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Mental Health |OT2| - Light in the Darkness

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A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
1 in 5 Americans is on a psych med. From 2001-2010, usage increased 22%. Anti-anxiety med usage in children ages 10-19 increased 50%. Anti-depressants in children actually went down after 2004, probably because so many were committing suicide.

There are conflicting studies about their efficacy. The effects of antidepressants have been duplicated up to 82% by placebos.

You're seriously quoting Irving Kirsch? Dude is closer to Andrew Wakefield than a legitimate researcher.

APA Blasts 60 Minutes Program on Antidepressants

The Antidepressant Wars, a Sequel: How the Media Distort Findings and Do Harm to Patients

Antidepressants and Effect Size
Aside from a whole lot of finger pointing, those articles are basically reaching the same conclusion: medication works slightly better than a placebo. The question is, do the pros outweigh the cons? Depression is supposed to be a temporary condition, but many people end up on these drugs for years, if not their whole lives.

CBT is the only proven method of treatment for depression, plus it's relatively quick and inexpensive.


Why does jealousy and anxiety lead to depression?

Also, why do these things happen after the happiest moments in life.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Aside from a whole lot of finger pointing, those articles are basically reaching the same conclusion: medication works slightly better than a placebo. The question is, do the pros outweigh the cons? Depression is supposed to be a temporary condition, but many people end up on these drugs for years, if not their whole lives.

CBT is the only proven method of treatment for depression, plus it's relatively quick and inexpensive.

Depression is not always temporary, that's an absurd comment to make. CBT has about the same rate of success as medication you seem all critical about.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Does anyone have any tips dealing with procrastination?

It's kind of becoming a self fulfilling prophecy... I've always had problems procrastinating but dealing with depression now makes it even worse.

I do poorly on assignments/tests and then get mad at myself for being lazy and then that reduces my self esteem. I'm really trying but... I don't know. Maybe I'm just not quite motivated enough right now.

Honestly, I think the best thing is to just force yourself. A big part is removing distractions, but I'd say the biggest is putting yourself in the mindset to be productive. If you are procrastinating in your room, go somewhere else. Make a place your designated work area like a library(assuming your in college, so they should have some study spaces) Sit down, put some chill music in the background(I always found that helped me, but results obviously will vary. If you want to try it, try some downtempo, I recommend any Nujabes instrumentals. I'd avoid anything with heavy emphasis on lyrics, but again... that's me.) There are various programs to restrict your webusage I'd recommend, too easy to be on Neogaf for three hours. Maybe drink some coffee, or tea, or something. Another recommendation is a low calorie snack, I have friends who use plain white popcorn with nothing on it. You are going to start off restless and wanting to distract yourself. So when you do it, you do the small thing(Sip drink, eat a little popcorn) and then that distraction is done and you go back to work. Hope some of these help.


I overshare way too much lately, like I'm bursting with all the things going on in my head and whenever I get into a conversation all kinds of things come out of my mouth. Puts pressure on everyone and obviously they tend to avoid talking to me then because I'm just another unnecessary burden to them.

Also a reason why I have such a hard time on dating apps, I just feel like I gotta share all this very personal information, but at the same time I want to withhold it because I know it's too much, but them knowing that I'm troubled in this way is something they should know beforehand, it's only fair, no? That I can be so anxious but also really bursting with confidence and all these things. Or maybe I just don't use the right words when I write about that. I never say "Hey there I have BPD" because I know that's dumb, like, nobody tells you they have Diabetes when you first talk to them. There's also a side of me that thinks that this is me trying to excuse future behaviour with that. I really don't know for sure though.

Anyway, I at least felt like the last few days where kinda productive for me since I drew a lot more again, just sat there working on old drawings, improving them. Felt good. Work is still good too, love talking to the people I work with, it's really a healing experience most of the time working at the cinema.
Depression is not always temporary, that's an absurd comment to make. CBT has about the same rate of success as medication you seem all critical about.

Psychotherapy is a broad term and includes many types of treatment. That article makes no mention of CBT specifically.

Depression as a chronic condition just absolves people of agency. There's no motivation to recover because recovery is impossible. Any improvement in mood is because the medication is working. Any decline is because the medication isn't working.


