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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

Hey WrassleGAF, I've been lurking for awhile and decided to sign up for NeoGAF a couple days ago just to join in the discussion. To my surprise I got the Devitt Eva Marie treatment and was approved today just in time for RAW. So allow me to extend my hand to Each And Every One Of You and I'll try not to get food crumbs on your bags.


1A Daniel Bryan
1B Triple H
3A Cesaro
3B Rollins
3C Ambrose

Honorable Mentions:


I used to hate whole wheat bread so much. Even now I end up getting the fresh baked stuff from the Whole Foods bakery. The cheap bagged stuff is just terrible. My diet introduced me to the wonders of rye bread though, so it's not all bad.
Hey WrassleGAF, I've been lurking for awhile and decided to sign up for NeoGAF a couple days ago just to join in the discussion. To my surprise I got the Devitt Eva Marie treatment and was approved today just in time for RAW. So allow me to extend my hand to Each And Every One Of You and I'll try not to get food crumbs on your bags.


1A Daniel Bryan
1B Triple H
3A Cesaro
3B Rollins
3C Ambrose

Honorable Mentions:

Welcome, Brother /shakes hand

Add us all to twitter too. You should probably tout about how awesome Wrassle-GAF is also.

I used to hate whole wheat bread so much. Even now I end up getting the fresh baked stuff from the Whole Foods bakery. My diet introduced me to the wonders of rye bread though, so it's not all bad.

Not sure I've tried Rye bread. Worth it?
The more hilarious thing is gaming side thinking joe gamestop cares about 60 FPS and all that .

ya. even the hardcore secretly don't care, didn't they pick stuff like Last of Us and MGS4 as GOTY?

i'm happy the game fuckin works and doesn't brick my console like New Vegas did. buggy piece of shit.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
MGS4 getting game of the year the first time was bad enough, getting it in the revote though was a masterful troll job/proof that this board is at the end of the day majority pro sony.
ya. even the hardcore secretly don't care, didn't they pick stuff like Last of Us and MGS4 as GOTY?

i'm happy the game fuckin works and doesn't brick my console like New Vegas did. buggy piece of shit.

Right. In a list of things I'd take time to care about framerate really wouldn't be on there.

Does it work?
Is it fun?

I guess 'fun' for some people is a high frame rate, since it's a hugely subjective term. I enjoy reading the discussions about it (up to a point), but I really don't understand it.
Hey WrassleGAF, I've been lurking for awhile and decided to sign up for NeoGAF a couple days ago just to join in the discussion. To my surprise I got the Devitt Eva Marie treatment and was approved today just in time for RAW. So allow me to extend my hand to Each And Every One Of You and I'll try not to get food crumbs on your bags.


1A Daniel Bryan
1B Triple H
3A Cesaro
3B Rollins
3C Ambrose

Honorable Mentions:

no handshakes, only kisses, playboy.


Right. In a list of things I'd take time to care about framerate really wouldn't be on there.

Does it work?
Is it fun?

I guess 'fun' for some people is a high frame rate, since it's a hugely subjective term. I enjoy reading the discussions about it (up to a point), but I really don't understand it.

you know what's the only thing that pisses me off when it comes to graphics? screen tearing. it never looks good.
Hey WrassleGAF, I've been lurking for awhile and decided to sign up for NeoGAF a couple days ago just to join in the discussion. To my surprise I got the Devitt Eva Marie treatment and was approved today just in time for RAW. So allow me to extend my hand to Each And Every One Of You and I'll try not to get food crumbs on your bags.


1A Daniel Bryan
1B Triple H
3A Cesaro
3B Rollins
3C Ambrose

Honorable Mentions:
3mb mark, my man
ya. even the hardcore secretly don't care, didn't they pick stuff like Last of Us and MGS4 as GOTY?

i'm happy the game fuckin works and doesn't brick my console like New Vegas did. buggy piece of shit.

I didn't pick up any of those games. :/

Gamespot Joe doesn't know why COD controls well, or why the more recent Battlefield games control better, but he knows that they do.

You hear people like that going on about how certain 60 fps games 'just feel' better.

Anyway, you're spoiling wrassle gaf. Do you think I came over here because I wanted MORE conversations about 60 fps and 1080p native? :p


Welcome, Brother /shakes hand

Add us all to twitter too. You should probably tout about how awesome Wrassle-GAF is also.

