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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?

My only real complaint with Xteme 2 was the in the Xtreme mode. You could pick both characters from the start and tackle all 8 bosses in any order which was great. The issue with this is that the character who gets the kill gets access to the boss weapon and both characters can only access their armor upgrades with the 4 weapons from their half of the game. It basically meant you either had to just play though xtreme the same way you played though the separate campaigns, or you had to bench either X or Zero from the majority of the game the only exception being that stupid tank boss which pretty much required both characters.

qq more

Yeah that was a weird design decision. The arcade Mega Man games were like this too in multiplayer.

Also, that tank boss was so awful and annoying. ugh :(


My only real complaint with Xteme 2 was the in the Xtreme mode. You could pick both characters from the start and tackle all 8 bosses in any order which was great. The issue with this is that the character who gets the kill gets access to the boss weapon and both characters can only access their armor upgrades with the 4 weapons from their half of the game. It basically meant you either had to just play though xtreme the same way you played though the separate campaigns, or you had to bench either X or Zero from the majority of the game the only exception being that stupid tank boss which pretty much required both characters.

That exact issue is one of my big complaints about Megaman X7 (which I think does something similar with health increases). Ditto for parts in X5. Most of the Mega Man X games that let you freely switch between X and Zero have some kind of upgrade system that undercuts the ability to take advantage of that switching. The only one that really gets it right is X8, I think.


That exact issue is one of my big complaints about Megaman X7 (which I think does something similar with health increases). Ditto for parts in X5. Most of the Mega Man X games that let you freely switch between X and Zero have some kind of upgrade system that undercuts the ability to take advantage of that switching. The only one that really gets it right is X8, I think.

Having played X7 recently, I still have no idea how health increases work. I thought it had something to do with rescuing reploids, but I went through stages with X after I unlocked him and he still got increases just for playing the stage. It's confusing!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Well, if we have to shorten the title for convenience (I haven't viewed this thread on MobileGAF yet so I can't say how it looks on either the Nexus or the Vita yet), we should think of something witty!

Eh? I never thought highly of Xtreme 1's music, though. It's alright, it sounds kind of weak in spots but felt it was listenable. Xtreme 2 sounds soooo much better. That Wire Sponge theme...
Eh? I though you looooved Xtreme 1's music. You thought I was crazy when the subject was brought up, iirc. Heck, you still think I'm nuts now!

You know how I feel about both of those Xtreme games. Not my style at all. And you know exactly how I feel about SNES -> GBA port music because I've gone into detail about it before on GAF and off of GAF several times in the past.


Well, the music in Xtreme 2 (i'm using that as a reference since I feel the quality is vastly superior to the first game) isn't the same as SNES -> GBA music. There is no limitation, it's just simple 8bit chiptune and it's not trying to replicate the sound of SNES but the sound of the system which makes it a lot higher quality.

qq more

Eh? I though you looooved Xtreme 1's music. You thought I was crazy when the subject was brought up, iirc. Heck, you still think I'm nuts now!

Was I? I was probably just really jokingly spiting you or something for defending someone for saying X6/X7 are better than the Xtreme games! I never really love the music in Xtreme 1, I like them, but I don't think I love them.

Xtreme 2's OST is great though. I can say that much.

Well, the music in Xtreme 2 (i'm using that as a reference since I feel the quality is vastly superior to the first game) isn't the same as SNES -> GBA music. There is no limitation, it's just simple 8bit chiptune and it's not trying to replicate the sound of SNES but the sound of the system which makes it a lot higher quality.

Exactly. I wish SNES -> GBA games would've done something interesting with their music instead of trying to get them sound close to the originals because it really did not work half of the times.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I genuinely disagree considering how different the sound chips are in both systems. For the GBA only have six channels to deal with (4 of them are the GB/GBC sound channels - 3 square waves, 1 noise; two being 8-bit PCM channels, which are very low quality to me) as opposed to the original eight for the SPC 700 (and we get nice reverb and volume envelope effects here, which I found to be a major step-up in terms of VGM evolution). Thus, if games (and the MMX games used this liberally) used >2 PCM sounds at the same time, they had to mix them together with the CPU to before outputting to one of the two available PCM channels. This further mixing causes the sample quality to degrade more (even down to 8khz). And that's why we have some messiness, lack of clarity, or outside "sound" at times. And that's truly the thing I can't stand about some of the SNES -> GBA conversions. Some of them just sound messy to me, or they tend to lack the original dynamics of the original piece.

