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Metal Gear Online 3 |OT| The Missing Link


How does a party search for a match? I'm in a party with my friend but we can't figure out how to find a match.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Having network issues, no MGO tonight i think


Any word on better server connections? I can't remember being disconnected so much from a game maybe since the last MGO.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Bring MGO2 back and just fix the dumb animation glitch kills please.

This is just a dreary spray-fest :(
Holy shit this is a disappointment.

What is the point of playing stealth AT ALL in any game mode? Seems the best tactic is to just sprint, stealth and spray until everybody is dead. There is no reward for playing stealth, in a game where the stealth mechanic is the foundation. It really is just another run and gun TPS. What a fucking horrible display I had last night. Gave it 2 hours, and it shat in my face. I'm super salty right now, because if I wanted to run around and shoot people real quick, I'd play one of the many other games out there that let me do that. Why on Earth they brought it to MGO I'll never know. Another giant fuck up for this game.

Also, why do you automatically become Snake and Ocelot in some game types?
my general impression is that stealth and especially long range will probably improve as, 1. learning maps improves, 2. items and abilities improve... they're probably more reliant on upgrades than say, camo and a shotgun which has a lot of front-loaded utility.

so far my feeling from the 3 classes and the early abilities/items is that the difficulty descriptions are sort of reversed. probably easiest to jump into camo+shotgun... then an enforcer with explosives second, and than the expert class is probably the infiltrator since you have a larger margin of error for offense and defense. camo + always win CQC (even if someone else starts the CQC animation first, sometimes you still die because the infiltrator is 'better' at it). i think once people get better rifles and learn maps better, and also learn spawns... get the faster marking (and marking defense)... better infra-red... etc scouts will feel more useful. i mean, shotguns are pretty good early or late in MGSV too but a base M200 or even AM is a lot different than a fully upgraded AM or Serval hehehe
I personally want those methods you just listed to be more viable. I have only seen 1 interrogation go down in a match and that person was shot in the face before he had the chance to do so. The only way to get away with fultons is to be far away from anyone else(friend and enemy). I say this because I was playing the game mode with tickets and I managed to stun someone worth 11 tickets, fultoned them and my level 7 partner shot them dead in the face(even though the area was clear) before they managed to be fultoned. Someone at level 7 should start to know how the rules work in that game mode, but I'm suspecting he didn't care because he just wanted to shoot. Getting behind enemy lines and sneaking into posts rarely works because people are too busy sprinting around the map in a crazy manner.

All of those methods you listed feel great to do and can be accomplished, in Single Player. In Multiplayer, it is like trying to be Sam Fisher in a Call of Duty environment. It just doesn't work and ends in frustration because of the sprint-and-spray mentality.
I really don't want to give a "git gud" response, but they're plenty viable, I interrogate people probably 2-3 times a round, I probably Fulton 3-6 a round, and tons of people get into camping positions and I get in there and wreck house, especially on comm station. Of course you can't be next to a group of enemies trying to interrogate/Fulton people, do you want to be invincible during it? Or do you think you should be able to run into a group of five guys by yourself, CQC all of them, interrogate them, then Fulton them all out?

As far as teammates shooting your fultons, sorry you have bad teammates, but that isn't a problem with the structure of the game, you just have bad teammates. Does Counter-Strike become a poorly structured game if you play with a team of people who only friendly fire each other and get killed?


Really enjoying it, but the biggest problem is the connection. Every game so has had delays in kills and lagged deaths.

Had someone who I had been shooting at run upto me, grapple me and then drop dead.


I kind of miss boxes being everywhere.

Is another nerf the the stealth game.

Yeah, having never played the previous MGO's, I was wondering about this. I don't see any boxes strewn about the maps, so basically when I do see one, I'm just gonna shoot it. Worked both times I tried it. But, I imagine that eventually people will wise up and, if you can, dive out of the box, leave it there, and camp out waiting for someone to give their position by shooting it.
Yeah, having never played the previous MGO's, I was wondering about this. I don't see any boxes strewn about the maps, so basically when I do see one, I'm just gonna shoot it. Worked both times I tried it. But, I imagine that eventually people will wise up and, if you can, dive out of the box, leave it there, and camp out waiting for someone to give their position by shooting it.

I imagine many don't even know yet they can leave the box behind. But they should have the game just generate a couple of boxes at the start of each round.


Watching Giantbomb play MGO was really fascinating, can't wait to play it next year on PC.
Hopefully it'll be nice and polished by then


Asked a few pages ago, didn't get an answer. Will ask again. Does the party system work the same on Xbox One as it does on PS4? As in, your party chat is your in-game party, and whoever creates the party chat is the party leader...EVEN if they are not playing MGS or don't even own it for that matter. So you are left with a situation where you can't matchmake. Have to search for a match and invite everyone.
I've been running around as an Infiltrator with no cloak.

Just tranq pistol, box, stun grenades.

For skills I'm using nonlethal aim, cqc stealth, and fulton lvl 2 for now. Even without the cloak you can still be stealthy. With this loadout you also have the best possible speed (S rank).


I'd like to join MGO GAF too. Or, if you just need more folks to play with, add me individually too.


I'm liking MGO so far. It'd be nice to play with folks with mics/coordinated teams.
Holy. Shit. Fuck. This. Game.

