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Media Create Software Sales 2/5 - 2/11

Segata Sanshiro said:
I still say Zelda's doing fine in Japan. The series has lost its shine over there over the past few installments, so 400,000 on a userbase of around 1.6 mill is pretty good. I think it eventually could crawl past WW, maybe. At any rate, comparing Zelda to DQ in Japan is about the same as comparing them in the US, except in reverse.

I think 700-800k lifetime is a good baseline, too. I'd be a bit surprised if it hit a million, though I suppose it could. 400k lifetime, as I said, is almost outside my realm of belief. Naturally, it could happen. This industry likes to surprise, after all.

You know, speaking of Zelda;

i'm sure Nintendo is taking note of Zelda's decline in Japan. Something tells me we're going to see some HUGE changes for the Wii reboot.
D.Lo said:
Is that software or hardware JoshuaJSlone?
As Parl already said, hardware. Since we've got access to Famitsu's software pies from most weeks since DS/PSP launch, though, a decent weekly software share chart could be compiled. Not cumulative, though.

moku said:
I know its sounds odd, but after having seen the success of Wiisports, and Wiiplay, while watching Zelda just barly crack 400k, I'm a bit worried, and have actaully bought into some of what the Wii detractors have been saying about it.
Even if we accept that, Dragon Quest is a more popular series than Zelda, and will be released when there are many more Wiis out there than there were for Zelda's first few weks. If Zelda can reach 400K, DQS will probably do even better.


JoshuaJSlone said:
As Parl already said, hardware. Since we've got access to Famitsu's software pies from most weeks since DS/PSP launch, though, a decent weekly software share chart could be compiled. Not cumulative, though.
any word on Zelda gamecube sales? Even a hint in some press release?

I would be really interested to know how the Gamecube version is selling in Japan. I know its website only or something, but it could be a signifigant boost in sales to the game, as in the States were the Gamecube version is close to a million alone.


i think dqs has the potential to sell very well. it looks like it has simple, fun play mechanics, which anybody can understand and fits in well with the wii audience and what is selling well in japan, and has the dq license.

where i think zelda failed was in its approachability. i loved the game but it was very complicated to play, with intricate controls which took hours to perfect. also, it required several hours every day over a period of a couple of weeks to get the most out of it, and as a result was incredibly time consuming. if you put the effort in the result was amazingly rewarding, but as far as japan is concerned i think it was part of the problem.

in fact, i think the next zelda on wii is going to be closer to dqs than twilight princess, in the sense of it being simple, fun and pick up and play.


DQ Swords isn't releasing until June or later either... by that point the Wii base could be double what it is now, not to mention there's a rumored hardware bundle in the works for all the Wii-less DQ fans out there. It's going to move whatever Enix ships imo...
LanceStern said:
Were you frustrated at Metroid Prime 2 Echoes sales?

I remember a lot of people trying to make excuses for it's first low month, but even Nintendo has came out and stated they were disappointed with sales.

MP on the other hand came back and I believe has beaten SC. I might be off by a few 100k or so though

I still havent bought MP2. How good is it?
If TP GC version is selling, why have people assumed it wouldn't be traked on MC? I would love for it to do well, but I just don't think so. Nintendo have have stated how many times over Wii Sports has sold compared to Zelda, but that is only in reference to the Wii version I assume.

Anyway my point was it would've been on MC if it sold anything worth of being on the top 30.


the thoroughbred said:
If TP GC version is selling, why have people assumed it wouldn't be traked on MC? I would love for it to do well, but I just don't think so. Nintendo have have stated how many times over Wii Sports has sold compared to Zelda, but that is only in reference to the Wii version I assume.

Anyway my point was it would've been on MC if it sold anything worth of being on the top 30.

It would be new to me if Media Create got numbers from the Nintendo Online Store.
Did anyone read this one in the Gaf DS predictions thread

Foreign Jackass said:
Someone tell me this guy's adress!! He's either got a time machine, in which case I'll steal it from him, or he's a crazy lunatic who deserves to die! Quick!

The funny thing is, the predictions were just too accurate, and this guy somehow figured out that he's been to the future to know that. Its so damn wierd. Its like he had seen the future too. Man these guys must be some sort of freemasons, to know secrets like that.
:lol :lol :lol :lol
If DQSwords is to be a success in my eyes, it needs to go over 300k by at least 2 months of it's release.

That's 100k launch week
Then it has seven weeks to hit 200k.

They need to pick up titles other than just Wii Sports and Wii Play and get the ball rolling on real games gettings good sales.