I don't like some of the channel usage in some of these arrangements, and some of the scattered sound created at times. It ends up not sounding right to me at all, and in some cases, the pitch is changed (because that's just how the channels work), or it lacks extra nuances like some of the musical dynamics in the original piece. It ends up creating a lacklustre imitation. I don't think you'll ever get me to agree, haha. People have tried but it's never worked.

Was I? I was probably just really jokingly spiting you or something for defending someone for saying X6/X7 are better than the Xtreme games! I never really love the music in Xtreme 1, I like them, but I don't think I love them.
Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

I have a copy of X7 sitting right here. I can drop that pile of games on my desk now and play it, but I have better things to do with my time. (Maybe next week; X5 and X6 can join in the fray.)

But I'm not putting myself through the Xtreme games, no sir.

qq more

I genuinely disagree considering how different the sound chips are in both systems. For the GBA only have six channels to deal with (4 of them are the GB/GBC sound channels - 3 square waves, 1 noise; two being 8-bit PCM channels, which are very low quality to me) as opposed to the original eight for the SPC 700 (and we get nice reverb and volume envelope effects here, which I found to be a major step-up in terms of VGM evolution). Thus, if games (and the MMX games used this liberally) used >2 PCM sounds at the same time, they had to mix them together with the CPU to before outputting to one of the two available PCM channels. This further mixing causes the sample quality to degrade more (even down to 8khz). And that's why we have some messiness, lack of clarity, or outside "sound" at times. And that's truly the thing I can't stand about some of the SNES -> GBA conversions. Some of them just sound messy to me, or they tend to lack the original dynamics of the original piece.

I don't like some of the channel usage in some of these arrangements, and some of the scattered sound created at times. It ends up not sounding right to me at all, and in some cases, the pitch is changed (because that's just how the channels work), or it lacks extra nuances like some of the musical dynamics in the original piece. It ends up creating a lacklustre imitation. I don't think you'll ever get me to agree, haha. People have tried but it's never worked.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

I have a copy of X7 sitting right here. I can drop that pile of games on my desk now and play it, but I have better things to do with my time. (Maybe next week; X5 and X6 can join in the fray.)

But I'm not putting myself through the Xtreme games, no sir.

You... you sure you want to replay X7? D:


Well, what I'm saying is SNES - > GBA music is of lower quality than what is in Xtreme 2 for one simple reason.

Games that had to deal with the SNES -> GBA conversion that I can think of are

Yoshi's Island
Mario World
A Link to the Past

The issue with those is that they are trying to sound like the SNES on GBA hardware, but in Xtreme 2 they aren't trying to imitate that sound but to make a new song entirely in 8bit.

Either or not one likes the GBA music is a different subject is what I'm saying.
I do like stuff like this, though.


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Yes, qq. I'll suffer through X7 just for you. (Hell no.)

Well, what I'm saying is SNES - > GBA music is of lower quality than what is in Xtreme 2 for one simple reason.

Games that had to deal with the SNES -> GBA conversion that I can think of are

Yoshi's Island
Mario World
A Link to the Past

The issue with those is that they are trying to sound like the SNES on GBA hardware, but in Xtreme 2 they aren't trying to imitate that sound but to make a new song entirely in 8bit.

Either or not one likes the GBA music is a different subject is what I'm saying.
I do like stuff like this, though.

It may be 8-bit but it's still the same base composition done with six channels and it loses most of the composition effects like dynamics, pitch, reverb, and tone from the original composition and mix. I get what you're saying (because they aren't imitating the sound, but rather it's just an arrangement of the original composition), but I just can't agree because it's a weird arrangement in the end to me. In the end, it just doesn't sound right to me and it just bothers me. It's just like how I can't stand Mega Man & Bass's GBA soundtrack at all. I notice that it has some pitch changes or lack of dynamics and I just feel like it's a poor mix of it.

Man, I don't like arguing with you. Haha. We usually get along, so I'll just agree to disagree here. :/


You know, if I had a copy of X7, I probably would play it. I haven't actually beaten it, after all. Having only one console Mega Man game I haven't beaten actually irks me a little bit. It is probably for the best that I don't have a copy, I suppose.

I swear, my completionist impulses will be the death of me one of these days.


