I was kidding. . .
Using how 25-6 release date is pretty far-fetched.
Oh i know
I was kidding. . .
Using how 25-6 release date is pretty far-fetched.
thread is dead.
thread is dead.
What if the 6 is something different since todays the 25th?25 - 6 = June 25 release!![]()
thread is dead.
What if the 6 is something different since todays the 25th?
thread is dead.
Release window is August confirmed.6 months from now.
Could that be another African country? Kojima said there's more than one in the game.
Could that be another African country? Kojima said there's more than one in the game.
I'm calling it . Time of death (insert time zone here).thread is dead.
I was playing ground zeroes and when big boss rescues Chico he says "chico quiet". Coincidence? I think not.It ishere, way too
I was playing ground zeroes and when big boss rescues Chico he says "chico quiet". Coincidence? I think not.
I might get haters by saying that. But.. I don't find Stefanie Joosten attractive..
I've been trying to figure it out. It doesn't seem like Afghanistan.
Well Afghanistan is a big place .Seems like Afghanistan to me when you look at those mountains in the distance.
I might get haters by saying that. But.. I don't find Stefanie Joosten attractive..
I might get haters by saying that. But.. I don't find Stefanie Joosten attractive..
It ishere, way too
I might get haters by saying that. But.. I don't find Stefanie Joosten attractive..
I didn't at first either, but then when she started appearing in those videos in the KojiPro offices I saw the light
Wait until she tweets a photo with pigtails and you'll change your mind
Cipher . Your standards .too high.Nah.. I just googled her. I would go as far to say, she looks ugly..
I'm glad Quiet doesn't have that expression like her..
thread is dead.
It took me a while to realize, I only just realized today that I find her attractive. That latest pic just completely changed my mind.Nah.. I just googled her. I would go as far to say, she looks ugly..
I'm glad Quiet doesn't have that expression like her..
It's been dead yet we still here.
The walking dead, better call Saul seems good so far.What tv shows does Mgs gaf watch?
What tv shows does Mgs gaf watch?
Nah.. I just googled her. I would go as far to say, she looks ugly..
I'm glad Quiet doesn't have that expression like her..
What tv shows does Mgs gaf watch?
I think QUiet is more attractive than her tbh.
What tv shows does Mgs gaf watch?
Stefanie is Mila Kunis levels gorgeous. There. I said it.
What tv shows does Mgs gaf watch?
Kojima's latest tweet on having too much chopper photos.
"Recently I have got complaints from people about posting only chopper photos. But I can only take photos when I am not in middle of gameplay so it can't be helped. lol"
This about OCD? I know tou mentioned it somewhere (i have lurked neogaf for sometime)
I can have some OCD-like tendencies at certain times, so I can only imagine how hard it must be to deal with it on a daily basis. And by that I dont mean "hurr durr I have to have my pictures straight, Im OCD", I mean times where I go back to my front door 3-4 times to check the lock or times where I keep washing my hands over and over again because they dont feel clean.
Kojima's latest tweet on having too much chopper photos.
"Recently I have got complaints from people about posting only chopper photos. But I can only take photos when I am not in middle of gameplay so it can't be helped. lol"
What tv shows does Mgs gaf watch?
I think QUiet is more attractive than her tbh.
Kojima's latest tweet on having too much chopper photos.
"Recently I have got complaints from people about posting only chopper photos. But I can only take photos when I am not in middle of gameplay so it can't be helped. lol"