the fight because it's still recharging when I'm fighting the commandos.

Do you have any sort of health regeneration on your armor? If not, put one on and then go hide for a while! She'll stay put in the center and won't chase you.


At the least you should be able to scroll through the tiems faster, and why when you turn your upgrades into gel it scrolls all the way back and top, forcing yo ut oscroll alllll the way back down if you were in the middle of off-loading lower grade stuff

Coin Return

Loose Slot
I don't think the invintory system is THAT bad...just take what you don't need and reduce it to omni-gel. All that clutter is gone in the span of a minute. I only keep the bare essentials as far as weapons and upgrades go.
Red Blaster said:
Mass Effect 2 might, courtesy of EA ;).

I'm quite surprised with how good Mass Effect is considering Jade Empire was more or less a total disaster. And yes, the inventory system is one of the most cumbersome I've seen in a game.

Can we leave jade empire out of this?

NJ Shlice

Coin Return said:
I don't think the invintory system is THAT bad...just take what you don't need and reduce it to omni-gel. All that clutter is gone in the span of a minute. I only keep the bare essentials as far as weapons and upgrades go.

Yeah I don't think it's terrible, just a little annoying. Like when I want to sell something and find out what will yield the highest price I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom.

This game should come with a pen and a pad to keep track of things. For example: what your squad mates that are back on the ship are carrying, when you find a terminal/locker/probe that you cannot decrypt because you're level isn't high enough, etc.

I bought the Strategy Guide, haven't really dove into it yet. I prolly will on my second playthrough.


Coin Return said:
I don't think the inventory system is THAT bad...just take what you don't need and reduce it to omni-gel. All that clutter is gone in the span of a minute. I only keep the bare essentials as far as weapons and upgrades go.
What I am saying is that the process of eliminating the items you don't need/want is made incredibly tedious by the nature of the items themselves and the way they are organized.
At the least you should be able to scroll through the tiems faster, and why when you turn your upgrades into gel it scrolls all the way back and top, forcing yo ut oscroll alllll the way back down if you were in the middle of off-loading lower grade stuff
Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.

The inventory system really is that bad. It lacks basic functionality that was in Final Fucking Fantasy 3. That game is like 10 years old. I would go so far as to say ME's inventory is the worst I've ever seen in a game as otherwise great as it is.


ElyrionX said:
Ummm, I posted this earlier but nobody responded. Gonna try again:

I'm really having trouble deciding between Warp and Throw and Lift. I already have a point in Singularity though I have yet to see how well it works in combat. Does Singularity even cause any damage to enemies?

Also, should I go for full Charm or should I try to strike a balance between Charm and Ruthless?

And are the Adept or
skills worth adding points into?
If you haven't figured it out already, maxing out Pistol is definitely worth it. The pistol deals a ton of damage if it's maxed and you'll get to use Marksman very often.

In my opinion warp isn't worth it to put too many points into. I'd put enough points into it to unlock singularity and I think that was enough. The damage it does is very small, although reducing the enemies' protection is rather handy. But I don't think it's worth it to max it.

Lift and Singularity have basically the same usage: stunning enemies (although you can also use them to move cover around or try to position enemies so you can Throw them off the level for an instakill). When putting points into singularity it mainly increases the range of the effect, while lift increases the duration. Having a longer duration is definitely better than a bigger range for the spell. I'd say Lift is definitely worthwhile to max. Having multiple enemies stunned for ~12 seconds is a really really useful ability. I think it's worthwhile to at least unlock singularity, but I wouldn't put too many points into it.

Throw is a pretty handy ability which is also fun to use. The damage it does is very small (although it's capable of an instakill if you throw enemies off the level), but can be very useful to move enemies out of the way and stun them for a few seconds. Especially useful against Krogans who rush at you and try to beat you to death. Although the difference between a low level Throw and a high level Throw isn't that big. The damage difference is tiny but they will fly a bit further away. I put lots of points into Throw, but I didn't get the impression it was worth it. Maxing it halfway should be more than enough.

There's no reason in trying to balance Charm and Intimidate. Each time you get to use intidimate you also have the option to use charm. It's better to max one of them instead of putting points into both.

Regarding the Adept attribute. I'm really not sure. I'd say it's something you should regard as a backup attribute to throw points into if you're not sure what else to increase.


Draft said:
The inventory system really is that bad. It lacks basic functionality that was in Final Fucking Fantasy 3. That game is like 10 years old. I would go so far as to say ME's inventory is the worst I've ever seen in a game as otherwise great as it is.

Agreed. When I went to
Luna to kill that VI
every god damn drone would drop like 3 upgrades.


