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Mental Health |OT2| - Light in the Darkness

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This is so accurate. I hear these things every single day on a loop in my mind. The problem is that I agree with them. The voice is right.

The voice lies.

It tells me I should hurt myself or kill myself but it is wrong.

It tells me I am worthless but it is wrong.

It tells me life is not worth it and things will never get better but it is lying.

I know this because of several things. Mainly because I am bipolar and some days I feel happy and worthy. So which is true worthy/worthless they both can't be true can they?
my depression has flared up again because of the election results and I hate how we as a society still don't accept mental health

i know i can't come in to work tomorrow and even though it's only a retail job with plenty of people already working during my shift i had to make up some bullshit about having a fever because I know my manager wouldn't get it if i just said i was feeling too depressed to work on my feet for 8 hours

yeah it's the worst man

best we can do is buy into the narrative it will get better, even though I see too much evidence that for some people it doesn't
In order for there to be winners, there must be losers

We shall persevere I guess. It's so hard though, and I've only been dealing with it for 8 or so years. Hoping that the light at the end of the tunnel will appear to let me see the beauty this world does have. Something to warm me up.


I don't know. Unlike most of my friends, I feel like I've already gone through all the stages of grief to acceptance. Maybe it's because I've spent so much of my life grieving for a life lost that this is just one more thing on the pile. Or maybe it's because while things could certainly get worse (once Trump repeals the ACA), I hold suicide as my final trump card (no pun intended). I mostly just ache for the people I love who are just going to suffer even more.
my depression has flared up again because of the election results and I hate how we as a society still don't accept mental health

i know i can't come in to work tomorrow and even though it's only a retail job with plenty of people already working during my shift i had to make up some bullshit about having a fever because I know my manager wouldn't get it if i just said i was feeling too depressed to work on my feet for 8 hours

Just because society doesn't lower expectations for the mentally ill doesn't mean it isn't recognized. I guarantee you the vast majority of depressed people will still go to work tomorrow, just like most physically sick people will, unless they're lucky enough to have paid sick leave.

In order for there to be winners, there must be losers

We shall persevere I guess. It's so hard though, and I've only been dealing with it for 8 or so years. Hoping that the light at the end of the tunnel will appear to let me see the beauty this world does have. Something to warm me up.

Life is not a zero-sum game. We all have different goals and can all come out ahead if we help each other. Think about the people who have helped you and the things you can offer to others in need.


One thing that I think can be helpful when someone is dealing with a torturous voice in the head that sabotages our attempts for happiness/peace is to seek out people/resources (teachers/authors/speakers/experts in in-person, audio, books, videos, etc.) whose message or teaching you find is compassionate, healing, truthful, and/or increases your understanding on the nature of these malicious thoughts.

If you feel stuck with a torturous voice in the head as your sole point of seeing, it can get claustrophobic and anything it says especially repetitively enough times starts to feel true. To counter or challenge these vicious thoughts when we feel we don't have the ability to "see" any differently, it's helpful to listen and learn from the teachings of others whose uplifting, healing, and/or insightful/truthful message you'd struggle to fathom or tell yourself at this time. Listen repeatedly like a mantra if helpful.

Be aware though - through your journey when you seek to help heal yourself, dysfunctional thoughts might come and tell you, consciously or unconsciously, "this is a waste of time", "this won't work", "this isn't working", "this will never work", "give up now" and instantaneously, you may feel (even as strong like a gut feeling) and believe intensely that you should give up. Continue anyway to seek/get help in ways that resonate with you, that heal you, and an inner change/transformation can happen organically (like a burning of that which is false in you, that which does not serve you). Something inside you that loves this self-healing will strengthen, realizes the falseness of these negative thoughts and the lies behind their "promises", narratives, and fear tactics; and their power diminishes more and more. An inner space grows within that creates a distance from you and these negative thoughts. They no longer instantaneously grab hold of you, claim they are you and speak for you, and send you to hell.