In the case of Zelda. At first I was very disappointed with the sales, but I think eventually it'll hit over 600k-700k.

That's still low comapred to the other Zelda's numbers and the quality of the game, but for some reason they just won't grab the game up. They'll pick up Wario sure, but Zelda.. eh. If the Wii gets boosts in it's sales (like over 100k in a week) and Zelda still does about 10k, then that's nasty.
gamergirly said:
I still havent bought MP2. How good is it?

I really like the game and was very hyped for it, but for some reason in the end I like MP over the sequel.

I think the difficulty of the puzzles and nonlinearity of the sequel made it a bit more difficult for me to enjoy. I don't like the completely open types of games with no sense of direction to go to (MP2 hints were a little bit more spaced this time) and searching for items in vast environments (split between two worlds, mind you).

Some may argue I shoudl never have gotten a Metroid game if that was the case because nonlinearity and such is what it's all about... but I started the franchise with the Fusion and Prime series, so I was more addicted to the linearity that the developers chose to put in the game. Super Metroid, Metroid 1 and Metroid II I don't like that much.

I still love MP2 Echoes. The stronger focus on cinema, the harsher diffulculty and deeper story are all fine. You get the weapons a little early though.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
LanceStern said:
If DQSwords is to be a success in my eyes, it needs to go over 300k by at least 2 months of it's release.

How well do DQ spinoffs usually do in Japan?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
jarrod said:
Anywhere from 250.000 to 2.500.000. I expect DQ Swords to finish over 1m.

any other spin-off besides of dqm which sold easily over 1Mil ?


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
jarrod said:
Anywhere from 250.000 to 2.500.000. I expect DQ Swords to finish over 1m.

Lance's No Fact Zone is back, if DQS does above 1m it's automatically a non-game!


Anyone care to predict how much Fire Emblem will sell in its first week? I'd hazard a guess at ~175,000 units, all depending on the initial shipment...

As for talk of DQS, 500,000 units is easily a given.


I'd go at least 500k for DQS. Although honestly we can't really predict this stuff anymore.

And it doesn't really make a difference for 'real' games on Wii if Zelda doesn't reach a million. If the Wii dominates, it will have all the traditional games anyway, by default. Not every company will jump straight on the 'non-game' bandwagon, even Nintendo have kept up the traditional game pace, even going super traditional with NSMB.


Ah yes, Naruto...forgot about that. Considering DBZ started with ~40,000, I'd put Naruto at 45,000-50,000 for week one.

We shall see! :)


cank stoochie said:
so which would be number one this week? prof layton or tod2. i'm hoping for layton :D

I'm hoping Layton pips ToD2 to the post as well, just for the sake of Level 5's achievement of not only publishing their own game for the first time, but also making it such a damn fine one! It could be a close one, though, with ~105,000 for Layton and ~100,000 for ToD2...


This week I'd guess...

Fire Emblem ~90k
Naruto EX ~75k

Riot Act ~7k
Splinter Cell ~3k

Untold Legends ~5k

...should be a good week for Nintendo.
To see MC threads spanning over 10 pages again... ah, warms my heart.

Then I look at the content of those 10 pages and I get a sour taste in my mouth.
Man, these MC threads get bigger and bigger.

Nobody knew the Blue Ocean strategy was going to be a success. People might not have expected the PSP/PS3 to streamroll the DS/Wii but nobody predicted it. People who pop up and say, "Oh...well...I knew it all along!" are being dumb.

Sony dropped the ball repeatedly with the PSP. They made far too many incorrect assumptions and slowly, if ever, fixed the mistakes at all. The same can be said right now for the PS3. Sony thought that since the products had "PlayStation" on it that sales would just take off on their own.

Nintendo knew this was a bad idea because its what they did with the Virtual Boy and the Nintendo 64. Nintendo made too many incorrect assumptions and did little to change the course. For the DS and Wii, Nintendo knew that they needed to cover more bases and assume that the "Nintendo" brand name is going to get them nowhere.

Nintendo was hungrier for victory. Sony just assumed that the PlayStation name was their ultimate trump card. Now Sony is trying to downplay its shortcomings but you know Sony's offices are frantic at what to do to fix the PS3/PSP situation.


The Experiment said:
Man, these MC threads get bigger and bigger.

Nobody knew the Blue Ocean strategy was going to be a success. People might not have expected the PSP/PS3 to streamroll the DS/Wii but nobody predicted it. People who pop up and say, "Oh...well...I knew it all along!" are being dumb.

Sony dropped the ball repeatedly with the PSP. They made far too many incorrect assumptions and slowly, if ever, fixed the mistakes at all. The same can be said right now for the PS3. Sony thought that since the products had "PlayStation" on it that sales would just take off on their own.

