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Metal Gear Online 3 |OT| The Missing Link

I believe you get that from equipping lethal/non lethal 3.

Ascension gives you jack shit aside from the one costume and some colors.
Konami better get on this. This game is fine, but only as a start. If they don't support it for real, it's pretty much dead. Not much incentive to keep playing unless you're a competitive player.
I'm really worried about this game's future
I don't play many online shooters, so eh. Still stupid imo. At least make the trade-off worth it.

You get some cool looking outfits and you make more than double the GP you made getting to level 37 so you can buy things. Most games you get a pat on the back and a star next to your name. Seems worth it to me if you don't plan on dropping the game.
I believe you get that from equipping lethal/non lethal 3.

Ascension gives you jack shit aside from the one costume, some colors, some GP and a little star on your name.

No, you get an extra custom loadout slot, a helmet, a suit and 10k GP.I haven't seen additional colors. To colorize your unlocked costume you have to ascend again, and I'm assuming every other ascension will give you an extra loadout slot.
I don't understand why anyone would want to play Bounty Hunter.

Just a bunch of dumbasses running around in stealth camo that shoot down the guy you're trying to fulton. And for a TDM type mode, it ends wayyy too fast under matchmaking rules.

C&D has potential to even surpass TSNE, but as it is, the balance (or lack thereof) is a complete joke.

Command control is probably the best balanced mode of the three honestly. Though you still have to contend with dumbasses that sit in the back sniping one person every 2 minutes, or idiots that sneak around without actually capturing or doing anything of substance.


( ≖‿≖)
I don't understand why anyone would want to play Bounty Hunter.

Just a bunch of dumbasses running around in stealth camo that shoot down the guy you're trying to fulton. And for a TDM type mode, it ends wayyy too fast under matchmaking rules.

C&D has potential to even surpass TSNE, but as it is, the balance (or lack thereof) is a complete joke.

Command control is probably the best balanced mode of the three honestly. Though you still have to contend with dumbasses that sit in the back sniping one person every 2 minutes, or idiots that sneak around without actually capturing or doing anything of substance.

I like playing Scout so Bounty Hunter gives me the opportunity to spend most of my time in a support role while not feeling too useless.

I hate all Comm Control style game modes where you have to take and retake points over and over.

And as you said, C&D is stupid now. So Bounty Hunter it is.


Wow the bullfrog needs to get nerfed. Knocks you to the ground then the next hit stuns you before you can ever raise a weapon.
Related to Fulton Mines / Launchers whatever they are, I wish I could mark them for people.

I can't imagine this works but, it would be cool if decoy's triggered the fulton mine to go off. Finally a use for decoys :p

I swear you guys better not kill this game off before we get it on PC :p
It's moronic that you get more GP by literally walking in circles in a 5min automatch game than by playing a 20min, hard-fought, back-and-forth in a searchmatch.


This game is awful to play unless you're playing with really good players/friends. I've lost count of the number of times where I've been knocked down right next to 2 or 3 of my team mates and they've just watched me get fultoned without even trying to stop it. It just ruins the bounty hunter mode.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really worried about this game's future

It's been less than a week. Stay stronk. Don't join Chicken Little GAF just yet.

Ayyyyy lmao

Seriously though, more game types are a must.

Definitely. I want my SNE, dammit!

C&D has potential to even surpass TSNE, but as it is, the balance (or lack thereof) is a complete joke.

Directed at everyone: what are the balancing issues across the game? I played 5 hours last night and I'm still trying to pinpoint where that complaint comes from (I am pretty dense, to be fair).

This game is awful to play unless you're playing with really good players/friends. I've lost count of the number of times where I've been knocked down right next to 2 or 3 of my team mates and they've just watched me get fultoned without even trying to stop it. It just ruins the bounty hunter mode.

Yeah, team play is a must.


Well, I just found out the hard way that Infiltrators unlock LMGs as well. That's great. Been having a lot of fun today, nearly every match 3/4 of the players are running in camo with either: the laser MRS, the 2hit wonder Bullhorn/Non-lethal shotgun or spray and pray LMGs.

I don't really see the point of the Enforcer now, because the P2P makes me trade kills with infiltrators with me getting headshots on them, them getting body shots on me.

Been loving the game all week, but today is the first day I'm feeling bummed by it. I was okay-ish with being outgunned by SMG infiltrators, because they usually had to sneak to my blind spots, but now they're literally outdoing me in head-to-head fights.

Is the sleeping gas always blue for either team? Or is my team constantly knocking me out?

It's always blue. No friendly fire on the gas, don't worry.


( ≖‿≖)
Well, I just found out the hard way that Infiltrators unlock LMGs as well. That's great. Been having a lot of fun today, nearly every match 3/4 of the players are running in camo with either: the laser MRS, the 2hit wonder Bullhorn/Non-lethal shotgun or spray and pray LMGs.