Here are some videos I think are helpful to understand and challenge thoughts:

I really like this video (excerpt about childhood trauma, losing the connection to ourselves):
The more I learn about stuff like this, the more I realize that the world has a long history of trauma, pain, and suffering that has been passed on for generations. This pain is greater than you and I. To say the painful thoughts we experience and dysfunction that result from them are all our own fault, I believe isn't actually true and to bear the full responsibility of this inheritance of pain and suffering to our individual selves is not fair and actually, quite cruel (please do not blame yourself). These thoughts are not our own (they are inherited). No one would willingly choose them.

When you seek to heal your inner self and these habituated negative, depressive thought patterns start dropping, you not only are being self-loving but also are actually being very responsible by cleaning your inner space. Learning how to deal with your pain, you're doing your part in cleaning up this human history of suffering and most likely in your journey, you have learned (and practice) some ways how to avoid creating more pain inside and outside yourself. This is something not even some "normal" people may be doing.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
This is so accurate. I hear these things every single day on a loop in my mind. The problem is that I agree with them. The voice is right.

It is not right. It is easy to believe it is right.

My suggestion is to start doing things to defy it. Then you'll have ammo to argue it away. Then you will start to feel the climb out of the pit.

The first weeks are the hardest because your mind will continually try and trick you, lie to you "I can do that later!", "it's too cold to do that!", "X won't like me if I do".

No. Do it. Do it no matter what. You and your future deserve it.
Waiting for a call back from my college about testing appointments not even sure I called the right department and I sound like a fucking unconfident moron asking for them to call back

Having a fucking panic attack and I hate that I'm posting all of this shit. Keep trying to leave my personal life and my Internet life separate since I don't want to divulge too much about my stupid fucking anxiety and self-loathing. Seriously can't fucking stand it right now.

Waiting for them to hopefully call back. i am not calling again so if that means I'm not going to college then fuck it I'll find another way. It is extremely boneheaded and stupid of me to drop everything because of something that simple, but all I fucking care about is being liked and respected. Only reason I'm doing this stupid fucking college thing. Is that dumb? Yep. I've been trying to change it for awhile now, zero results.

Fuck this I'm playing Overwatch. Will regret this whiny post in a few hours I'm sure and/or hope.


I posted in the old thread once before. I'm struggling hard with moderate adhd and anxiety disorder trying to balance school, work, chores etc..

I'm seriously considering moving out and getting a psychologist or ADHD coach. I want to move out because quite frankly i'm annoyed by my parents and feel like I'd develop much more if I was independent. I just want to be by myself try to resolve these issues so I can function better. I also study philosophy which has led me to re-analyze my previously held thoughts.

Anyone with a similar condition can post their thoughts or ideas I'd greatly appreciate it.

Also to anyone struggling please know that there are always people who are willing to help, this thread is testament to this.


I'm trying to make new friends. It's tough when you hit your 30's though. Sucks that I lost 2 of my closet friends recently. I miss them and the late nights we spent together

I'll take it that it doesn't get any easier as you grow older, no? You would think that be the case, but it's turning out to be the opposite.

For the longest time I dealt with loneliness by shutting my self of from the world. From when I was 22 to 28 I barely ever left the house. I really don't know how I didn't go totally insane from boredom and zero human interaction outside of my mom and sister. I used games and music and the internet to occupy pretty much all my waking hours. Now that I am working and go out I find myself less reliant on games to keep me occupied. Outside of work I don't really hang with anyone yet but I am not really lonely anymore since I get my fill of interaction at work. Another reason is I am going to be meeting online friends at a convention next year so I have something to look forward to.

While I don't consider myself to be introvert (I'm, unfortunately, the opposite), I'll take your words to heart. Maybe I should check if the Vancouver GAF meet up will start again soon.
Well they called me and I forgot what date I told them. No fucking lie.


Also I'm very similar to you trixx. I find that too much time inside your head can be dangerous. Practice meditation to help clear your thoughts.


