People constantly saying that shit again and again Is pissing me off too.Why do people say this & where did this annoying ass saying come from?
People constantly saying that shit again and again Is pissing me off too.Why do people say this & where did this annoying ass saying come from?
Why do people say this & where did this annoying ass saying come from?
People constantly saying that shit again and again Is pissing me off too.
People constantly saying that shit again and again Is pissing me off too.
People constantly saying that shit again and again Is pissing me off too.
Why do people say this & where did this annoying ass saying come from?
Remember this?
Why do people say this & where did this annoying ass saying come from?
People constantly saying that shit again and again Is pissing me off too.
i think rajang is the biggest mgs fan in this community.
i think rajang is the biggest mgs fan in this community.
What are you implying? I can take you in a fight.You guys must get pissed every time you scan the OT title :^]
On topic here, how do you guys foresee race playing a role in PP? We know that Skull Face has some racial, and hell, plain old identity issues.
What are you implying? I can take you in a fight.
Honestly, i think it's going to be handled poorly, and in a very ham fisted fashion.On topic here, how do you guys foresee race playing a role in PP? We know that Skull Face has some racial, and hell, plain old identity issues.
Honestly, i think it's going to be handled poorly, and in a very ham fisted fashion.
i'm not trying to be difficult or rude but, what what basis do you have to think it will be handled alright. ?I think it'll be handled alright, but I for some reason don't seeing being as much of theme as it's been made out to be.
Kermit = Kerotan
i'm not trying to be difficult or rude but, what what basis do you have to think it will be handled alright. ?
I'm interested to find out what role it will play. I really don't have a clue yet how it will. Has Kojima mentioned anything about it other than the fact that it will be a theme? I don't recall what you mentioned about Skullface but that's probably because I only listened to the tape once when the game came out.You guys must get pissed every time you scan the OT title :^]
On topic here, how do you guys foresee race playing a role in PP? We know that Skull Face has some racial, and hell, plain old identity issues.
Can kermit bloom on the battlefield?Try to remember some of the basics of CQC.
I'm interested to find out what role it will play. I really don't have a clue yet how it will. Has Kojima mentioned anything about it other than the fact that it will be a theme? I don't recall what you mentioned about Skullface but that's probably because I only listened to the tape once when the game came out.
I'm not certain that it will be handled poorly, but as much as i like Kojima none of his previous work hasn't filled with a lot of confidence that this topic will be handle with the delicate touch that it deserves.Why are you certain it's going to be handled so poorly?
That an odd question, why would it not bother me. ?More importantly, would it bother you if it was?
That an odd question, why would it not bother me. ?
The games industry is an absolute joke when it comes to dealing with the portrayal of race. proving just how immature the medium still is.
I'm not very good at articulating my thoughts, so if i take awhile to respond to your post above, it's because i want to answer it the best i can, and not because i'm ignoring you.
it's funny, I was going to make a post exactly like this yesterday but I wasn't sure I could word it without hitting a nerve. I'm glad I didn't because you articulated better than I feel I could.The thing of it is, the gaming industry shouldn't be looked to as any kind of moral authority on anything. Sure, it's ok to criticize the gaming industry, express disappointment, etc... But I find all of it to be rather silly. I've never been bothered by the way the gaming industry has handled any kind of portrayal. It's up to the developers to decide how they want to express their visions, and regardless of how well they handle it, I respect that. If I find something to be terribly off putting, I won't buy it. Plain and simple. I'm genuinely confused as to why people really care. Who cares how mature the medium is? I don't get it. the only thing I care about industry-wise is the way real life people are treated as employees.
There's tons of porn on the market that I find to be despicable, disgusting, and entirely wrong. But you know what? I choose not to look at it. There's plenty of music I find to be disgusting, but I choose not to listen to it. There's plenty of TV that I feel is terrible, but I don't care because I'm not forced to watch. Same for movies.
it's funny, I was going to make a post exactly like this yesterday but I wasn't sure I could word it without hitting a nerve. I'm glad I didn't because you articulated better than I feel I could.
Did this to test the program i posted on this thread, and loved the result. reminds me of shinkawa's art:
I agree. I understand that people will feel that it's a too simplistic view, but I want to be open to how those people feel about it.I'm flattered that you think I was articulate enough. I feel like I'm not getting my point across though, like I'm missing something crucial in my argument. I think instead of asking "why do you care", the real question should be "why should I care". I'm just so confused, because when I see that there's some major criticism of some kind of fiction, I roll my eyes because here_we_go_again.png. Why is any work of fiction obligated to fulfil some arbitrary expectation of "handling this real life issue with the respect and gravity it deserves"? If you're disappointed, that's one thing. But if you are truly bothered to your core, I hardly think that any work of fiction in question is the real problem.
Edit: I think what bothers me the most is that these criticisms often suggest that the artist has done something wrong and suggestions as to how they could have done things differently. It's just as bothersome to me as Monday morning QBing.
now that you said that, it doesThat looks pretty cool. For some reason it looks like Boss has a Glasgow grin scar.
I agree. I understand that people will feel that it's a too simplistic view, but I want to be open to how those people feel about it.
now that you said that, it doesthis was an earlier version of the process. here's the latest iteration:
now that you said that, it doesthis was an earlier version of the process. here's the latest iteration:
Is Jon Cena a Jojo fan?
From all the MGS-GAF peeps who've added me on psn so far I have the highest psn level.
Get on my level, scrubs.
what level are you?
and did you add me yet? (psn - PrinceOfWhatever)
17. If I haven't yet I'll add you later today.