So guys, it's been a while since i joined this awesome community and we're growing as an awesome group si i'd like to propose you something:what about making a chat group on Skype or on other chatting apps like Telegram(it's like whatsapp and you can use it on PC too!) for example?I know i know what i'm saying may sound odd but the MGS Community grew as such a great group of people, in that way we could have a place where freely speak,discuss,joke about everything...our true Outer Heaven
I know we already discuss a lot but i think that'd be the right place to discuss anything else, like you know, a real group of friends ^^ What do you think?I hope you like this , i already contacted some of you Bros i am very glad they liked my idea !
The main issue is the chat app, that's something we have to choose together. I proposed Telegram because it works like Whataspp and you can use it both on mobile and PC, otherwise there are always Skype or FB.
So, if you'll download Telegram PM me your ID and i'll create the group in which i'll add you, if you have Skype PM your nick and i'll add you as well.