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Media Create Sales: Week 13, 2013 (Mar 25 - Mar 31)


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Level 5 should really go back to being an outsourcing company. Their games really aren't that much better and/or have gotten stale except for Fantasy Life I guess.


Level 5 should really go back to being an outsourcing company. Their games really aren't that much better and/or have gotten stale except for Fantasy Life I guess.

Erm, no. That would be a terrible idea. At least this way they are creating new stuff and not ruining other franchises or flushing other people's money down the toilet. :p
Dragon Quest are pretty much the only games that were outsourced to them. It's not like there is much they can go back to.

White Knight Chronicles, Dark Cloud and Rogue Galaxy were all done in partnership with SCE.

I would pay a lot of money for DCIII or RGII on PS4!

I think they put a lot of effort into Layton. The formula has definitely gotten rather stale, but it's not really for lack of effort but rather lack of a pressing need to shake it up. I'm sure they'll shake it up after this.

The formula was stale with the first 3DS release, they should have reworked it then, but they chose not to. I fear Inazuma is heading in the same direction. Too many releases, too close together and all of them too similar.
White Knight Chronicles, Dark Cloud and Rogue Galaxy were all done in partnership with SCE.
Yeah, they were funded by SCE. But they were still developed and designed by Level 5 and also of questionable quality in most cases. Why is that better than what Level 5 is doing now?


The formula was stale with the first 3DS release, they should have reworked it then, but they chose not to. I fear Inazuma is heading in the same direction. Too many releases, too close together and all of them too similar.

I still enjoyed the game well enough, and I'm certainly looking forward to the conclusion. I think it's a lot harder to change the formula in the middle of a planned trilogy (which people will expect to be at least consistent in some ways). Which is why it's a good thing that it's under-performing now, before they start on another set of games. It's a good time for change.
I still enjoyed the game well enough, and I'm certainly looking forward to the conclusion. I think it's a lot harder to change the formula in the middle of a planned trilogy (which people will expect to be at least consistent in some ways). Which is why it's a good thing that it's under-performing now, before they start on another set of games. It's a good time for change.

Yes, agreed. I just feel that they phoned in Miracle Mask, I have yet to play 6, but it will probably be the same formula. I really do hope they rework the format and give it a new spin. Having three more of the same game would be sad and I could see Professor Layton heading into the annals of history as one of those franchises that just got worn out and people got fed up with.


Now I don't doubt that Nintendo offered incentives, whereas Sony thought 'we made this awesome handheld that developers actually contributed to creating, it's what they wanted so they're bound to make games for it' and left it at that (it was a half step away from their PS3 attitude and one mistake that they seemed to have remedied with the PS4.

More like:

"We made this messianic handheld that developers actually contributed to creating, it's what THEY wanted so they're bound to make games for it!! It's a good venue for MH!

What? Release in the west? Fuck, no, Japan's alright"

Yes hyperbole. But for Capcom, relationship with Nintendo for monster hunter had a better outlook.

I think they put a lot of effort into Layton. The formula has definitely gotten rather stale, but it's not really for lack of effort but rather lack of a pressing need to shake it up. I'm sure they'll shake it up after this.

Of all the franchises they 'created' post IE, this one deserved its own anime series. Definitely way more than LBX and/or Youkai Watch. A weekly series in the vein of Detective Conan or some sort like that would've probably helped. Maybe the games would get stale either way, but I think it was a wasted opportunity.


Of all the franchises they 'created' post IE, this one deserved its own anime series. Definitely way more than LBX and/or Youkai Watch. A weekly series in the vein of Detective Conan or some sort like that would've probably helped. Maybe the games would get stale either way, but I think it was a wasted opportunity.

Maybe I would agree with this if I had never watched the Layton movie, but having watched it I can say that I definitely have no interest in watching any anime version of Layton ever again. Without the game forming a backbone, it feels really stupid and isn't entertaining at all. >_<


Maybe I would agree with this if I had never watched the Layton movie, but having watched it I can say that I definitely have no interest in watching any anime version of Layton ever again. Without the game forming a backbone, it feels really stupid and isn't entertaining at all. >_<

Haha, I haven't watched the movie, so I cannot comment on that.