Psychotherapy is a broad term and includes many types of treatment. That article makes no mention of CBT specifically.

Depression as a chronic condition just absolves people of agency. There's no motivation to recover because recovery is impossible. Any improvement in mood is because the medication is working. Any decline is because the medication isn't working.

I agree that no one should use medication to absolve them of their actions. I know that is what my younger sister does all the time when she use to live here. She'd scream and yell whenever anyone would oppose her or tell her no or do anything she didn't like. Then she'd just have to break down and blame it on not having meds or missing a dose. On the other hand using medicine and not attributing it to all the changes will help. I know I say I need back on meds myself but I know they won't cure anything I still have to make the changes myself. Either way you do what feels is best for you.


best junior ever
Hey everyone. I have a new job starting in November and I need to pack everything in my apartment but I lack all self-motivation due to years of depression based procrastination. Anyone have any tips for getting this done? I let these things build up in my head and it then triggers my anxiety which causes me to become even more adverse to doing the work.
I guess my family has hated me my whole life.

I'm told my mother had her tubes tied, got depressed, started cheating, and my dad turned into a mean alcoholic. I noticed my baby book abruptly ends and It's obvious I have some form of Autism. I feel like I played a large part in the end of their marriage.

After that I was never talked to about my social issues, encouraged to make friends, or really talked to about life. I was always quiet at school, then spent time on the computer starting in 4th grade.

It's like I was left to figure everything out myself and I was at a huge disadvantage. I was obviously not figuring things out.

Now I'm 28, my life is a mess, and I'm figuring out things people could have helped me with years ago in school too late.


Hey everyone. I have a new job starting in November and I need to pack everything in my apartment but I lack all self-motivation due to years of depression based procrastination. Anyone have any tips for getting this done? I let these things build up in my head and it then triggers my anxiety which causes me to become even more adverse to doing the work.

I really don't have much advice when it comes to this other than doing it. If you don't pack everything then you'll end up leaving things of yours behind. Do some breathing exercises before or whenever you start to feel stressed.

I guess my family has hated me my whole life.

I'm told my mother had her tubes tied, got depressed, started cheating, and my dad turned into a mean alcoholic. I noticed my baby book abruptly ends and It's obvious I have some form of Autism. I feel like I played a large part in the end of their marriage.

After that I was never talked to about my social issues, encouraged to make friends, or really talked to about life. I was always quiet at school, then spent time on the computer starting in 4th grade.

It's like I was left to figure everything out myself and I was at a huge disadvantage. I was obviously not figuring things out.

Now I'm 28, my life is a mess, and I'm figuring out things people could have helped me with years ago in school too late.

You can't let what others did they make their own decisions. When it comes to being to late in life it is most certainly not. I had zero social life from like 13-26 and it took hard work but I came out ok .....I think lol. You can do it to you just need help which can be hard and scary to find. Try and find groups around you that share a common hobby or something. Go to the park one day a week and force yourself to try and talk to one person while you are there. Just mix it up.
I really don't have much advice when it comes to this other than doing it. If you don't pack everything then you'll end up leaving things of yours behind. Do some breathing exercises before or whenever you start to feel stressed.

You can't let what others did they make their own decisions. When it comes to being to late in life it is most certainly not. I had zero social life from like 13-26 and it took hard work but I came out ok .....I think lol. You can do it to you just need help which can be hard and scary to find. Try and find groups around you that share a common hobby or something. Go to the park one day a week and force yourself to try and talk to one person while you are there. Just mix it up.
Here's my mental capacity in 6th grade: There was a six flags trip. For some reason I wanted to go despite not having friends to go with or even liking the rides. My teacher angrily asked why I wanted to go. I went, and a kid asked me if I wanted to hang out. He chaperoned me alone while a group of his 15 friends were off together. I didn't have enough theory of mind to realize how big of a mistake me going was for others and myself. My Dad didn't talk to me about the trip before or after.

Let's also say my family read my diary. I wrote down distrubing thoughts and didn't send me to therapy.

I'm in a really bad situation right now. I made my own decisions too yes, I was just unfortunetly left and watched while I made them and things got worse for me.

