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Mega Man Zero 3 - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Overall, Mega Man Zero 3 is easily the most diverse and accessible Mega Man game yet. All the various weapons, suits, body upgrades, and cyber elves provide endless opportunities for customization. Fans of the series will be glad that the levels and bosses are just as challenging as always, and tickled pink to finally learn the true story behind the existence of the cyber elves and reploids like Zero and X. At the same time, less-experienced players will appreciate how Capcom has fine-tuned the gameplay. If you've enjoyed Mega Man games in the past or have been waiting for one that's a little less punishing, Mega Man Zero 3 is the game to get."


go eat paint
I liked this one the most. MMZ2 had the best bosses in terms of creativity, but the levels are better in MMZ3. MMZ3 also pretty much spells out the origin of X, Zero, the cyber elves, reploids, Dr. Weil--the whole shebang.

Mostly, I liked how Capcom made it so that cyber elves can actually be used (at least on a modest basis) without hurting mission ratings. In MMZ2, you used one, it went poof, and you took a permanent rating hit. In MMZ3, you can equip and swap 2 satellite elves without penalty. Using elves with permanent effects or playing the levels in "cyber space" does still result in a significant drop however. That's a good trade-off I think. It lets the experts do their speed runs and S-rank runs and lets everyone else play through the game with good odds at obtaining a decent overall grade (which earns more EX attacks and just makes things that much more fun).

[Personally, Mega Man games have never been my cup o' tea. Ironic. I actually came away having enjoyed this one, so I'm not sure what to make of that.]


BuddyChrist83 said:
Yay! I know what I'm using my in store credit for next week.
Goddamn it is next week :eek:

Tho to note it doesn't explain everything, but outlines basically how the X series will go into Zero and explains current events. XD

john tv

Not the hardest, IMO. It's easier than 1 and 2.

They're all the same though... this series is getting just as tired as all the other Mega Man series. I wish Capcom would stop recycling the same old shit all the time... :/


john tv said:
Not the hardest, IMO. It's easier than 1 and 2.

They're all the same though... this series is getting just as tired as all the other Mega Man series. I wish Capcom would stop recycling the same old shit all the time... :/

Were you using elves and cyberspace portions tho? :3


go eat paint
I think Zero 3 is just as hard as Zero 2 if you limit your cyber elf use. The first couple levels are much easier than the first couple in 2 were tho. Game makes up for that with some pretty sick lava pit/spike pit jump sequences. Not to mention the last two levels are a fffffriggin gauntlet even if you have satellite cyber elves enabled. (To be honest, the first couple times I beat the game, I had to use both of the fusion type health refill cyber elves I had and one of the "cut boss' energy in half" fusion elves. Ended up with a B overall, which is certainly more fair than the D or F that'd net in MMZ2--and a better incentive to try harder. The best I managed is an A overall, and that took a lot of die, die, die, die, epiphany, reset, next level, repeat.)

I agree with johntv wholeheartedly about his "they're all the same" and "recycle" comments. Mega Man fans who wanted more Mega Man will like it. But I'm not sure people who have issue with the whole Mega Man style of platformer will. The revamped cyber elf stuff and all of the different suit upgrades give this one a bit more variety tho, besides the usual memorize-until-perfect level designs.

To further elaborate on recycling -- Capcom re-used the home base "level" and friendly character graphics from MMZ2, as well as a few other enemy sprites here and there. At the same time, they stuck with the shiny pastel look of the sprites and backgrounds, which is fine if you like that sort of thing (the animation is sexy tho), but not exactly as drop dead cool looking as the stuff we've seen in more recent games like Zero Mission or CT Special Forces 2.

You know what I'd like to see Capcom do? A Mega Man game setup and sexied up like Viewtiful Joe. Same toon shading style graphics, same 2.5D style perspective, but with Mega Man characters and bosses...


mosaic said:
You know what I'd like to see Capcom do? A Mega Man game setup and sexied up like Viewtiful Joe. Same toon shading style graphics, same 2.5D style perspective, but with Mega Man characters and bosses...
Go and buy MegaMan Network Transmission
One of the most underappreciated games this generation
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