How the fuck do you no damage Mistral? Son of a bitch Dwarf Gekkos.
How the fuck do you no damage Mistral? Son of a bitch Dwarf Gekkos.
How the fuck do you no damage Mistral? Son of a bitch Dwarf Gekkos.
If you are on Revengeance you can try to parry her (after breaking her weapon) which will drop her to like 40% instantly.
I was trying on Very Hard, couldn't avoid taking a bump from all of her minions.
So it's best to go for those trophies on Revengeance then?
Suit outfit manages to make Raiden look more goofy than the regular outfit. That's something I guess.
I'm rocking prologue outfit myself.
so hey the last boss is some hilarious snk level bullshit
Although I don't have a problem with the Dwarf Gekkos (the move where she throws one at you was a problem for me though) I found it easiest to rush her as fast as possible. The circular stage is the one I found the most difficult since it's relatively small but the layout makes it difficult to keep track of everything. I'd recommend dodging as opposed to parrying since Dwarf Gekkos behind you pose a risk as you exit the parry (if you don't get a perfect parry that is, if you do, use blade to cut Mistral a smal amount and then turn around and use it to destroy nearby Dwarf Gekko.How the fuck do you no damage Mistral? Son of a bitch Dwarf Gekkos.
Desperado Raiden is where it's at.
I was trying on Very Hard, couldn't avoid taking a bump from all of her minions.
So it's best to go for those trophies on Revengeance then?
Although I don't have a problem with the Dwarf Gekkos (the move where she throws one at you was a problem for me though) I found it easiest to rush her as fast as possible. The circular stage is the one I found the most difficult since it's relatively small but the layout makes it difficult to keep track of everything. I'd recommend dodging as opposed to parrying since Dwarf Gekkos behind you pose a risk as you exit the parry (if you don't get a perfect parry that is, if you do, use blade to cut Mistral a smal amount and then turn around and use it to destroy nearby Dwarf Gekko.
If you've completed the game already and are trying Revengeance consider using the Pole Arm (I don't recommend this though as it makes Mistral dodge after she blocks a few attacks but if it's only the Dwarf Gekko you've a problem with maybe it'll help with crowd control) or (what I highly suggest) the Pincers. Put distance between the two of you, charge the attacks to do major damage to her and then use dodge offset to move position before charging the next attack. You can get the combo requirement using the Muramasa on a later part of the fight where it's easier (the second, I feel, is the easiest to fulfil it, particularly by using Ninja Run and x (or square it you're on the Playstation. This is also an excellent way to destroy Dwarf Gekko if they're the only thing causing a threat).
Hopefully that helps somewhat.
Yeah pole arm quickly went from my favorite subweapon to least used.If you want to avoid the gekkos you can also just circle behind Mistral using the dodge move (while being locked on to her). It seems to take a bit for the gekkos to actually start doing anything after you haven't moved for a while.
Edit: I hate using the pole arm in this game because it disables use of stinger. I would probably use it more if it didn't do that.
The Pincers are slow as hell, but hit something and whatever it is will stop whatever they were going to do.
Helps a lot, IMO.
Once you know what to do and have upgraded Raiden more he's one of the easiest fights in the game. He's also a blast to fight.
Go up the stairs and then circle counter-clockwise around to it.How are you supposed to access the blade mode chest in the area with brains before the Sundowner fight?
How are you supposed to access the blade mode chest in the area with brains before the Sundowner fight?
Go up the stairs and then circle counter-clockwise around to it.
If your FC level is below the threshold needed to go into slow-mo when you go to blade mode, there's a brief slow down to indicate when it's recharged enough to use it again. If it's not that, then I dunno.Another question: Occasionally when killing a bigger enemy time would slow down, almost as if giving me the chance to perform some finisher or to slash the enemy in a thousand pieces, but none of the buttons did anyting. Are those scenes just for exposition?
Another question: Occasionally when killing a bigger enemy time would slow down, almost as if giving me the chance to perform some finisher or to slash the enemy in a thousand pieces, but none of the buttons did anyting. Are those scenes just for exposition?.
The Offensive Defense move is your best friend on him. X+[ ] on PS3.ok am I doing something wrong or isthe fist fight with Armstrong on very hard fucking stupid? i don't know what to do. you can't even parry his attacks because it still takes away like 25% of your health
ok am I doing something wrong or isthe fist fight with Armstrong on very hard fucking stupid? i don't know what to do. you can't even parry his attacks because it still takes away like 25% of your health
I'm doing a Revengeance S-rank run...why in the name of sweet fucking jesus do I keep dying in the collapsing bridge in R-01? What the fuck?
edit: done. This game be such shit sometimes. I only have this issue on Revengeance.
Just beat Sam, the sad thing is I didn't fully understand how to parry until this fight, feels so good now.
Is there something special you have to do in the fight to get his sword?
yep that's what it was. kind of an annoying little bit of the game. but man the last fight is still so fucking good.I think you have to whittle him down to 98% or much lower - so dodge everything.
yep that's what it was. kind of an annoying little bit of the game. but man the last fight is still so fucking good.
quick thought: i totally didn't realize how useful ripper mode is until a while into very hard. makes dealing with a group of fucking mastiffs so much easier
Oh OK,that clears some things up. Now I wish I had enough money to get the LE.No. It isn't. Vocal tracks are for sale online. Non-vocal soundtrack is exclusive to the LEs.
I did not play the demo, so fighting against the cyborg dog in chapter 2 is a complete new experience for me. I did not expect this game to be that merciless. I am not a great Hack'n'Slash player. I will never be one, but that dog is killing me always. I am happy the game is so unforgiving. At the end I am always blaming myself "why did I not stop attacking?", "why did I run to him?" etc. I am happy PG is forcing me to learn how to parry that early in the game because I imagine it will be damn useful in later parts of the game.
Spent a lot of time to get a no damage S-Rank on Ray on Revengeance. Only boss that doesn't have an achievement tied to it. Fuck.
Fuck, I think the GRAD on the overpass bit is glitched. Beaten it at least 15 times now without taking any damage but the game won't give me a No Damage bonus. Can't S rank without it.