Very Hard revengeancing finished. My poor thumb.
This is how I constantly feel playing the game... then again I don't think 5 hour sessions of this game are healthy for your hands...
Very Hard revengeancing finished. My poor thumb.
I honestly hope we never see Solid Snake in a game set after MGS4. I'm a big fan of the ending of that game, and think actually finding out what he gets up to afterwards kind of undermines the whole thing. The idea is that Snake is finally going to live for himself for a while, instead of fighting for others - which includes the player. That's the final lesson Big Boss teaches him.
It's delivered in a clunky, rambling way with all that 'Zero becoming one' stuff, but I'm always a bit surprised to see the hate that the ending gets. The one we got is way more satisfying and relevant to the themes of the series than Snake just shooting himself.
It's delivered in a clunky, rambling way with all that 'Zero becoming one' stuff, but I'm always a bit surprised to see the hate that the ending gets. The one we got is way more satisfying and relevant to the themes of the series than Snake just shooting himself.
Yep. I really enjoyed those references to Germany in the game. Doc talking about how the DDR wasn't so bad after all, Ostalgie, his gig in Dortmund, the occasional utterance of "Scheisse!" or "Wunderbar!". And I learned that my country is apparently into snuff movies and factory-sightseeing tours. lolI'm just a chapter in but enjoying the game so far. Wonderful over the top action.
I'm already a fan of the Doc and had a good laugh at one of the first com talks with him (about gross/violent movies and why people like 'em). And as usual, it's funny to see what german names (or at least german sounding) japanese devs put into their games. Especially since there is a quite popular german dude with a quite similar name:
Well, to be fair,I think Snake committing suicide was always a troll from the moment the game was marketed. I doubt Kojima or anyone actually intended for Snake to blow his brains out. The original draft had Snake and Otacon executed.
Jesus there's spike going from Hard to Very Hard. I'm going to have to learn to play this all over again. Very happy.
[...] And I learned that my country is apparently into snuff movies [...]
Should I play Normal before Very Hard to get all the upgrades?
Jesus there's spike going from Hard to Very Hard. I'm going to have to learn to play this all over again. Very happy.
Yeah... I don't think I've got this parrying business quite down yet.
I honestly hope we never see Solid Snake in a game set after MGS4. I'm a big fan of the ending of that game, and think actually finding out what he gets up to afterwards kind of undermines the whole thing. The idea is that Snake is finally going to live for himself for a while, instead of fighting for others - which includes the player. That's the final lesson Big Boss teaches him.
It's delivered in a clunky, rambling way with all that 'Zero becoming one' stuff, but I'm always a bit surprised to see the hate that the ending gets. The one we got is way more satisfying and relevant to the themes of the series than Snake just shooting himself.
Snake's had a hard life, leave him be.
Also he's dead, that would cause some problems.
I did not even find out that I was doing the parry-counter completely wrong until halfway through the game.
But a lot of fans want him back, me included. We really only got two cannon games where he was the star. Snake might not be able to let go. Letting go of the battlefield is a recurring theme amongst characters in MGS, but I don't think there is a single one so far who has been able to do it without dying.
Well Kojima said in an interview that they are not done with Solid Snake yet, and in the same interview announced they were working on Metal Gear Solid 5. I guess it could be a interquel, but I doubt it. AlsoSnake didn't die in MGS4. In Rising's codec conversations Snake is mentioned in the past tense (as in dead) by Kevin and possible others. Raiden is the only one who does not refer to him in the past tense. Even without that straw to grasp onto, he is never said to be dead. Just retired peacefully, for however long he has/had left.Also, if cyborg technology from MGS4 onwards is the shit, why not just put Snake into a cyborg body and just preserve his brain or whatever? Or did I just ruin MGS5? Because, if I recall correctly, in MGS4He just wanted to kill himself because the thought the mutated FOXDIE would kill everyone? I'm sure he could just turn into a cyborg and live a normal life, giving handjobs or whatever he would have done if Kojima had not of felt old.
Going through hard playthrough so far and it seems fairly easy so far. I got all of the health and sword upgrades(I think). I am obliterating enemies in seconds so far. Is getting an S rank on Revengeance mode even possible? I can hardly get all S ranks on easy, let alone very hard.
Guess what I've been listening to for the last 80 minutes at work?Blade Wolf's battle theme is the best boss theme. That fight gives me goose bumps every time.
Okay so I've finished this game and I love it and it makes me so happy and I think Platinum did an admirable job of turning the MGS: Rising idea into a tangible and fuck-awesome game.
But I still wish I could switch weapons in real-time. Did they take this out as a design decision, or were there technical limitations?
Does anyone know if the NA 360 version of Rising is region free? Have a friend in another country who would love to play it.
Oh yeah that's another thing I hate about the game, switching weapons (or anything else) takes way too long. You have to wait until you're completely still to access the menu.
You have those dwarf gekkos on a 360 copy? I thought they didn't release a 360 sku in JP?
The boss fights, which are usually the high point of your character action game, were excellent. The standard Metal Gear mercenary team all had their quirks and memorable tactics and I think easily go head to head with the best of the franchise, and even surpass some of the less memorable characters. Monsoon was my personal favorite but I think that's down to one other thing as much as anything gameplay wise
my only issue with them was that most of them were introduced and killed off in pretty much one encounter. the best antagonists are first introduced, then they appear a couple of times and then culminate in a battle. This is why i like MGS 2 bad guys the most.
You have those dwarf gekkos on a 360 copy? I thought they didn't release a 360 sku in JP?
Arrived this morning.
Very Hard revengeancing finished. My poor thumb.
I would buy a co-op game featuring Raiden and Sam Gideon called Cyborg Bros. (even though Sam isn't really a cyborg).
You can just run past the bladewolves and trigger the Ray fight.How? The beginning straight kicked my ass haha.
Cyborg Bros Infinite Rising: Max Anarchy Reigns Vanquished - A Madworld featuring Bayonetta, a Platinum Games Production.
What's the story with the beard EatChildren?
Okay so I just beat Ray first phase on Revengeance. I died lots on the enemies before that, and I died and restarted the Ray fight about five times as well. Despite that I managed to kill it without getting hit and I got an S and No Damage bonus, time was about 3:50. Maybe death and scoring is a bit different on boss battles.
Hmmm, you can stun the Wolf with the Sais, but the stun doesn't seem to last if you hit it up in the air. Could possibly no damage it with that but I keep getting hit by it when the stun breaks before I can do damage to enter it's three parts.![]()
this is She-Hulk:
that, is some sort of a She-Thing![]()
How? The beginning straight kicked my ass haha.