We have a lot of catching up to do to Japan. Here, we just come out with these same, stale ass games. "Oh, unlikable protagonist who I'm supposed to be rooting for but really can't but I'm just missing out on something beyond the surface. Ok, well guess I'll shoot everything in sight. The end." These Japanese games coming out this year (and next) are going to shit all over the western-based games from the highest plateau. MGSV, Final Fantasy XV, Persona 5. These games all have swag through the fucking roof. The know what they are, and they aren't apologetic about it. And that's the kind of shit I want. I don't care - good, bad, whatever - I want something new, something blue. Fresh experiences that I can't get elsewhere. Metal Gear: What game out there is going to give me a crazy deep storyline with badass characters, sweet tunes, photorealistic visuals AND strap a balloon to a dude and tell him that he's one of the good guys now. Persona: What game is going to let me play as Harry Potter? Final Fantasy: Where else am I going to find a game with as big and fantastical a world with on-the-fly battles that have the potential to surpass the systems implemented in some of the best ARPGs the industry has ever seen? Japan's biggest and most iconic titles are getting their grove back and are going to be hard for anyone who calls themselves a gamer to pass up on.
preach brotha