That's pretty much the reason why I picked it up with GS's Buy 2 Get 1 Free promotion. It was free, so I have no guilt for spending money on it!

It wasn't nearly as bad as I'd pictured it in my head after years of not playing it, but well, it's still a really bad game.

Nose Master

Damn, congrats! I don't think I'd be able to do it, like ever. I don't have the patience for it. But you owned it. Good job.

I wonder if Noi's going to continue his attempt at Mr. Perfect one day. .

It's honestly not nearly as frustrating as I thought it would be. Intimidating bosses like block devil are a cake walk on easy mode, plus, being able to save mid wilys fortress alleviates a lot of frustration.
Oh? I had no idea they were localizing the MM25 book. It's the MM and MMX OCW combined (as it originally was) but with 10 included and a couple of extras, right?
Udon's site lists it as

MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works
- 432 pages
- All the classic artwork from the Mega Man and Mega Man X series
- NEW artwork, and rough concepts from Mega Man 9 and 10
- New game developer interviews
- New Tribute art from Hitoshi Ariga, Toru Nakayama, Shigeto Ikehara, and more!


I ordered the Mega Man Zero collection for DS and it should get here tomorrow. Is there anything I should expect or be aware of before I jump into it?


I ordered the Mega Man Zero collection for DS and it should get here tomorrow. Is there anything I should expect or be aware of before I jump into it?
Since you are asking for general advice, I will presume you are not familiar with the Zero series.

I suggest avoiding Easy Mode. It is nice if you want to just blur through the games, but it is a very different experience than the base game. Notably, it uses a separate save file that forces you to play through the four games in order. Furthermore, it starts you off in Zero 1, and gives you all of the cyber-elves (activated even) from the get-go. So it is a double whammy of making the game an absurd cake-walk and spoiling what all of the cyber-elves do.

The next big thing to be aware of is that Zero 1 has a very punishing continue system. Basically, you can't continue when you run out of extra lives, only restart from a save file. Furthermore, you don't regenerate continues by clearing a stage. As such, if you use up all of your extra lives early, you can easily get stuck going through the entire game with no extra lives to fall back on. Thankfully, most of the stages in Zero 1 are pretty short, so it isn't hard to attempt to clear them without dying. I believe that Zero 2 onwards changes it such that you always have a minimum of two extra lives, but in turn have longer stages.

With that out of the way, have fun. I have always found the Zero games to be at their best when you are trying to get high ranks at the end of every missions. It requires a lot of reseting, but is very rewarding.
Also, Zero 1 is the only game in the series that allows you to actually fail the missions and continue anyways, but the rewards for said mission will be lost and it'll even affect the story somewhat.

Speaking of that, it got me curious, do speedrunners fail missions on purpose so that they can get to the endgame faster?


Awesome, I will definitely avoid easy mode then since I've been wanting a good Mega Man experience, and I can only replay the X collection so many times.

qq more

I honestly wonder what got them into coming up with such a bizarre concept for a cartoon about Mega Man. :lol



Protoman, your visor. It's eating your face.



Mega Man 26: Mega X

Just rewatched this now and it's kind of interesting to see X so gung-ho "Mavericks must be stopped at all costs!". Vile is pretty cool in this in the fact that he's so readily willing to face X even after he was defeated twice, although you could say the same for the Robot Masters in the series, I guess. Spark Mandrill barely talks at all, but it's not like I really care what he has to say anyways, he's just there for the 'muscle' like Guts Man (who speaking of which loses his 'guts' early on in the episode when Mega Man shoots a hole right in his torso with a proceeding pun".

It's also interesting to note how fast Mega Man was about to be scrapped with Roll, even stating when Vile initially appeared for Roll to leave him there and flee. As the episode progresses you clearly see how poorly matched up Mega Man is, but you also see his versatility which helps save X a few times and stops Vile and the Robot Masters. I think the coolest thing about the episode was at the ending where Mega Man is standing with his arm/gun propped up blocking the portal even though he has shown throughout the entire episode to have no effect on their resistant armor and how powerful their attacks are. X comes in and stops them, but it was still cool to see. (which Mega Man assists X in dodging their blasts afterwards)

As with a lot of others, this episode is indeed my favorite one, it was written pretty well and I couldn't really find any huge flaws with it. I actually thought this was the last episode, but apparently there is an Episode 27, the finale which although had very high ratings, was cancelled afterwards. It also features a whole new art style so I'll be watching that pretty soon and then posting my thoughts.

