How does a party search for a match? I'm in a party with my friend but we can't figure out how to find a match.
my general impression is that stealth and especially long range will probably improve as, 1. learning maps improves, 2. items and abilities improve... they're probably more reliant on upgrades than say, camo and a shotgun which has a lot of front-loaded utility.Holy shit this is a disappointment.
What is the point of playing stealth AT ALL in any game mode? Seems the best tactic is to just sprint, stealth and spray until everybody is dead. There is no reward for playing stealth, in a game where the stealth mechanic is the foundation. It really is just another run and gun TPS. What a fucking horrible display I had last night. Gave it 2 hours, and it shat in my face. I'm super salty right now, because if I wanted to run around and shoot people real quick, I'd play one of the many other games out there that let me do that. Why on Earth they brought it to MGO I'll never know. Another giant fuck up for this game.
Also, why do you automatically become Snake and Ocelot in some game types?
Finding a match takes longer that completing one.
Are you doing Select Match instead of Auto Match? Auto Match seems relatively broken.
I really don't want to give a "git gud" response, but they're plenty viable, I interrogate people probably 2-3 times a round, I probably Fulton 3-6 a round, and tons of people get into camping positions and I get in there and wreck house, especially on comm station. Of course you can't be next to a group of enemies trying to interrogate/Fulton people, do you want to be invincible during it? Or do you think you should be able to run into a group of five guys by yourself, CQC all of them, interrogate them, then Fulton them all out?I personally want those methods you just listed to be more viable. I have only seen 1 interrogation go down in a match and that person was shot in the face before he had the chance to do so. The only way to get away with fultons is to be far away from anyone else(friend and enemy). I say this because I was playing the game mode with tickets and I managed to stun someone worth 11 tickets, fultoned them and my level 7 partner shot them dead in the face(even though the area was clear) before they managed to be fultoned. Someone at level 7 should start to know how the rules work in that game mode, but I'm suspecting he didn't care because he just wanted to shoot. Getting behind enemy lines and sneaking into posts rarely works because people are too busy sprinting around the map in a crazy manner.
All of those methods you listed feel great to do and can be accomplished, in Single Player. In Multiplayer, it is like trying to be Sam Fisher in a Call of Duty environment. It just doesn't work and ends in frustration because of the sprint-and-spray mentality.
I didn't have much luck with select match so I've been going with auto match. Have I been doing it wrong?
Yes, just go to page 3 or higher on select match and usually you'll be able to join a match quite easily.
Level 2 infiltrator here. How do I enable invisible mode?
ThanksPress left on the D-pad assuming you are on a PS.
I kind of miss boxes being everywhere.
Is another nerf the the stealth game.
Yeah, having never played the previous MGO's, I was wondering about this. I don't see any boxes strewn about the maps, so basically when I do see one, I'm just gonna shoot it. Worked both times I tried it. But, I imagine that eventually people will wise up and, if you can, dive out of the box, leave it there, and camp out waiting for someone to give their position by shooting it.
You sure? The "Hardened Battle Gear" for Enforcer says it gives enhanced protection but causes noise. Does it do neither? Does it only make more noise? lolCosmetic
I'd like to join MGO GAF too. Or, if you just need more folks to play with, add me individually too.
I'm liking MGO so far. It'd be nice to play with folks with mics/coordinated teams.
Did it work for you without having to play the prologue?
I've been running around as an Infiltrator with no cloak.
Just tranq pistol, box, stun grenades.
For skills I'm using nonlethal aim, cqc stealth, and fulton lvl 2 for now. Even without the cloak you can still be stealthy. With this loadout you also have the best possible speed (S rank).
What does the box get you in PvP situations? I can't see the advantage other than maybe breaking up your silhouette at a distance.
No. I played the prologue. If there was a quick and easy way to skip it, I missed it.
once you've chosen the avatar's class, can you never change it?
Sadly this is really boring compared to MGO for MGS4 :/
I really want to like it but it's just so dull and I think it's mainly down to the atrocious level design. In MGO2 the level design was really tight in the way it pitted the two teams against each other and infiltrating the enemy position was super advantageous and rewarding, but hard to do. The maps were also asymmetrical so spawning on either side felt very different and had unique challenges. In this MGO, with its massive open and boring levels, you move around like any random run'n'gun multiplayer game but with disappointing and unsatisfying gunplay. You spawn all over the map so they lack identity and you spend way too much time faffing about rather than doing anything entertaining.
level 6 i believe is when the 2nd slot opens and you can make a new one.
Host turns them on and offDoes auto match not have Ocelot and Big Boss. I have yet to see them in a game.