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Medal of Honor: Warfighter |OT| of Knock Knock, it's Tier 1


Oh, I'm sure there's some kind of explanation for it. It's just my first impressions. I wasn't a Navy SEAL, so I'm sure there's something they do. I always just assumed that they used non-Carbine rifles for amphibious missions.

It would have been cool to see the good old MP5.


??? I dont understand your point.

You can pay 30$ and receive MP and also SP for free.. ;). You just need the 50% off from premium code


now you just need a friend that can give you a code :) ( I suppose you dont have bf3 premium)

I was about to buy Premium but since DICE backed off on the color grading console commands, I decided not to. I didn't care enough about BF3 without a pretty big visual change. Thus, I am without a code and since the SP is mediocre and the MP is just to hold me till BO2, I will not spend 60$.


I just want to reiterate what a mess the menus in this game are.. ffs. There is shit all over the screen. Who designed this??

Game is fun though.


I just want to reiterate what a mess the menus in this game are.. ffs. There is shit all over the screen. Who designed this??

Game is fun though.
Probably the worst menu design of any modern, big-budget game. It really is a disaster area.


I'd be in the dick
From the videos and screens I've seen I have to say that the motion blur in this game is really nice. Not too overdone and smooths out motion well.


I have a 5870 1 gig and it runs fine at 1900x1200 with pretty much everything set to high.

Ah I see. Thanks for the heads up, hopefully, my performance is on par or at least slightly better than yours then since a 5970 is two 5870's crossfired.


There's plenty of AR's that work after being submerged in water and a lot of special operations groups don't have to use the standard military designated M4's either but one of the many AR-15 configurations that are out there as you probably know. Actually, there was a thread on a forum I frequent where they would try to send gear to troops that would help them out including a lot of shit for snipers. It was a neat idea really and they replied with pictures of the gear.

Also, the M4 can be used after being submerged for a while if you hold it down and drain it a bit before firing. You just need to let the water out of the barrel first and don't shoot it waterlogged.

I don't think it's the standard designated M4A1 though but a custom build according to others.
Wow, what a mediocre SP. Glad I didn't throw down the full price, it was about on par with the BF3 campaign. Can't wait til these type of games find there own identity and quit trying to be COD.


Wow, what a mediocre SP. Glad I didn't throw down the full price, it was about on par with the BF3 campaign. Can't wait til these type of games find there own identity and quit trying to be COD.

Damn that sucks. Are there any amazing moments though similar to BF3 like the jet mission or the like?
The game is a graphical showpiece. Equals if not surpasses BF3 and the sound is fantastic so DICE must have shared some of their secrets. Enjoying the SP so far though though the story isn't as coherently put together as it should be.
Damn that sucks. Are there any amazing moments though similar to BF3 like the jet mission or the like?

Unfortunately not. The more I think about it, I'd say I enjoyed BF3's more, simply because of those moments. There was one memorable moment I can think of, and it wasn't even part of gameplay in MOH.

It looks really good visually, don't worry a bit about your performance, I was running great on a mix of high and ultra settings with a 5850.


The completely on-rails jet mission was an "amazing moment?!?"

On rails yes, but as stated, it was a technical showpiece... First game where they were actually able to get the feeling of being in a jet, unlike the Ace Combat series and such.


On rails yes, but as stated, it was a technical showpiece... First game where they were actually able to get the feeling of being in a jet, unlike the Ace Combat series and such.
I can agree with this, I was particularly impressed by the Jet segment of BF3.
The game is a graphical showpiece. Equals if not surpasses BF3 and the sound is fantastic so DICE must have shared some of their secrets. Enjoying the SP so far though though the story isn't as coherently put together as it should be.

This is funny. Between this and the screenshots thread, this game has gotten comments from "lol so fucking ugly" to "better than bf3"


On rails yes, but as stated, it was a technical showpiece... First game where they were actually able to get the feeling of being in a jet, unlike the Ace Combat series and such.

I'm just gonna assume that you mean that in the context of modern gaming, because that cannot be said of the past for those of us who played Falcon 4.0, Jane's F/A-18, Jane's F-15, etc.
I was watching the hour or so GiantBomb stream of the campaign, and I literally could not make sense of what is even happening with the plot. Everything just seem far too convoluted for my taste. I would have preferred if they had stuck with the more grounded approach to the campaign from the first game, and not go dramatically over the top in the same vein as DICE's horrendous attempt at a story through Battlefield 3.


This is funny. Between this and the screenshots thread, this game has gotten comments from "lol so fucking ugly" to "better than bf3"
It's NOT better than BF3, that much is true.

I'm just gonna assume that you mean that in the context of modern gaming, because that cannot be said of the past for those of us who played Falcon 4.0, Jane's F/A-18, Jane's F-15, etc.
Well, it's also about the graphics.
So, how does the graphics hold on on console (Xbox 360 in particular)? I assumed the PC visuals would be amazing and I seem to be correct but after that Xbox 360 Beta I was left horrified. I might get this on PC during a special Origin sale where it is only $5 but I plan on renting it on console sometime.