Haha, I haven't watched the movie, so I cannot comment on that.

Watched it and even if it's not a great movie it's, in my opinion, technically decent but weak story wise. Also, my daughter who's a Layton addict really enjoyed it.

That said I don't think an anime serie would have been worth the investment regarding its impact on software sales. It can help when you have to build an audience but in the case of a game underpeforming like this one, after great results, I'm not so sure about that. Probably before greenlighting the first movie Level 5 considered the serie option though. Would like to know about their reasoning.
Doesn't seem to be a consensus for a new floor for Vita. Wondering if there's one for Wii U.

So if this:
04/24 - Pokemon Scramble U
05/23 - BioHazard: Revelations - Unveiled Edition
...posted before is all that's dated for Wii U, and the latter is releasing on like 3 other platforms and another previously already, how low is it expected to go - factoring in the Golden Week boost that may occur?
I choose to believe Square Enix. Simple as that.

And again, I'm not the one putting two mods vs a native Japanese woman for translation. I just said the source was questionable, so better to wait for a clearer response.

Sure, but until SE says anything, if they ever say anything, you are choosing to believe someone's supposed wife who supposedly is fluent in Japanese over two mods, one of which speaks native Japanese AFAIK, who are deemed to be credible here on gaf. Like I said, you can choose to believe whatever you want, but you seem to be the only one questioning the source at this point. If SE says they are pleased with DQX and its performance on their investor's meeting, I'll be the first one to eat crow.

DCUO did well enough after it went f2p, beforehand it megabombed hard (30k subscriber base worldwide). 360 is an automatic no go due to Microsoft's standards too.

PC is where the port is actually needed and wirth looking into imo. PS4 maybe down the line too depending on how it goes.

I will ask you the same thing I asked about your claim on 400k subscriber userbase for DQX. Where are you getting these numbers from and how up to date are they? Regardless, DCUO went f2p on PC as well, not just on PS3. This seems to be the direction MMOs and SOE moving to in the west. You didn't really make a case for MMOs not being feasible on consoles to be honest. I do 100% agree that a PC version would be imperative, however you still haven't made a good point on why it shouldn't be ported to Sony machine's, but do bring up a good point about it being on 360 though, as well as having DQX, a subscription based MMO releasing exclusively on Wii/WiiU, one dying and one under performing system, both with sub par online capabilities. It's not a question of "if" it's gonna bomb, but how bad IMO.

I think it is much better that the steep decline is happening right now at the end of the second trilogy, rather than giving Level5 false hope that the formula isn't completely stale yet resulting in another trilogy announcement with more of the same. This way, with the second trilogy closing on such a low note, it should definitely motivate them to take a fresh look at the franchise and consider carefully how to expand on it in a different way. In the end that's probably better for both fans of Layton and for Level5.

Why wouldn't L5 release a Layton game on ipad/vita and introduce the series to a new audience? It may likely bomb pretty badly, but it's pretty clear that the 3DS is wanting nothing to do with more Layton.


That said I don't think an anime serie would have been worth the investment regarding its impact on software sales. It can help when you have to build an audience but in the case of a game underpeforming like this one, after great results, I'm not so sure about that. Probably before greenlighting the first movie Level 5 considered the serie option though. Would like to know about their reasoning.

Well, of course it's a lost cause by now. My scenario involved better planning from the beginning, or at least between the 2nd and 3rd games. And the aim would not really be to help software that much, but expand the audience... might have kept releases more stable sales-wise too.


Watched it and even if it's not a great movie it's, in my opinion, technically decent but weak story wise. Also, my daughter who's a Layton addict really enjoyed it.

