I can't even tell what the original picture of my car was.
Better go check your car, Son.
I can't even tell what the original picture of my car was.
Better go check your car, Son.
Did you actually change the perspective of the original picture or did you find another image of the same car online?
I tried doing the latter but ended up having to do the former. So yes, I changed the perspective with a bit of Photoshop trickery.
I tried doing the latter but ended up having to do the former. So yes, I changed the perspective with a bit of Photoshop trickery.
So eh.. 170 days left? Or something?
Feels like a 9-year coma.
161 days right now... or 23 weeks, if that makes it feel any shorter
2 + 3 = V
don't know why all you guys are happy...
rip in peace Kojipro
There is a slim chance this is all just a ruse.
Remember in the Ground Zeroes Deja Vu mission you could erase all MGS logos. Or in the intro Skull Face erases the XOF logo to get rid of any evidence this ever existed. Same with "A Hideo Kojima Game" and the Kojima Productions logo.
I mean if it was any other company ok but this is Kojima we're talking about here.
I don't wanna get my hopes up but if anyone could pull something like this it's Kojima.
Remember in the Ground Zeroes Deja Vu mission you could erase all MGS logos. Or in the intro Skull Face erases the XOF logo to get rid of any evidence this ever existed. Same with "A Hideo Kojima Game" and the Kojima Productions logo.
So you are saying Kojima leaving is a ruse?
After a year, I finally mastered distance head shots with the tranq gun.
Laser sight=babby mode
Edit: is it me or is distance drop minuscule? I used to take shots with the trang gun planning for distance drop and now that I plan for the shot to go straight, I seem to get the head shot 9/10 times. And good dammit, I was trying to extract Glaz and Palitz but the fucking guards killed Palitz. Returning to a check point left me with him in my arms dead. -_- fuck me.
It also fits the concept of MGSV with the erasing of logos and stuff.
Yes, Kojima is not leaving Konami and Kojima Productions won't be disbanded.
Again it's just a slim chance but there is a chance because Kojima.
It also fits the concept of MGSV with the erasing of logos and stuff.
Yes, Kojima is not leaving Konami and Kojima Productions won't be disbanded.
Again it's just a slim chance but there is a chance because Kojima.
It also fits the concept of MGSV with the erasing of logos and stuff.
Awesome! Now practice shooting in 3rd person with no aiming reticule!
Any source to back this up?
I mean.. i am always to opinion and it would be great to see Kojima work on SHs. But nothing so far has indicated that this is a stunt. Specially this close to release.
Yes, Kojima is not leaving Konami and Kojima Productions won't be disbanded.
Again it's just a slim chance but there is a chance because Kojima.
It also fits the concept of MGSV with the erasing of logos and stuff.
To back up what? all I'm saying is there is a small chance this could all be a ruse because it's Kojima we're talking about here.
Another thing is Silent Hills, Del Toro etc. would they really give all this up? I just find it hard to believe.
I can see the whole paralell with the logos erased in GZ, and his cryptic tweets. But i guess when you stare at something for so long you can see whatever you want in there.
I mean.. usually your posts tend to have something to back them up. You carry some weight when you post, so its interesting to know where you are coming from when you say this might be a stunt from kojima.
I can see the whole paralell with the logos erased in GZ, and his cryptic tweets. But i guess when you stare at something for so long you can see whatever you want in there.
Normally, I'd agree. Apophenia and all that.
You gotta admit though, the Deja Vu mission is strangely on the nose in its prescience. It's most likely coincidence, but it is also possible he saw something like this on the cards and added it in.
There is a very, very, very, very, very slim chance that it is a ruse, though. I mean, if it is, he's really playing with fire in business terms. It could very easily backfire.
No this time I have only the Ground Zeroes erasing logo thing, it's not much that's why I said it's a "slim chance".
Yeah I guess we just have to wait and see how it turns out but the best is probably to just accept it.
I still think its a big coincidence.
What do you make of all of his tweets?
Also... what do you think will happen to the relation between Del Toro and Konami for SHs? i really have no idea how much into development they are at this point.
Also.. what is the point of scrubbing his name of EVERYTHING, including all statements from some people inside that they are having a dispute.
Too many discrepancies imo. Its a difficult thing to look at too. i dunno if i would be happy to see Kojima leave and do his own thing. Or stay and keep working on new games using his already well established team.
Awesome! Now practice shooting in 3rd person with no aiming reticule!
Y-you can remove the aiming reticule?
That avatar is legendary haha.
I don't think Konami hates money.
Do you think maybe they see Kojima (even their entire gaming division) as a bit of a money hole? They haven't had huge successes in that department for a while now. It's possible they forced KJP to publish GZ separately to recoup some of the costs of TPP, developing the Fox Engine and even putting out PT (that was free, right?) incurred.
Kojima said in an interview it was originally planned to release the full game at once but TPP development took longer than they thought so they didn't want to let fans wait so long for the new MGS game. (aka Konami cash grab. Konami probably came to Kojima and ask to split the game)
This is probably the gist of what happened.Do you think maybe they see Kojima (even their entire gaming division) as a bit of a money hole? They haven't had huge successes in that department for a while now. It's possible they forced KJP to publish GZ separately to recoup some of the costs of TPP, developing the Fox Engine and even putting out PT (that was free, right?) incurred.