Coin Return said:
I don't think the invintory system is THAT bad...just take what you don't need and reduce it to omni-gel. All that clutter is gone in the span of a minute. I only keep the bare essentials as far as weapons and upgrades go.
Maybe it's just because I'm starting out, but I've been avoiding turning things into omni-gel, and selling them as everything seems really expensive right now. What are the benefits of omni-gel vs credits? (or whatever the currency is)


Big-E said:
Agreed. When I went to
Luna to kill that VI
every god damn drone would drop like 3 upgrades.
Oh yes, that was the main inspiration for complaint number 2. I checked my inventory after clearing 2 of the bases and had, no joke, at least 30 mods. Well, more like 5 mods, but 6 versions of each.


andrewfee said:
Maybe it's just because I'm starting out, but I've been avoiding turning things into omni-gel, and selling them as everything seems really expensive right now. What are the benefits of omni-gel vs credits? (or whatever the currency is)
You will suddenly have 500k credits, where as Omni-gel comes in a lot slower. True story: I left the Citadel initially with maybe 35000 credits. Did a few sidequests, neither of the first two story planets, explored a few planets, went back to the Citadel, and had about 80k credits. Bought a couple things, headed back out. Did the first story planet (Feros, I think. The ice planet.) Did a whole bunch of sidequests. Maybe 3 or 4 systems worth. Headed back to the Citadel. Went to do some shopping, and realized I had 500k credits. No idea how or when I picked them up.
andrewfee said:
Maybe it's just because I'm starting out, but I've been avoiding turning things into omni-gel, and selling them as everything seems really expensive right now. What are the benefits of omni-gel vs credits? (or whatever the currency is)

Get into the habit of cleaning out your inventory, you'll hit the limit very quickly if you don't. Omni-gels are harder to come by though, so I'd just covert items to that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think the inventory and the fact you can only quick map one power to the RB really hints at a PC version in the works, personally. The interface totally feels like a PC interface smashed down for console players, even more to the extent Oblivion was (and those poor lads got stuck with the console interface).

I'm not a big fan of all the Citadel quests because a lot of them are kinda like busy work, but the distress calls and the planet exploration are hot shit.

edit: I ended the game with over a thousand omni-gels. What do you use them for?


Draft said:
You will suddenly have 500k credits, where as Omni-gel comes in a lot slower. True story: I left the Citadel initially with maybe 35000 credits. Did a few sidequests, neither of the first two story planets, explored a few planets, went back to the Citadel, and had about 80k credits. Bought a couple things, headed back out. Did the first story planet (Feros, I think. The ice planet.) Did a whole bunch of sidequests. Maybe 3 or 4 systems worth. Headed back to the Citadel. Went to do some shopping, and realized I had 500k credits. No idea how or when I picked them up.

Many side quests pay off with huge credits. That's why, although the inventory system could a reworking, ultimately it's not that important. Once you've done a bunch of side quests and have powered your character up well (primary weapon maxed or near max, armor, stamina, etc.), you'll have both the cash and the power to not even give a crap about the junk you get from enemies or find in lockers.

Right now I'm a Level 30 or so Infiltrator and my pistol is maxed, I have great medium armor (I can't wear heavy), my Spectre skill branch is maxed, plus my main partners, Wrex and Ashley, have also been outfitted very well, and we're just ripping through motherf'ers like a hot knife through butter at this point. Inventory, schminventory.


Y2Kev said:
I think the inventory and the fact you can only quick map one power to the RB really hints at a PC version in the works, personally. The interface totally feels like a PC interface smashed down for console players, even more to the extent Oblivion was (and those poor lads got stuck with the console interface).
I guess that I disagree? The party management and equipment interface, outside of actually managing your extra items, is pretty good and just stinks of something you're supposed to manipulate with a game pad. Very little click and move, lots of right bumper left bumper.

As to mapping powers to a button, I have not used the feature once, and doubt that I would do so even if I could map them to multiple buttons. The magic powers just feel like they are supposed to be used from a pause menu.


Just finished the game with about 25 hours on the clock, as far as I'm concerned, this is the best game of 2007. I love the universe they created, the combat was more fun than it is in most if not all other RPG's, the main quest was very compelling and never bored etc. etc. Sure, there are some things I didn't like, like the implementation of autosaves (only a single autosave slot and often not used frequently enough), the inventory system, the amount of money available and the controls for the MAKO. But on the whole I had a fantastic time with the game and I'm already looking forward to replaying it with another character.

Also, I love a good happy ending.


The inventory management is my biggest gripe as well.

Other small gripes that I think would be easy to fix:

-Make the universe feel more like a universe. In it's current form it feels like levels connected by loading screens and a "town hub". Adding context sensitive loading screens that showcase the planets and systems the player is currently in or traveling to, along with small video segments shot from space showing the ship, the Citadel, or whatever would help break up the feeling of a corridor shooter.

-remove the elevators from the ship.
Y2Kev said:
I think the inventory and the fact you can only quick map one power to the RB really hints at a PC version in the works, personally. The interface totally feels like a PC interface smashed down for console players, even more to the extent Oblivion was (and those poor lads got stuck with the console interface).

I'm not a big fan of all the Citadel quests because a lot of them are kinda like busy work, but the distress calls and the planet exploration are hot shit.

edit: I ended the game with over a thousand omni-gels. What do you use them for?

I use omni gels for repairing the Mako, opening safes, doors - decrypting objects etc (when I mess up the hacking minigame).


Y2Kev said:
I think the inventory and the fact you can only quick map one power to the RB really hints at a PC version in the works, personally. The interface totally feels like a PC interface smashed down for console players, even more to the extent Oblivion was (and those poor lads got stuck with the console interface).

I'm not a big fan of all the Citadel quests because a lot of them are kinda like busy work, but the distress calls and the planet exploration are hot shit.

I seriously disagree with this feeling "PC interface smashed down into a console". It's just not designed as well as say.. Oblivion. Oblivion was easy as pie with a controller and more complex. Outside of the accuracy of a mouse, a gamepad can do anything a PC control can do. Tabs, button mappings sorting options could have fixed this interface.
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