There's not much left to salvage.


Last year, I lived with a girl who suffered from anorexia for a time. There wasn't a whole lot we could do, she was an extreme case but eventually started abusing drugs like ketamine because they would supress her appetite. She was hospitalised and nearly lost her life. Again, that's an extreme case, but I'd encourage your friend to attend therapy as they are potentially dangerous issues that needs addressing.

I've been taking an SSRI, sertraline, for a week now. The last few days I guess I've run foul of the negative side-effects, as I've been feeling incredibly low and anxious, I usually hang out with my housemates every day but I've been avoiding them. Today I've started to feel a little better, but I'm just full of lethargy and an inability to concentrate. I had to call into work ill yesterday and I've fallen totally behind on my University work.

How long can I expect this period of feeling worse before I start to feel better? I'll stick with them because I really just need to get back to being my old self, but I've had a few moments the last few days where it's been almost impossible to keep that bigger picture in mind and see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I took the plunge and messaged disability services at my school to see if I can get the ball rolling on accommodations. I need more time for assignments with my OCD. When I spend hours a day running to target and showering, wiping, etc... it leaves little actual time to finish that paper due. I want to finish college. I'm almost at 6 years for a four year degree not because I work a lot or anything, but because I have to keep dropping classes when everything is late.

It really sucks when you realize that "Oh hey you got that 'C' in that class not because your work sucked (it was all A's before it was docked) but because things were constantly a week or so late.



FUCK EVERYTHING ABOUT THE AREA I LIVE IN! I am so god damn sick and fucking tired of being denied seeing a psychiatrist in my area. It's fucking world mental heath day and I get rejected yet again by another doctors office for reasons they won't fucking tell me. I still have on option left but I really don't want to as the place is fucking awful every time I've ever tried it there. I am so very close to just breaking down right now. I am stuffing my face with peanut butter & jelly sandwiches atm and no I am not using my anger and depression as an excuse to do so I know full well what I am doing cause I DON'T FUCKING CARE RIGHT NOW! I swear it's easier to get mental health services when I was on medicaid & jobless. Once again FUCK THIS SHIT GOD FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT EVERYTHING FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! /rant
Its pretty clear that any 16 year old would get anxiety and mood swings from time to time right? But have you guys ever felt like complete shit the moment you woke up for every single day, because that's what's been happening to me so... Should I go see a therapist?

And best of luck to the rest of you seeking help hang in there!
Its pretty clear that any 16 year old would get anxiety and mood swings from time to time right? But have you guys ever felt like complete shit the moment you woke up for every single day, because that's what's been happening to me so... Should I go see a therapist?
Oh, yeah. I've felt like that for years now. Sadly, there's no help for me.

As for you, only you know for sure what you're going through. If you really are under such distress every day, then a therapist could help you. Better to try than to do nothing. Hope you start feeling better.


Gold Member
Started with daytime activities two weeks ago, two mornings a week. I signed up for creative therapy. Basically just drawing. Sucks to be back but I can't just sit on my ass all day.

Also, I've finally sent out the papers for the The Netherlands Brain Bank, maybe they'll have a use for my autistic brain when I die. Hopefully I'm accepted. The only "drug" I use is tobacco so I don't think that's going to be a problem. I don't want to be an organ donor so this is the way I'm doing something useful with my dead body. Better than letting it decay over time.

Hopefully I can live assisted again, although it didn't exactly work out two years ago. I still need to send an email to my regional assisted living office.... it's just too much of a bother.
What a goddamn waste of time. Not doing it anymore. In fact, I will never contribute to society ever again.

Also, they've accepted my application. When I pass away they'll take brain tissue for research purposes.

So I lied. Dying will be my final contribution to humanity.

Also just got triggered by circumcision bullshit. I will never be an intact human being. Society has failed in every aspect.
FUCK EVERYTHING ABOUT THE AREA I LIVE IN! I am so god damn sick and fucking tired of being denied seeing a psychiatrist in my area. It's fucking world mental heath day and I get rejected yet again by another doctors office for reasons they won't fucking tell me. I still have on option left but I really don't want to as the place is fucking awful every time I've ever tried it there. I am so very close to just breaking down right now. I am stuffing my face with peanut butter & jelly sandwiches atm and no I am not using my anger and depression as an excuse to do so I know full well what I am doing cause I DON'T FUCKING CARE RIGHT NOW! I swear it's easier to get mental health services when I was on medicaid & jobless. Once again FUCK THIS SHIT GOD FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT EVERYTHING FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! /rant
If you just need a prescription filled you could try a general practitioner or nurse with prescribing ability, or the emergency room.