Anyone know of techniques for self analysis? I feel like I have no purpose and won't be able to accomplish anything meaningful anymore. I feel like I have made nothing but mistakes in the past 9 years (I'm 27 now) and I'm left with very few useful skills to help me progress short term.

I'd like to fully analyze myself to find out what drives me most in order to come up with a plan for the future. I want to cover everything: my past motivations and decisions, personality, behavior and habits, all my negative thought patterns... I feel the need to write everything down in order to get a clear overview, learn from my mistakes and take action.

Any advice?


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Anyone know of techniques for self analysis? I feel like I have no purpose and won't be able to accomplish anything meaningful anymore. I feel like I have made nothing but mistakes in the past 9 years (I'm 27 now) and I'm left with very few useful skills to help me progress short term.

I'd like to fully analyze myself to find out what drives me most in order to come up with a plan for the future. I want to cover everything: my past motivations and decisions, personality, behavior and habits, all my negative thought patterns... I feel the need to write everything down in order to get a clear overview, learn from my mistakes and take action.

Any advice?

The greatest advice I can give you, which I gained so much from... Go to one of these. It's a 10 day meditation practice that blows your brain wide open. Teaches you to see the truth under the noise.


They are FREE. Entirely donation run.

Saved my life.

There are other techniques as well, but this was the most dramatically shifting one I've experienced in 5 years of doing self-healing and helping other people do the same.


The greatest advice I can give you, which I gained so much from... Go to one of these. It's a 10 day meditation practice that blows your brain wide open. Teaches you to see the truth under the noise.


They are FREE. Entirely donation run.

Saved my life.

There are other techniques as well, but this was the most dramatically shifting one I've experienced in 5 years of doing self-healing and helping other people do the same.

Thanks but I can never get 10 days off and there are no courses anytime soon in my country. I'm probably quitting my job in a few months though, so I'll look into it. I could consider going to a center abroad then.

Still though, I want to do something right now, so anything else I can start doing on my own?
So for the past couple months, I've been trying to just focus on living, hoping eventually to save up money to improve myself and gain some employable skills. Haven't thought at all about looking for a relationship.

I think this has been getting to me subconsciously. Last week I got drunk and thought about giving The Church of the latter day saints a try ( probably because one of the solicitors was cute). I'm finding myself more and more infatuated with women passing by, but extremely nervous of saying hello since its purely just a physical attraction. This reached a peak when I say a dude who was essentially a hipster James Dean, and I thought about how if he were to point at me and say "let's Fuck," I'd sheepishly say sure... and then it would be awkward as he would have to guide me and it wouldn't go anywhere because the male body is gross and I'd apologize for wasting his time and wind up at work even later than I was originally going to. Got off the bus, and away from his dio aura...and just asked myself what the Fuck just happened.

Tldr, I'm becoming a massive horndog, and I'm feeling like a loser.


Good news for me! After being on Lexapro and then changing to Pristiq, I'm about to start weening off them all together! Doctor saw a drastic improvement over the last year! Yahoo!
Anyone know of techniques for self analysis? I feel like I have no purpose and won't be able to accomplish anything meaningful anymore. I feel like I have made nothing but mistakes in the past 9 years (I'm 27 now) and I'm left with very few useful skills to help me progress short term.

I'd like to fully analyze myself to find out what drives me most in order to come up with a plan for the future. I want to cover everything: my past motivations and decisions, personality, behavior and habits, all my negative thought patterns... I feel the need to write everything down in order to get a clear overview, learn from my mistakes and take action.

Any advice?

Start a journal and write a letter to your past self giving advice.
It's therapeutic to come here and write a 6 paragraph rant about how bad my day is been even if I never actually "Submit Reply". Maybe one day I'll build up the courage and save up the money to actually see a therapist.
Each day gets worse.

I really need to focus on my novel, trying to do things that matter.

God it all feels so fucking pointless. My whole life has been unfair, and so many others lives and for what?

