call morpho.
idroid has no signal.
call morpho.
idroid has no signal.
sn4ke i will send u impressions of dlc once it's been released using the order 1886 as a comparison.
idroid has no signal.
Next week is the last week I'll have internet for a while.....
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| Tora plsCan't wait till OT3!!
Square revealed that the fire guy who everyone knew was Volgin is actually Volgin.
Can't wait till OT3!!
I heard Jimmy is doing OT3![]()
Exactly the week that Kojima will announce the release date :>
Btw we're already at 25 pages, holy shit.
Oh boy.
Yeah good guys, let's go back to work. Let's finish this badboy!
huh? MGSV theme'd PS4's? Or just crazy dev kits?
That's such a dumb tweet by the other guy.
huh? MGSV theme'd PS4's? Or just crazy dev kits?
I looks like a completely different console (possibly dev kit) based on the shape of the back of it.
Of course it's pretty much impossible to tell.
My guess is TPP custom PS4 plates not yet revealed.
Like the GZ's ones.
I love Robert's response:"you do want to also someday play this game right?"
Except Diamond Dogs plates have nothing to do with GZ.
Could be. I'm unfamiliar with how the xbone looks.Looks like a Xbox
Looks like a Xbox
I'll wait with buying a PS4 if there is a slim version coming, especially if there are going to be MGSV theme'd versions.
Looks like a Xbox
in the other pics they were holding ds4
I think they are most likely dev kits. I wouldn't be surprised if sony/Microsoft have a rule against showing dev kits in pics.
I think PS4 dev kits look exactly like regular PS4s. Xbone dev kits look the same as regular ones.
I think they are most likely dev kits. I wouldn't be surprised if sony/Microsoft have a rule against showing dev kits in pics.
No idea how the PS4 devkit looks like.
The PS3 devkit looked like this:
Looks like an older version of the Xbox One, lol.
This looks like a regular PlayStation 4. I'd recognize that shape anywhere. Why is it not blurred though? Because the guy is sitting in front of it and you can only see a bit? Or because it's the only regular PS4 on there? It looks smaller than the blurred shizzle.
I have no idea. Companies have weird rules sometimes.What's the point of hiding a dev kit? I fail to see it.
PS4 devkit
Then why is he the only one playing on a regular PS4 while the others are supposedly playing on a dev kit?
CRAZY THEORY - Those ps4s are actually ps5s that just happen to be compatible with dualshock 4s![]()
I don't think they're Xbox One's because... why would you lie about that? If they didn't want to say they're using Xbox, they can just... you know... not respond to the tweet. But they did. And said those were no ordinary PS4s. So... devkits?
Most likely. Maybe some newer model of the kit that they shouldnt show?
Also where is your Order review?