Another interesting thing to note was, Wily might have destroyed Mega Man and X all together in one shot if he put his laser canon at full blast instead of on low.

qq more

I never got to watch the entire episode but it was pretty interesting from what I've seen. I like how X's introduction had him blowing everything up with little care in an attempt to destroy Vile. The game's X probably wouldn't even think of doing that!

Also, different art style in the finale you say...? Any screenshots of that? This is the first I've heard of this so this is pretty interesting to hear.

oh god


So this past week I had family come down to stay with me and we went comic book hunting for a bit and I've collected most of the issues I've missed since #8. However I'm missing #10, 17, 23, and 24.

Does anyone know of a place I can order individual back issues online and ship to Canada? I didn't realize Archie comics only did orders of back issues in complete arcs...


I received my copy of the Zero Collection yesterday. I've been playing Zero 1 and boy these bosses are hard. It's obvious to me that ZX took a lot from these games besides models. Glad I purchased this and it's a blast to play.


I received my copy of the Zero Collection yesterday. I've been playing Zero 1 and boy these bosses are hard. It's obvious to me that ZX took a lot from these games besides models. Glad I purchased this and it's a blast to play.

Just wait until you level up for a charged Z Saber with the correct elemental chip. It'll make the boss fights a lot easier.
It'll still be difficult on a first time playthrough, but certainly a lot less stressful.


If there is one issue I have with the first two Zero games, is the “need“ to grind.

Also the hard modes suck in all 4.

You don't really need to grind anything in either Zero 1 or Zero 2. The game is perfectly beatable with using any cyber-elves. Heck, I beat Zero 2 without even grinding up weapon levels between missions, while aiming for A and S ranks during the missions. It took me three or four bosses before I got the charged slash.

Zero 1's Hard mode is pretty reasonable in my opinion. The enemies are not seriously buffed in power, so the biggest drawback for the player is the lack of most charged attacks. But I still managed to beat every stage short of the final Neo Arcadia stages on Hard mode while maintaining an A rank for most of the game. That is a case where the Hard mode makes the game more demanding, but still gives you plenty of allowance for mistake.

The really nasty Hard Mode is ZX Advent's. The enemy damage it ramped up through the roof in that mode. I couldn't beat that stupid spider boss in the tower.


I really like playing Zero 3 in hard mode actually since only the Z-Buster and Z-Saber get nerfed. Recoil Rod + Shield Boomerang combo so good.


By that I meant that they suck because rather than being designed to be more challenging, it‘s only hard because you get nerfed :/

What do you think is the best way to ramp up difficulty in a Mega Man game for a hard mode? I generally don't like the simple approach of every enemy doing more damage. That just tends to make the game more frustrating without forcing the player to approach the game differently.

Ideally, a hard mode would involve rebuilding the game's platforming and enemy placement to be more challenging, but that generally isn't practical.


You found TheLegendofRenegade! I love his Genesis remixes. Only thing that bugs me is when he inserts "Cowabunga!" into the Shadow Man and Dive Man remixes. Here are some Classic-themed ones that I like:

Mega Man 7 - Wily Stage 1

Mega Man 3 - Needle Man

Mega Man 4 - Cossack Stage 1

Mega Man 2 - Metal Man

I think he's done 1 - MM&B of the Classic series, and may check out 9 and 10 sometime down the line. Pretty good, most of them. I hadn't bothered to check if had remixed songs for other series, and he has, so thanks for the heads up. Nice choices, too.

So good. He gets like the perfect set of instruments for these, I admire his talent.

This is also another good one.

Mega Man 2 - Quick Man Stage (Sega Genesis Remix)


So MegaGAF, in your view, which game of each series has the best music out of their series?
Bonus: Put the best song from the game as well.

Mega Man Classic Series

Mega Man 7

Wily Stage 1

As much as I love Wily Stage 1 in Mega Man 2, this Wily Stage just way too good.

Mega Man X Series

Oh, this is a tough one...hmm.....

Gonna go with X1

Sigma Stage 1 (Palace Grounds)

This is my favorite song in the Mega Man series. It plays right after Zero dies, while the tone and instrumentation is perfect. To me this song represents Zero dying, but X struggling with the loss of his comrade, but not letting the pain hold him back because he knows he has to move on to stop Sigma.