Its pretty clear that any 16 year old would get anxiety and mood swings from time to time right? But have you guys ever felt like complete shit the moment you woke up for every single day, because that's what's been happening to me so... Should I go see a therapist?

And best of luck to the rest of you seeking help hang in there!
I would say it's pretty normal, at least it was for me. I suppose it depends how long it's been going on though.
What a goddamn waste of time. Not doing it anymore. In fact, I will never contribute to society ever again.

Also, they've accepted my application. When I pass away they'll take brain tissue for research purposes.

So I lied. Dying will be my final contribution to humanity.

Also just got triggered by circumcision bullshit. I will never be an intact human being. Society has failed in every aspect.
I'm sorry you feel this way. If you're thinking of doing anything, I feel humanly obligated to link the Dutch suicide hotline:


If you have any friends or family, you could try talking to them, too. I'm not sure how serious you're being or how urgent this is, so if this is just venting feel free to ignore this.


Its pretty clear that any 16 year old would get anxiety and mood swings from time to time right? But have you guys ever felt like complete shit the moment you woke up for every single day, because that's what's been happening to me so... Should I go see a therapist?

And best of luck to the rest of you seeking help hang in there!
That's basically me for the last 10 years. I always thought it was just lack of energy in the mornings since I was more of a night owl and school forces you to be an early riser, but I noticed that I would still feel like that during time off as well so something was up.

It never hurts to get a professional's opinion on your situation.
I have reached the point where my last day being this week or not is a coin flip. I'm a lonely loser dropout who hates his job and has no high career aspirations and I can barely even afford to sustain my shitty meaningless life as is, and once I have to start paying my loans back, which will likely be next month, I'm fucked.

The ONLY thing keeping me going is my band and I can't even do that right. I'm easily the least talented member and I can't shake the feeling that they'll drop me as soon as they find a better bassist. That's probably me just being negative because our first show is coming up but if I fuck that up I have nothing else.

Like literally the last light I have at the end of the tunnel can go out if my hands get too sweaty at the wrong time fuck
I have reached the point where my last day being this week or not is a coin flip. I'm a lonely loser dropout who hates his job and has no high career aspirations and I can barely even afford to sustain my shitty meaningless life as is, and once I have to start paying my loans back, which will likely be next month, I'm fucked.

The ONLY thing keeping me going is my band and I can't even do that right. I'm easily the least talented member and I can't shake the feeling that they'll drop me as soon as they find a better bassist. That's probably me just being negative because our first show is coming up but if I fuck that up I have nothing else.

Like literally the last light I have at the end of the tunnel can go out if my hands get too sweaty at the wrong time fuck
Good luck at the gig.

At this point I could live life alone with a decent job paying 2k a month, a dog, and entertainment.

Do you have a dog? they can do wonders for lonliness.
Good luck at the gig.

At this point I could live life alone with a decent job paying 2k a month, a dog, and entertainment.

Do you have a dog? they can do wonders for lonliness.

I don't have any pets, and I'm not sure if that would help anyway. I feel there is a hard line I'm unable cross when it comes to relating to people. I don't know how to be anything more than the plucky comic relief when socializing with others, which is great in a way because I feel people generally like me but even my closest relationships are incredibly shallow. Like I'm an incredibly boring person so if I'm not up to joking around my novelty wears off.

I get that dogs love you unconditionally and I don't have to concern myself with entertaining one to validate my end of the relationship but I think I will still feel empty. Like it'll still be shallow but in a different way.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Here i am again alone again. I had plans to end it all this weekend. Boarded myself in my room for the weekend and have all the tools at my disposal and yet i am still f-ing here. Now I am checking facebook and seeing how most of my friends had a good nice long weekend. Why do I even exist? I cannot even kill myself properly.
Here i am again alone again. I had plans to end it all this weekend. Boarded myself in my room for the weekend and have all the tools at my disposal and yet i am still f-ing here. Now I am checking facebook and seeing how most of my friends had a good nice long weekend. Why do I even exist? I cannot even kill myself properly.
I'm alone too. What did you do?