I get to sicker, I get to watch friends fear for their lives because white supremacy and hate has won, that the corporatocracy that we have built for ourselves has won.

My benefits are gonna pretty much disappear, and racism is now okay.

If you have a dissenting opinion you are a whiner.
I'm at the point were I'm relieving myself usually twice before leaving my apartment for the day, and once before sleeping.

It doesn't help much.

see for me it gives me that short term endorphin boost

doesn't last long but that post-orgasm bliss is 100, especially if the rest of the time you're awake you're miserable or dead inside.


I started having a panic attack because I saw the thread on OT about bed bugs. I have a phobia of bugs, but in particular bed bugs, cockroaches, or anything considered a pest. I'm just gonna take NyQuil (am also a little sick) and make myself pass out to not think about it. Fuck this is pathetic.
I started having a panic attack because I saw the thread on OT about bed bugs. I have a phobia of bugs, but in particular bed bugs, cockroaches, or anything considered a pest. I'm just gonna take NyQuil (am also a little sick) and make myself pass out to not think about it. Fuck this is pathetic.

do it stewing in your panic attack is awful


Been seeing a psychologist for 3 weeks now, mainly about the crazy mess I put my ex through and to help me move on.

She seems very bored and uninterested, and almost too supportive of the actions I made, which makes me feel like I need to turn to someone else.

I'm missing my 2 best friends(married couple). I reached out to them and asked what I can do to amend myself and work on a friendship again. Neither replied, so I guess they're gone too. Life just sucks right now
I can't stop thinking about buying things and worrying about money at the same time. When I go out, I have little impulse control and buy things (some of which I don't need) to make myself feel better. But it's only a bandaid, and the cycle starts anew.

It's driving me nuts.
I can't stop thinking about buying things and worrying about money at the same time. When I go out, I have little impulse control and buy things (some of which I don't need) to make myself feel better. But it's only a bandaid, and the cycle starts anew.

It's driving me nuts.

I also do this. Possibly a sign of wanting to feel like you accomplished something, plus have human interaction with a person.

Could just be me though.
I also do this. Possibly a sign of wanting to feel like you accomplished something, plus have human interaction with a person.

Could just be me though.

I don't know for sure, but I think it's a bandaid and something that I've developed to keep my mind off the loss of my Mom and try to make myself happy artificially. It doesn't work, though.

I have something like 30 colouring books and have finished a whopping two completely, and a few to near completion. Several more are pre-ordered on Amazon. Hell, I bought three the other night, two tonight and got three in the mail yesterday.

I love to colour, so I hope to get through them. It's one of the only things I enjoy.

Today, I bought a console (traded my old one in and used store credit, so I'm okay there); some groceries/cream/soap/pop (groceries as in cereal, granola bars and chips); lunch for me and my grandparents (they wouldn't accept it and paid me back); a $40 gift card to the movies (so that I could get coupons they were giving away); a new plastic tub to hold more colouring books; a two colouring book set with pencil crayons included (40% off at least).

I went to the movies, but for free with a coupon.

I'm too afraid to wear expensive hockey jerseys out, but this fall (mostly this month), I've purchased four of them. Three were discount and clearance, but I paid to have two personalized. That's $360 or so.

It's mostly colouring books, though. All the time.

I am lonely and do enjoy running errands, but there are also days where I don't feel like going out at all. I get jealous when I see happy and attractive people.
true there are days where I immediately regret it and feel like a shitty loser

what can ya do : /
Post on here I guess. I don't think any of the people I interact with in real life understand just how machinic every part of my day has become, from work to food to vices. Even getting down on myself is getting to the point where you can set your clocks to it.
Post on here I guess. I don't think any of the people I interact with in real life understand just how machinic every part of my day has become, from work to food to vices. Even getting down on myself is getting to the point where you can set your clocks to it.