Mega Man Zero Series

Mega Man Zero 2


^ Departure is simply the best of the Zero series.

I just wanted to say that I love the X4 reference in the thread title.




Kokonoe chose a lot of great ones (you recognized the godliness of MM7 Wily Stage 1!). Let me see...


Mega Man 3 - Wily Stage 1
Mega Man 3 - Wily Stage 1 Genesis remix

This track has all of these notes dancing all over the place, coming together for something awesome. Runners-up include Magnet Man, Needle Man, Shadow Man. I love MM4 a lot, but the soundtrack is second to 3's for me. I really like 4, 3, 10 and 7 music. 7 deserves a little more love--Spring Man, Cloud Man, Turbo Man were good.


Mega Man X - Boomer Kuwanger

Putting aside my inclination to be all contrary, I have to go with this. Mega Man X has a consistently awesome soundtrack, even if I have individual favorites elsewhere. The highs and lows of the Boomer Kuwanger theme are what make this great.


Mega Man Zero 2 - Ice Brain (Polar Kamrous)
Mega Man Zero 2 - Ice Brain (Rockman Zero 2 - Idea version)

It feels so cold, isolated, ominous and yet dreamy. It's great ice stage music. Mega Man Zero soundtracks each have standout tracks (except for the first one, that was meh on the whole besides the Aztec Falcon stage) but Mega Man Zero 2 is ever so slightly better than the runner up that is Mega Man Zero 3. Sorry Devilbat Schilt and Deathtanz Mantisk stage, Zero 3 has some other tracks I don't care for as much.


Mega Man ZX Advent - Overloaded (Thetis stage)
Mega Man ZX Advent - Overloaded (Thetis stage, ZX Advent Tunes version)

The ZX games were phenomenal soundtrack wise. Or...they at least dress up very well in remixes. Why do you force me to choose between the two games, when both of them have so many good tracks (on the whole, they're better than any Zero game IMO)? But alas, I choose ZX Advent. I can't stop myself from posting another awesome one...I can't choose between the above and this second one:

Mega Man ZX Advent - In the Wind (Aeolus stage)
Mega Man ZX Advent - In the Wind (Aeolus Stage, ZX Advent Tunes version)

Forgive me Destiny/Grey Intro stage, I will pay for the sin of omitting you some other time.


Mega Man Legends 2 - Glyde theme/pre battle which segues into
Mega Man Legends 2 - Birdbot battle on Nino Island

Fuck, I'm at a huge disadvantage here. Never beat either game. Got midway through Legends 2, got to the final sub-gates in the first Legends (had no idea I was at the end of the game, FML). The other problem with Legends games is that the OST is huge. I'm forced to choose between Legends 1 which I feel has more iconic tracks (like the Flutter theme which got re-used for MML2 title screen) and Legends 2 which I feel is a little more interesting and action packed. I basically flipped a coin to be honest.

The theme I posted captures a sort of jazzy action cool from the Legends series. I could have gone with other things, but eh...

Battle Network

Mega Man Network Transmission - Quick Man stage

Having only played 1-5 out of the main entries, I'm left with two choices: 2 and 3. Hmm...2 has good stage themes and a good boss theme, 3 has the best final dungeon theme ever and good internet themes. Until I remember that I played Transmission and then I default to that. I had difficulty choosing...so, uh.....

Star Force

Mega Man Star Force - Final Battleground (Space Comps)

I only played 1 and 2, though I've checked out 3's soundtrack. It was clear for me I would choose 1, but after that it was either the final dungeon or the Cygnus Wing stage.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Aha. Bean and I were discussing that earlier. I'll get a list with descriptions up later if I have the time. I still have to write up my Whatcha Been Playin' post.

Thanks for your list, Greenhowse. I don't usually see people explaining their VGM list posts on gaming side (even just a small blurb would do for me, please!), so this is very refreshing to see. I only get to see that sort of stuff during SotY.

I'd recently gotten a copy of Rockman 7 (I'd lucked out and bought Rockman 7 and Rockman X3 for $25. So yay!) Reposting this from another thread because it's more relevant here.

Dark Schala said:
Heh. This is the second-best moment of my day. (Third-best is Sonic.)

