He didn't explicitly say he wanted it but why else would he post this?
I'd watch my back around him if I were you.
I don't disagree with anything you've said. At the same time, I think religion has value and shouldn't be relegated to an evil trait of humanity. This is coming from an agnostic.
Has Snake/Big Boss ever killed anybody that wasn't a boss canonically?
Has Snake/Big Boss ever killed anybody that wasn't a boss canonically?
Has Snake/Big Boss ever killed anybody that wasn't a boss canonically?
MMD loaded with MGS stuff
Parakeetman (coolest dood on da forum outside of MGSGAF) shared this with me a while back. Forgot to post it here!
It's a stealth mission, so I guess you should leave no survivors.MMD loaded with MGS stuff
Parakeetman (coolest dood on da forum outside of MGSGAF) shared this with me a while back. Forgot to post it here!
Some dude just linked me this on twitter :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol
Big Boss/Naked Snake has never killed anyone during cutscenes no.
But Solid Snake has been shown doing this in MGS4. He also killed Sniper Wolf in MGS1.
Has Snake/Big Boss ever killed anybody that wasn't a boss canonically?
Does the DARPA chief count?
Um in GZ he blew at least one guys brains all over Mother Base at the end.
MMD loaded with MGS stuff
Parakeetman (coolest dood on da forum outside of MGSGAF) shared this with me a while back. Forgot to post it here!
That was so cute <3 The ending was great.
It's a stealth mission, so I guess you should leave no survivors.
Haha nice!
"Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!"
Um in GZ he blew at least one guys brains all over Mother Base at the end.
So yeah that thing about FFXV? I'm not sure if posting a link to Kotaku is bannable since I know it is a shit site but I was looking up some information on FFXV since I was looking for something else to preorder after removing some stuff and paying off other stuff, and trading in some stuff.
They spoke to Tabata and and he said the game is only 60% complete.
I mean, at least at Tokyo Game Show we managed to get like 95% or something finished for MGSV and now we know the game is either more or less finished or they are crunching away ironing out the last bugs and tightening up mission design.
Or the game is finished and Marketing is holding everything up, and everyone is bored and dicking around with the game./oversimplification
Will Skull Face be villainous as Skull Kid?
Twist: they're the same person in parallel universes.
Yooooo, we need .gifs pronto!
Who gave them the Foxdie? It's basically an STD in the MGSverse. :smugface:
Already working on it. I am heavily changing a certain gif to make it a perfect loop.
Naomi gave FOXDIE to Otacon, then
Whats wrong with you people.
This thread gave me FOXDIE.
Have y'all even thought about what you will do once we get a release date? What if it's another 6 mos till release? Huh? What then?
Have y'all even thought about what you will do once we get a release date? What if it's another 6 mos till release? Huh? What then?
Made this for you.
When we get a release date i will cancel my pre order
When we get a release date i will cancel my pre order