So, how does the graphics hold on on console (Xbox 360 in particular)? I assumed the PC visuals would be amazing and I seem to be correct but after that Xbox 360 Beta I was left horrified. I might get this on PC during a special Origin sale where it is only $5 but I plan on renting it on console sometime.
Don't the console versions have a day 1 HD texture pack?


Question for those who have it, should I buy this game if I really enjoyed battlefield close quarters? I know the gunplay won't be AS good, but if I enjoyed that, would I enjoy this?
Question for those who have it, should I buy this game if I really enjoyed battlefield close quarters? I know the gunplay won't be AS good, but if I enjoyed that, would I enjoy this?

One of the vids I watched said that the entire MP if like BF3:CQ. Take it for what it's worth.


I very, very much dislike when first-person games take completely control away from the player to show them some stupid explosion.
This game does it way too much.

MoH looks worse in motion than it does in still screenshots, I don't know how they pulled that one off.

The gameplay is completely incoherent. You never have any idea what the fuck is going on, but not in like a "good, military, realistic to combat" sort of way, more like in a "bad, video game" sort of way.

The lighting in this game is very distracting and unpleasing to the eye.

Why do they have to tell you that you use the Mouse to look around at the start of Mission 2? After you just completed Mission 1 by... you know? MOVING THE MOUSE AROUND. Why are you telling me that 'W' moves the character forward after I just moved the character forward through all of Mission 1? Have I never played a fucking video game before? Makes no sense. Why is the game telling me to "Move to the next room" when moving to the next room is the only option that is humanly available. I'm in a square room with only 3 walls and a door on the 4th. The fuck. Why clutter up my screen with meaningless text?

I feel like it's just going to be a string of complaints as I play through this game, for as long as I can stand it. I'm barely like half an hour into it and this should be like the official textbook on "EVERYTHING THAT YOU SHOULDN'T DO IN A VIDEO GAME TO MAKE IT FUN".

This game like... actively tries to go against fun. It's like the developers looked at the idyllic definition of "fun" and then made it their goals to try to establish the complete opposite of those ideas.


Played about half hour of single player.. looks nice but meh. Will probably never finish it, like BF3.

The multiplayer is fun as hell though. Really liking it.

PC Gaf add me.



When the reviews come out, any establishment that rates higher than a 7 is lying. This game is pretty much big-budget garbage and I'm being generous.
When the reviews come out, any establishment that rates higher than a 7 is lying. This game is pretty much big-budget garbage and I'm being generous.

I was about to put the game right at a 6/10 as far as the SP goes. So that sounds about right.

It's like EA played the game and said...

Yup, this game sucks, hold the review copies til release.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
We see eye to eye on MoH 2010. Need comparisons/impressions from you stat.

I only played ten minutes (so I beat 2 levels...). I don't really game during the week but I've really been looking forward to this. It does look great.


This game needed another year. The shell of something decent is there, but it doesn't deliver. It's the antithesis of fun. They needed another year to add "fun" to the game.

Every combat scenario I've played so far is
-poorly designed
When the reviews come out, any establishment that rates higher than a 7 is lying. This game is pretty much big-budget garbage and I'm being generous.

lol "if you don't agree with me you're a fucking liar". Just give your opinion and stop trying to force it on other people. I don't know why you have the need for other people to validate your own opinion. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy the MP enough to reward this game a 7 or better even if they didn't like the SP.


lol "if you don't agree with me you're a fucking liar". Just give your opinion and stop trying to force it on other people. I don't know why you have the need for other people to validate your own opinion. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy the MP enough to reward this game a 7 or better even if they didn't like the SP.
Oh, fuck, I totally forgot the multiplayer exists. Maybe that's decent.
Ok, I have no opinions on the multiplayer and I never plan to play it, but as far as the single-player goes everything about this game is in the negatives. Big huge fucking negatives.

Ok, so if the multiplayer is an 8 and the singleplayer is a 4, then that averages out to a 6 and we're still all good by my "over 7 is a lie" scale!
Oh, fuck, I totally forgot the multiplayer exists. Maybe that's decent.
Ok, I have no opinions on the multiplayer and I never plan to play it, but as far as the single-player goes everything about this game is in the negatives. Big huge fucking negatives.

Ok, so if the multiplayer is an 8 and the singleplayer is a 4, then that averages out to a 6 and we're still all good by my "over 7 is a lie" scale!

There will be some people who enjoy the SP. I'm enjoying it so far although not as much as the first so we'll see where it ends up. Once again, be content with your opinion and stop trying to force some sort of consensus based on what you think. Calling other people liars because they don't agree with your opinion is dumb.


It doesn't matter, there will be some people who enjoy the SP. I'm enjoying it so far so we'll see where it ends up. Once again, be happy with your opinion and stop trying to force some sort of consensus based on what you think. Calling other people liars because they don't agree with your opinion is dumb.
I feel like I could just come out and say it was already blatant hyperbole and sarcasm, but please continue to take me completely seriously.