Ignore the dust on the game genie because I wanted to see how the darn game (Rockman 7) would work first and I hadn't cleaned it yet. :V


I'm thinking of opening the sucker up and using a needlenose or a dremel tool to take the tabs off inside the console so I don't have to use the Game Genie. I actually had a hell of a time getting this damn thing to work today, that's why. I had to blow and use the isopropyl alcohol a few times (ie: more than I probably should). So either I buy a new Game Genie and take the tabs out, or just take the console apart (and clean the darn thing with alcohol and some static-free stuff while I'm at it) and stop going through the hassle of using the Game Genie.

I thought it was the Game Genie after a while and not the console because I tested a regular NTSC game out on it and it worked fine. I then tested the same game out on the Game Genie and yeah, the darn thing didn't give out a signal. Cleaned and cleaned that Game Genie, and it works. I'll test it out with another SFC game later to make sure that the Game Genie's still working right.
(Game Genie works alright. I just needed to clean the connectors and the cart a little more.)

I realized that I don't really think much of Mega Man 7 upon replaying it myself. A friend of mine played it on a stream a few months ago, and while it looked okay, you don't get the feel of the game unless you play it yourself. I hadn't played MM7 in a long, long, long, long time so I don't remember much of it outside of the final boss and some introductions to the series. (It's funny because I own the MM Anniversary Collection, too, and never decided to play it until I'd obtained my own cart for it.) And now that I have, I know why I don't remember much about it. I feel like for the most part, it's unremarkable for me. I like how it looks, and in some places I like how it sounds, but outside of being the first classic game with an intro stage, being the game that introduced Bass & Treble, introducing the Super Rush Adapter, and Auto, I don't really feel like it's utterly remarkable to me.

It's slow. Lordy, it's slow. The only way I like getting around in that game is through sliding. Though that's probably because of how big the sprites are (so less space on the screen to work with at times). I guess I liked the 7 FC version a little better because of that. It's easy outside of that final boss (and it's hard to time Thunder Bolt to prevent him from using the four laser balls sometimes, but it's doable), so I guess that's why I find it to be less exhilarating than some of its other series' counterparts.

The unskippable text which can sometimes be unnecessary, or it can sometimes not elaborate on certain things that some weapons do. Argh. I've griped about this to someone else and he chuckled at how irritated I was with it. Haha. It's because, and I say this in many threads, I like games better when they respect the player's time, so unnecessary cutscenes, unskippable text, etc. tend to get on my nerves sometimes. And as much as I like Rush Search's animations, I don't care for watching them play out after the first.

I'm still deciding which of the two versions handled that Law of Robotics scene the best, here. In the English version, he says, "I'm more than a robot!" In the Japanese version, he merely says nothing (and the text bubble is filled with ellipses).

I do like how you can interact with the environment with various weapons, and that you can find stuff off the main road in MM7, though. Using the Freeze Cracker in Junk Man's stage and Cloud Man's stage is real neat, for example. Using the wrong weapon on the wrong enemy penalizes the player, as it ... well, I think it should. It's a neat twist (ex: Thunder Bolt on Turbo Man).

Outside of that, I still don't think much of it. If I had to rank the games right now, it'd be on the lower end of the spectrum. That isn't to say that I dislike it, because I don't dislike it. I just find that these qualities and a little more are enough for me to put it on the lower part of the spectrum as opposed to rating it highly.


I definitely agree with all that. 7 had some nice ideas, but there were things that bogged it down. Plus going from the physics from the prior MM games to this one made 7 feel... stiff and less responsive? That's the only way I can put it. On a separate note, I wasn't a fan of having 4 robot masters being locked away until you clear the first four.

Also I think I recall the charge shot being rather weak in 7, but I could be remembering wrong. Things just seemed to not die fast in that game.

qq more

I definitely agree with all that. 7 had some nice ideas, but there were things that bogged it down. Plus going from the physics from the prior MM games to this one made 7 feel... stiff and less responsive? That's the only way I can put it. On a separate note, I wasn't a fan of having 4 robot masters being locked away until you clear the first four.

Also I think I recall the charge shot being rather weak in 7, but I could be remembering wrong. Things just seemed to not die fast in that game.

There's actually a password to have all 8 robot masters from the start.
Haven't played much of 7, but what little I've played I didn't care for too much. It seemed better than 6, which I've played even less, but the Gameboy-proportioned sprites are really distracting and... I don't how else to describe it but heavy feeling. The game is gorgeous, though.

Really want to get a copy of 7, X2, and X3 one day.

There's actually a password to have all 8 robot masters from the start.

I never knew this.
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