I had a weird TPP dream. Game started with me controlling Gray Fox at a facility called XoF Jaeger (I heard two guards say it was Gray Fox backwards or something).
It got weirder, the Fox I controlled, though clad in a cybernetic ninja suit prototype, was wielding projectile-based weaponary and was highly proficient at it.
Anyway, after clearing that area (some stealth was incorporated towards the end), I paused the game and the screen was as we see the iDroid screen.
There was something called "Outer Heaven Act 0/3" and next to it 3 stars out of 5 were lit up. I then realised (you know how dreams are) that this was a new game+ that unlocks certain characters and stages/challenges.
I then "remembered" how 5 starring the last Outer Heaven act was tough because Solid Snake was just impossible to scratch.
Did I mention all this was via Morpheus and an M16 type controller?
It's gonna be a good day.