This is probably the gist of what happened.
I just wonder what the tipping point was. New games can't be made without an engine to run them and a New engine seems like a necessary investment that you recoup the costs from later on.
According to wiki, kojipro had 200 staff in 2008. I don't know how daunting a lot of this stuff is for that many people but it does seem like they had a lot on their plate
Yeah, I'm inclined to go with that. The Kojima talk was likely spin.
Fox Engine and TPP have been in development for, what, 3-5 years now, I guess? That's a lot of money. PT must have cost money to develop too. What have Konami had out in that time that's made a decent enough profit to cover its own costs and Kojima's three projects, whilst still making a profit? PES, maybe, but even that would be a push.
On paper, it probably looks terrible in the short term.
According to wikipedia, MGS4 was one of the most expensive games ever with over $70 million. That's pretty insane.
MGS4 was 3 years in development.
Maybe Pre-order numbers weren't as high as they hoped? who knows...
It'd be interesting to see how much money they made back. Total sales are in the region of 6 million units, as far as I can tell.
Have preorders been setup for a while now? Surely they took a huge boost with the release date/CE announcements? Then again, the decision to absorb KJP and contract Kojima nd co was probably enacted a while ago.
If this is all a ruse, they'll most certainly take a dent considering the high emotions floating around.
Gotta be honest here, when I first read the post suggesting that Kojima's impending departure from Konami may be nothing but an elaborate ruse, my first thought is that the poster was utterly and completely batshit crazy.
I have to admit, having thought about it a bit more (and after just playing some GZ's this morning) - there may actually be some cause for questioning this as actually being some sort of ruse.
Looking purely at the facts - Kojima is certainly comfortable with deception. He's known for it in many respects. He's hid release dates in various forms of media. Hidden the fact that Phantom Pain was actually a Metal Gear game altogether. Hell, he created a playable trailer for an upcoming Silent Hill game under the guise of a non-existent studio. To say that he is both familiar and comfortable with hiding his true intentions from his fans would be a significant understatement.
The similarities between the Konami situation and a few plot lines within GZ's absolutely raises some eyebrows. The mission to "remove" the XOF insignia from around the base is something, but personally, the "Extract the VIP" mission altogether (and coincidentally, the one I played this morning) raises even more questions. The entire point of the mission is to extract a covert intelligent agent - played by Kojima, nonetheless - from a base where he was undercover. The mission is literally playing out the "defection" of Kojima from an organization that he was working with, albeit, while undercover. Granted, this very well could be cooincidence - GZ came out almost a year ago, and Kojima and Konami having planned out a ruse that far in advance seems highly unlikely, but again - Kojima has done this before.
Perhaps this is nothing and I'm looking for correlations that don't exist, but...there's still some doubt. Curious if there are any other similarities between the current news regarding Konami and anything else in GZ's.
According to wikipedia, MGS4 was one of the most expensive games ever with over $70 million. That's pretty insane.
MGS4 was 3 years in development.
MGSV is now over 5 years in development.
The game + Fox engine must be insanely expensive now.
Maybe Pre-order numbers weren't as high as they hoped? who knows...
Controversy aside, didn't Kojima state he was going to do something never before done in gaming? What could that be?
Well yeah or maybe they asked Kojima to make MGS6 and he didn't wanna do it. Or something completely different happened. We just don't know it and it's all pure speculation.
I just hope we find out the truth sometime, not knowing what the heck went down is frustrating as hell.
The similarities between the Konami situation and a few plot lines within GZ's absolutely raises some eyebrows. The mission to "remove" the XOF insignia from around the base is something, but personally, the "Extract the VIP" mission altogether (and coincidentally, the one I played this morning) raises even more questions. The entire point of the mission is to extract a covert intelligent agent - played by Kojima, nonetheless - from a base where he was undercover. The mission is literally playing out the "defection" of Kojima from an organization that he was working with, albeit, while undercover. Granted, this very well could be cooincidence - GZ came out almost a year ago, and Kojima and Konami having planned out a ruse that far in advance seems highly unlikely, but again - Kojima has done this before.
Perhaps this is nothing and I'm looking for correlations that don't exist, but...there's still some doubt. Curious if there are any other similarities between the current news regarding Konami and anything else in GZ's.
Someone is almost certainly making a development documentary. MGS ones tend to not shy away from the cold hard facts either.
Hopefully it gets released without being sliced to bits.
Haha! That's pretty good. It's not so on the nose as the insignia wiping, but I can certainly see similarities with the current situation.
Imagine if this is all a ruse (to reiterate: I strongly doubt it) and they announce KJP and Kojima/Shinkawa are 'back', so to speak:
"Let the legend come back to life!"
Thinking about it, Konami have got a really easy out if it is true: simply say it was all a marketing ploy.
So this whole fiasco with Kojima and Konami finally pushed me to purchase the MGS legacy collection for PS3. Good thing to, as the second round of printed discs are still available for less than $50. I wanted to grab it before it inevitably skyrockets in price again. Should arrive today![]()
Now I just need to re-purchase a PS3, lulz.
Playing through Peace Walker again. I swear, it's the prototype for TPP. If it is going to be that game writ much larger I'm really excited at the prospect.
Controversy aside, didn't Kojima state he was going to do something never before done in gaming? What could that be?