Just because only I am writing about you being the problem here and others not, doesn't mean some of them don't think the same way.
And PMing eachother and leave others in here in the dark, is causing problem. Not only seems like Dawg has those informations but others aswell and that will slowly tear this community apart because keeping secrets among us isn't very community like.
I can't believe how much of bullshit you are..
Cipher, I swear to God I'm saying this out of love. You are absolutely taking this the wrong way. There's really no reason to be upset. I understand your sentiment, but there is a very good reason why that information shouldn't be posted here. If he were to post it here, it's open to the public.
Let's say Batzi worked for Polygon and obtained this information as a journalist under the condition of anonymity... If he were to reveal his sources, there's no way he'd get future comments. Not to mention, he could be putting his sources at risk of job loss and legal action. In this case, these are friends of his, so it's a little more personal.
If instead of being upset about it, you just asked, I'm sure Batzi would share the info with you. Like I said before, there's nothing new there, just information about his sources. I actually asked that he share that PM with you before you proclaimed that you'd post it here if someone sent you that information.