I know (from first-hand experience) that depression isn't the same thing as sadness... But what do you call just being really fucking sad nearly every day?


Will drop pants for Sony.
I'm alone too. What did you do?
Doesn't really matter what I tried to do( I don't want anyone to follow my footsteps) it just sucks I am still here. I'm just here reliving all the times guys have rejected me. I think I will give myself until the end of the week.
I know (from first-hand experience) that depression isn't the same thing as sadness... But what do you call just being really fucking sad nearly every day?

I'd say depression. If you're curious there are some online tests for depression... you may not realize how depressed you are until you go through the list of common symptoms and see yourself checking off every single one.

If you can I'd go speak to a counsellor, it seems to be helping me.


I'd say depression. If you're curious there are some online tests for depression... you may not realize how depressed you are until you go through the list of common symptoms and see yourself checking off every single one.

If you can I'd go speak to a counsellor, it seems to be helping me.

My therapist is on maternity leave for a little while longer. I'll look into those diagnostic tools.

Nearly every day for how long? Maybe you're just regular sad.

A month at least, maybe 6 weeks. I have GAD which sometimes presents as depression, but it usually feels slightly more numb than this. Now that I think about it, though, since I'm not on an SSRI anymore it makes sense that I wouldn't feel as numb.

Thanks for the replies.
Doesn't really matter what I tried to do( I don't want anyone to follow my footsteps) it just sucks I am still here. I'm just here reliving all the times guys have rejected me. I think I will give myself until the end of the week.
I'm here for you if you need to PM someone. I might be younger than you, but I'm going through similar problems. I do care for you.


I never heard of these tests before so I found this one and took it:


I score a 21 out of 27 possible points putting me in the severe depression tier. I didn't think I was that bad :(
That's the one I just took. I've taken it before, my physician would have me fill it out when I went in for a visit (I was seeing her fairly regularly and she was using it to monitor my state while we were trying SSRIs for the first time). Obviously it's not perfect but if you feel like it is accurate within a reasonable range then you may want to consider talking to a professional. Think of it as a snapshot, not as a sentence.
Well I have been given yet another chance at my job (thank my lucky stars), however I have to get an FFDE in order to work again. Anyone have experience with that by chance?
I'm in dire need of advice.

I finally worked up the courage to go look for work after being unemployed for a very, very long time. Anyway, I lucked into a job that essentially required no prior experience or skills. The problem is that it's at a call center, cold calling people to try to sell them stuff, and your performance at your job is based on how many sales you get. They even do that stereotypical thing of aplauding when someone makes a sale.

The problem is that I have enormous amounts of social anxiety, a social phobia, fear of failure, and am depressed to boot. It's enormously difficult for me to even go to my place of work, let alone perform to my own standards. You have to be enthusiastic, which I can barely manage. You have to actually care about the product, yet I can't actually manage to care about my life in general at the moment. Alongside all of that, I've been actively avoiding people and social situations for years now, so I have real difficulty actually speaking, let along try to sell someone on something. Point being, it's absolutely not within my wheelhouse, and it's making me feel an absolutely huge amount of shame sitting there all day, being shit at my job.

Anyway, I managed to go 2 days without much incident. Before day 3 started, I had a nervous breakdown and cried for an hour before work, but I told myself I'd at least try to go, so I still completed that day. That was last Friday. This Monday I had another one of those breakdowns, and decided to go see a doctor about it, so I've been home yesterday and today. He prescribed me some anti-depressants.

Now, I've already talked with my interim, and I'm due to start again tomorrow, but I'm still as nervous as I was, and I'm on the absolute verge of giving up. I just don't think I can deal with another day feeling like this. I know that in an absolutely perfect world I shouldn't be giving up, but on the other hand, it was the first job I found after a week of looking, and it definitely isn't something that I have the skillset for.

