Just realized, PS4 has remote play with the vita.. Phantom Pain on tho go.. ohhhh
yeah, although they really need to update the controls for remote play. it was the default settings for GZ which maps R1/L1/R3/L3 all to the back touchpad
Does it give you the option of this?
The game that did a good job on remapping keys to play better on Vita was Destiny. But the game i play the most on remote play is Diablo 3.
it does not. and i agree, i loved what they did with destiny
i'd like to see L1/R1 moved to the front touch screen and flipped. with L1 on the right and R1 on the left. reason being is that it would be nice to have the ability to move the camera around when using the binos (front touch screen on lower left would allow that).
i will admit, it will probably be janky for controls no matter what though because MGS relies so heavily on all 4 shoulder buttons. options would be nice though. allow us to customize it based on need
Stay on topic.![]()
How much do you guys use remote play and where do you use it.
Because I can barely play on my Vita at home while both consoles and the router are in the same room. :/
Also, cat guy, you got those new emblems ready?!
How much do you guys use remote play and where do you use it.
Because I can barely play on my Vita at home while both consoles and the router are in the same room. :/
Not yet.
I'm posting the hype imagesoon.
Joke, just give me 5 minutes. Make some final changes on it.
Sweet! Yeah, so there's going to be the hype image and then the emblems for Cipher Cats and Diamond Dawgs?!
I actually like to use some of the back triggers on the corner touchpad of the screen.
But yea.. they would need to allow for people to remap all aspects of the game on the controller to get something that works best for each. I have not tried to run GZ on the vita tho... i doubt it will be as responsive or a good experience. But i would be happy to be proven wrong.
Is a hype image similar to a Kojima tease? Will you use a fist to coverthe snowparts of it?
How much do you guys use remote play and where do you use it.
Because I can barely play on my Vita at home while both consoles and the router are in the same room. :/
it actually runs quite well and is certainly playable. obviously dropping to 30 fps and having a smaller screen limits the experience, but i was able to run through missions on vita. pstv will probably be much better, but more akin to a ps360 experience with 720/30. really my only issue with vita RP is the controls. i don't mind using back touch a little bit here and there, but not 4 vital buttons all mapped on there
well, now that i have a pstv i won't be doing it much at home, but i had great success with RP. both in the same room as the console using WiDi, or 100 miles away from home. my ps4 is wired in with 100+ mbps so as long as the vita connection is strong (5+ mbps) it's usually quite smooth and works well for most games. i wouldn't play competitive MP or anything, but running around taking outposts in far cry 4, grabbing collectibles in AC4, or grinding in destiny was awesome
Also, this is the hype image:
(Being redone with updated avatars!)
Yea... i never use the back pad... its annoying.
On D3 i remap my keys because i never use my back faceplate.
There is no lag on GZ? some games i have tried on the vita tend to lag.. so i just play games that make sense and that don't require me to think to much about them.
I wishwas on the vita.MH4
How do you like the PSTV?
I don't think I'm on there ;_;
GZ runs about as well as the average game on RP. which is pretty good IMO, but i'm not terribly sensitive to input lag. if you like your stealth slow and methodical, it works perfectly
the pstv is pretty cool, runs a lot of vita, ps1 games quite well. it's nice having a full suspend/resume function (makes me want it more for ps4 now). remote play when wired in is about on par with vita. it's disappointing that here are literally no media streaming apps, but the biggest annoyance is random games that should work not being white-listed and playable on the system like peace walker. really though i just wanted it to have a way to play whatever i want for an hour or two once or twice a week when the wife is in the living room. nothing will prevent me from playing TPP now!
You are. Because this is the updated version:
Bad joke about that image kojima tweeted with the fist covering something in the helicopter.
I don't think I'm on there ;_;
I'm aZEKEREX fan.
You are. Because this is the updated version:
You are. Because this is the updated version:
I got your joke, mate! That's why [hai intensifhais]!! :-D!
Sweet! Yeah, so there's going to be the hype image and then the emblems for Cipher Cats and Diamond Dawgs?!
Oh my, are they dancing?
The whole suspend feature is a must!
Specially for Persona 5. I could not see how i would play that game without a sleep mode. P4 i got through just like that, and it was bliss on the vita.
So not all games are on by default? thats kind of shitty.
I thought you could just stream your vita to the PSTV and it works. no?
so, there's the big misconception. sony has pulled a nintendo with vita/pstv in that it's poorly named and no one really knows what it does. pstv is literally a vita without the screen so it doesn't connect to a vita or stream vita content. you put vita cards/games in the pstv and it runs them natively. even has the big bubbly touch screen thrown up on your tv.
the game compatibility issues make some sense. games that use the touch screen/back tough extensively like tearaway simply would not be possible on a device like this, so they are understandably not compatible. but there are other games that should be, but aren't for seemingly no apparent reason
You are. Because this is the updated version:
That image confused the hell out of me![]()
Starting working on the emblems now.
My octo camo is pretty high. You can barely see me with all that orange and the orange beard on my avatar.
I'm pretty good.
Looks great tho. Good job man.
So far I'd say Old Big Boss with the white hair and beard, eye patch, tan coat if possible. Maybe a cigar? Or little green berets on the mini koopas?
I'm trying to brainstorm another character besides BB since that's what most people are editting too, but it seems like the most logical. Can you think of anything else?
If you need my icon sans beard I have that still. Also, "Don't think, shoot!" was a line I've never quoted from the series but the exact moment lept to memory even though I haven't played in years.
Thats kind of lame. I always thought you could use a DS controller OR just use your vita and stream from there.
Will your library of games be on the PSTV? i have tons of digital games, and all installed on the vita itself... there a chance i won't get to play them since its not the actual cartridge?
I dunno why you can't even use the vita as a controller. Sounds pretty bad tho.
My octo camo is pretty high. You can barely see me with all that orange and the orange beard on my avatar.
I'm pretty good.
Looks great tho. Good job man.
Would you like a different place? The truth can be adjusted.
you swap your vita MC in and out of your vita and onto the pstv, this actually works quite well, so you will be able to play all of yourvita content on pstv. either with all of it on one card that you swap between the two, or two separate cards using cloud saves. but you can't use the vita itself as a controller. DS3 or DS4 onlycompatible
You are. Because this is the updated version:
Just throwing it out there.The truth has been adjusted. Long live the patriots.
Out of all the things you've seen since joining the MG community-- THAT confused you?!
How can Chinner control Rex with no hands? :lol
here comes grumpy S4nic!![]()
Just throwing it out there.The truth has been adjusted. Long live the patriots.
That doesn't sound too good.. to keep taking that in and out of the Vita. no?
Just throwing it out there.The truth has been adjusted. Long live the patriots.
Hey LD
Whoa!!!! Thanks for the shout out, Sn4ke_911 and thanks, Shalashaska! (I'll have to go log in and say thanks!)
3 little girls, came to battle you!
Don't mention it. YOU deserve all the praise you can get for this OT seriously... I hope you can help Dawg make the TPP OT because *cough* I don't trust him *cough*
Some are exited for Destination Playstation this Friday.
I asked Tora on yesterdays Konami twitch stream about Destination Playstation and yeah either he covers it up very well or itsfuckingnothing.gif .... Just keep your expectations in check.