Is this tweet fake? I can't find it.
do you guys think the phantom pain can go down as one of the greatest video games of all time?
Do not believe anything on the internet around April 1st. It's the worst time of the year to try and read any sort of news.
Please let it all just be a ruse.
Why would this damn troll retweet something on april 1st.
No I knew it's not real but I was wondering if Kindekuma made this tweet by himself.
Even if it was on the real MGO twitter account I know it's just an april fools joke.
Click the link lol. I knew it hahahaha.
Kojima is still dead to me until I saw him tweet something on his own.
is this real. ? my heart can only take so much.UH GUYS
is this real. ? my heart can only take so much.
Sn4ke, bro. We need to talk. Thinking it's all a ruse is hurting you, man. We're all worried about you.
fixedPlayed most of you like a damn fiddle there for a few minutes.
There, now I got your hopes up and then dashed them so that tomorrow you're ready for anything MG related. Reason being because I know there will be a ton of gags related to the game all day tomorrow.
Did you rike it?
I'm Psycho Mantis. Want proof?
If you are reading this, then you are now breathing manually.
is there ever a reason why Big Boss abandoned his headband in GZ/TPP?
is there ever a reason why Big Boss abandoned his headband in GZ/TPP?
How many of you will spend alot of time at your base and doing side missions compared to those who will do straight story missions in TPP?
It symbolized his connection to The Boss, whom he got it from. The Boss even pointed it out as a weakness, but he kept on wearing it.
At the end of Peace Walker it seems he finally chose to move on. He is depicted throwing it to the wind/water. An important moment for his character.
Strangely his model still has the bandana in the following secret ending which is unexplained. Either it was an oversight, that section was moved in development, or they just cheaped out.
theoretically at least on paper Quiet is the most powerful character in the mgs universe (in terms of raw power)
she is more powerful than even Big Boss
theoretically at least on paper Quiet is the most powerful character in the mgs universe (in terms of raw power)
she is more powerful than even Big Boss
That's not even part of the saga according to Kojima.
Sharing an asylum together i would assume.Where are my TEAM A brothers??
It's not a joke: It's Troy Baker's birthday!!
but I switched my controller ports...
Sharing an asylum together i would assume.
That's not even part of the saga according to Kojima.
He is in no way a cyborg.PO he technically beat Semi-cyborg Frank Jaeger
No, he didn't. Baker said:--Implied there's a reason Kiefer is Big Boss