I know the feeling. Every day the last couple of years feels like Groundhogs Day (the movie from the 90's). The alarm goes off, get up and slog off to the grind, come home, feel bad about it. Can't even enjoy the weekends.
Not having the Internet (to stream various soothing audio) or the ability to see my two best friends (cat & dog owned by estranged family) is a very big struggle right now. They got me through rock bottom and things are worse.

Tho, things could always be even worse. I have help and company, food, a bed, the ability to browse websites (metro pcs 1gb of LTE and unlimited shit speeds where I can't even stream audio), a DVD collection, the radio.

The plan is to have a job by mid December to get a dog and Internet but who knows.

Even if I achieve that, there's still mental and health issues I don't even know where to begin to work on.

Everything is so fucked up.
Well, turns out the brother of one of my friends in Florida was hospitalized Wednesday. I'm guessing you guys can see where the current line of thought is.


I can't stop thinking about buying things and worrying about money at the same time. When I go out, I have little impulse control and buy things (some of which I don't need) to make myself feel better. But it's only a bandaid, and the cycle starts anew.

It's driving me nuts.

Me to exept Im not just buying stuff for myself, Im buying stuff and giving Money to homeless people as well. Its probably spread among a lot of them Im an easily exploitable person by now.


I can't stop thinking about buying things and worrying about money at the same time. When I go out, I have little impulse control and buy things (some of which I don't need) to make myself feel better. But it's only a bandaid, and the cycle starts anew.

It's driving me nuts.

I can relate to this, though not really worrying about the money. I'm just so damn depressed, and getting excited and buying stuff gives me a temporarily boost of happiness. Very short lived though

In our morning meeting, 'my work was talking about the Christmas party, which led me thinking of how amazing the last 2 years were during the holidays, and how I no longer have the love of those people that made them so special for me. I just don't know what to do anymore, I don't know how to restart totally in my 30s after losing my support system/friends
Well, I suppose it's time for me to start posting in this thread.

I've been dealing very well with episodic depression for the past 15+ years. It doesn't come around very often, but when it does I'm in a funk for a couple of days. Usually these thoughts will come about due to my overactive imagination, thinking of horrific thoughts of things happening to my family. I seemed to really turn a corner when I self-diagnosed myself with OCPD. I have no idea if that's what I have/had or not, but it seemed to fit. I would constantly make lists of things I needed to do and would never start them. I've never seen anyone about this except for the doc who processed me out of the Army when I mentioned things I was thinking about.

Things seemed to get immensely better once I saw a potential diagnosis. It gave me power over these unwanted thoughts and I could dismiss them and hold power over them. I never felt like I needed medication, and while I had passing thoughts about suicide, it was never something even moderately seriously considered.

Since Tuesday night, I have felt empty. I've not felt like this since a bad breakup back in 2001, but friends helped me through things and I rebounded fairly quickly. My next girlfriend was someone I could talk to about things and we're going on 14 years of marriage now. At this stage of my life, I have no friends. No one to talk to, because I don't really want to bring this up to my wife at this time. I feel withdrawn, feel like withdrawing from everything I do. I want to have minimal public interaction, because I know how shitty people are. I want to snap out of it but I'm having trouble doing so.

I'm not in any danger. I have a wife and kids who will need me in the days and months ahead. I have woodworking as a hobby, which if I can get over this hump will help me along. If I don't see some improvement soon I will finally go and ask for some help with things. I've been in a weird situation where I don't want any friends, and I don't know if this is part of my underlying issues or not. Everyone I know outside family has abandoned me, and I'm sure some of it is I don't want to put myself in that position again.
Just had a huge breakdown.

I'm so fucking scared and angry.

My mom doesn't want me to set up protests for fear of me being arrested etc.

I'm so fucking lost it feels like I should be speaking and preaching to people.

I was kicked out of my gaming group for having liberal values and whatnot.

The one admin that heard about my leave and banning lifted the ban, and invited me back but with so many people against me for my views and the only people in the group that are aligned with my way of thinking, want to remain quiet while the other admins and users suppress any thought or negative image towards Trump or anything he stands for.

