this is all a trick!
Oh cool, I'll check it out later. Was it good?
Chinner plz.
Don't fall into madness.
"I'm losing myself!"
Let's all pay attention to the lyrics, guys.
There goes my theory, lol.
Fuck you Konami.
As far as im concerned, phantom pain is the final game.
Look, the next game could be the greatest game ever, but to me that's not enough. It would still miss the Kojima-ness. The font we're familiar with. The laughs.
nope, this is the end.
didnt think it would happen but it did
Look, the next game could be the greatest game ever, but to me that's not enough. It would still miss the Kojima-ness. The font we're familiar with. The laughs.
nope, this is the end.
didnt think it would happen but it did
Oh my god... I just thought: what if they get David Hayter to produce the next MGS?!
Konami is the publisher version of Stalin.
As long as he doesn't act in it, no harm can be done.
The latest title in the METAL GEAR series, "METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN" (below, "MGSV: TPP"), will be released as planned starting on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 in North America, Latin America, and Europe, followed by Japan and Asia on Wednesday, September 2. Hideo Kojima will remain involved throughout.
In addition, Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. will continue to develop and distribute top-quality content in the METAL GEAR series following "MGSV: TPP." We greatly anticipate and deeply appreciate your ongoing support for METAL GEAR.
As the next step in the series, KONAMI has already resolved to develop a new "METAL GEAR" title.
We will be conducting auditions for main staff to lead the development.
Source: Konami
Official English translated press release by Konami Japan:
Full press release is in the link.
Anyone know how Dawg is taking all this?