this reminds me of old school games where it's just uncanny to surpass some sort of boss without any sort of either keep trying and grind it out or you quit and become defeated but when you win its so satisfying
Final boss? I didn't know about the directional dodge version of offensively defensive whatever until after I finished the game. Just jump away, 100% success rate.
What the... fucking up in the debris section is essentially an instant kill? (I cannot get the second piece lined up for the life of me).
Oh man, I am fighting the urge to catapult my PS3 controller into orbit so fucking hard right now.
I'm probably just fucking up the timing of the dodge, but I swear sometimes he catches me right out of it no matter what direction I use.
Really hope you don't have to do all the codecs in a single playthrough, like everything else (seemingly) cause... fuck listening to everything again. Even if you can skip.
I'm probably just fucking up the timing of the dodge, but I swear sometimes he catches me right out of it no matter what direction I use.
BTW - To shill for a friend - Free's solo album is going to be awesome. She was playing some stuff for me and it sounds amazing. Pre-order it and support great, independently financed and produced music.
the very beginning of phase 3 (the first 20 seconds basically)
I'm probably just fucking up the timing of the dodge, but I swear sometimes he catches me right out of it no matter what direction I use.
Final boss? I didn't know about the directional dodge version of offensively defensive whatever until after I finished the game. Just jump away, 100% success rate.
I've usually got him onto the boulders by this point, but man is it easy to get greedy in that fight.
Fuck sleep, I am amped like nothing other right now.
Monsoon is a pain in the ass to defeat without damage on hard. I tried so many times, and the only checkpoint you get occurs when he has about 20% or less health left which is followed by an easy quick-time event. I eventually gave up and continued on with my playthrough.
I'm getting this game today - I am so overly excited! Can't wait to see where the story goes.
Also, what are the technical differences between the PS3 and Xbox 360 version?
Charge pincers and release when he reforms from being knocked apart. Worked for me on Revengeance so it should be even stronger on Hard.
Also, is it possible to get the trophy for taking no damage against Sam in the prologue fight? I recall someone posting that they got it there, but I always took damage even when I blocked so it didn't work for me. Unless you just have to run around and wait for the cutscene to start, or something?
Nope, has to be in his chapter. A good tip for that trophy is to play on Revengeance difficulty, which ups parry damage by a massive amount. You can take him from full health down to about 40-30% with one parry. Completely bypasses phase two of that fight and makes things trivial if your timing is good.
Jesus, really? I guess Revengeance mode won't be too hard after all. I have parries fucking MASTERED right now.
Nope, has to be in his chapter. A good tip for that trophy is to play on Revengeance difficulty, which ups parry damage by a massive amount. You can take him from full health down to about 40-30% with one parry. Completely bypasses phase two of that fight and makes things trivial if your timing is good.
Really? I tried to no damage him yesterday on revengeance and the first parry would take him down to ~50% while the second one would take him down somewhere in the 30s. I would always screw it up after that (especially when he did his rock throwing attack at point blank... You can't parry it and it looks a lot like one of his other attacks).
Revengeance really isn't too bad unless you're going for S-ranks. I haven't tried Very Hard yet but I suspect it might actually be tougher since parries aren't supercharged.
Parry him with fully upgradedwhile in Ripper Mode.Murasama
I will be going for S rank immediately once I've unlocked it, so I'm going to have some fun with it. I'm at chapter 3 on a no damage Very Hard run right now though, so I guess it won't be too bad.
On Revengeance, be sure to back up your save before fighting bosses. Trust me. I had to S rank R-02 and R-04 twice because of screwing up on bosses.
I abuse the restart button like my life depends on it, don't worry.
Restarting does fuck all when the game auto checkpoints you after a point where you can't get a high enough combo bonus for S rank. Ruined my ranking for Sundowner and the second to last boss.
Damn, I kinda suck, but I'm all but done with this game. I'll do it again next week-end at a harder difficulty.
Since I am depressed as fuck, I grabbed the PS3 version last night from a local Sony store.
Played for about 2h and I have to say, it is the most fun I have had with any game this year. Playing on normal for now, but most of the stuff has been manageable until now.
The first brick wall seemed to be the three UGs (what the hell is an UG anyhow?) in the sewer where you get theitem for the first time. Any tips are welcome for them. Those guys are crazy when I cut their arms off.hiding box
The only true complaint I have is the camera. Both during theandwolffights the camera simply could not keep up, making things a lot more cumbersome. But I suppose a hard-coded lock-on would make your head spin in those situations anyhow.Mistral
Great bloody game.
what the hell is an UG anyhow?
Much obliged. I'm sure if I were to spam the codec contacts, I'd find this fact nugget out eventually.UG stands for Unmanned Gear. As opposed to Metal Gears, which are manned.
Y'know how you chop things up in blade mode? It's like that, but all the time. With every enemy type but bosses.I got the free code for the Cyborg Ninja suit and the Fox Blade. The Fox Blade costs 200,000 BP so I haven't purchased it yet. I am curious though, what does the special effect do with that sword? The description says that it is able to cut through anything, even armor - but that sounds a bit vague to my ears.
I got the free code for the Cyborg Ninja suit and the Fox Blade. The Fox Blade costs 200,000 BP so I haven't purchased it yet. I am curious though, what does the special effect do with that sword? The description says that it is able to cut through anything, even armor - but that sounds a bit vague to my ears.
Commando armor? Haven't seen this oneHey JP, any idea about Rising DLC on Asia PSN? Not sure if Platinum even has anything to do with the actual distribution, but I don't see the MGS4 Raiden skin on the PS Store here, but I did get the Cyborg Ninja DLC and a random colored one (got the Commando armor) with my game.
Commando armor? Haven't seen this one