Yeah, it was a very classy off the cuff interview from someone that's been on the ground there and seen how the victims are truly feeling. They deserve answers.Holy shit he's good. That was passionate as hell. He made some great points about those who say it's "tough to identify the bodies so people shouldn't be protesting". He explained people are angry because the fire was avoidable and this happened because of gentrification. He shat on sky news and BBC bews because they're trying to spin that people are protesting because there aren't official body counts yet. Juxstapositioning "the PM is putting support in place" with "people are angry because they aren't getting enough information" is bullshit. That's not why people are pritesting.
"It's not like the photos" is a good point. They're constantly repeating that people are angry whilst showing the same confrontation over and over again in the crowds to make it seem like it's a violent protest. People don't buy into the media's bs. Please.
2009 - Lakanal House tower block catches fire killing 6 people. The local authority is prosecuted for lapses in fire safety. A review is promised by the Labour government after pressure from the Fire Protection Association (FPA).
2010 - Building Regulations Act is published, including provisions for fire safety. Conservatives win election, a review is promised by the new government after more pressure from the FPA and warnings that the BR act does not go far enough.
2013 - Boris Johnson overrules the ruling body of the London Fire Brigade and uses legal action to inflict £29m in cuts. Closing 10 fire stations, cutting firefighters by 552, losing 14 fire engines and cutting minimum staffing levels from 5 to 4. By the time he steps down as Mayor of London he inflicts a further £100m in cuts to £130m total and the loss of 7000 firefighters. Fire prevention measures carried out by the service drop by over 25%.
2013 - All Party Parliamentary Group on Fire Safety and Rescue produces a report strongly recommending installation of fire suppression systems and sprinklers in 4000 tower blocks throughout Britain. The Grenfell residents action group publishes a report warning that their landlord is putting their safety at risk by restricting the access ways to their car park. They are ignored by their landlord.
2013 - 2016 Conservative housing ministers sit on All Party report without action, promising they are "looking at it", including housing minister Gavin Barwell.
2016 - Conservatives vote against a Labour motion to make sure all landlords and housing associations ensure residences are fit for human occupation, including provisions for fire safety. The motion is denied by 312 votes to 219. 72 of the MP's voting against are landlords. The Grenfell residents action group publish a report warning people will die in a fire before the landlord takes notice of their poor fire safety provisions. They are ignored by their landlord.
2017 - Ex housing minister Gavin Barwell becomes Prime Minister Theresa May's chief of staff. He never actioned the report. Grenfell Tower is reduced to rubble with the deaths of at least 12 residents as a fire spreads through the building in 4 minutes. It has no fire suppression system or sprinklers. The stairwell is not adequate for a full building evacuation. The emergency lighting is missing from half of the floors. The fire service struggle to reach the building due to previous car park modifications causing access issues as warned by the resident action group in 2013.
Thanks mate.
Some good points and it helps that he's such a good orator. Also happy to see someone bring up the £10m figure and ask where it went.
Still in hiding.has May made a speech yet?
has May made a speech yet?
Thanks again mate.
Really good and passionate speech. Bit weird to see the protesting outside the BBC, I understand it but it's still weird to see it.
It's possible that by allowing large residential buildings to operate without sprinkler systems, the British government has prevented untold thousands of people from being driven into homelessness by higher housing costs.
BBC being very selective in their reporting. 'They want answers', no mention of the chants of 'May out!' or the march at Downing Street.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
Apparently cladding is banned on high buildings in the states
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
Apparently cladding is banned on high buildings in the states
What am I reading.This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
people truly believe this filth. let the free market handle it, not some stupid government official!And he is certainly right about one thing: When it comes to many regulations, it is best to leave such calculations of benefit and cost to the market, rather than the government. People can make their own assessments of the risks, and the price they're willing to pay to allay them, rather than substituting the judgment of some politician or bureaucrat who will not receive the benefit or pay the cost.
But think of the housing markets! People would stop multi-million pound developments if they had to build them to a higher standard! Source: My bum.This type of cladding is also banned in Germany. They consider it just as flammable as thin wood. But it cost £5,000 more to use the fireproof cladding made by the same company. £5,000 for the entire building... On a total renovation cost of almost 9 million.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
I said holy fucking shit
"We totally wanted to put sprinklers in to save them, but they just wouldn't let us"
I mean, sure, we do make these trade-offs - in reality, we don't spend £1,000,000 to save one life. But that's not what we're talking here. We're talking £4,750 for the alternative material, or £47.50 per estimated death. If that's the trade-off, if that's how much my mortgage goes up by, then I'm more than happy to pay - it would be my duty. So he can take this article and shove it.
She gave an interview where she ducked every question pretty much. She's a dead woman walking at this point.
London fire: Theresa May promises full support to victims
Even that is not true though. In reality we don't consider every life as having equal value. Keeping Theresa May safe for example, probably costs in the order of hundreds of thousands of pounds every year. The more inhumane argument being made here is that the residents of social housing don't deserve any better.I mean, sure, we do make these trade-offs - in reality, we don't spend £1,000,000 to save one life. But that's not what we're talking here.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
Standing in solidarity with my british bros during these hard times. I've always admired the british phlegm and the " keep calm and carry on " mentality that have allowed you to thrive in the most terrible circonstances (WWII never forget) but there is also a time for protest and the times is now.
The 'stiff upper lip' stuff is utter nonsense considering the way we react to terrorist attacks.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.
The person that wrote this...needs help. And education. And to be restrained from internet access to share their thoughts.
That's pretty dumb.
Its horrible what happend, how can people say something like this so easily?
That's pretty dumb.
Its horrible what happend, how can people say something like this so easily?
Article is a disgrace and putting it under 'regulation' is nothing but a slap in the face to those who have suffered...
Side note...
This is just as bad...people will literally tie themselves into knots to try and shift blame...
This is bullshit. According to a BBC article I read earlier, a sprinkler system would have cost a fraction of what the cladding and refurb works cost.This is the most unsual reaction I've seen.