Okay seriously; screw Mastiffs. They're way too powerful and can get you in an 80%+ combo on Hard. I wish you didn't have to fight so many of them 
let'rrrrrr ripOkay seriously; screw Mastiffs. They're way too powerful and can get you in an 80%+ combo on Hard. I wish you didn't have to fight so many of them![]()
Okay seriously; screw Mastiffs. They're way too powerful and can get you in an 80%+ combo on Hard. I wish you didn't have to fight so many of them![]()
I finally got the hang of quick slicing, just beat the first VR mission in 34 seconds. Now to finish the story.
Dooon't. I've just started the game and I need to experience it for myself first. (Truly, everyone talking about the final boss made me start it and shove Ni no Kuni and DmC aside.)I'm half tempted to make a thread asking people to name a crazier final boss than MGR's.
I'm pretty sure the fight against the three mastiffs and two fenrirs in File 4 (on very hard) is literally impossible unless you just cheese them with ripper mode.
Seriously. I don't know how you can get more American than that.Moreand Wolf. More punching.Sunny
I'm half tempted to make a thread asking people to name a crazier final boss than MGR's.
Seriously. I don't know how you can get more American than that.
What's quick slicing? Teach me!
Is that the one in the? Because I just said fuck it and stealthed that part.Japanese garden
Parry those pancakes twice (or thrice), he'll stop.
Lol, you can parry that? I was just running around like a madman.
Lol, you can parry that? I was just running around like a madman.
Lol, you can parry that? I was just running around like a madman.
when he was throwing 8 of them in a row at you is when you shouldve gotten the hinT
I tried parrying those damn things and I got an explosion and my health taken as a reward.
Are you sure you aimed correctly so that there's X's in each line of boxes? I thought I had it lined up properly too until I noticed I was actually slight off.Not really understanding what I'm doing wrong with the Sundowner fight. I'm lining up my cut in blade mode like it indicates but I get blasted out of it anyway. Help?
I just ran to the sides, I didn't have time for parries.
How do you get the final boss to say"Fuck this war, I just want you dead!" or w/e? Didn't hear it.
Whoever designed the final boss or approved of his inclusion in the game is an absolute fucking cunt. One of the shittiest, jankiest fights I've ever had the displeasure of playing. Motherfucker didn't fit in the Metal Gear universe at large, or even when considering Rising itself!
Really baffling design decisions by PG, they really let me downI guess Kamiya and Mikami were the sole reasons for Bayonetta's and Vanquish's awesomeness. *sigh*
I mean the game is by no means bad or anything, it's quite good in fact. But it could've been so much more..
Whoever designed the final boss or approved of his inclusion in the game is an absolute fucking cunt. One of the shittiest, jankiest fights I've ever had the displeasure of playing. Motherfucker didn't fit in the Metal Gear universe at large, or even when considering Rising itself!
Really baffling design decisions by PG, they really let me downI guess Kamiya and Mikami were the sole reasons for Bayonetta's and Vanquish's awesomeness. *sigh*
I mean the game is by no means bad or anything, it's quite good in fact. But it could've been so much more..
How do you get the final boss to say"Fuck this war, I just want you dead!" or w/e? Didn't hear it.
How do you get the final boss to say"Fuck this war, I just want you dead!" or w/e? Didn't hear it.
Whoever designed the final boss or approved of his inclusion in the game is an absolute fucking cunt. One of the shittiest, jankiest fights I've ever had the displeasure of playing. Motherfucker didn't fit in the Metal Gear universe at large, or even when considering Rising itself!
Whoever designed the final boss or approved of his inclusion in the game is an absolute fucking cunt. One of the shittiest, jankiest fights I've ever had the displeasure of playing. Motherfucker didn't fit in the Metal Gear universe at large, or even when considering Rising itself!
Really baffling design decisions by PG, they really let me downI guess Kamiya and Mikami were the sole reasons for Bayonetta's and Vanquish's awesomeness. *sigh*
I mean the game is by no means bad or anything, it's quite good in fact. But it could've been so much more..
He says it for me after pulling off the blade mode segments perfectly as you can see here.
Lol, you can parry that? I was just running around like a madman.
haha, I sucked at that. Both times I got the first two swipes I didn't activate blade mode fast enough to finish it off. I'm going to play it again tomorrow and do it right.
I should have practiced "manual" blade mode more.
Looks like the weak got purged.
Yeah, it could've been a cancelled Kojima project, what an awesome alternative.
Is it possible to parry dwarf gekko jumps? They flash red for a second but it doesn't seem like it, unless I'm timing it wrong.
I beat him on hard, go fuck yourself.
I still thoroughly enjoyed the game and I love Platinum, I never said it should've been cancelled smartass.
You said "it could've been so much more", I find that statement odd due to Platinum having one and a half or two years to redevelop the entire game. What we got was phenomenal for how short the developmental cycle was.
I still thoroughly enjoyed the game and I love Platinum, I never said it should've been cancelled smartass.
The only things I'd tweak about the final boss:
Maaaaaybe increase the delay for his AoE explosion by a second or two.
I'm not complaining about length or amount of content. There are some really bad/weird design decisions that any competent director would've fixed or not included outright, it has nothing to do with a short dev cycle.
You can use the dodge's invincibility frames to hop right through it.