Managed to get a couple quick games in last night. Didn't hit anyone up on GAF since I didn't know how much time I was going to have (just put kiddo to sleep and wife was out of the house). Few thoughts so far:
- Lag is definitely present, and it is impactful to gameplay. Fortunately, it also appears to be somewhat inconsistent. Noticed a few instances of players "teleporting" short distances, and one where an opponent and I killed each other simultaneously due to lag, following a head on encounter. That needs some work.
- MGO not only encourages, but rewards coordinated team play. I was fairly lucky in that the causals I played with were pretty team oriented, by generally keeping within visual range of each other. The threat of Infiltrators was largely mitigated, as even in the circumstances where an Infiltrator grappled an ally, there was someone nearby to neutralize them, and quickly.
- As in previous instances of MGO, this is significantly more tactical than COD or BF. Pretty obvious which gamers came from that background, as they were running around unsupported out in the open. They usually died pretty quickly to a force using cover, and each other, effectively.
- Hit detection seems a bit wonky, as does TTK (time to kill). Not sure if it was tied to lag, but couple instances of putting several bullets into a Tango, and them walking away. Headshots are still the best way to go, hits to the core are a bit hit or miss for damage output.
- D Walkers are definitely a threat, but manageable. They work better as a suppression platform than damage dealers since their spread is all over the place at distance, but put out enough volume where using cover if attacked is essential. Flaking, or combined fire takes them out easily enough. If a team actually manages to support one with infantry effectively, I could see them as a major threat. Fortunately, no one seems to have figured this out yet, and the operator typically goes out lone wolf, and pays for it.
- Newbs are still pretty rampant at the moment. Couple instances of killing a teammates interrogated Tango, but not as bad as I would have suspected. Again, I may have just gotten lucky with the team I ended up with.
Overall, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with the game. It's lacking a lot of polish and the lag does need to be addressed, but the mechanics of a really great game are there. Definitely not for the run and gun crowd, but I see them getting frustrated and quitting quickly. Teams that play as a cohesive unit will absolutely dominate.