Review scores are already a joke, so my comment about the "7" doesn't need any explanation. This game is clearly not "garbage", it's just extremely flawed and mediocre. It's only garbage on the binary scale of stating opinions, i.e., everything sucks or it's the best thing ever.

Being that I'm not a paid games journalist writing a published piece of criticism, I feel perfectly comfortable posting such hyperbole.
I feel like I could just come out and say it was already blatant hyperbole and sarcasm, but please continue to take me completely seriously.

Review scores are already a joke, so my comment about the "7" doesn't need any explanation. This game is clearly not "garbage", it's just extremely flawed and mediocre. It's only garbage on the binary scale of stating opinions, i.e., everything sucks or it's the best thing ever.

Considering you have what seems like 40% of the posts in the last few pages expressing how much you don't like the game I'm not sure why you expected anyone to take that as anything as serious.


Considering you have what seems like 40% of the posts in the last few pages expressing how much you don't like the game I'm not sure why you expected anyone to take that as anything as serious.
If you want to lavish praise on it in the same way I have shat all over it, feel absolutely free. Nobody is stopping you. In fact, I would LOVE to see what you found enjoyable in this game. Because there's some joy to be had, you just have to pick up a shovel and pickaxe and dig it out like it's begging for its life.

But when a modern military shooting game that revolves around shooting people, all the time, can't seem to make the act of shooting people an enjoyable experience, then the game is fundamentally broken. It's not fun to shoot people in Medal of Honor: Warfighter. And since that is practically the only gameplay mechanic, it's a massive detriment. It's really the only thing that matters, actually.

The story is actual (literally here, no hyperbole or sarcasm) complete shit, but I don't even feel the need to expound upon that, because when the fundamental gameplay is barely functional the plot takes a complete backseat. It didn't take long before I just mashed the ESC key to skip the inane cutscenes.

I feel like I can get my negative point across merely with the gameplay.

I feel like MoH:W should be commended, however, on the merit that they actually managed to make a single player campaign worse than Modern Warfare 3. That has to account for something, they practically accomplished the impossible. Props to Danger Close Games for that one.

Also, I don't just hate the genre. Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game this year and Call of Duty 4 is also one of my favorite games of this console generation.
If you want to lavish praise on it in the same way I have shat all over it, feel absolutely free. Nobody is stopping you. In fact, I would LOVE to see what you found enjoyable in this game. Because there's some joy to be had, you just have to pick up a shovel and pickaxe and dig it out like it's begging for its life.

But when a modern military shooting game that revolves around shooting people, all the time, can't seem to make the act of shooting people an enjoyable experience, then the game is fundamentally broken. It's not fun to shoot people in Medal of Honor: Warfighter. And since that is practically the only gameplay mechanic, it's a massive detriment. It's really the only thing that matters, actually.

The story is actual (literally here, no hyperbole or sarcasm) complete shit, but I don't even feel the need to expound upon that, because when the fundamental gameplay is barely functional the plot takes a complete backseat. It didn't take long before I just mashed the ESC key to skip the inane cutscenes.

I feel like I can get my negative point across merely with the gameplay.

I feel like MoH:W should be commended, however, on the merit that they actually managed to make a single player campaign worse than Modern Warfare 3. That has to account for something, they practically accomplished the impossible. Props to Danger Close Games for that one.

Also, I don't just hate the genre. Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game this year and Call of Duty 4 is also one of my favorite games of this console generation.

lol jesus you apparently are full of hyperbole that you take me saying you shouldn't force others to take your own opinion as lavishing praise on the game.

First off, I never asked you to justify your opinion. If you think I did I invite you to find where I said you shouldn't have an opinion or needed explaining as you've certainly done plenty of that. I'm not sure why you're so apparently offended anyone got enjoyment out of this game. It's quite amusing tbh. Also, I already stated I haven't finished the game so I'm not going to give a SP review. I will say the shooting mechanics are solid, the story so far is okay though a bit convulated, and the graphics are showpiece material.


lol jesus you apparently are full of hyperbole that you take me saying you shouldn't force others to take your own opinion as lavishing praise on the game.

First off, I never asked you to justify your opinion. If you think I did I invite you to find where I said you shouldn't have an opinion or needed explaining as you've certainly done plenty of that. I'm not sure why you're so apparently offended anyone got enjoyment out of this game. It's quite amusing tbh.
I'm not offended, man. I'm just trying to drum up discussion on a discussion forum. Preferably about the game, rather than my use of hyperbole.

When I directly respond to another gamer's opinion, 99% of the time I'm more serious and less sarcastic (and at least make an attempt at factual accuracy) than when I just throw my opinions out there into the void for fun.
I seem to be one of the only people in the thread expressing my opinions about it, which is disappointing. The only reason I even post on GAF is because of the interesting back and forth discussion of opinions.


Looks like a good game for the graphics, and on the cheap. I'd like to play it but probably won't for a long time.
The graphics look good by virtue of the Frostbyte 2 engine, but it lacks the technical polish that DICE was able to achieve with their own engine in BF3.

At least that's what I'm taking away from it.
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