I still believe in Hideo Kojima.
Do you?
Who is Hideo Kojima? I know only KONAMI.
I still believe in Hideo Kojima.
Do you?
Good lord Bloodborne is so fucked up.
Why are they throwing subtle shade at MGS3 in these marketing materials? It's as relevant to the story of Big Boss as Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes.
You guys think the manner of use of "out" (release date) is not random but could mean something? Or is it just translation related? I mean, saying "2015 out" or "9.2 out" feels strange.
EDIT: inb4 XOF ( ._.) urgh, who am I kidding, I have a tests in 5 hours and I cannot focus.
Where are those photos from?
Someone posted it on twitter.
I see. So they're recent photos?
Must be IGN.
Must be IGN.
lol Nathan Drake.
Even Chico would crush him with his bare hands.
hahaha lol so Big Boss would be able to get out of the way of Nate's rope punch
btw, you are one of few people here that stays on topic and still have some interesting questions about Metal Gear. So don't apologize and question all you like.
About your question, I don't know. I asked ToraShiro similar question, but he ignored me and responded to all others except me
But I think that many people know whole story.
hahaha lol so Big Boss would be able to get out of the way of Nate's rope punch
Everyone doing ok this Monday morning?
Big Boss vs. Nathan Drake who wins
could Big Boss avoid/dodge Nate's rope punch?
Hai Tora!
Monda is goin good. How about yours? any info to disclose? any updates of something to look forward to?
Lol, of course Big Boss can win. Nathan Drake fights stuntmen from movies.
Big Boss vs. Nathan Drake who wins
could Big Boss avoid/dodge Nate's rope punch?
Joel vs. Big Boss would be interesting as well....i think BB obviously has advantages...but i think in terms of survival skills, Joel might have more than BB?
to the point if BB was in the universe of The Last of Us and met up with Joel and Ellie i think BB would be second in command to Joel in their little group
If anyone wants to join our Telegram chat, let me know. PM me with your username.
I just sent a pm. What is this Telegram anyway?
On second thought...
Hi Toro. hope you're keep well.I've been unable to get a solid answer on those digital questions, though I think I may have nudged some progress into getting answers for them.
Big Boss vs. Nathan Drake who wins
could Big Boss avoid/dodge Nate's rope punch?
Hi Toro. hope you're keep well.
I hope i didn't come across as pushy dick with asking my question. (assuming you're talking about my CE question, i haven't been keeping with this thread as much i should lately.)
If you are talking about my question, thanks for the work you're doing trying to get an answer, and sorry for any inconvenience it's causing you at the moment.
I was playing " eliminate the renegade threat". Did Palitz always have a beard? I didn't remember him having one.
Big Boss knows the person that invented Drake's holster. The guy that trained Drake has a sensei that learns from a great grandmaster that Big Boss sonned in a war. Let's say they hypothetically do battle:
By the time Drake arrives, Big Boss was there for a week scouting the area and setting up traps. Either BB wins via stealth tranquilizer or outright dusts Drake in hand to hand combat.prime Big Boss beats Drake with one hand tied behind is back.Remember Old Big Boss beat Solid Snake in a cemetery so
I didn't know KojiPro put that much effort into realistic climbing animations. Is lactic acid an issue during climbing?
Take a good look at the VIs on your iDroid.