Blasphemy!MGS4 > MGS2
Blasphemy!MGS4 > MGS2
Level 12. I can always invite you to mine which is already set up.
Konami has clarified the Ground Zeroes-->Phantom Pain data transfer process:
- If your copy of Ground Zeroes isn't digital, you need to still have the disc for this process. The online account also has to be the same.
- For doing this you get: the Sneaking Suit that Snake wears in Ground Zeroes, and Mother Base staff.
- If you have saved specific characters you get those in Mother Base as well.*
- It doesn't say anything about the completion needing to be 100%.
- This is separate from the "cool thing" Kojima said you get if you've completed Ground Zeroes.
- Though whether he meant completed the Ground Zeroes mission or gotten 100% is unclear.
Source: JunkerHQ
I'm really curious about that 'cool thing' Kojima is teasing
I hope he doesn't mean 100% completion, I'm trying to do all the trials but I've given up on neutralizing all the enemies in the Intel Operative mission ;_;
Fiddle item snake can use to attract guards. If you use it on Mother Base Kaz plays along with you.I'm really curious about that 'cool thing' Kojima is teasing
You don't need to do that trial. You need to do the first trial of every mission except for Save the Intel Operative.
What percentage are you at right now?
Anyone wanna play GTAV heists (PS4)?
Fiddle item snake can use to attract guards. If you use it on Mother Base Kaz plays along with you.
Ah thanks, I thought you had to do all the trials. Will try to do the others then... I'm at 87% now
II've given up on neutralizing all the enemies in the Intel Operative mission ;_;
I remember doing that trial over and over again as well, because I was stuck at 98% or 99%. I was getting so frustrated.
I then realised all I had to do was get the Gray Fox skin in the Deja Vu mission.
I remember doing that trial over and over again as well, because I was stuck at 98% or 99%. I was getting so frustrated.
I then realised all I had to do was get the Gray Fox skin in the Deja Vu mission.
O_O I don't think I even realized there was a Gray Fox skin! I haven't played GZ in about a month, I think I might just back in tonight.
Waaaait, what? I had the game for like 8 months and i never knew there was a Gray Fox skin. Welp time to revisit camp Omega.
You need to complete all scenes and the quiz on Hard for it to unlock.
I hope he doesn't mean 100% completion, I'm trying to do all the trials but I've given up on neutralizing all the enemies in the Intel Operative mission ;_;
Ah thanks, I thought you had to do all the trials. Will try to do the others then... I'm at 87% now
Snake juicin' here got me thinking.
The games haven't been too shy about drug use.
Sniper Wolf and Raiden popping benzos for their aim, OldSnake injecting those sweet, sweet nano suppressors, Big Boss with the phantom cheeba cheeba ya'll.
Drugs on the battlefield are nothing new.
The Blitzkrieg was fueled by meth, plenty of soldiers come back from Vietnam addicted to heroin, and there's reports of suicide bombers taking cognitive disassociates like PCP before blowing themselves up.
What if we're able to R&D different drugs with various benefits and detriments?
Shoot up some meth in the chopper for increased speed and reflex mode but lose the ability to tag.
Take some morphine for increased health but slower movement and less reflex mode.
Drop acid and become David Bowie.
Snake juicin' here got me thinking.
The games haven't been too shy about drug use.
Sniper Wolf and Raiden popping benzos for their aim, OldSnake injecting those sweet, sweet nano suppressors, Big Boss with the phantom cheeba cheeba ya'll.
Drugs on the battlefield are nothing new.
The Blitzkrieg was fueled by meth, plenty of soldiers come back from Vietnam addicted to heroin, and there's reports of suicide bombers taking cognitive disassociates like PCP before blowing themselves up.
What if we're able to R&D different drugs with various benefits and detriments?
Shoot up some meth in the chopper for increased speed and reflex mode but lose the ability to tag.
Take some morphine for increased health but slower movement and less reflex mode.
Drop acid and become David Bowie.
Could be pretty cool. Like some of the drugs in Fallout.
"Snake, opiates have been used as pain medication for a long time - the Persians began using it as far back as 1500 B.C. - but be careful.
Chemical dependencies can develop faster than..."
You've become addicted to Opiates...
"Kaz... I'm already an addict"
Drop acid and become David Bowie.
Dat knee
Boss hooked up to an IV, but that isn't your typical IV fluid.. lol
I suspect the drug thing is probably just visuals. Maybe Boss has to charge up his arm, or maybe he has to take some type of drugs to stop his body rejecting the roboarm.
It was assuming it was surgically implanted. Obviously prosthetics are not part of your body so they wouldn't be rejected.Your body doesn't reject prosthetics. Assuming it isn't surgically implanted in your body, which I have reason to believe that it isn't. Maybe some precursor to white blood that was used with Raiden?
Your body doesn't reject prosthetics. Assuming it isn't surgically implanted in your body, which I have reason to believe that it isn't. Maybe some precursor to white blood that was used with Raiden?
I assumed it must be surgically implanted if it's wired into his nerves and such. Otherwise it'd just be a motionless hand, right?
There's some pretty amazing tech out there. Kojima doesn't mind anachronisms, sooooo... Guess we'll find out in September :^}
Edit: I hope there's not some big to do about hand maintenance. That'd really annoy me.
You don't want to go raiding bases for the sole purpose of finding hand parts? I wonder if that shock ability is limited. I've never been a very big fan of maintenance or even hunger management in games. I'm not so stuck on the idea that every game needs to be steeped in realism.
I wouldn't mind raiding bases for parts so long as it's for the sole purpos of upgrades and not maintenence. I'm with you on maintenence, hunger and all. It was bearable in MGS3, but it didn't tickle me fiddles.
Konami let me know on Twitter that the CE will be available in the Netherlands; this week via Bol, coming week via Gamemania.
What in the fuck is that shit?
Is it some kind of morphine I've never seen before or battle drug?
Konami let me know on Twitter that the CE will be available in the Netherlands; this week via Bol, coming week via Gamemania.
It's pot, watch the color
Anyone think that PythonSelkan's latest analysis was utter shit? The only reason it was so long was because the text points that take 15 seconds to read stay on screen for 45 seconds to a minute. Plus, we won't be playing as Grey Fox.
Edit: just noticed Jimmy was back. Behave now.