So as you can see, I'm very conflicted. My question would be: How to hell do I deal with this? Should I just look for something else? Or is there a way that I can go and feel alright with making an absolute fool out of myself, and being alright with feeling like a social outcast again, even though that's a huge "trigger" for my anxiety?


I'm in dire need of advice.

I finally worked up the courage to go look for work after being unemployed for a very, very long time. Anyway, I lucked into a job that essentially required no prior experience or skills. The problem is that it's at a call center, cold calling people to try to sell them stuff, and your performance at your job is based on how many sales you get. They even do that stereotypical thing of aplauding when someone makes a sale.

The problem is that I have enormous amounts of social anxiety, a social phobia, fear of failure, and am depressed to boot. It's enormously difficult for me to even go to my place of work, let alone perform to my own standards. You have to be enthusiastic, which I can barely manage. You have to actually care about the product, yet I can't actually manage to care about my life in general at the moment. Alongside all of that, I've been actively avoiding people and social situations for years now, so I have real difficulty actually speaking, let along try to sell someone on something. Point being, it's absolutely not within my wheelhouse, and it's making me feel an absolutely huge amount of shame sitting there all day, being shit at my job.

Anyway, I managed to go 2 days without much incident. Before day 3 started, I had a nervous breakdown and cried for an hour before work, but I told myself I'd at least try to go, so I still completed that day. That was last Friday. This Monday I had another one of those breakdowns, and decided to go see a doctor about it, so I've been home yesterday and today. He prescribed me some anti-depressants.

Now, I've already talked with my interim, and I'm due to start again tomorrow, but I'm still as nervous as I was, and I'm on the absolute verge of giving up. I just don't think I can deal with another day feeling like this. I know that in an absolutely perfect world I shouldn't be giving up, but on the other hand, it was the first job I found after a week of looking, and it definitely isn't something that I have the skillset for.

So as you can see, I'm very conflicted. My question would be: How to hell do I deal with this? Should I just look for something else? Or is there a way that I can go and feel alright with making an absolute fool out of myself, and being alright with feeling like a social outcast again, even though that's a huge "trigger" for my anxiety?

Hey man, I can relate to a lot of what your post describes and I'm sorry to hear how rough you've been feeling.

I worked at a call centre from July 2014 to August 2015 and while it was inbound call based rather than outbound, I think I can imagine fairly accurately what you mean when you describe your fears, anxieties and lack of enthusiasm. I didn't believe I had the skillset to perform that kind of work either (especially considering I was socially isolated for a year leading up to starting there) but you might be surprised at how quickly you pick things up, even if you are still faking it at the end of the day. I believed I was terrible for the majority of my time there, to the point that I'd hang up on at least a few customers everyday out of dread, despite being told in every meeting with my manager that I was one of the highest performing agents. What I'm trying to say is, you're not alone. You may look at some of your co-workers and get the impression they are completely comfortable, but I'm sure many of them have their doubts too.

I had a breakdown one morning and physically couldn't allow myself to put on my headset. I was sent home, saw a doctor, got time off and was prescribed anti-depressants. Not too long after returning, I handed in my notice as the time away clarified that I couldn't continue. The problem was, by the time the effects of my medication properly kicked in, I was actually starting to become oddly comfortable there. I was getting along with colleagues I'd known for nearly a year and had barely said a word to. I eventually did leave and I've since spent the last 14 months unemployed and once again socially isolated.

I know this post is just a lot of talking about myself, sorry, but due to the similarities in our situations I feel like I at least have some context for my recommendation that you take your anti-depressants and at least wait for those to do their thing (or not) before making any final decisions. It sounds like you've only recently begun working there so I think you should give it a bit more of a chance. I'm not saying you may love the job in a month or two because, let's be honest, you probably won't, but I know that I felt terrible immediately after my last day and over a year later I'm still stuck in a rut.

Now, of course, only you know the full extent of your circumstances and mental state. If it's so dire that you genuinely feel a degradation in your mood day-to-day caused directly by the role and can afford to survive without the job for the time being, then yes, perhaps leaving will be the healthier option in the long run. If you desperately need this job though, I would at least try and stick it out until you know whether your medication is helping or not. You can always search for another job while you're employed there, even if that is the last thing you want to do after a day spent working. Does your manager know that you had the last two days off because of these breakdowns? Is it possible for them to provide more support or help ease you back into the job by only having you on the phone for half the day while you do other work for the rest?