Yeah I think younger children are more likely to enjoy it more. There's nothing technically wrong with it, and the animation was pretty good at times (just like in the games), but it was just so BORING for me because the "story" would go on and on without any actual dramatic pacing. I think that in the games, what works for me is that there is a balance which keeps my interest - before I can roll my eyes too much at the writing or the over the top nature ofthe plot, the game is always interrupted by puzzles which I have to play and that actually helps pace the narrative better. :)


That would mean Level-5 actually putting some effort into Layton and not just shitting out another 3 games with a new coat of paint.

Not very likely.

heh, that's your opinion though. I enjoy the Layton games a lot, and I can't care less about radical gameplay changes. Infact, I mostly play them because I found the characters, the settings and the overall story very compelling. Oh, and the art style too is lovely, very non-otakuish. I can't wait to play them with my kids again when they grow up.

The formula was stale with the first 3DS release, they should have reworked it then, but they chose not to. I fear Inazuma is heading in the same direction. Too many releases, too close together and all of them too similar.

that must be why the last Inazuma bomb- oh wait


Why wouldn't L5 release a Layton game on ipad/vita and introduce the series to a new audience? It may likely bomb pretty badly, but it's pretty clear that the 3DS is wanting nothing to do with more Layton.

I don't know for other countries but in France the franchise is still performing well: last datas for Miracle Mask, for 2012, put it at 142 000 copies (for 2.5 months of sale). So there's at least a reason to keep releasing it on 3DS, here.

Well, of course it's a lost cause by now. My scenario involved better planning from the beginning, or at least between the 2nd and 3rd games. And the aim would not really be to help software that much, but expand the audience... might have kept releases more stable sales-wise too.

Ok. Yes, if planned in the beginning why not.

Duckroll said:
but it was just so BORING for me because the "story" would go on and on without any actual dramatic pacing.

I agree.
Sure, but until SE says anything, if they ever say anything, you are choosing to believe someone's supposed wife who supposedly is fluent in Japanese over two mods, one of which speaks native Japanese AFAIK, who are deemed to be credible here on gaf. Like I said, you can choose to believe whatever you want, but you seem to be the only one questioning the source at this point. If SE says they are pleased with DQX and its performance on their investor's meeting, I'll be the first one to eat crow
Well again, I'm not choosing one translation over another. That's what you're doing.

What I'm doing is choosing to wait for a clearer response/account on DQX. Do you understand the difference?

I will ask you the same thing I asked about your claim on 400k subscriber userbase for DQX. Where are you getting these numbers from and how up to date are they?
Sony wouldn't say a word on DCUO subscribers until after it went f2p, when they trumpeted it being a 300k player base in a matter of weeks and saying that was a 10x increase from their previous subscriber base. Ergo, the game managed just 30k subscribers.

DQX's 400k is from SE's previous results report. And in the article you keep citing part of the translation is "steady" on that I should point out. Anecdotal reports on server congestion seems to reflect that too generally.

Regardless, DCUO went f2p on PC as well, not just on PS3. This seems to be the direction MMOs and SOE moving to in the west. You didn't really make a case for MMOs not being feasible on consoles to be honest. I do 100% agree that a PC version would be imperative, however you still haven't made a good point on why it shouldn't be ported to Sony machine's, but do bring up a good point about it being on 360 though, as well as having DQX, a subscription based MMO releasing exclusively on Wii/WiiU, one dying and one under performing system, both with sub par online capabilities. It's not a question of "if" it's gonna bomb, but how bad IMO.
I'm just saying, there's no record for success on HD consoles for subscription based online RPGs. DCUO flopped hard and went f2p, FFXI 360 barely made an impact (subscriber base there is still mostly PC) and ditto for Monster Hunter Frontier and PS Universe. There's actually a better record for success on PS2/Wii than there is PS3/360 for this sort of thing (FFXI, DQX, MH1-3, PSU, etc).

For DQX as well, I think redesigning the game with a f2p option is the only way it'll see wider reasonable success in the west. Porting the game as is to PS3 or 360 (Wii level assets, subscription model) would result in it bombing just as hard anyway. If SE wants to aim wider, that should be their priority (f2p conversion, PC port, then maybe other consoles). If SE wants to stay with a small dedicated subscriber base in the west though and leave the game as is, a Nintendo incentivised deal might jot be a bad route either. Less potential return, but less risk/investment too.


