A lesson about living to work.
I'm a pretty positive guy, at work and otherwise. I was put in a project in April for us to deliver this database for my work. Early on, I could see there were problems with the product. I worked hard to meet my own unreasonable deadlines. I went to work at 6 am or earlier (I have keys) and stay until 6, unless there're things to do for the evening shift guys. I've even slept in the office once over the weekend to save time (and no one knows). I lied to avoid going to a stag do in June, so I can work. I'm lucky my gf works on weekends. I decided to not take holidays from August onward, saving my holidays for Dec when I can use that time to move in with my gf--but I also knew I can't afford to take time off.
I handed in my notice last week. One of my colleagues said, 'we knew Nov was going to be tough' and I responded with 'but that's it--it's not just Nov. I've been going full force since August'. When I quit, one of my colleagues said, 'jesus, if the whole thing got to HIM, something went really wrong' (like I said I'm positive and powered through). I should care that I'm actually irreplaceable (not hyping myself but one of my colleagues realised I'm pretty much the only guy who works to death and knows the system inside and out cause of it. They're screwed finding my replacement).
I blame myself for all the overtime (not all of it was even paid) as I had a choice but felt like because maybe I wasn't using my time well, I had to stay. There were very few times others did. Then I finally got convinced, even by guys internally, that it's the piss-poor planning and how no one gave us resources. We're not even suppos1ed to get this far. WhenI told my direct boss (an external project manager), he mentioned, 'well, you can see the writing on the wall, can't you?', with regards to how this is going to be a disaster.
I hate leaving my team and an unfinished job (though ironically, I've done what I was originally meant to, I'm now helping out everyone else), but I was at the end of my rope.
My last day is 14 December. The stress of not having a job is nothing compared to going there every day (I've been made redundant from a shit company before). If you can afford to leave a job that's killing you, fight for change if you can, leave otherwise.
I needed to realise I didn't put us in this mess and however valiant, it wasn't up to me to fix things to the extent I tried. Lessons learned for me: work-life balance, not taking unncessary blame, working hard but not killing yourself.
They offered more money to stay, they offered me to come back anytime, the managing director offered me to take as much time off and come back and report to her with a new job that will be custom built for me. I appreciated that, but I need to just go away. Like Final Fantasy XIII, I was told to slog through the beginning to get to 'the good part' in (I think) Chapter 11. When I got there, I quit. Chapters 1 through 10 killed me. Same here, weirdly.
Tl;dr: job shattered my confidence, I was overworked, thought I was going to go crazy. Finally, I quit my job. Learned not to blame myself and learned work life balance.
Don't live to work.