My biggest concern for you, based on my own problems, is that leaving will end up putting you back into a rut similar to the one you said you were in for a long time prior to getting this job. I hope you found something of value in this post but the decision is up to in the end and I don't think anyone should blame you for leaving if it really does make you feel awful. Wishing for all the best for you, man.
I never heard of these tests before so I found this one and took it:


I score a 21 out of 27 possible points putting me in the severe depression tier. I didn't think I was that bad :(
25 out of 27, woo.

Just sitting here at my full time job. Thinking I should just find a way out of this place since it seems to just instigate these feelings. I'm supposed to spend seven hours walking around theaters and tell people to put away their cellphones. Like fuck this.
25 out of 27, woo.

Just sitting here at my full time job. Thinking I should just find a way out of this place since it seems to just instigate these feelings. I'm supposed to spend seven hours walking around theaters and tell people to put away their cellphones. Like fuck this.

How long have you worked there? I worked at a movie theatre a long time ago.

I recommend finding a new job. :p
How long have you worked there? I worked at a movie theatre a long time ago.

I recommend finding a new job. :p
Coming on six years with the company, a year at this location, would've been promoted to manager last month if I wasn't poor. The first five years was just me being lazy/ scared, the last year was just being afraid of losing my current job security. Now that I'm working 4:30 to 8:30am at another place, I'm worried about findig another job that would be as accomadating to my hours.

But yeah, I really wish I could afford to leave this place, like I say the security of knowing a consistent four hundo every two weeks when I'm barely making my monthly rent is holding me back.
Coming on six years with the company, a year at this location, would've been promoted to manager last month if I wasn't poor. The first five years was just me being lazy/ scared, the last year was just being afraid of losing my current job security. Now that I'm working 4:30 to 8:30am at another place, I'm worried about findig another job that would be as accomadating to my hours.

But yeah, I really wish I could afford to leave this place, like I say the security of knowing a consistent four hundo every two weeks when I'm barely making my monthly rent is holding me back.

My wife worked at theatres for about 10 years total. I think it was hard for her to move on from it but she eventually did, went to school for a year and is now making like 2.5 times as much at a job that I think she likes more.

I would suggest maybe shopping around for a new job while continuing to work at your current job. If you get a bite on something that pays better or might be just a nice change of scenery then you can think about quitting.

When I worked at a theatre, I was depressed over the last stretch. I had to quit for my well being and eventually did. Just think about it.
My wife worked at theatres for about 10 years total. I think it was hard for her to move on from it but she eventually did, went to school for a year and is now making like 2.5 times as much at a job that I think she likes more.

I would suggest maybe shopping around for a new job while continuing to work at your current job. If you get a bite on something that pays better or might be just a nice change of scenery then you can think about quitting.

When I worked at a theatre, I was depressed over the last stretch. I had to quit for my well being and eventually did. Just think about it.
Yeah, I've been putting me off since I've been stressing about a lot of things. But at this point, this job is actively making me depressed, so I think in earnest I'm gonna start looking tonight. I'll also look into picking up more shifts at my other job.

I mean, I drank a fourty before I came in today. If that's not a warning sign that I should get the fuck out, then I don't know what is.
Yeah, I've been putting me off since I've been stressing about a lot of things. But at this point, this job is actively making me depressed, so I think in earnest I'm gonna start looking tonight. I'll also look into picking up more shifts at my other job.

I mean, I drank a fourty before I came in today. If that's not a warning sign that I should get the fuck out, then I don't know what is.

Yeah, definitely.

When I was there I had broken up with my gf... who also worked there. I definitely needed to get out.
Yeah, definitely.

When I was there I had broken up with my gf... who also worked there. I definitely needed to get out.
I suffered the same thing at my first theater, I had work with the fuckhead she cheated on me with too.

I decided that I'm gonna go part time at the end of the month no matter what. As long as I pick up more shifts at my other job, I shouldn't go in the red financially.
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