Inazuma Eleven is a good example. It has fallen by a lot, but at least the last releases have been consistent in sales.

What else does L-5 have to fall back on?? Nothing.

Well, Fantasy Life was good for a new IP, but I have my doubts about that growing too much.

BTW, next week:

-[3DS] by Famitsu on 11 million userbase-

3 million: Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

2 million: Mario Kart 7; New Super Mario Bros. 2.

1 million: Super Mario 3D Land; Monster Hunter Tri G; Dragon Quest VII.
Someday Terry...

That correct? How does this compare with DS up to this point in the lifetime of the console?? What about... GBA?


Anyway, let's for the sake of argument say there is a three year exclusivity deal in place, as rumours have suggested.
With MH4 due out this summer, MHP4th could come out in December 2014, which would honour the exclusivity deal, and would be the same distance from MH4 as MHP3rd was from MH3. Considering the ridiculous amounts of other "hunting" games coming to Vita this year, I would be surprised if the Vita audience isn't primed for a major MH game at that point in time.

The main issue with working on a title for Vita is that their previous assets would be mostly unusable. PS2 > PSP > Wii > PSP > 3DS largely worked with the same models, textures etc. Moving to a higher resolution would obviously mean some extra effort. They'll have to do it at some point, of course, but are they ready for it now?

Well that was a post full of naïvety!

With the ridiculous amounts of other "hunting" games coming to Vita this year, the audience is still small comparing to 3DS MH audience (as there are more MH3G owners than VITA owners). Capcom can release MH4G in Dec 2014, which could re-use the assets from MH4, and it would be guaranteed to sell better than any new MH title on VITA. I would require less effort and achieve more profit.
Well again, I'm not choosing one translation over another. That's what you're doing.

What I'm doing is choosing to wait for a clearer response/account on DQX. Do you understand the difference?

Then you shouldn't have brought up someone's supposed wife's translation to try to strengthen your argument that the article is dubious when, by all accounts, it's accurate. However, I'll agree that waiting for SE's statement is a fair stance to take.

Sony wouldn't say a word on DCUO subscribers until after it went f2p, when they trumpeted it being a 300k player base in a matter of weeks and saying that was a 10x increase from their previous subscriber base. Ergo, the game managed just 30k subscribers.

DQX's 400k is from SE's previous results report. And in the article you keep citing part of the translation is "steady" on that I should point out. Anecdotal reports on server congestion seems to reflect that too generally.

So the game managed around ~30K subscriptions on PC + PS3 and then exploded to 300K on PC+PS3 when it went f2p. IIRC I remember seeing that the split between the PS3 and PC version were close to 50/50 with slightly bigger numbers on the PS3. The game is considered a success by SOE IIRC.

The 400K number is as of December 2012 then? So within the first 4 months. Does that number include people that signed up for the 30 Day free trial? Is it current users or the total amount? Will be interesting to see the retention when they give out the numbers later this month.

I'm just saying, there's no record for success on HD consoles for subscription based online RPGs. DCUO flopped hard and went f2p, FFXI 360 barely made an impact (subscriber base there is still mostly PC) and ditto for Monster Hunter Frontier and PS Universe. There's actually a better record for success on PS2/Wii than there is PS3/360 for this sort of thing (FFXI, DQX, MH1-3, PSU, etc).

For DQX as well, I think redesigning the game with a f2p option is the only way it'll see wider reasonable success in the west. Porting the game as is to PS3 or 360 (Wii level assets, subscription model) would result in it bombing just as hard anyway. If SE wants to aim wider, that should be their priority (f2p conversion, PC port, then maybe other consoles). If SE wants to stay with a small dedicated subscriber base in the west though and leave the game as is, a Nintendo incentivised deal might jot be a bad route either. Less potential return, but less risk/investment too.