I think I'm done.

I might not even finish my novels, no one is gonna read them and people against me have already pledged to through me to the wolves and actively inhibit any sales of my book or books via social media.

Might as well just fucking kill myself.
Just had a huge breakdown.

I'm so fucking scared and angry.

My mom doesn't want me to set up protests for fear of me being arrested etc.

I'm so fucking lost it feels like I should be speaking and preaching to people.

I was kicked out of my gaming group for having liberal values and whatnot.

The one admin that heard about my leave and banning lifted the ban, and invited me back but with so many people against me for my views and the only people in the group that are aligned with my way of thinking, want to remain quiet while the other admins and users suppress any thought or negative image towards Trump or anything he stands for.

I think I'm done.

I might not even finish my novels, no one is gonna read them and people against me have already pledged to through me to the wolves and actively inhibit any sales of my book or books via social media.

Might as well just fucking kill myself.

finish your art man, it's your duty as an artist to finish that shit

Art is about self-expression and for an audience to enjoy that creation on some sort of emotional level. You may not get the audience you see, but you will not know until you try.

Use your frustrations and anger as inspiration. Real, raw emotion is how great work emerges.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Thanks but I can never get 10 days off and there are no courses anytime soon in my country. I'm probably quitting my job in a few months though, so I'll look into it. I could consider going to a center abroad then.

Still though, I want to do something right now, so anything else I can start doing on my own?

Yeah. Can you be exactly specific what you're after? I've been exploring self-healing techniques for some time and may be able to give you something specifically effective.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.

I have a couple of questions regarding side effects.

I've been on Sertrline for nearly two years after a long battle with panic attacks and general anxiety, all stemming from health related phobias and fixations.

It helped clear up my thought process steadily during acclimation by dissipating all the ruminations and giving me room to expose myself to my regular daily routine again(work, gym, etc)

Eventually I was a functioning individual once more, with a newfound modicum of clarity regarding my illness and past struggles.

But there are sideeffects that are becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore, namely the slower metabolism and weight gain, among others. I counter those pretty well with weights and running, and although bothersome at times, I manage.

The more worrisome ones are urinary retention and esophagus contractions.

I know a lot of guys that get that stubborn drip of pee even after furiously shaking your junk. But in my case I finish peeing and I can feel my bladder muscles involuntarily holding back some , only to let loose once I zip up and start washing my hands.

The other one is the scariest. It happens when I'm eating and especially if I'm tense.

Anxiett only exacerbates it, so it logically becomes self perpetuating unless I actively try to relax. Otherwise it gets so tight and so painful I'll just eject whatever bottlenecks in my throat/chest.

I'm currently at 150mg and wondering if my ruminations and body awareness are flaring up due to increased body mass and tolerance.

Should I ask my doctor to continue/increase or discontinue altogether?


I've been feeling pretty lonely the last couple of weeks. I found out about a month ago that my 2 best friends are in a relationship and it made me realise that I don't have anybody. The fact that the last relationship I was in ended so suddenly doesn't help matters. It just makes me feel like I'm unlovable.

My 2 friends clearly care about each other so much and it made me realise that I haven't felt like I've had that in a relationship for so long. With my last relationship ending the way it did it makes me scared to try again.
It's kind of annoying hearing people complaining about exes all the time on GAF. Be thankful you HAD a relationship period. Try living in a world where no one would even consider dating you.
Not so much when that relationship screwed you up more than you were before.

I let myself go and gained tons of weight back, became a harder addict, I lost contact with most prior to my relationship. He was my first truly serious relationship and I feel so drained, lied to.


It's kind of annoying hearing people complaining about exes all the time on GAF. Be thankful you HAD a relationship period. Try living in a world where no one would even consider dating you.
The day that we start playing the "whose got it worse" game in here is the day that this thread stops being useful.

I was in your position my entire life. Then by some miracle I got a taste of theirs'. Both suck. We all need to be here to help each other regardless.
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