Every once in a while I’ll have an incredibly hard time focusing on anything. Total scatterbrain. Not sure if this is something everyone goes through or if I have mild ADD. I got Jack shit done yesterday because the whole day I just couldn’t focus on any one task. Times like that I wish adderall didn’t have such negative side effects or it would be the perfect thing for me during days like that. So I could just fucking focus.
I have days like that, albeit not very often. The worst is when I’m browsing Netflix or Prime Video, start to watch something, get bored about five minutes in, start watching something else, get bored of that, and so on and so forth. After half-hour, I’ll give up. Same happens with games too, although not so much. I’ve never been checked for or diagnosed with ADD, but it might be worth looking in to.
It’s also the reason my avatar changes so much, but that’s more of an OCD thing, I think.