That might be because subscription based MMOs are going the way of the dodo in the west. I will give you that getting the game F2P AND on PC should be the first order of business for SE. However, releasing it only on Wii/WiiU for consoles would not be smart. MS might not play ball, but Sony definitely would. Getting it on PS3/4/V would get it to reach a wider base. I think if you are a 3rd party, MMOs should be put on as many platforms as possible. It's the reason SE wanted to put FFXIV on 360 and why they were considering putting FFXI on PSV as well.

I also think it's funny that you put DQX there as a success story for the Wii when we are discussing this exact thing here.


In case anybody cares.

BTW, next week:

-[3DS] by Famitsu on 11 million userbase-

3 million: Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

2 million: Mario Kart 7; New Super Mario Bros. 2.

1 million: Super Mario 3D Land; Monster Hunter Tri G; Dragon Quest VII.
Someday Terry...

That correct? How does this compare with DS up to this point in the lifetime of the console?? What about... GBA?

DS as of 2007-01-01 By #of weeks (110)

Userbase of: 14,266,866

4 million: Pokémon Diamond / Pearl

3 million: Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day; Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day; Animal Crossing: Wild World; New Super Mario Bros.;

2 million:

1 million: Wario Ware Touched!; Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop; Big Brain Academy; Nintendogs (all versions); Mario Kart DS; English Training: Have Fun Improving Your Skills; Tetris DS; Kanshuu Nippon Joushikiryoku Kentei Kyoukai: Imasara Hito ni wa Kikenai Otona no Joushikiryoku Training DS; Final Fantasy 3 + Super Mario 64 DS have a 6 month gap, but they probably fit into this category.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit: Corrected the date, I hadn't fixed it from my previous draft. All info from Garaph.
Interesting. The two lists are actually deceptively similar, with the notable exceptions of the non-game market having been shot in the back of the head and the 3DS skewing significantly more hardcore.
Mind you, it's worth noting that DS had 3 holiday seasons and a Pokemon by this point.
Interesting. The two lists are actually deceptively similar, with the notable exceptions of the non-game market having been shot in the back of the head and the 3DS skewing significantly more hardcore.
Mind you, it's worth noting that DS had 3 holiday seasons and a Pokemon by this point.

They are not close to similar. The DS is significantly better.
Then you shouldn't have brought up someone's supposed wife's translation to try to strengthen your argument that the article is dubious when, by all accounts, it's accurate. However, I'll agree that waiting for SE's statement is a fair stance to take.
I brought up the other read because the article being unclear is the reason I'm holding off for now until we get something more accountable. The fact that another interpretation exists means it isn't accurate "by all accounts" in fact. That's the point.

So the game managed around ~30K subscriptions on PC + PS3 and then exploded to 300K on PC+PS3 when it went f2p. IIRC I remember seeing that the split between the PS3 and PC version were close to 50/50 with slightly bigger numbers on the PS3. The game is considered a success by SOE IIRC.

The 400K number is as of December 2012 then? So within the first 4 months. Does that number include people that signed up for the 30 Day free trial? Is it current users or the total amount? Will be interesting to see the retention when they give out the numbers later this month.
Yes, DCUO was considered a success after it went f2p. It was a gigantic bomb as a p2p game.

We don't have a breakdown for DQX's 400k subscribers or if it even includes those simply using the (20 not 30 day) trial or those only playing during kids time. We can compare it directly to FFXI though, which SE said managed 100k subscribers in the same window.

That might be because subscription based MMOs are going the way of the dodo in the west. I will give you that getting the game F2P AND on PC should be the first order of business for SE. However, releasing it only on Wii/WiiU for consoles would not be smart. MS might not play ball, but Sony definitely would. Getting it on PS3/4/V would get it to reach a wider base. I think if you are a 3rd party, MMOs should be put on as many platforms as possible. It's the reason SE wanted to put FFXIV on 360 and why they were considering putting FFXI on PSV as well.
I think it depends on what SE wants out the game overseas. If it stays as is (Wii level assets, subscription model) then letting Nintebdo shoulder all the costs makes sense for a small dedicated (paying) audience. If they want to cast the net wider, then they need to invest in reworking the game for f2p, invest in getting it on PC (any maybe other platforms), and publish/promote it themselves. It's basically low risk/investment/return potential vs high risk/investment/return potential.