Not sure I've tried Rye bread. Worth it?
I say give it a shot. I don't know the specific nutritional information, but I do know the P90X diet allows it and it tastes better than whole wheat bread to me.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Hey WrassleGAF, I've been lurking for awhile and decided to sign up for NeoGAF a couple days ago just to join in the discussion. To my surprise I got the Devitt Eva Marie treatment and was approved today just in time for RAW. So allow me to extend my hand to Each And Every One Of You and I'll try not to get food crumbs on your bags.


1A Daniel Bryan
1B Triple H
3A Cesaro
3B Rollins
3C Ambrose

Honorable Mentions:

Not good, you didn't shake DM's hand...
you know what's the only thing that pisses me off when it comes to graphics? screen tearing. it never looks good.

Ergh, yeah that has to be right up there with, if only because the first few times I saw it on my PC I thought perhaps my GPU was on the way out. Same with graphical artifacts that are game/driver related - basically anything that looks like hardware is at fault. Don't scare me like that.


Hey WrassleGAF, I've been lurking for awhile and decided to sign up for NeoGAF a couple days ago just to join in the discussion. To my surprise I got the Devitt Eva Marie treatment and was approved today just in time for RAW. So allow me to extend my hand to Each And Every One Of You and I'll try not to get food crumbs on your bags.


1A Daniel Bryan
1B Triple H
3A Cesaro
3B Rollins
3C Ambrose

Honorable Mentions:

You set yourself on the wrong path from the very start by using Miz as your opening hand shake gif. Doomed 4LYFE.
Professor Sunflower warned me about them sugars. He was right. Never realised how crazy important diet was to weight loss, even though looking back it seems so obvious. Change of diet and same lifestyle has equaled a loss of weight. Go figure!

Now you mention it we've switched to wholegrain brown bread if we have bread now, helps with the poops too!

Thanks man! You're still my 'gym buddy' in all of this, as Bronson Lee bowed out straight away. DAMMIT BRONSON! Decided I'm more inclined to lean out rather than gain any real muscle mass, but that might change with time. Certainly feel like I need to gain some sort of chest shape though. I don't have moobs, but I don't really have a manly chest either. Totally Jericho chest.

Post your pics, I'm no expert, but I'm sure we'll enjoy telling you what to do anyway!

(Leg day. Always leg day)

I think we confirmed a long time ago of BronsonLee's hobo status. This just adds to the list. As for chest, if you are looking for more shaping, do more incline bench (db and bb) and flys. All sorts of them.

As for my pic:

I'm still trying to lean out a bit but no striations at all as I really wish I had that vein running down my arm. Genetics and all that. Wish I had bigger arms and traps. Aiming for a Tanahashi body.



Man, been spending way too much time doing research on buying a house.

I'm neglecting important things like posting here and talking about HHH and wrasslin.


Man, been spending way too much time doing research on buying a house.

I'm neglecting important things like posting here and talking about HHH and wrasslin.

Bang in the middle of buying my first home! Put the offer in, which was accepted straight away (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck should have went lower!!!). Have a Solictor on standby, just going through the mortgage song and dance now. It's strangely chaotic without a lot happening.

I think we confirmed a long time ago of BronsonLee's hobo status. This just adds to the list. As for chest, if you are looking for more shaping, do more incline bench (db and bb) and flys. All sorts of them.

I'm still trying to lean out a bit but no striations at all as I really wish I had that vein running down my arm. Genetics and all that. Wish I had bigger arms and traps. Aiming for a Tanahashi body.

You've got mass! Damn, you've been working out hard, man. I remember the early photos.

Funny you mention that vein down the arm, seemingly I have that. Didn't even know until I lost the extra weight around the arms. I never thought I was 'fat' before I lost the weight, but clearly I was.
Hey WrassleGAF, I've been lurking for awhile and decided to sign up for NeoGAF a couple days ago just to join in the discussion. To my surprise I got the Devitt Eva Marie treatment and was approved today just in time for RAW. So allow me to extend my hand to Each And Every One Of You and I'll try not to get food crumbs on your bags.