I don't really see the point of the Enforcer now, because the P2P makes me trade kills with infiltrators with me getting headshots on them, them getting body shots on me.

Been loving the game all week, but today is the first day I'm feeling bummed by it. I was okay-ish with being outgunned by SMG infiltrators, because they usually had to sneak to my blind spots, but now they're literally outdoing me in head-to-head fights.

The guns blazing Infiltrators are annoying but I'm hoping that will eventually die down. Simply because they are harder to mark and see visually, they seem to win most gun fights, but the ones who actually try to be stealthy end up doing more for the team. That one 10+ bounty fulton that the stealth lord pulls off is usually better than the predator rambo.


The balance issues as I see them

- The Walker Gear can turn 180 degrees on a dime, where it should take a second (like it seemed to on the MGO3 reveal trailer). It isn't the biggest issue, but that would go a long way towards balancing it (that, or giving it a uniform turn speed like the turrets).

- Stealth Camo. It's more of an issue due to the in-game response to it: E.Locators. Being hard to see, but still being able to dash around with a shotgun or assault rifle, means that Infiltrators have an unfair advantage, until...

- E-Locator's enter the picture. You can carry a bunch. They mark targets who enter their zone. It changes the core game for the worst. Instead of worrying about OP Stealth Camo I can throw an E-Locator at most corners of frequented locations and know the exact position of someone in the enemy team, or that the area has no enemies. Instead of not seeing some players you see most of them for 90% of the match, and they see you. It kills any stealthy play. The game devolves into waiting for red silhouettes to be shootable.

Fixes for the E.Locator would be keeping people who have been marked by them marked for only a second when they leave the region, reducing the duration where they are active, and reducing the amount you can carry from 3/5 to 1/2, the latter number in each of the two pairs being the extra amount you can carry with the Ability that gives you more support ammo.
Directed at everyone: what are the balancing issues across the game? I played 5 hours last night and I'm still trying to pinpoint where that complaint comes from (I am pretty dense, to be fair).

Regarding C&D in particular:

- Defenders under no circumstances should have access to stealth camo. It's literally the only advantage that attackers have, and the whole point of the mode.

- Rush maps should never be part of the automatch rotation for C&D. This is supposed to be a methodical mode, not a fucking mad dash.

- Bring back the ability for attackers to hold up the defenders. Why was this removed in the first place?

- Stuns and sleeps should last 5 times longer in C&D than it does in other mode. And waking up your teammate should take as many kicks as the stars on their head. There's literally no point in stunning anyone from a distance if they'll wake up and pump your ass full of lead by the time you reach them.

Literally all the points I made were already in place in MGO2 since the day TSNE was introduced, and I can't see a single good reason for any of the above. Just demonstrates a complete lack of understanding what TSNE was about in the first place.


I wonder if KojiPro LA have an official MGO3 forum, or something.

The game is only a patch away from being a much better experience. I hope they're testing out solutions to the issues.


Having not played MGO 1/2, I gotta imagine it's amazing, since I'm having an absolute blast with this game but have never played either of those, and I always say people saying those were better.

How do I change my characters face?

And can I change gender?

Your first character is your single player avatar and thus is always male.
Upon reaching level 6, you unlock two more slots. These can be either gender and can have their face customized.
I tried using the Walker while wearing the Riot Shield thinking I'd last longer, but it was kind of pointless as the Walker is weaker than my shield!
I was surprised to find that Walker Gear has pistols akimbo in both hands that I used when minigun overheated, that was a blast to play.

And yesterday I played C&D with enemy team of five playing only infiltrators. When they defended the discs - you can already tell, what a shit was that game.,

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
The balance issues as I see them

- The Walker Gear can turn 180 degrees on a dime, where it should take a second (like it seemed to on the MGO3 reveal trailer). It isn't the biggest issue, but that would go a long way towards balancing it (that, or giving it a uniform turn speed like the turrets).

- Stealth Camo. It's more of an issue due to the in-game response to it: E.Locators. Being hard to see, but still being able to dash around with a shotgun or assault rifle, means that Infiltrators have an unfair advantage, until...

- E-Locator's enter the picture. You can carry a bunch. They mark targets who enter their zone. It changes the core game for the worst. Instead of worrying about OP Stealth Camo I can throw an E-Locator at most corners of frequented locations and know the exact position of someone in the enemy team, or that the area has no enemies. Instead of not seeing some players you see most of them for 90% of the match, and they see you. It kills any stealthy play. The game devolves into waiting for red silhouettes to be shootable.

Fixes for the E.Locator would be keeping people who have been marked by them marked for only a second when they leave the region, reducing the duration where they are active, and reducing the amount you can carry from 3/5 to 1/2, the latter number in each of the two pairs being the extra amount you can carry with the Ability that gives you more support ammo.