I also think it's funny that you put DQX there as a success story for the Wii when we are discussing this exact thing here.
Not a "success story", just "more successful" than any PS360 subscription based online RPG. In fact DQX Wii outsold all of them combined in Japan.


Why is MH vita still talked about? That ship sailed a long long time ago!

I don't think Sony fans know what they're in for.

It took 9 years before a Final Fantasy game was released again on a Nintendo console, FF Tactics Advance. But that's a spin-off. Nintendo fans are sill waiting for that brand new mainline Final Fantasy game, 19 years and counting...
All this talking about Level-5, as they're going bankrupt.

It is true that Level-5's IP declined over time. But it is also true that none of them is a high budget IP, and all of them are able to pull at least 200k units in Japan. We're not in DS hey-days, when Layton was basically a million seller, and Inazuma Eleven as well, but the latter is consistent in its 400k units range, and Layton is around 200-300k units. That's not really bad for such low-budget games, that also make money on merchandising (Inazuma Eleven in particular).

I do think a software house as Level-5 can easily be profitable with mid-tier releases, and occasional outsourcing, like Dragon Quest or Sony's jRPGs. If the company will find another million seller IP to milk, even better, but we already saw that they're happy with a new IP selling around 250k units so I don't think there's nothing to worry about.


What? MH went to 3ds before vita even came out and it was in development before the 3ds came out. Hell the logic is flawed simply because things like mhp3rd hd and 3U exists. If Capcom is so concerned about being cheap, why are they investing in ps4 at all. Surely Deep Down should be using ps3 assets? The whole Capcom is so cheap angle only works if you selectively ignore the rest of the company.

I doubt DD will rival the number of monsters and locations in MH. There is also scope to consider when discussing development costs. They're not even being cheap by evaluating cost realistically.

3rd HD and 3U still are based on the handheld games. They're beefed up SD games rather than 'proper' HD games built from the ground up.

Anyway, Capcom usually ports their stuff everywhere but with MH they have been more picky in their platform choices. Maybe the part of Capcom handling MH has a different approach than the rest of the company. Many things about MH aren't exactly typical of Capcom. But different games also necessitate different approaches. MH has massive amounts of content and relies on multiplayer more than any other Capcom game. Hence the conservative choice of hardware and hesitation to split the user base.
I think 25k would be the baseline for vita if it didn't have gigantic software gaps. Unfortunately, it does, so to expect 25k sales to remain steady is basically expecting Soul Sacrifice to become Monster Hunter and prop the system up by itself.

3rd HD and 3U still are based on the handheld games. They're beefed up SD games rather than 'proper' HD games built from the ground up.

And theres no rule saying they would have to do so for vita if they had gone with vita.


I don't think there would be much of a point to port DQX to other consoles. Since players of the Wii/U versions probably wouldn't be able to play together with PS3 users, I doubt that a whole lot of people would make platform change that requires them to start from the beginning. Even if you can transfer your characters from Wii to PS3, such a move would split the user-base, which might be bad for DQX's long-term success.

I also don't think there's really a lot of untapped potential in Japan. DQX sold pretty solid and I don't think its sales were as much limited by being released on the Wii as by 1) people just not being interested into the idea of a DQX MMO to begin with and 2) DQX looking like a pretty barebones MMO, outclassed even by F2P games on the PC (which is related to being on the Wii, but it's too late to change it now).

I guess it was kind of supposed to be "your first MMO", but I don't think the type of people who play MMOs for a long time and pay a monthly fee to play are really looking for that kind of thing.

At the same time, I don't think a Western release makes any sense period. Even with a PC release, it would look hilariously bad and simple even compared to SE's own out-put with Realm Reborn. I can't see anyone playing it apart of some hardcore fans of the series -- and we all know there aren't a whole lot of them.

If it's indeed coming over, I guess it's published by Nintendo and is only being released due to some contractual obligations...
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