Nintendo knew this was a bad idea because its what they did with the Virtual Boy and the Nintendo 64. Nintendo made too many incorrect assumptions and did little to change the course. For the DS and Wii, Nintendo knew that they needed to cover more bases and assume that the "Nintendo" brand name is going to get them nowhere.

Nintendo was hungrier for victory. Sony just assumed that the PlayStation name was their ultimate trump card. Now Sony is trying to downplay its shortcomings but you know Sony's offices are frantic at what to do to fix the PS3/PSP situation.

It's more than just Blue Ocean. If it is just Blue Ocean, then it'd mean that PS3 and Xbox 360 will not be affected by the Wii. But what the Wii offers to non-gamers is also valued highly by current gamers, core or casual (not all, but commonly). Wii also competes against the 360/PS3, and isn't just sat in its uncontested market orientation. This results in sales marginalisation for Xbox 360 and PS3.

We saw this with DS, as PSP would sell more if DS doesn't exist. Except we didn't see this before it happened, we simply couldn't see it, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. It did!

Many simply don't see it happening with Wii, but that doesn't mean it won't happen...
Parl said:
It's more than just Blue Ocean. If it is just Blue Ocean, then it'd mean that PS3 and Xbox 360 will not be affected by the Wii. But what the Wii offers to non-gamers is also valued highly by current gamers, core or casual (not all, but commonly). Wii also competes against the 360/PS3, and isn't just sat in its uncontested market orientation. This results in sales marginalisation for Xbox 360 and PS3.

We saw this with DS, as PSP would sell more if DS doesn't exist. Except we didn't see this before it happened, we simply couldn't see it, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. It did!

Many simply don't see it happening with Wii, but that doesn't mean it won't happen...

We don't know if the Wii is affecting PS3 or Xbox 360 sales. All we know is Japan. Wii is almost always sold out so gamers basically are choosing between PS3 and 360. It will be a few months until we get to see Wii's impact.

The Xbox 360 sold its highest amount ever during the Wii's release (1.1 million units). Gamers are not standing by to get their Wii. They are buying other things too.

I think the Wii anecdotal references here are rather overblown. Nintendo fans will be creating lies to make it assume that everyone and their dog wants one and Sony/Microsoft fans are going to be downplaying it.

There are some casuals that get into it but I read these things about basically every machine except PS3. I remember during the Dreamcast's release, we'd be hearing stories of all these lapsed gamers running back to gaming thanks to Dreamcast. Maybe they did but their numbers were not enough.

The jury is out on the Wii and listening to testimonies from Nintendo fans carries no water. Thats like asking Sean Hannity about what people think of Bush.


Indeed, but clearly times are very young. Xbox 360 has more appealing software than the year before. Many of the core gamers will choose a 360 or PS3, or both, or both with Wii, and some will just choose Wii; this is obvious.

PS3 offers a lot to the European market and 360 offers a lot to the NA market that Wii currently doesn't offer. That's your typical core and casual western games. Disrupting this may take a while for Wii to achieve. PSP was good in this area, and DS marginalised it somewhat. PS3 and 360 are bigger in this rea, so it may take a while for Wii to pul it off convincingly, but Wii is Nintendo's baby, so they'll see it through, methinks.


DeaconKnowledge said:
You know, speaking of Zelda;

i'm sure Nintendo is taking note of Zelda's decline in Japan. Something tells me we're going to see some HUGE changes for the Wii reboot.

Maybe Link will have to do math problems to save Hyrule?


Forgotten Ancient said:
He posted that he or evillore will give us the numbers as soon as they get them...Please don't turn this into the NPD thread.


yeah, sorry...

its kind of neat to think about this though, there are about 5 different forums - all in sink with each other awaiting the numbers.
Dirtbag 504 said:
yeah, sorry...

its kind of neat to think about this though, there are about 5 different forums - all in sink with each other awaiting the numbers.

Yeah, don't get me wrong - I'm refreshing GAF every other minute. Ugh...at least I'm getting some work done in the meantime.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Tragically, I would definitely buy that. And it's not because I'm a blind Zelda fan, either. :(

I would actually be for a complete departure, or some kind of change. Link has become Inspector Gadget. I would prefer seeing him only focus on using a few items throughout the game with a focus on strong level design.


Forgotten Ancient said:
Yeah, don't get me wrong - I'm refreshing GAF every other minute. Ugh...at least I'm getting some work done in the meantime.
Hint: Go to the place that must not be named
in these threads.
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