Can't you just make a new file and use the Konami Code to unlock the higher difficulties?
Sweet mercy, I beat Sam in just over a minute yesterday on Revengeance and took no damage and still only got an A rank.
You'll need BP from picking up nanopaste or a long combo for the S-rank.
Dang. How many of them are there in the level?
Yes all collectibles are listed in the order they appear. Otherwise it would have been impossible for me to identify if I got the data storage #16 from the elevator. I usually rely on trophy/achievement sites to help me with collectibles and specific challenges.Still missing a bunch of VR missions, data files, and a few hands. I think it's time to turn to a guide. Should just be able to see which specific items are missing in the collection screen and look it up, right? Any guides with that level of detail out yet?
Beat R-00 on Very Hard to unlock the Suit skin. Fucking awesome reward, but chriiiiiiiist do I suck at that Ray encounter. "Go for the feet!" But Boris, the camera pans up when I run towards the feet, and then it fucking jumps to the other side of the map after a few hits.
Yeah, I know, bait then parry the stomp, tail swip, and charging attack, but I can't figure out the right distance and he never stops shooting g so I'm always ninja running to deflect bullets so I can't just stand still.
MGR's week 2 performance in the UK saw the game drop to the #3 position (debuted at #2) and had a 60% drop off from first week sales.
Considering the genre, a 60% dropoff is actually pretty impressive. Most hack-and-slashers usually drop off somewhere in the high 70%'s or somewhere in the 80% area. I'm curious if this will happen with the Japan sales as well.
Hmm, I'm still antsy to see how it performed in the U.S. Any indication of how big the drop was for DmC from Week 1 to Week 2?
Hmm, I'm still antsy to see how it performed in the U.S. Any indication of how big the drop was for DmC from Week 1 to Week 2?
I dont know about the US sales but DmC dropped off like 80 some percent everywhere else in the world from week 1 to week 2 and it was completely irrelevant on sales charts by week 4. If MGR somehow only has a 60% dropoff in Japan for week 2, that will be slightly miraculous. Hack and slashers are usually super front loaded and week 2 sales are almost always in the high 70%'s with dropoffs.
MGR is probably going to have a huge dropoff next week though, God of War comes out then.
65% I think, and slumped to #4 with nothing new out alongside it.
Gotcha. And yeah, there was significantly less competition in January, too.
@jett Congrats!
do you kinda know how many hours in total you spend getting dat platinum trophy?
Congrats, Jett. Argh, I've still got the VR Missions and Codec Conversations left...
Yeah, I wasn't really going to go for Platinum until I got the codec trophy. That shit is just bullshit.But once I got that...I just had to go for it.
I guess all that's left now is waiting for DLC or some shit, maybe doing a low% run in hard mode without items or upgrades, dunno. I'm gonna take a break from MGR.![]()
For the codec conversations, I know that you need to talk with everyone with pretty much every story development, every new enemy, every new weapon, and every new area, but are there any event specific ones that I need to trigger? Kind of like cutting off the civilian's clothes?
Yeah those get you new dialogues too. Also, calling before saving the civilian, after you've saved him. Or if he died. Doktor will say random shit at the beginning of R-04 in the lobby as well. You just have to call as often as possible until all dialogues are exhausted. Don't forget calling between different stages during a boss fight. Like Sam for instance.New dialogues for each.At the start, after he loses his sword, and after he gets it back.
Okay, thanks. I've already done a lot of codec conversations naturally. I talked with the group a lot on my second playthrough just to hear what they say. I felt like I got most of them, but obviously not. I'm sure there were just times when I was too hype and entirely forgot to call them.
VR 18 was terrible with that camera. i don't know why anybody would think this was a good idea. my time was 3:52.
just 19 left. i hope it's not worse.
3:52? Isn't the Gold time for that Mission 10:00?
I've yet to reach the upper levels of frustration in VR Missions. I've only completed up to Mission 12 or so.
VR 18 was terrible with that camera. i don't know why anybody would think this was a good idea. my time was 3:52.
just 19 left. i hope it's not worse.
Thats another thing. When the wolf throws his 3 little knives, hide behind the hammer guys. It instantly kills them.yea, i just hid behind the hammer guys. sometimes the wolf will kill them with his ridiculous overpowered blasts.
I also think Sundowner is a better battle than most give him credit for. You can circle-dodge him and whittle away at his health from behind -- even launch him and do some juggling -- but I like the risk-reward element of trying to break his shields, and the second half, where he pulls out the pincer blades and swings the pillars, is epic in the rain.
I think I played him the way the devs expected. At first I tried breaking his shields -- I saw I had to align the targets but kept nicking the explosive armor. So I tried attacking him from behind, but it took too long. So I went back to trying to break his shields, and this time succeeded... yet it didn't seem to disable them. Then I realized what I needed to do beyond simply cutting the targets. And so I finally got him to his second phase.The problem is that most people never see his second form at all.
i didn't know how to cut his shield with my button slices. that's why i haven't seen his second form yet.
I use manual cuts for Sundowner for a couple of reasons.
1) It seems like your first button-press slice in Blade Mode is always horizontal.
2) Sundowner seems to use vertical slice patterns in his shield a lot more than horizontal.
3) Mashing buttons in blade mode is for losers.
I tried that game right after finishing Revengeance.Who gives a fuck about DmC