1A Daniel Bryan
1B Triple H
3A Cesaro
3B Rollins
3C Ambrose

Honorable Mentions:

Welcome. Do you watch TNA?
Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute I didn't bow out of NUTHIN

I just do my own thing

And that own thing is eat delicious food, run in place a lot, then collapse unconscious onto my couch

Maybe all that spitting is why all those CZW and IWA shows have such terrible camera work.

I cannot speak for recent CZW or ANY IWA but there's a reason people ask me about that stuff all the time! I'mdabest
MLS just tripled their money on their TV deal. Another sign that live TV is the only thing worth paying for these days.

WWE is about to cash in huge. Hopefully it means Smackdown will be live as well.
Movies are shot at 24 FPS so they all must suck lol

they aren't interactive and have almost perfect motion blur. that said, things get hella blurry in movies when things start moving quickly.

and the eye can detect way more than 60 fps. I mean, at least mine can :p

if you double (or more) the length of time it takes to render a frame, you have to add that extra rendering time on top of everything else between you pressing a button in the game, and you seeing the results of that button press on your TV.

it's just yet another thing in the chain between you and your experience. and that's only if you can't appreciate any visual difference in a game at 60 fps. if you can, you've got that benefit too. objects moving across the screen become much easier to track with your eyes and to resolve into shapes.

anyways... can we take such discussion back to gaming side? you'll see me in like almost every single thread on it :)


Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute I didn't bow out of NUTHIN

I just do my own thing

And that own thing is eat delicious food, run in place a lot, then collapse unconscious onto my couch

I cannot speak for recent CZW or ANY IWA but there's a reason people ask me about that stuff all the time! I'mdabest

They ask you about that stuff so they know what not to do.
MGS4 getting game of the year the first time was bad enough, getting it in the revote though was a masterful troll job/proof that this board is at the end of the day majority pro sony.

What else would you choose for 2008 though?

Bionic Commando Rearmed is the only other game that comes to mind.

Dead Space and Mirror's Edge had good ideas, but in the end they were painfully average games.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
MLS just tripled their money on their TV deal. Another sign that live TV is the only thing worth paying for these days.

WWE is about to cash in huge. Hopefully it means Smackdown will be live as well.

The only place I can see being worth it for the WWE to change their schedule over for going live on Thursday would probably be flagship NBC...who does actually have the room for it now.
New guy using a Miz gif? That's a point off already.

Did you ever consider that its an indication that he came to play? or maybe he's Ice Cold ya know?

Speaking of Ice Cold Mike "The Miz" Mizanin, for some reason I was using the Cena/ADR/Punk Hell in a Cell as background noise last night and completely forgot about the aftermath where Awesome Truth invade the ring, somehow are able to have the cell lowered back down (was this ever explained?) and then they beat on the participants and referees within while the entire roster are shaking the cage because they don't have the power to raise the cage because reasons, it takes like 5 minutes for some random stagehand hero to arrive with means to cut the chains that hold the door shut. Anyway point is it's so ridiculous seeing Truth and Miz in such a role.
jmdajr's posting habits lead me to believe that he's actually HHH himself.

I'd be cool with that if he was, even if he isn't I'm still cool with jmdajr. He's in my Fave Five Midcard Wrassle-GAF posters.

1. jmdajrs
2. tm24
3. Serpentine
4. Lambda Pie
5. slightconfuse

MLS just tripled their money on their TV deal. Another sign that live TV is the only thing worth paying for these days.

WWE is about to cash in huge. Hopefully it means Smackdown will be live as well.

MLS is also the fastest growing viewership for 12-22 year olds or something. I'm glad America has finally discovered real football.
They ask you about that stuff so they know what not to do.


Did you ever consider that its an indication that he came to play? or maybe he's Ice Cold ya know?

Speaking of Ice Cold Mike "The Miz" Mizanin, for some reason I was using the Cena/ADR/Punk Hell in a Cell as background noise last night and completely forgot about the aftermath where Awesome Truth invade the ring, somehow are able to have the cell lowered back down (was this ever explained?) and then they beat on the participants and referees within while the entire roster are shaking the cage because they don't have the power to raise the cage because reasons, it takes like 5 minutes for some random stagehand hero to arrive with means to cut the chains that hold the door shut. Anyway point is it's so ridiculous seeing Truth and Miz in such a role.

I'm pretty sure it was Johnny Ace who had the cage lowered down. They even beat up the cameramen too! D:
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