FFS, even when I manage to get into a game, and have a good time...was in a match where I was actually doing really good. I was on a 9 kill streak, with that +9 bounty, so I was on edge, hoping I didn't get fultoned...players kept running at me, and I killed like 3 in a row. Only one minute left in the match...could I make it til the end?? Least I'd get some decent exp for this match if anything I think...

"The host has disconnected, returning to free play"



Never played MGO so didn't know what to expect but didn't expect a standard run and gun shooter. Tried several matches in the different modes and pretty disappointed. Was expecting more stealth oriented game play. Moving slowly, long games of hid in seek, etc.


I've been running around as an Infiltrator with no cloak.

Just tranq pistol, box, stun grenades.

For skills I'm using nonlethal aim, cqc stealth, and fulton lvl 2 for now. Even without the cloak you can still be stealthy. With this loadout you also have the best possible speed (S rank).

What does the box get you in PvP situations? I can't see the advantage other than maybe breaking up your silhouette at a distance.


Auto-match is almost always a near-instant connect for me, but then again my internet is quite high (95-150mb down on a given day) FloridaGAF here.

The real monstrosity is the godawful bounty maps in which spawn placement is literally a few feet away from the enemy's spawn point, (both Blackpoint(?) maps are atrocious at this) Literally most matches are ending up in one-sided spawn camp fests. Having to stick to cloak and dagger for any real gameplay.

Hopefully, like any decent MP game, spawn points should be fixed swiftly. But then again this is Konami's soon to be defunct team, so I doubt it.

Also, host abandoning matches after getting dominated is horrible. They absolutely SHOULD be hosting servers with all the micro-transactions they are currently pushing and are announcing. The least they could do is offer host migration

Still getting some great gameplay in lots of matches, soooo glad it doesn't take literally 20-30 mins for somebody new to join a match like GTA where it'll take minutes to be kicked in and out of various lobbies.
What does the box get you in PvP situations? I can't see the advantage other than maybe breaking up your silhouette at a distance.

Damage sponge + slide + messes with enemy's auto aim so it initially looks at the box before your body/head. I've seen other people use the tech rarely, but it isn't really efficient for lots of playstyles.


Sadly this is really boring compared to MGO for MGS4 :/

I really want to like it but it's just so dull and I think it's mainly down to the atrocious level design. In MGO2 the level design was really tight in the way it pitted the two teams against each other and infiltrating the enemy position was super advantageous and rewarding, but hard to do. The maps were also asymmetrical so spawning on either side felt very different and had unique challenges. In this MGO, with its massive open and boring levels, you move around like any random run'n'gun multiplayer game but with disappointing and unsatisfying gunplay. You spawn all over the map so they lack identity and you spend way too much time faffing about rather than doing anything entertaining.


Made my chick character as soon as I could to get away from "Naked Snake"

Infiltrator is OP class, quick to run around and sprint and dat Stealth Camo lol.

Cloak and Dagger where you're the dagger with stealth camo too?

Shame box popping doesn't really work anymore, but I just have the stealth camo on and that's a decent side grade for me. CQC one slam knockout is too easy, last night had a match and like 5 of us got stuck in a room all slamming each other.

Stun grenades omg, perfect for COMM especially when you've got the cap point up in the tower and one guy is camping there, instant stun if with in range. Managed to stun the Walker gear dude and another guy next to him whilst capping some other point. It's already my go-to grenade with that one hit stun.

Managed to get my infiltrator 1-10 in one night, already found someone who's ascended, they got stealth suit unlocked and 10K GP points.


Been having a bit more luck with Infiltrators. One thing I notice is they run like a bat out of hell toward a possible CQC So it open levels it's really easy to see them appear on the map and do a quick 180 and fuck them up. It does need to be tuned however

That said I have been enjoying it alot, not getting alot of points or whatever for unlock.


Sadly this is really boring compared to MGO for MGS4 :/

I really want to like it but it's just so dull and I think it's mainly down to the atrocious level design. In MGO2 the level design was really tight in the way it pitted the two teams against each other and infiltrating the enemy position was super advantageous and rewarding, but hard to do. The maps were also asymmetrical so spawning on either side felt very different and had unique challenges. In this MGO, with its massive open and boring levels, you move around like any random run'n'gun multiplayer game but with disappointing and unsatisfying gunplay. You spawn all over the map so they lack identity and you spend way too much time faffing about rather than doing anything entertaining.

I'll second this. The map design really is atrocious. Also, I have to say that the game itself lacks that special Kojima-Japanese feeling to it. It feels to Westernized, MGO had a distinctive feel to it that I think has been lost in this latest iteration.
level 6 i believe is when the 2nd slot opens and you can make a new one.

But you only get three, and you cannot change any of their classes. Since the avatars are still male only, you should be aware that you must choose very wisely, because if you want to make a female character be a certain class, DO NOT choose that class for your first MGO character. Konami will surely "fix" this by nickel and diming us later for extra character slots, but it's best to be prepared to never change classes for each of the three characters you can make.

Since there are only three classes as well, unless you absolutely have no interest in some classes, and never intend to play them, you should also be prepared to never make two of any class. Otherwise you will be locked out of whatever class or two classes you avoided until Konami probably charges you for it. It's BS, but I seem to remember them charging to even change armor in MGO2, so I guess MGO3 isn't quite as bad? Didn't play much MGO2 BTW.

Speaking of boxes, and whether they should leave decoy boxes all over the place, they did do that in MGO2, right?
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