Regarding C&D in particular:

- Defenders under no circumstances should have access to stealth camo. It's literally the only advantage that attackers have, and the whole point of the mode.

- Rush maps should never be part of the automatch rotation for C&D. This is supposed to be a methodical mode, not a fucking mad dash.

- Bring back the ability for attackers to hold up the defenders. Why was this removed in the first place?

- Stuns and sleeps should last 5 times longer in C&D than it does in other mode. And waking up your teammate should take as many kicks as the stars on their head. There's literally no point in stunning anyone from a distance if they'll wake up and pump your ass full of lead by the time you reach them.

Literally all the points I made were already in place in MGO2 since the day TSNE was introduced, and I can't see a single good reason for any of the above. Just demonstrates a complete lack of understanding what TSNE was about in the first place.


You don't have to do that. You just have to hit "Avatar" under the customize tab in the ACC.

Where do you change the name?


Why would a soldier be allowed to have long hair?

Because they work for a private military that can set its own rules.

Anyways does anyone else think the shotgun that stuns-bullpup I think-needs buffed? Its range is shit and with the two hits it takes to stun, it just feels like a lot of the times I'll ambush someone perfectly fine and still end up getting killed.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Because they work for a private military that can set its own rules.

Anyways does anyone else think the shotgun that stuns-bullpup I think-needs buffed? Its range is shit and with the two hits it takes to stun, it just feels like a lot of the times I'll ambush someone perfectly fine and still end up getting killed.

I've got no complaints about it. It's pretty standard video game shotgun range and infiltrator's are meant to be primarily CQB based. First shot usually knocks them off their feet giving you ample opportunity to finish the job.


Well, after playing today for a good 5 hours, it seems it's time to put down my Enforcer for now and make an Infiltrator. That kind of sucks, but whatever.


Wow the bullfrog needs to get nerfed. Knocks you to the ground then the next hit stuns you before you can ever raise a weapon.

Bullfrog is fine. Its near useless at anything other than close range. The knockdown is the only advantage the gun has. Its meant to be an ambush weapon.


Basically, what I'm reading in this thread is "the things i'm on the receiving end of (getting shot with a Bullhorn, shot/grabbed by guy in Active Camo, attacked by Walker gears, etc.) need to be nerfed, cause I don't know how to counter it".


Basically, what I'm reading in this thread is "the things i'm on the receiving end of (getting shot with a Bullhorn, shot/grabbed by guy in Active Camo, attacked by Walker gears, etc.) need to be nerfed, cause I don't know how to counter it".



I wish there was a bounty hunter mode with limited or 1 life
Host gets killed first, disconnects, game over you're back to free mode.

No thanks.

Basically, what I'm reading in this thread is "the things i'm on the receiving end of (getting shot with a Bullhorn, shot/grabbed by guy in Active Camo, attacked by Walker gears, etc.) need to be nerfed, cause I don't know how to counter it".
Correct. He he, you've nailed it.


I picked Scout for my MGSV:TPP avatar, and then didn't want to actually play as it and made another Scout in my third slot. Now I like that scout, but apparently there is absolutely no way to reset the first avatar's levels and class when I want to see what Enforcer is all about.

I don't understand both why they 100% locked down the first slot, and to a related extent: why you can't edit the other two avatar looks.


I picked Scout for my MGSV:TPP avatar, and then didn't want to actually play as it and made another Scout in my third slot. Now I like that scout, but apparently there is absolutely no way to reset the first avatar's levels and class when I want to see what Enforcer is all about.

I don't understand both why they 100% locked down the first slot, and to a related extent: why you can't edit the other two avatar looks.
Did the same thing with Infiltrator. Got up to lvl 16 before I decided to just bite the bullet and delete her so I could have one of each class.
Basically, what I'm reading in this thread is "the things i'm on the receiving end of (getting shot with a Bullhorn, shot/grabbed by guy in Active Camo, attacked by Walker gears, etc.) need to be nerfed, cause I don't know how to counter it".
Pretty much. If this thread was in charge of balance then there'd be a patch getting rolled out every few hours.

Camo is broken
The e locators that counter camo are broken
LMGs need to be buffed until you find out that infiltrators gets one, then they're broken
The bullhorn is broken even though it's ass
CQC is broken even though you have guns
Scouts are useless except when they constantly have your entire team marked, then they're broken
Walker gears are OP until you get in one and are immediately gunned down, then they should have more health


Basically, what I'm reading in this thread is "the things i'm on the receiving end of (getting shot with a Bullhorn, shot/grabbed by guy in Active Camo, attacked by Walker gears, etc.) need to be nerfed, cause I don't know how to counter it".

The joke's on us. I guess we should never have doubted Konami after all. What a perfect game!


They shouldn't have bothered with this class system imo, it should been a level playing field like the old games where you "buy" weapons/items before each round and each respawn like Counter Strike.
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